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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Moder, or also better known as The Creature, is the main antagonist of Adam Nevill's 2011 horror novel The Ritual, and its 2017 film adaptation of the same name. She is an obscure Jötunn that inhabits a forest in Northern Sweden and is venerated by an ancient group of cultists.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Moder the Jötunn

Origin: The Ritual

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown; possibly a thousands of years old

Classification: Paranormal Deity, Norse God

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Wall level (Her size warrants this level. Killed a full grown elk and tear its bump offscreen.[1] Choked a men to death.[1] Capable of tearing a truck apart[2])

Speed: Superhuman (Should be comparable to a deer. Catched up with the main protagonist[1])

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Lifted a full grown elk and hanged it up on a tree offscreen.[1] Has no struggle when lifting a human[1])

Striking Strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level (It's difficult to significantly injure Moder with mortal weapons; not only she can shrug a single shot of hunting rifle which supposedly is damaging enough to cripple an elk, but also able to shrug an axe blow on the face despite momentarily disoriented by it[1])

Stamina: Effectively Limitless (Never gets tired)

Range: Extended Melee Range due to her sheer size, higher with antlers

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscience (Moder possesses the ability to have unlimited understanding and awareness of everything within her domain. This is plausibly how the Jötunn are able to learn everything about travelers who entered their domain's borders, including the traveler's traumatic memories which she could use against them via: conjured illusions in order to sway them into her servitude[1])

Weaknesses: Is unable to exit her forest.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Magic: Moder can perform magical feats which primarily revolves mental abilities to determine potential new followers among those who enter her forest domain.
    • Tribute Blessings: In return of periodical human sacrifice tied on a pole surrounded by nithing poles, Moder can ensure the prosperity and protection of her environment from outsiders. According to one of her devotees who only referred as The Host, one of her greatest blessings being immortality and immunity to disease, yet the recipient can still be killed and continue to age until they are reduced into mummified husks of their former selves tended to by their younger peers.
    • Perception Manipulation: Moder can conjure realistic illusions upon her intended target(s), be it to force them relieving their worst memories, conjuring illusory constructs based on memories in question.
    • Shapeshifting: On the same vein with Loki, Moder can assume many forms in a blink of eye. This was best shown when she initially assumes the appearance of Dom's wife only to unveil her monstrous visage as she executes him. Moder's elk-like animalistic appearance is in fact, a form she chose to present herself in front of her devotees.
    • Marking: Moder can magically mark those she chose to be her new devotee as she did to Luke and members of her cult.
    • Personal Domain: Moder has established her pine forest domain as the very place in which she has absolute power for quite a while, making the entire area an extension of her very being. The downside of this ability is that the Jötunn is powerless over everything outside her forest and bound to it.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The Ritual (2017 film)
  2. The Ritual (2011 novel)