Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Mega Man (Classic)
Season 6
Mega Man


Mega Man was originally Doctor Light's robotic assistant, however, once Doctor Willy stole Light's Robot Masters and used them to take over the world and Mega Man agreed to be upgraded into a robot powerful enough to stop them and became Mega Man.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 6-A, Higher with the Double Gear System

Name: Mega Man (Original name Rock, Also known as the Blue Bomber)

Origin: Death Battle (Mega Man)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Robot

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Projection, Power Mimicry (After defeating a Robot Master, Mega Man can copy the weapon using his Variable Weapon System), Homing Attack, Forcefield Creation, Explosion Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Attack Reflection, Black Hole Generation, Time Stop, Fusionism (Can fuse with Rush), Flight, Statistics Amplification (With the Double Gear System), Resistance to Heat Manipulation and Absolute Zero

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent Level (Can destroy the Willy Star which required 25 Exatons to do), Higher with the Double Gear System

Speed: Relativistic+ (Has defeated Quick Man who can move close to the Speed of Light)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Can hold up a town that weighed 60,000 Tons)

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Level, Higher with the Double Gear System

Durability: Multi-Continent Level, Higher with the Double Gear System

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard melee range to Several metres

Standard Equipment: Mega Buster, Variable Weapon System, Rush, Double Gear System

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: His special weapons only have so much ammo

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Variable Weapon System: After Mega Man defeats a Robot Master he can copy their weapon and use them for himself. The abilities he has includes the control over the elements, the ability to create forcefields, the ability to create a black hole, the ability to stop time, the ability to reflect attacks and the ability to create bombs.
  • Super Adapter: Mega Man can fuse with his robotic dog Rush. By doing so he can fly, gain the ability to punch down walls and he can fire off his fist as a weapon.
  • Double Gear System: Mega Man can use the Double Gear System to increase his attack, speed or both.

Note: This profile is based on what is in Death Battles video, any information displayed on any profile based on Death Battle are solely based on whatever is said in their videos and not my own opinion. So if a character is weaker or stronger on a profile than they actually are then it isn't my fault.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
