“ | It’s not lame-ass karate. It’s Cobra Kai. | „ |
~ Miguel Diaz before fighting and beating Kyler and his gang |
Miguel Diaz is one of the four main protagonists (alongside Robby Keene, Daniel LaRusso, and Johnny Lawrence) of the YouTube/Netflix series Cobra Kai.
Miguel is the top student of Johnny Lawrence's Eagle Fang Karate (allied with Miyagi-Do Karate), and the former top student of Cobra Kai
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At most 9-B
Name: Miguel Diaz, El Serpiente, El Diablo de la Lluvia
Origin: Cobra Kai/Karate Kid verse
Gender: Male
Age: 17-18
Classification: Karate Fighter, 2018 All-Valley Karate Tournament Champion, Human
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman physical characteristics
- Martial Arts (Miguel is one of the most skilled karate fighters of the new generation of Cobra Kai, with him being portrayed as one of the, if not, the most skilled fighters of his town.)
- Accelerated Development (Miguel quickly picked up as a natural in martial arts, and in a short amount of time was able to beat his way through the regional championship competition compared to other martial artists that had years of training)
- Acrobatics
- Social Influencing (Leadership - Was responsible for getting Robby in his right mind, and did the same with Daniel and Johnny later on.)
Attack Potency: At most Wall Level (In an early training, he was able to defeat a Pre-Karate Kyler and his gang, Kyler was able to fight with an out-of-shape Post-Timeskip Johnny Lawrence, even though he was quickly taken down and had his peers help him, after becoming more advanced he's able to take down multiples opponents until he reaches the final, which includes Xander Stone, a previous champion of The All-Valley Tournament, and also an already-advanced Robby Keene by aiming his injured shoulder. Later, after winning the tournament, he's equal, if not superior to before, as he was able to defeat Hawk, Pre-Karate Tory, and Robby simultaneously. While he's still recovering himself from his back injury, he's able to defeat Kyler, who has started to train in Karate. Is implied that he would have defeated Hawk if his injured didn't intervene. Was able to take down a adult. After fully recovering from it, he's able to fight and overcome Robby Keene, tackling him against a wooden door with enough force to slam it open (495 J). Was somewhat feared by Kenny Payne, and it was implied he only fought him because he was with his group. Miguel should be superior to the likes of Kyler, Chris, Bert, Mitch, and others background characters and no-karate fighters, like Brucks, who slammed someone against a table with enough force to snap it in half (2379,801692 J). He can keep up with the senseis in training. Miguel is one of the twelve students that classify into the Sekai Tekai, and later, one of the chosen ones to go to Barcelona, which only proves that he is superior to the likes of Mitch, Chris, Bert, etc.)
Speed: Possibly Athlete travel speed (In an early training, he has shown to be an agile person, which doesn't change after he becomes more advanced. In season 6, he is likely at his prime, with his agility not decreasing. He should be somewhat comparable to the likes of Kenny, Demitri, and Hawk), with at most Subsonic combat and reaction speed (In an early training phase, he was able to attack Kyler and his peers before they could react, the same could attack Post-Timeskip Johnny before he could react, later on, a slightly more advanced phase, he was able to block an attack from Kyler, dodge an attack of one of his peers after briefly knocking Kyler out of the match, and then, he's able to intercept and counter attacks from Kyler and his gang. After becoming more advanced, he's able to push an early training phase Robby before he can react, and keep up with Xander Stone, a previous champion of The All-Valley Tournament blocking and dodging his attacks. Keeps up with an already-advanced Robby Keene, ending up blocking his kick by grabbing his leg and beating him. After the tournament, he's equal, likely superior to before. Being able to intercept and counter Pre-Karate Tory Nichols, who was an ex-kickboxer, keep up with The Hawk, and was able to kick him before he can react. Can keep up with an even more advanced Robby Keene, dodging this kick from him. While he's still recovering from his injured back, he can keep up with Kyler after the same had already started to train in Karate and ends up being responsible for knocking him out with his speed and strength, he's shown to be able to keep up with the likes of a likely holding-back Johnny in training, and is proven to be able to do the same with a also holding-back Daniel. Can keep up with Robby, something that obviously didn't changed after his full recovery. Dodged attacks from Kenny. In season 6, he's likely at his prime, being able to outpace Kenny, and then casually deflect a pitchball machine at close proximity, which at top speed is (146 MpH), and then, returns to fight Kenny like nothing happened. Can keep up with Shawn. Effortless outpace two frat boys in combat. Can outpace two karate fighters in combat, defeating both of them with a mix of his speed and combat skills. Defeats multiple karate fighters in seconds. Miguel should be superior to the likes of Kyler, Chris, Bert, Mitch, and others background characters and no-karate fighters, like Brucks. He can keep up with the senseis in training. Miguel is one of the twelve students that classify into the Sekai Tekai, and later, one of the chosen ones to go to Barcelona.)
Lifting Strength: At least Above Average (Even while in an early training phase, he was able to overpower the likes of Kyler's, the same could lift Johnny, and made him briefly struggle to break free out of his grip. After becoming more advanced, he's able to knock Robby down with a push, and even after Robby becomes more advanced, he's still able to do so. Later, after winning the tournament, he's equal, and likely superior to before, being able to overpower Tory Nichols, who was an ex-kickboxer, he's also able to overpower The Hawk, tossing him to the ground, and flipping him onto the ground. While Fighting Robby Keene, he's able to tackle the same onto the ground, overpower multiples times, pull into his feet, ragdoll him, pushes down, and tosses over in order of slamming against the ground. While he's still recovering from his back injury, he's able to pull Johnny Lawrence around. He was able to pull Tory off her feet. Overpowers an adult without difficulty. After full recovery, he's able to toss an unidentified Karate fighter over him. Effortless overpowers Kenny and pushes him down. Miguel should be superior to the likes of Kyler, Chris, Bert, Mitch, and others background characters and no-karate fighters, like Brucks. He can keep up with the senseis in training. Miguel is one of the twelve students that classify into the Sekai Tekai, and later, one of the chosen ones to go to Barcelona.)
Striking Strength: At most Wall Level (In his early training, he was already able to damage Kyler and his peers, knocking two of them down with a kick, all of them were able to withstand attacks from a Post-Timeskip Johnny Lawrence, later on a slightly more advanced phase, he was able to stagger Kyler with a punch, giving him a nosebleed, and then, stun with a punch and knocks him down with a kick, rendering him out of the match for a few time. After becoming more advanced, he's able to knock an out-of-shape and pre-re-training Sam down with a punch, he later knocks down someone with The Crane Kick, and he also knocks Xander Stone down with a kick, staggering him down. He's able to stagger Robby by kicking his injured shoulder, and then, knocking him down with a punch, later, he's able to knock Robby down with a kick. Later, after winning the tournament, he's shown to be equal, if not superior to before, damaging Hawk with a punch, and knocking him aside with a kick. Hurted Robby Keene with a headbutt. Dented metal with a kick. Even while he's still recovering from his back injury, he's able to knock Kyler out with a punch to the face (640-827 J). Flipped someone off their feets with a kick. Knocks Hawk back with a kick, knocking him down even while his defense rises. After fully recovering, he's able to stun Robby with a kick, giving him a nosebleed, he also staggers himand knocks him down by knee him. Knocks someone down with a kick. Knocks Kenny down with a kick, leaving him stunned. In Season 6, he is likely at his prime, supported by him casually sending a karate fighter flying with a kick, and doing the same with his partner. Miguel should be superior to the likes of Kyler, Chris, Bert, Mitch, and others background characters and no-karate fighters, like Brucks. He can keep up with the senseis in training. Miguel is one of the twelve students that classify into the Sekai Tekai, and later, one of the chosen ones to go to Barcelona.)
Durability: At most Wall Level (Even before training, he can withstand being pushed by a Pre-Karate Kyler, and then, being punched on the stomach by the same, who could damage and make Post-Timeskip Johnny groin with a punch. While in an early training phase, he was beaten up until he was knocked out cold by Kyler and his peers, when he was more advanced, he was able to take attacks from an already-advanced Robby Keene, taking a flying kick right on his torso. Had taken this kick from Robby. Was unfazed by taking a kick from Robby. Was thrown against a tree by Hawk. Was hurled against a locker by Robby Keene. He's able to take a kick from an already more experienced Tory Nichols, and multiple blows from Robby Keene. Even while he's still recovering from his back injury, he's able to take blows from a Kyler who started to train in Karate, being thrown around and being slammed against a wall and being punched into his slightly injured back. Had taken this kick from Tory. After fully recovering, he's unfazed by this kick on his face, and is kicked against a door with enough force to knock the door down (4583-7343 J). In Season 6, he is likely at his prime, supported by the fact he's able to take multiples attacks from Axel. Miguel should be superior to the likes of Kyler, Chris, Bert, Mitch, and others background characters and no-karate fighters, like Brucks. He can keep up with the senseis in training. Miguel is one of the twelve students that classify into the Sekai Tekai, and later, one of the chosen ones to go to Barcelona.)
Stamina: At least Below Average pre-training (Miguel suffered from asthma before starting training), at least Athletic after training (Miguel had overcome his asthma and started doing daily exercises like Push-Ups. An average Karate trainer normally does 20-50 Push-Ups daily, so it's most likely Miguel's able to do way higher than that, as he's way above the average karate trainer. Was able to keep up with the likes of Xander Stone while on early training phase. And was able to go all the way through tournaments and large fights like the likes of The School Fight, The Dojo Brawl, and The Sekai Tekai War without much or no signs of tiring. Miguel should be superior to the likes of Kyler, Chris, Bert, Mitch, and others background characters and no-karate fighters, like Brucks. He can keep up with the senseis in training. Miguel is one of the twelve students that classify into the Sekai Tekai, and later, one of the chosen ones to go to Barcelona.)
Range: Standard Meele Range
Standard Equipment: Standard human weapons (Teeth, nails, fists, etc)
Intelligence: At least Above Average, at most Gifted (He's able to trick the Cobra Kai dojo, sending them to meet in the baseball diamond only for Miguel not to show up. In the end, Cobra Kai is drenched with the sprinklers, that leaves Hawk is impressed with his idea, which implies that him and Hawk that both of them have a similar IQ level, with Hawk being gifted on IQ due to WoG putting him at a similar level to the likes of Silver, and above the likes of Miyagi and Kreese.), likely Gifted in combat (Even while on an early training, he's able to take down Kyler and his peers, skillfully using his environments as objects in order of either knocking them down or using them as weapons, he also skillfully able to take his enemy down, later, after becoming more advanced, he seems to have learned The Crane Kick, a likely hard move to do so. He was able to keep up, and rendering up to outmatch Xander Stone, a previous champion of The All-Valley Tournament. He's able to keep up with and outmatch an already-advanced Robby Keene by aiming at his injured shoulder in order of damaging him even more. After winning the tournament, he has shown to be equal, if not superior to before, which is supported by his moveset while fighting Hawk and Tory, and even further while he's fighting Robby Keene, all of which are already advanced in fighting, with Hawk and Robby training Karate for a good time already, and Tory's an ex-kickboxer. He only improves later, as he can use his clothing as a way of immobilizing his enemys. In Season 6, he is likely at his prime, and due to him training even more, he's superior to before in this stat, supported by the fact he can keep up with two karate fighters, and defeating them not only due to his speed, but also due to his moveset.)
Weaknesses: Standard Human Weakness