Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


The Midgard Serpent is one of the three children of Loki, along with Fenrir and Hel. It wraps around Midgard, one of the worlds within Yggdrasil. Odin threw it into the oceans, in which he grew so large that it can wrap around the world while biting onto it own tail.

As a result, it was nicknamed the World Serpent. When it releases its bite, Rangarok will begin.


Tier: Low 5-B to 5-B

Name: Jörmundgandr

Origin: Norse Mythology

Gender: Unknown

Age: At least several millennia, likely millions of years.

Classification: World Serpent, Son of Loki, Archnemesis of Thor

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Poison Manipulation, Durability Negation, Immortality (Types 1 and 4), Water Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Large Size (Type 4 to 5)

Attack Potency: Small Planet Level to Planet Level (Half the size of Earth, easily able to wrap around it.)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic via sheer size with FTL reactions (can dodge Thor's lightning.)

Lifting Strength: Class Z to Class Y (can support its own weight)

Striking Strength: Small Planet Class to Planet Class due to sheer size

Durability: Small Planet Level to Planet Level

Stamina: Supposedly unlimited

Range: Planetary due to sheer size

Standard Equipment: Sharp fangs and venom

Intelligence: Low

Weaknesses: Quite cowardly
