Michael M. Myers is the main character and antagonist in the Halloween franchise. This version of the character appears in Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, and Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers.
In this continuity, Michael is cursed by Thorn, a demon who controls him and makes him kill members of his bloodline. As a child, he made his first sacrifice by murdering his older sister, Judith Myers, on Halloween night, under the possession of Enda. Locked away for his crime, he escaped fifteen years later and embarked on a legendary killing spree in his hometown of Haddonfield. He intended to finish the job he started by killing his remaining sister, Laurie Strode, but was stopped by his childhood doctor, Samuel Loomis. Laurie allegedly died in an accident, and Michael returned a decade later to stalk her daughter and his niece, Jamie Lloyd.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B, Possibly 8-C, Higher via Knife
Name: Michael M. Myers, The Shape, The Boogeyman, Evil on Two Legs, The Babysitter Killer, Thorn (Various Nicknames)
Origin: Halloween (Thorn Timeline)
Gender: Male
Age: 6 when he killed his Sister (Halloween 1963, Born October 1957), 21 during Halloween 1 & 2 (Halloween 1978), 31 during Halloween 4 (1988), 32 during Halloween 5 (1989), 38 during Halloween 6 (1995)
Height: 6'3 / 1.91 m
Weight: Around 180 lb / 82 kg
Kill Count: 62 People (List of Murders Here), 4 Animals (List of Kills Here), 4 People in the Chaos Comics (Adrian Wade, Roger, Nancy, Jenifer Loomis). 70 Total
Classification: Human, Mass Serial Killer, Supernatural Killer, Victim of Thorn Curse
Powers and Abilities:
- Regular Human Abilities/Powers
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Weapon Mastery (Basic - Uses a standard Kitchen Knife and his environment)
- Vehicular Mastery (Learned to drive by closely watching his mother before his arrest. Was possibly taught by another inmate.)
- Immortality (Type 2 {Resilient} and Type 3 {Regeneration} - Unaffected by gunshots or by falling two stories. Was stabbed in the eye and in the jugular on different occasions but he survived and seemed unaffected. Survived being lit up by a mob with heavy artillery, but was rendered comatose for a year. Has endured being shot directly in the breast with a 37mm gas grenade and being shot in the face with a rifle. Did not stop even after being caught in devastating car crash that left several others dead.)
- Regeneration (Low-Mid; Immediately recovered after having a metal pipe driven through his ribs and out his back. After the blade of a guillotine embedded itself into his face, he removed the blade and supposedly healed from his injuries. Survived and seemingly healed after being shot in the face Healed after his eyes were shot out then any burns and injuries caused by the consequent explosion and the ensuing blaze as shown when he's unmasked again in the following films where he's even regrown his hair.)
- Stealth Mastery (Constantly escapes people despite them running after him. Snuck in a car to kill Annie. Got on top of Marion's car and was only noticed when he tried grabbing her. Disappeared after Laurie looked away from him and there were no sightings by school personal. Somehow got into his house unnoticed. Completely disappeared from sight before Annie could spot him. After falling out of a window, he retreated just as quickly as Laurie and Dr. Loomis could react, duping the both of them. Ambushed Barry in his own car. Suddenly appeared before Rachel. Managed to sneak up on Dr. Loomis, completely undetected.)
- Information Analysis via Telepathy (Telepathically linked to other members of his family allowing him to know their location.)
- Social Influencing (Fear Inducing/Reputation - People recognized him as a serial killer. Convincing - Likely got another inmate to help him drive a car and possibly escape. Costume - Wears a mask that conceals his face and made Annie as well as Laurie uncomfortable.)
- Preparation (Crashed the bus full of inmates then stole Marion's car. Used a mask to cover his identity. In the comics he traps a kid who ate his cake in a shower and burns him with hot water which later led to his death. Made Roger's death look like suicide by cutting his own tongue off and pushed Ms Loomis off a roof. Arms himself with a weapon to kill people.)
- Statistics Amplification via Knife and Curse of Thorn (Strength - His knife is stronger than him. Everything - He gets stronger and faster a time grows on, he even grows from 1.83 to 1.91 meters.)
- Enhanced Senses (Sight/Perception - Managed to find where Laurie was at school and stared at her through a classroom window from across the street. Is not hindered by being half blind and wearing his mask overall. Hearing - Heard Annie yelling out to him as he was driving away down a street.)
- Empowerment via Fear Manipulation + Blessed (He hides behind a cop to not be shot at which causes fear in his partner. Later on he is proven bulletproof to a Smith and Wesson Model 15 after scaring Annie, Laurie, Tommy, and many others. The curse of thrown gives him supernatural abilities.)
- Indomitable Will (After being stabbed in the neck he rushed to kill Laurie in the closet only to be stabbed in the eye then shot six to seven times by Dr. Loomis and lastly he fell two stories but even after all this he got up to hide before he could be arrested. Even after burning alive he walked out of it destined to kill Laurie. The curse of Thorn)
- Hand-2-Hand Combat (Killed a bunch of trained officers which shows a big sign of hand to hand combat. Every human can fight.)
- Natural Weaponry (Fist, Nails, Teeth)
Resistance to:
- Poison Manipulation (Is practically immune to the sedative effects of Thorazine after being exposed to the drug so often in his life)
- Pain Manipulation (Was stunned after being stabbed in the neck with a needle, but recovered immediately; although, Laurie stabbing him in the eye with a hanger greatly wounded him. Being shot once did not faze him, and even after being shot 5 to 6 more times, he got back up right after. Being shot several times in both the chest and the face proved to be largely insignificant to him.)
- Sound Manipulation (Doesn't speak or possibly can't.)
- Emotional Manipulation (Doesn't feel remorse for his actions. Stated to not be human any more.)
- Disease Manipulation (Implied to have eaten a dog raw and had no Ill side effects.)
- Temperature Manipulation (Did not budge even once after dipping his hands in scorching hot water)
- Fire Manipulation (Walked out of an explosion and the ensuing blaze unfazed until ultimately weakening and succumbing to the fire. Survived the explosion of a haunted house and lived through the hellish flames that followed. After the old Myers house erupted into flames, Michael managed to emerge from the wreckage, unharmed but charred. Took a bullet to the face and several to the chest without being affected)
- Limited Acid Manipulation (Continued to battle after being injected with multiple vials of corrosive acid; although, he did succumb to its corrosive effects)
Attack Potency: Wall Level (Stronger than his 1978 counterpart. With minimal effort, could toss a man through the air and into an electrical power plant, hard enough to damage and short circuit it. Shattered a wooden cabinet to pieces after rushing into a room {2,365.8 KJ}. Splintered a wooden door into pieces. Threw Loomis into a door, destroying it {5963.44 J}. Stabs a shotgun through Kelly and the door behind her {16,442.643 J}. Punched through John Strode's body before proceeding to slam him into a circuit box, damaging it {36,722.841 J}. Casually broke wooden rails after throwing Loomis into them {39,244.242 J}. Broke down a cell gate using a man's head {1861.76 KJ}.), Possibly Building Level (Could be comparable to durability), Higher via Knife (Impaled a grown man to a door {8815.092 J}. Can harm him self with his knife.)
Speed: Around Peak Human Travel Speed (Same as his 1978 counterpart) with Superhuman Attack Speed (Can swing a Knife before their victims react {30 mph}) and Subsonic+ to Supersonic Reaction Speed (Evaded a bullet at the last second from a Smith & Wesson Model 15 {230 to 350 m/s}.)
Lifting Strength: Class M+ (Unearthed Judith Myers' tombstone, with tombstones weighing on average between 230 and 1000 pounds meaning middle ground is 615 lb or 279 kg. Has effortlessly snapped several people's necks {454 to 567.5 kgf}. Dragged a massive tree onto a two-way road, they can range from 730.853 to 14,661,832.8 kg putting the middle at 7,331,281.827 kg or 7,331.3 Tons. Savagely twisted and mangled Rob's arm)
Striking Strength: Wall Level, Higher via Knife
Durability: Building Level (Survived a major gas explosion that blew apart an entire room; although, he collapsed shortly after {93,884.93 KJ}. Took an onslaught of heavy weapons. Left unscratched {15,945.11 J} from several {29,048.4444 J} vehicular accidents {539,580.86 + 1,881,000,000 = 1,881,539,580.86 J}. Despite being connected to John Strode he seems unaffected by the electricity. Managed to survive several house explosions {125,639,318 J}.)
Stamina: Superhuman, Possibly Infinite (Despite crashing in a tree and having a car explode he got out to keep killing. Has been burned and blown up just to shrug it off or pass out.)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Higher via Kitchen Knife
Standard Equipment: Standard Human Weapons, Kitchen Knife
- Optional Equipment; Uses His Environment
Intelligence: Above Average in General, Higher in Planning (Should be comparable to killers in real life who often get away with murder undetected by police. Often kills the power and disables landlines before entering locations to murder his victims. Had enough foresight to drag a large tree onto a road, blocking off an escape route for his victims.). At Least Above Average to Gifted in terms of Combat (Killed every single officer in a police station {Likely 12 to 15} by himself, despite lacking any form of combat training.)
Weaknesses: Limited Regular Human Weakness. Doesn't kill kids but the age limit is unknown. The Curse makes him kill everyone related to him or anyone trying to stop him or in his way. Once he kills all his family members he will be released from the Curse and become a normal human.
- This Page only involves the Halloween 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 Films, and comics, and The YT vids in #2.
- Look at this video by CzWorld on YT.