Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Minnie Mouse (KH)


Minnie Mouse is the Queen of Disney Castle who helps the Guardians of Light to defeat the Heartless.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Low 2-C

Name: Minnie Mouse

Origin: Kingdom Hearts

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Queen of Disney Castle

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency Universe Level+ (Can fight on par Sora, Can defeat Heartless that can destroy Worlds)

Speed: Inaccessible (Can move in the Realm of Darkness which has been stated to have no time)

Lifting Strength: Class M

Striking Strength: Universe Level+

Durability: Universe Level+

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard melee range to Extended melee range

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None Notable

Note: Worlds in Kingdom Hearts are universes rather than planets like people think. Proof of this is how it's been stated that you naturally can't travel to different Worlds without. It has also been shown that Worlds are seen as stars in Traverse Town which is considered a "World between Worlds" which means they can't be just planets. It has also been stated that a normal person can't leave a World even if said World has advanced spaceships which are capable of travelling through space. Riku has stated that any two Worlds have different Axis of time and that every World has its own flow of time. The Grand Councilwoman who has been stated "oversee the universe" didn't know what Terra was.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
