Template:Mori Jin
17 years after Mujin Park's betrayal, Mori Jin became a name of infamy and terror. Forced into hiding, Mori Jin became Mori Dan to protect both him and his adopted sister, Ahan Dan. After revealing his identity to the world, he - with assistance from allies - would go on to wage war against Mujin Park and his followers, exposing his treachery in the process.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: High 7-C, up to 7-B with Accelerated Development, Martial Arts, or Mori Jin Form | 7-B up to at least 6-A with Mori Jin Form, higher with Accelerated Development and Martial Arts | At least 6-A , 4-A with Mori Jin Form, higher with Martial Arts | At least 3-C, possibly 3-B, higher with Martial Arts or Mori Jin Form | At least 3-B, higher with Martial Arts or Mori Jin Form | At least 3-B, higher with Jeahbongchim or Martial Arts | 3-B, higher with Martial Arts, even higher with Jichuk | 2-C
Key: G.O.H. Preliminaries | G.O.H. Finals | Post-Training | Post-Mori Jung | Post-Ogre | Original Power Restored | Miracle | The True God of Prophecy
Name: Mori Dan, Mori Jin
Origin: The God of High School
Gender: Male
Age: 19-20 years old biologically, well over 5.68 billion years old chronologically
Classification: God, Magical Entity/Demon, Hwagwa Monkey, Martial Artist, Renewal Taekwondo Practitioner, Monkey King | The God of High School | The True God of Prophecy
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Limited Spatial Manipulation (Bent space with a kick.[1])
- Expert Renewal Taekwondo Practitioner (Scaling from his past self, By combining the concept of offense and defense Mori creates the ultimate lethal move that transcends weight class and size[2])
- Analytical Prediction (Not only scaling from his past self, but also was predicting[3] on par with Dean Ockham - who has precognition - throughout their fight)
- Enhanced Senses (Should have the same senses as his past self, who can fight with his eardrums blown out)
- Immortality (Types 1 & 2: Not only is he over 5.68 billion years old, but he also does not need life energy to maintain his youth, unlike gods who eventually grow old without it. In addition, scaling from his past self who can withstand attacks upon attacks that should kill him)
- Weapon Mastery (Is skilled in wielding Yeoui, which he can use as both a staff[4] and a sword[4] due to its sheer weight)
- Limited Durability Negation (Scaling from his past self, can shake his targets brain with air pressure[5])
- Information Analysis (Mori can discern the abilities of a person simply by looking at them.[6] He can also correctly identify damage done to internal organs just by looking at a person[7])
- Acrobatics (Can jump incredibly high, even while carrying another person[2])
- Wind Manipulation (Uses Renewal Taekwondo, which is capable of doing things such as this[8])
- Regeneration (Low: has noted himself that he's always recovered from injuries incredibly quickly.[9])
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 2: Scaling from his past self who fought the King in space[10] and spent 500 years sealed under Mt. Oheng without food or water until he was released by Tathagata to accompany Xuanzang on her journey to India[11])
- Limited Density Manipulation & Size Manipulation (Can control the weight[12] and size[13] of Yeoui)
- Accelerated Development (Training, Battle & Physical Statistics: Grows exponentially stronger over the course of a fight. Closed an 8x speed, power and toughness gap between himself and Mori Jung in moments despite having multiple broken bones and being extremely damaged[14])
- Afterimage Creation (Uses Re-Taekwondo along with scaling to his past self[15])
- Transformation (Into his Mori Jin form.[13])
- Power Mimicry (Can copy Martial Arts techniques just from seeing them performed.[16])
- Supernatural Willpower (Scaling from his past self who could withstand pain thousands of times worse than what could normally knock a person unconscious for 2-3 weeks[17])
- Body Control (Scaling from Mori Hui, who could squeeze all the muscles in his body at once[4])
- Adaptation (Scaling from Mori Hui, who quickly developed antibodies against the Hydra's poison[18])
- Extrasensory Perception, Automatic Translation, Superhuman Precision & X-Ray Vision (The Eyes of Truth allows Mori to see the flow of energy, accurately target objects thousands of kilometers away,[19] understand unknown languages,[20] and see through objects)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Can fight against Power Borrowers)
- Instinctive Reaction (His body is capable of countering attacks he himself deems impossible to block[21])
- Fear Manipulation (Can instill a sense of fear and dread with his presence)
- Mind Manipulation (Was completely unaffected by Jwawoo's Necromancer power,[22] which transforms those bitten - even if the bite does not break the skin - into "zombies", controlling their minds[23])
- Illusion Creation (The eyes of truth make it so Mori cannot be fooled despite Mori facing countless illusion users)
- Sleep Manipulation (Scaling from Mori Hui, who wasn't affected by The King's attempts to put him to sleep[24])
- Power Mimicry (Recoilless[3] is a concept of martial art that Dean Ockham, who had previously copied Mori's martial arts,[3] was not able to copy. Bongchim Nah Needle Ryu cannot be used by anyone lacking divinity, and even a human like Bongchim himself needed to consume a divine pellet in order to master it)
- Temperature Manipulation & Radiation Manipulation (Scaling from his past self, who could stand on the surface of the Sun and even belittled its temperature[25])
With the Dragon Armorsuits:
- Enhanced Transformation & Statistics Amplification (The Armoursuits can transform into different forms that increase speed and strength[26])
- Damage Reduction (Even in a tattered version, the Dragon Armorsuits reduce the damage to a point enemies previously stronger than the wielder do no damage[27])
- Resistance to Poison Manipulation (The armorsuits give passive resistance to poison [2])
- Passive Mind Manipulation (Same as Mujin Park, his presence makes people give up and completely submit to him)
With Geundoowun:
- Summoning (Able to summon Geundoowun[28])
- Limited Water Manipulation (Geundoowun is a sentient cloud)
- Spaceflight (Mori can use Geundoowun to fly in space[29])
- Electricity Manipulation (Geundoowun can rain down lightning strikes[30])
- Greater Enhanced Senses (Geundoowun can be spread out over a large area with a very low voltage to allow Mori to sense anyone within its radius[31]
With Avidya:
- Summoning (Able to summon The Seventh Owner[32])
- Body Control, Size Manipulation & Bodily Weaponry (Avidya can freely change its size and shape,[33] as well as being able to grow spikes.[33])
- Regeneration (Mid-Godly: Avidya should be comparable to the 6th Owner, Pralltriller, who can reform completely from its Core Element[34])
- Duplication (Avidya, if split by attacks, can have its individual pieces fight separately - although it tends towards pulling itself back together.[35]
- Deconstruction & Soul Manipulation (Resisted Mujin's Diamond Sutra which can reduce things to soul vapor.[36] Resisted Mujin's ability to turn things to dust[37])
- Paralysis Inducement (Performed Martial Arts even as Mujin attempted to paralyze him[38])
With various Yeoui, Mori gets access to abilities such as:
- Elemental Manipulation (Mori can create continent-sized hurricanes,[39] and attack with elements such as ice, fire, and thunder[39])
- Paralysis Inducement (Via 180th Moon Shadow which can paralyze an opponent through their shadow[40])
- Danmaku (Rained down numerous copies of Yeoui onto Rabbit[40])
- Damage Boost (Mori can command Ice Pick to pierce, giving it power to penetrate things it was blocked by previously[41])
- Statistics Amplification (Can greatly increase his speed via 32nd Thunder Dragon[40])
- Limited Telekinesis (Can move all his Yeouis around via thought and verbal command[42])
All previous, in addition to:
- Deconstruction & Soul Manipulation [At least 1 Layer, likely 2 Layers] (Resisted full-power blows from the Diamond Sutra[43])
- Acid Manipulation (Could stand in Junior's stomach[44] for days[45] without being digested)
All previous in addition to:
- Evolved Martial Arts (Reached a new level of transcendence in martial arts becoming a Martial God[46])
- Statistics Amplification, Acupuncture, Pressure Points, Healing, Healing Negation (Up to Mid-Low), Pain Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Blood Manipulation & Death Manipulation (Regained the use of Bongchim Nah Needle Ryu)
- Duplication & Creation (Can create hundreds of clones with his hair,[47] each of which can have their own copies of Yeoui and the Armorsuits,[48] although these are notably less durable than the original[48])
- Regeneration Negation (High-Godly: Concept (Type 3) & Information (Type 2). Mujin needed to restrict himself and connect to Gaia in order to slowly heal his wound from Mori[49])
All previous in addition to:
- Conceptual Manipulation (Types 2 & 3) & Information Manipulation (Type 2: Should have the same authority as the Supreme God as Mujin, who can interact with[50] and manipulate Core Element[51])
- Portal Creation & Summoning (Can summon alternate universe versions of himself to aid him in battle[52])
- Greater Instinctive Action ("Territory" allows Mori to automatically counter any attack that enters his range at any angle in the most efficient way, using the least amount of energy possible by not wasting any movements[46])
- Unconventional Martial Arts (Mori is capable of moving in such a complex way that even opponents as fast if not faster than Mori can't keep up[53])
- Unconventional Statistics Amplification (Mori is capable of drawing out his body's full potential[54] even without using jeabongchim acupuncture. The full potential of a person is 250,000x greater than the power they can normally use[55])
- Further Creation (Created a new sleeping mask for Ahan[56])
- Resistance to Extrasensory Perception (Mujin couldn't sense Moris power[56])
- Magic, Time Stop & Vibration Manipulation (One Mori can use magic to stop time and cause vibrations that shatter enemies[57])
- Portal Creation & BFR (One Mori can create portals and send his opponents to another dimension[57])
- Absorption (One Mori can absorb his opponents[57])
- Evolved Information Analysis (One Mori can detect key individuals out of millions of enemies[57])
- Forcefield Creation (One Mori can create planet-sized shields[58])
- Black Hole Creation (By striking with an Oort cloud sized Geundoowun, Mori is able to create an explosion large enough to become a black hole[58])
All abilities are 4-D in potency. All previous in addition to:
- Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 & 9: Gain different forms on immortally when reaching Nirvana. Cannot be killed regularly as he ascended to Nirvana making his true form exist solely as a spirit in the Nirvana plane and allowing him to escape death in the physical world as shown when the earth exploded beneath him and Ahan, but managed to reverse its effects in the material realm while conversing with Xuanzang in Nirvana)
- Cosmic Awareness, Omniscience & Abstract Existence (Type 1: Duality. Upon attaining Nirvana, Mori ascended to a higher plane of existence where time and space overlapped.[59] He is capable of seeing, existing, and maintaining all of creation, both past and future from this plane,[59] as well as its dualities, such as Yin and Yang, Light and Darkness, Day and Night, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, Heaven and Earth,[60] Taichi and Wuchi, Emptiness and Annihilation[61])
- Higher-Dimensional Existence (Is a higher-dimensional being[17])
- Large Size (Type 9: Larger than all of creation[59])
- Incorporeality (His true essence exists non-physically)
- Time Travel, Avatar Creation & Multilocation (Like Xuanzang, he can project himself at dire points of time within the universe to assist its inhabitants[59])
- Resurrection (Shares the same red wings as Mujin who, with it, could resurrect himself from complete existence erasure and disintegration[62] thanks to its connection to the prophets)
- Acausality (Type 4: Ended the great karmic cycle[63] that had trapped him[64], and all his ties to the world were cut upon attaining Nirvana[59])
- Creation, Causality Manipulation & Reality Warping (He's able to completely defy the order of things, restoring the entire universe after his battle with Mujin[60] which had destroyed countless planets and stars even stopping the destruction of the solar system)
- Fate Manipulation (Karma holds together and carries the weight of all creation which Mori gained control over, should be superior to Tathagata who could induce the Karmic cycle of fated repeating events on to reality. Which Mori was eventually able to end)
- Plant Manipulation & Life Manipulation (Made plants grow from the ground[60])
- Aura (Upon witnessing Mori's true power, Mujin felt himself wanting to pray to him[60] which even extended to Tathagata who had been fused with Mujin's soul and mind. This aura can be felt across different points in the timeline, as Satan mistakingly believed Mori's presence to be a higher-dimensional entity when it in fact had been Xuanzang),
- Time Manipulation (Stopped time and rewound the damage done by Mujin's summoned blue giant)
- Deconstruction & Likely Existence Erasure [1 Layer] (Using the power of Karma, Mori made Mujin fade into nothing, slowed only by his connection to a Prophet)
- Resistance Negation (Despite Mujin having the power to stop his existence from being erased, he could only hold it for up to 10 minutes)
- Power Nullification [2 Layers] , Absorption [2 Layers], Void Manipulation, Purification & Empathic Manipulation (With a Jin Hoechook Perfect Circle, Mori is able to suck in and purify all malice in the universe. It can even strip beings like Mujin of their power[63])
- Blessed (Mori gets all powers from gods, demons, humans, borrowed power, and national treasures)
- All powers in The God of High School, except Mujin & Tathagata.
- Relevant gained abilities are listed here.
- Passive Mind Manipulation [1 Layer] (Is capable of making people, including Park Mujin, submit to him and commanding them to do as he pleases)
- Empowerment (Humans are able to offer their strength to Mori in forms of prayer, and because of this, Mori will get stronger the more prayer he gets)
- Law Manipulation (With Karma, Mori is able to command and rule over the laws of creation, even making Mujin disappear with a word)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1: Nirvana is a higher concept as the final stage of Borrowed Power[65], that was granted to Mori as a result of Karma, which allows him to control all phenomena, truth, world, universe, and all of creation[60])
- Likely Self-Sustenance (Type 3: As a non-physical being, he likely does not require sustenance)
- Fate Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Existence Erasure & Law Manipulation (Broke out of the Karmic cycle trapping him in a fated cycle of repeating events. Making a 1 in 100 trillionth of a possibility a reality)
- Karma allows the user to resist its abilities, which are 4-D in potency:
- Mind Manipulation [1 Layer]
- Time Manipulation
- Reality Warping
- Deconstruction & Likely Existence Erasure [1 Layer]
- Law Manipulation
- Causality Manipulation
- Resistance Negation
- Fate Manipulation
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1)
Attack Potency: Large Town level (Mori Jung Considered him the strongest kid at the school[66] despite already seeing Ahans full power][66][Scaling/Stat Values 1]), City level with Accelerated Development (Mori closed an 8x power gap against Mori Jung within the course of a fight[14][Scaling/Stat Values 2]), higher with Martial Arts (Can increase his attack power by using Martial Arts) or Mori Jin Form (Far stronger than his Base Form. Evened the playing field against Mori Jung and even took him out with a single Recoilless kick)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Much faster than Ahan Dan), higher with Mori Jin Form (Comparable to Mori Jung), up to Massively Hypersonic+ (Closed the 8x gap and blitzed Mori Jung after he used Jeahbongchim Acupuncture)
Lifting Strength: At least Class Z (Lifted half of Yeoui in his ear for years), Multi-Stellar via extending Yeoui (Comparable to Mori Hui, who used Yeoui to push Jupiter back into orbit alongside Daewi Han)
Striking Strength: Large Town level (Comparable to his Attack Potency[Scaling/Stat Values 1]), City level with Accelerated Development (Comparable to his Attack Potency[Scaling/Stat Values 2]), Martial Arts (Can increase his attack power by using Martial Arts) or Mori Jin Form (Far stronger than his Base Form)
Durability: Large Town level (Comparable to his Attack Potency. Mori Jung noted him to be exceptionally tough.[67][Scaling/Stat Values 1]), City level with Accelerated Development (Comparable to his Attack Potency[Scaling/Stat Values 2]), Martial Arts (Comparable to his Attack Potency) or Mori Jin Form (Far more durable than his Base Form)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard Melee Range to Tens of Meters with Re-Taekwondo, Interstellar with Yeoui
Attack Potency: At least City level (Got stronger through mastering the basic forms of Re-Taekwondo), up to at least Continent level+ with Mori Jin Form (Far stronger than his Base Form. Could take on the entire Alphabet Executive team singlehandedly[68] and fought Mujin Park[69] on even grounds), far higher with Recoiless techniques (Tore the Armoursuits in his base despite not being able to do so in his Mori Jin form[3])
Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Faster than before), up to Massively FTL+ with Mori Jin Form (Can keep up with Mujin Park)
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar (Got Dean into a leg-lock, withstood Mujins gravity manipulation)
Striking Strength: At least City level, Continent level+ with Mori Jin Form (Comparable to Mujin Park), far higher with Recoiless techniques
Durability: At least City level (Comparable to his Striking Strength), Continent level+ with Mori Jin Form (Comparable to Mujin Park), far higher with Dragon Armorsuits (Makes Mori not even feel attacks that would normally harm him)
Stamina: Superhuman (Although weaker than he was in the past, he was still capable of fighting entire armies with the help of Daewi Han)
Range: Same as before
Attack Potency: At least Continent level+ (Far stronger than before. Folded the entire Alphabet Executive team without having to transform into his Mori Jin form.[19] Clashed base-to-base[70] with Ilpyo Park), At least Multi-Solar System level in Mori Jin Form (Fought with Nine-Tailed Fox Ilpyo Park[71]), higher with Martial Arts (Can increase his attack power by using Martial Arts)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Faster than before), higher with Mori Jin Form (Kept up with 9th Tail Unleashed Ilpyo Park), far higher with Speed Mode (Greatly increases Mori's speed)
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar (Stronger than before)
Striking Strength: At least Continent level+ (Comparable to his Attack Potency), At least Multi-Solar System level with Mori Jin Form (Contended with Ninth Tail Unleashed Ilpyo who's power made even Okhwang tremble in fear, higher with Martial Arts (Can increase his attack power by using Martial Arts), far higher with Recoiless techniques
Durability: At least Continent level+ (Comparable to his Striking Class), At least Multi-Solar System level with Mori Jin Form (Took hits from Ninth Tail Unleashed Ilpyo), higher with Martial Arts (Comparable to his Striking Class), far higher with Armoursuits (The Armoursuits have been stated to boost Mori's natural defense to the point that attacks that could harm him before don't leave a scratch on him after donning the suit)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Same as before, Thousands of Kilometers with projectiles
Attack Potency: Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level (Got even stronger than before through countless battles and re-obtained Geundoowun and Avidyā. Fought and damaged Mujin Park, who became the new Supreme God and should thus be comparable to Mori Jin when he was the Supreme God), higher with Martial Arts (Can increase his attack power by using Martial Arts) or Mori Jin Form (Far stronger than his Base Form)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Faster than before), higher with Mori Jin Form (Faster than his Base Form), far higher with Speed Mode (Greatly increases Mori's speed)
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar (Stronger than before)
Striking Strength: Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level (Comparable to his Attack Potency), higher with Martial Arts (Can increase his attack power by using Martial Arts) or Mori Jin Form (Far stronger than his Base Form)
Durability: Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level (Comparable to his Striking Class), higher with Martial Arts (Comparable to his Striking Class) and Mori Jin Form (Far more durable than his Base Form), far higher with Armoursuits (The Armoursuits have been stated to boost Mori's natural defense to the point that attacks that could harm him before don't leave a scratch on him after donning the suit)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Same as before, Thousands of Kilometers with Geundoowun
Attack Potency: At least Multi-Galaxy level (Can fight on par with Mujin Park, Got stronger by obtaining at least 19 new Yeouis)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Comparable to, if not faster than before), higher with Mori Jin Form (Faster than his Base Form), far higher with Speed Mode (Greatly increases Mori's speed)
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar (Could carry 19 other Yeoui in addition to his original and gained the use of Dragon's Yeoui as well, totaling the number of Yeoui Mori can carry at once to 21. Withstood Incomplete Supreme God Mujin's telekinesis with great effort[72])
Striking Strength:At least Multi-Galaxy level, higher with Martial Arts or Mori Jin Form
Durability: At least Multi-Galaxy level, higher with Martial Arts or Mori Jin Form, far higher with Armoursuits
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Same as before
Attack Potency: At least Multi-Galaxy level (Regained his sealed power from when he was Supreme God on top of the power he attained from training), higher with Martial Arts (Pierced through Mujin's heart with a Recoilless Jichuk when working in tandem with Daewi and Mira)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Should be twice as fast as he was when he was the Supreme God) [10.30 Sextillion c], far higher with Speed Mode
Lifting Strength: Multi-Stellar (Should be twice as strong as he was before, adding his sealed power on top of what he gained from training)
Striking Strength: At least Multi-Galaxy level, higher with Martial Arts or Mori Jin Form
Durability: At least Multi-Galaxy level, higher with Martial Arts or Mori Jin Form, far higher with Armoursuits
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Same as before
Attack Potency: Multi-Galaxy level (Had to control his own strength so he would not destroy the Earth with his attacks. Struck Mujin down with a Geundoowun the size of an Oort cloud, creating an explosion that engulfed a large portion of the Milky Way, cumulating into a black hole that consumed most of the galaxy), higher with Jichuk (Produced a galaxy wide explosion)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Moved so fast that Sujin Lee could barely perceive him[56] and should be far faster than he was before) [10.30 Sextillion c]
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar (Should be far stronger than Tathagata Absorbed Mujin)
Striking Strength: Multi-Galaxy level, higher with Martial Arts
Durability: Multi-Galaxy level (Took hits from a serious Mujin and faired far better than any other opponent Mujin had faced)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Same as before, Interplanetary with Taekwondo (A single kick from Mori from Earth implanted his footprint on Saturn[56]), Interstellar with Geundoowun (Can take the form of the Oort cloud that surrounds the solar system[57][58]), Interdimensional with Summoning (Can summon alternate reality versions of himself from other universes[52])
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Attained a state of being that could maintain and balance the universe, which contains multiple time-spaces like the Divine Realm and the Sage Realm. Is capable of observing past, present, and future from a place where time and space overlap as well as governing all of creation throughout all of the universes as an all-powerful spirit in Nirvana[Scaling/Stat Values 3])
Speed: Massively FTL+ with Avatars (Mori's physical avatar could travel from the edges of the universe to earth) [10.30 Sextillion c], Immeasurable (Attaining a state of Nirvana allows Mori to travel to any point in time and space within the universe[73])
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (As a higher dimensional being, simply moving requires this level of strength, has been shown lifting spacetimes with his bare hands without any difficulty[73])
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level
Stamina: Superhuman, likely Infinite (As a non-physical being, he likely does not require sustenance)
Range: Low-Multiversal (Mori's Jin Hoechook Perfect Circle purified the entire universe)
Equipment |
The famous magic staff, it can extend and thicken itself at Mori's command, becoming wide enough to flatten mountains and displace large swathes of water and long enough to pierce through the moon from Earth and beyond. The staff itself is extremely resilient, making it useful for defense as well as offense. Despite the fact that it is a blunt weapon Mori often uses it for slicing attacks, with its weight compensating for its lack of an edge.
Sun Wukong's legendary invincible chainmail. Wearing it further increases his already impressive durability, strength, and speed. The only three times it has ever been breached are when the First Crown Prince used the Lightning Blade to slice through the whole of the Sage Realm, when Okwhang stabbed him, and when he tore them himself when he fought Dean Ockham. It can be telepathically controlled by him, allowing him to bestow others with it temporarily. It can also create rocket thrusters to further increase his speed. If this is not enough the armor can enter a Speed Mode to increase his speed to the point of crossing massive interstellar distances in an instant. Alternatively, they can enter Power Mode, which amplifies Mori's already impressive strength. When not in use as an armor it turns into a mass of razor-sharp spikes that easily shred through buildings. Additionally, Mori can summon them on people other than himself to protect or to restrain them.
Also known as The Seventh Master/Master of the Seventh Heavenly Realm. An amorphous creature subservient to Mori Jin. It usually takes the form of a small purple ball, but it can expand into much larger and complex shapes full of spikes capable of harming Mori himself. The Seventh Master is highly resistant to slicing damage and will simply duplicate if cut. It is also highly conductive, as Mori is able to channel lightning strikes from Geundoowun through it to enhance its offensive ability. Also known as The Sixth Master/Master of the Sixth Heavenly Realm. An extremely large creature which Mori defeated and was later gifted to Ilpyo. It is capable of being summoned on command and takes the form of a very large humanoid tiger appearance with crab claws protruding out of its back. It has shown the capability to regenerate itself after being critically damaged as well as shoot large beams of energy from its mouth. Due to its extraordinarily large stature, it is not only very strong, but also extremely heavy as well. Shown during the time when Ilpyo managed to beat the Master of the Third Heavenly Realm, Shiva, by luring her into being stepped on and crushed under the weight of the Sixth Master. Also known as the Flying Sparrow Cloud, a living cloud that Mori can call anywhere, even in space, though its much easier if there are already clouds in the sky or if a large body of water is nearby. Through it he is able to control the weather, creating winds powerful enough to keep the Sky Whales from landing (each one packing a payload large enough to destroy a continent at the bare minimum) and call down as many lightning bolts as he wishes to strike his opponents down until the cloud is dispelled by either a powerful opponent or Mori himself. It also capable of generating a completely opaque fog to confuse foes and escape them. This fog can also be solidified and used as a shield, such as the time the cloud blocked the Hyunmoo Hammer in its entirety. He can also create a small version (much like Goku's Nimbus) to allow him to cross interstellar distances more quickly. Mori can also use Geundoowun to extend his senses and search for people over long distances and in other rooms.
During his training of defeating multiple dragons to get stronger for the purpose of fighting Ogre, Mori acquired multiple new Yeouis. They come with a variety of new abilities, ranging from continental hurricanes,[39] fire, ice, electricity[39] and even shadow.[40] |
Extraordinary Genius:
- His past self (who he has the memories of), was noted to score particularly impressive grades throughout school.[74]
- He is capable of outsmarting and fooling even other geniuses like Mujin Park (by predicting his whereabouts and intentions, not falling for the bait he set up[75]) and Mandeok Sang (by using an ally's ability to create illusions[76])
- He was shown to be capable of assessing others' emotional & mental states with ease.[77][78]
- During the war against the World Government, Mori was able to manipulate the situation so Ilpyo would ultimately become the next World President.[79][80]
- He has extraordinary acting skills and emotional control (even when provoked, he didn't drop his act, effectively tricking Mujin[81][82][83])
- He was shown to be able to assess Mujin Park's situation at the time from a single glance.[84]
- Mujin, who possessed Tathagata's knowledge[36] which allowed him to create weapons like the Fairy Colony that can infinitely multiply and evolve[85][57], stated in admiration that Mori's wits are beyond his understanding.[72]
- Realized the existence of fate and him being trapped in it throughout the series without any outside information. [86][87][88]
Omniscient in Nirvana.
Extraordinary Genius:
Mori Dan is every bit as skilled as his past self after his memories came back to him[9] and more on top of that. He is a master of Recoilless Renewal Taekwondo, and evolved his regular Re-Taekwondo into it from simply remembering his grandfather's form. This is notable because Dean Ockham, who had previously copied Mori's form and learned Renewal[3], was completely unable to copy Mori[3] once he had started using its Recoilless version.
Mori, through his martial arts skills alone, was capable of inventing a technique capable of bending space[1] (from remembering his grandfather's form), a move which took Dean Ockham over over 3 million attempts, a number already shortened by his ability to see into the future[89], to copy.
Mujin, who possessed Tathagata's knowledge[36] which allowed him to create weapons like the Fairy Colony that can infinitely multiply and evolve[85][57], stated in admiration that Mori's wits are beyond his understanding.[72]
He is capable of changing strategies on the fly, depending on real time circumstances. Mori, via his intelligence alone, can not only discern the abilities of a person simply by looking at them ,[90] but also correctly identify others' emotional & mental states with ease..[77][78] His sheer analytical prowess allowed him to make predictions[3] on par with, or even better than Dean Ockham's own - who has the ability to see into the future - throughout their fight.
Renewal Taekwondo, the Martial Art Mori mainly practices, contains a long history of refinement since the time of his ancestors' ancestors' ancestors,[89] devised to counter North Korean ITF Taekdowndo[91][92] which is a type of martial arts developed to allow a single soldier to take on an entire military platoon.[93] Mori is incredibly proficient with its use in any environment, whether in the air[94] or even if the very planet beneath him is exploding.[21] By combining the concept of offense and defense, Mori is able to create the ultimate lethal move that transcends weight, class and size.[2]
Mori has incredibly high potential for adapting, consistently growing each time he fights. He was shown to be capable of countering Daewi's Wave of the Blue Dragon[95] after merely experiencing it once. Even after he was once again hit by the same skill but improved,[96] he managed to invent a new much more powerful technique[96] simply from concept, even though the original skill required three separate skills to prepare for before being released.[95] This impressed and frightened even Seungcheol Baek, a genius who combines his frightening analytical ability with raw physical strength,[97] asserting that fighting against Mori is like playing mind games.
Similarly, he has extraordinary learning capabilities. In this regard, he was considered a genius since he was a literal baby.[98] Even as Mori Jin, he already started learning Renewal Taekwondo as a baby,[99] and ended up knowing the entire moveset by the age of 6, when Taejin left him to live by himself in Seoul. Later, when left to train under Bongchim Nah, he mastered his acupuncture techniques by only reading a book about it once, refusing to accept Bongchim as a master.[100][101]
Mori displays staggering technical ability as well, allowing him to pull off precise moves with his senses injured or impaired. For example, after his three-semicircular canals had been impaired, negating his abilities to use his kicks properly, he was able to expertly hit and locate his opponent simply from body contact while looking away from Park Seungah.[5] Even before this, he was not only capable of beating his opponent even after his eardrums had been injured twice, but also able to perform incredibly precise acupuncture techniques on them with little difficulty.[102]
Not only is Mori precise and adaptable, he is also capable of copying skills after merely seeing them used once.[103] He can do this even after every single one of his techniques had been consecutively neutralized,[103] even going so far as to swiftly rid his fighting style of its weaknesses[104] and increase his number of attack combinations using his knowledge of human pressure points and anatomy.[101] Not only can he do this to a much more skilled opponent, he can once again create an entirely new skill just from the concept of another skill that is much stronger than any attack he had dealt previously.[101]
Mori's instincts and senses are also incredibly keen, to the point he is capable of countering attacks from character's both unfathomably faster and more precise than he is at the time.[105][106] Similarly, Mori evolved his martial arts to the point he is capable of moving in such a complex way that even opponents as fast, if not faster than Mori, can't keep up.[53]
While his previous self was capable of instinctively countering an attack he himself deemed impossible to block or dodge while at point-blank range merely by remembering his past fights and lessons,[21] Mori later developed "Territory", which allows him to automatically counter any attack that enters his range at any angle in the most efficient way, using the least amount of energy possible by not wasting any movements.[46]
Omniscient in Nirvana.
Weaknesses: Due to the stress of using Jeahbongchim Acupuncture in the past, Mori is unable to use it on himself. Once he regains his original power, use of it will kill him due to having already drawn out his full potential.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Renewal Taekwondo |
Bongchim Nah Needle Ryu |
Wolgwang Sword Style |
Hallyang Style Pumba |
Ssam-Su Taekkyeon |
Tai Chi Chuan |
Whoahyorakgeyok |
Northern ITF Taekwondo |
Notable Matchups[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The God of High School Chapter 353
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The God of High School Chapter 349
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 The God of High School Chapter 383
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 The God of High School Chapter 223
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 The God of High School Chapter 80
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 344
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 539
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 30
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 The God of High School Chapter 336
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 208
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 467
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 358
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 The God of High School Chapter 330
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 The God of High School Chapter 332
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 12
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 331
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 The God of High School Chapter 292
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 228
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 The God of High School Chapter 415
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 210
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 The God of High School Chapter 165
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 314
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 311
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 166
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 291
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 382
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 381
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 451
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 207
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 449
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 445
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 450
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 The God of High School Chapter 220
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 299
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 230
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 The God of High School Chapter 478
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 476
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 477
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 The God of High School Chapter 521
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 The God of High School Chapter 522
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 499
- ↑ The God Of High School Chapter 501
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 528
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 490
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 497
- ↑ 46.0 46.1 46.2 The God of High School Chapter 541
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 153
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 The God of High School Chapter 156
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 547
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 502
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 504
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 The God of High School Chapter 554
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 The God of High School Chapter 543
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 560
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 291
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 The God of High School Chapter 552
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 57.5 57.6 The God of High School Chapter 555
- ↑ 58.0 58.1 58.2 The God of High School Chapter 556
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 The God of High School Spin Off #4
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 The God of High School Chapter 562
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 517
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 563
- ↑ 63.0 63.1 The God of High School Chapter 561
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 525
- ↑ The God of High School:Eclipse Chapter 57
- ↑ 66.0 66.1 The God of High School Chapter 327
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 328
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 374
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 376
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 417
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 421
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 72.2 The God of High School Chapter 530
- ↑ 73.0 73.1 The God of High School Chapter 568
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 215
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 429
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 385
- ↑ 77.0 77.1 The God of High School Chapter 342
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 The God of High School Chapter 424
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 419
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 420
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 343
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 369
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 370
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 487
- ↑ 85.0 85.1 The God of High School Chapter 553
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 427
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 488
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 539
- ↑ 89.0 89.1 The God of High School Chapter 364
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 344
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 13
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 6
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 10
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 30
- ↑ 95.0 95.1 The God of High School Chapter 36
- ↑ 96.0 96.1 The God of High School Chapter 38
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 16
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 524
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 117
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 42
- ↑ 101.0 101.1 101.2 The God of High School Chapter 84
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 67
- ↑ 103.0 103.1 The God of High School Chapter 82
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 83
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 20
- ↑ The God of High School Chapter 21
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