
Comics Michael Myers
The events in the comics take place in the Thorn and 20 Years Later timelines, Michael Myers in both timelines has good secrecy and mystery, Michael was previously in Smith Grove's Sanatorium and then escaped it , killing people.
Power and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C | 9-B | 8-C
Key: Base | Resistances
Name: Michael Audrey Myers
Origin: Halloween Franchise Comics
Gender: Male
Age: 6 years-38 years old
Classification: Serial Killer, Superhuman
Power and Abilities[]
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Stealth Mastery (Silently approaches and grabs school teacher. Kills business man and hides from sight.Kills girl at mental asylum.Kills Loomis's Fiancé . Pretends to be someone else and kills girl. While under maximum security lockdown, escapes his cell and kills 9 security guards.The next day he fully escapes the place with 4 gunshot wounds , and disappears in front of old woman while standing in a open area when she briefly closes her eyes without the pastor approaching the woman noticing him either.)
- Pain Suppresion (Unfazed after being hit by a chair. Ignores being hit by a plank of wood in the back of the head .)
- Immortality [type 2,3 and 4 ] (Being shoted twice in the chest and then being lited on fire.Tanked a church explosion,must be regenerated after explosion.Borned dead,but came to life at the same moment )
- Regeneration [High-Mid]
- Death Manipulation (Has killed this boy in an incomprehensible way)
- Madness Manipulation (Patients went crazy when they were around Michael, and suicides almost occurred. )
- Fear Manipulation (After when Michael Myers kills a guy with a crayon, many began to be afraid him)
- Weather Manipulation (Caused this lighting strike)
- Perception Manipulation (Caused hallucinations to Laurie Strode.)
Resistance to
- Fire Manipulation (Unfazed being lit on fire, several times)
- Electricity Manipulation (The electric shock didn't affect him much. )
Attack Potency: Street Level (Taked out a man eye with crayon.Chokes a man to open his mouth, then stabs him in the open mouth.Pinned a man to a fireplace mantle with some kind of spike.Holds a teen in one hand and uses the other hand to snap his neck.Impales a woman on a kitchen knife, then vanishes with her body into darkness.Chokes a woman to death.Bludgeons, then decapitates a man with a shovel.Threw the man with one hand ) Wall Level (Knockouts wooden door.Beheads woman with single strike of kitchen knife.Shattered the table.) Building Level (Able to cause lighting strike.)
Speed: Peak Human Combat Speed (Poses a dead body and leaves before Laurie's friends sees him 2.Prevent the stabbing by catching the attacker's arm.)
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Stabs a man and lifts him with single hand.Lifts and moved 3 graves )
Striking Strength: Wall Level
Durability: Small-Building Level+ (Tanks a church explosion.Can survive a twice shots from gun to the chest.Tanks massive gas balloon explosion.)
Stamina: Superhuman (Never physically tired, even after major injuries such as a massive church explosion.)
Range: Extended Melee Range
Standard Equipment: A kitchen knife
Intelligence: Above Average (Cut's out a man tongue, then forces a mask on him, cause police to gun down who they think Michael Myers.Dons a clown outfit to get close to Laurie at crowded party.Places razor blades under at doorknob , to slice up any intruder's fingers.Cut the phonelines and hides door key to prevent escape.Sliced a woman's tendons to prevent escape, then stabbed her with several knives.Identifies Laurie Strode as Keri Tate, despite Laurie Strode being pronounced dead.)
Notable Matchups[]