The Mass Production Evangelions (エヴァンゲリオン量産機, "Evangerion Ryousanki") are the final Eva units to be produced. They were manufactured in secrecy under SEELE's mandate at seven different facilities around the world, including ones in Germany and China.
Nine MP Evangelions (Units 05-13) were created out of an originally planned twelve Evangelions. However, SEELE had to advance the construction schedule for them, as they wanted to initiate Third Impact as soon as the final Angel was destroyed, and, as a result, three units were never completed. The nine are deployed as part of SEELE's assault on the NERV HQ Geofront, but their primary function is to carry out SEELE's version of Third Impact, which ends up utilizing Evangelion Unit-01.
Within the series itself, these Evas are referred to almost exclusively as the "Eva Series" (エヴァシリーズ). This is slightly confusing, since the "Eva Series" technically encompasses every Evangelion ever made.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: High 6-C physically, High 6-A with Replica Spear of Longinus
Name: Mass Production Evangelions, Eva Series
Origin: Evangelion
Gender: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Classification: Evangelion Units
Powers and Abilities: Angel Physiology (Evangelion) plus Enhanced Regeneration (At least Mid - The Mass Production Evas were able to recover from bisection, decapitation and having their necks snapped by Unit-02 in a relatively short amount of time) & Self-Sustenance (Types 2 & 3 - The Eva Series are fitted with S² Engines, unlike regular Evas, which grants them limitless motive energy), Flight, Durability Negation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation and Quantum Deconstruction (Anti-A.T. Fields reduce matter to quarks, And remove A.T. Fields, the source of the ego and sense of oneself, causing those affected to revert back to LCL and have their souls freed from their bodies), Spatial Manipulation (Anti-A.T. Fields invert dimensional values), Limited Resistance to Information Analysis (Numerical expression and measurement of Anti A.T. Fields is impossible)
Attack Potency: Large Island level (Their Anti-A.T. Fields helped uncover the Black Moon. were able to fight against a Unit-02 which had an abnormally high sync rate, though they were getting torn to shreds for the most part. Tore into Unit-02 after she were taken out with a replica Spear of Longinus), Multi-Continent Level with replica Spear of Longinus (Scaling from the regular Spear, which was able to part clouds when wielded by Unit-00), Able to negate durability with Anti-A.T. Field
Speed: Subsonic movement and flight speed with FTL combat speed and reactions (Comparable in speed to Unit-02, who could dodge Israfel's optic blasts)
Lifting Strength: Class G
Striking Strength: Large Island level
Durability: Large Island level (Are somewhat comparable to Unit-02), Immortality and Regeneration makes them very difficult to kill, as evident from their fight with Unit-02, higher with A.T. Field
Stamina: Infinite (Each operates on an S2 Engine)
Range: Tens of Meters physically, higher with Spears of Longinus. Likely Planetary with Anti-A.T. Field
Standard Equipment: Each wields replicas of the Spear of Longinus, colored blue-gray and initially disguised as giant, gray Heavy Spears ("ooken").
Intelligence: Above Average (Their internal Dummy Systems were generated from Kaworu Nagisa's thought patterns)
Weaknesses: Unit-02 likely could have killed them if it had targeted their cores.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
(S² = Super Solenoid Engine; also known as the "Fruit of Life"): An elusive double-helical organ, traditionally possessed by only Adam and its progeny, the Angels. This "engine" organ is responsible for the perpetual energy supply that the Angels can utilize, along with the vast majority of their exotic physiological powers (including levitation, regeneration and energy-projection). Appears to be the key to inverting "A.T. Fields" and projecting an "Anti A.T. Field" also, as well as accessing the "Dirac sea"
- A.T. Field: The intangible light of the soul in the physical world, A.T. Fields are possessed by all living beings on NGE-Earth and are one of the major aspects of the human psyche that defines someone as "individual" and "protect" them from the intrusion of another's feelings. However, the Evangelion Units and the Angels are unique in the ability to generate A.T. Fields that are corporeal and occasionally visible to the naked eye, possibly due to a large amount of innate energy contained in their souls. Their A.T. Fields mostly function as a physical defence: a forcefield consisting of concentric octagonal yellow lines. The barrier is almost perfect, only being temporarily disrupted from its active state by incredibly energetic weapons (such as military-grade positron beams and "N² Weapons") or erosion by another corporeal A.T. Field that is superior in strength. If left alone after initial disruption, the A.T. Field will revive its durability almost instantly as long as the user is still alive, making it a regenerative barrier. The transition from a dormant A.T. Field to an active Field is indicated by a slight atmospheric blurring. Adam should possess all of the heightened capabilities of Tabris, given that its salvaged soul is the reason behind Kaworu's incredibly powerful "A.T. Field" in the first place.
- Anti-A.T. Field: Evangelion Units with the possession of a "S² Engine" and sufficiently intelligent Angels are capable of inverting the dimensional values of their own "A.T. Field", triggering a tremendous explosion of energy entering well into the gigaton range even for the weakest users. An "Anti A.T. Field" projection also has the added ability of dematerializing all "A.T. Fields" (intangible or corporeal) within its area-of-effect, resulting in the dissolution of regular organic matter into LCL fluid (affectionally referred to as orange tang) and the mass removal of souls from the physical form. Beings composed of an alternative type of matter (such as synthetics or the elusive particle-wave matter seen in the NGE-verse) are unaffected by the dissolution/soul-removal half of an "Anti A.T. Field" projection.
- Regeneration: Angels possess a healing factor, able to regenerate from relatively large wounds thanks to the S² Engine in their cores and as long as it is intact they can hypothetically regenerate from complete bodily destruction. Their regeneration has a limit however, since as previously mentioned, the S² Engine is responsible for regeneration, if this organ is significantly damaged, it will cancel the regeneration, killing the angel
Notable Matchups[]