“ | Stop her? Why would I stop her? I've worked for her my whole life. I've lied for her. Framed people for her. Killed people for her. Do you think I'd do all that if I didn't know what she is? What she's capable of? Do you think I'm some kind of stupid pawn here? I know exactly what she could do with that kind of power. And I'll be right there with her when she does it, you old... | „ |
~ Miss Pauling to Gray Mann |

Miss Pauling is a loyal assistant to the Administrator. She performs a number of tasks, including unusual background reports, ordering and delivering goods, opening communication channels, and murders. Miss Pauling generally conforms to the opinion of her employer for fear of incurring her anger, even if he does not necessarily agree with it. Despite the stern behavior of her boss, Miss Pauling insists that the Administrator "is not so bad when you get to know her." When pressed by the Administrator as to what exactly her friends are doing, she replies "Um. Go skateboarding… look at weapons catalogs… sometimes we just talk…"
It has been shown that the Scout has a romantic interest in Miss Pauling, but she tries to ignore him completely.
Tier: High 8-C, 8-B, 7-C, possibly 7-A to 6-C, possibly 5-B to Low 2-C
Name: Miss Pauling
Origin: Team Fortress 2
Gender: Female
Age: Early 20s
Classification: Human, assistant
Superhuman Physical Characteristics and Weapon Mastery (Is an expert in gun-slinging)
Large Building Level, City Block level, Town level, possibly Mountain level+ to Island level, possibly Planet level to Universe level+ (Overpowered and killed a Medic, and a squad of BLU team members, including a Spy and a Soldier)
Relativistic+, possibly FTL (Comparable to the mercenaries)
Large Building Class, City Block Class, Town Class, possibly Mountain Class+ to Island Class, possibly Planet Class to Universal+
Large Building Level, City Block level, Town level, possibly Mountain level+ to Island level, possibly Planet level to Universe level+ (On par with the mercenaries. Survived a punch from Zhanna, who is comparable to Soldier)
Standard melee range normally, hundreds of meters with guns
Revolvers, a shotgun, a derringer-style pistol, and many other firearms
Gifted (Has been the assistant of the Administrator for over 10 years and works 364 days out of the year)
None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: