Nancy Loomis is the mother of Billy Loomis. And the second killer to be an Mastermind. And also the first female killer on the whole franchise
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, Higher with weapons
Name: Debbie Salt(Fake name), Mrs. Loomis
Origin: Scream
Gender: Female
Age: 44
Killcount: 2 (Randy, Cici)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 119 Lbs
Classification: Mother of Billy Loomis, Killer, Reporter, Human, Ghostface Killer
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Stealth Mastery(Sneaked inside a house without being seen or heard by Derek Feldman. Sneaked behind Dewey and almost killed him. Sneaked inside Cici's house without being seen by her or her friend.)
- Slight Resistance to Pain (Had a vase broken on her head and walked away just fine. Had a bundle of bricks falling on her and was fine.)
- Sound Manipulation (Via voice changer)
- Social Influencing (Deception - Deceived the rest of the crew, including Gale Weathers, by giving herself an entire makeover, managing to work as a news reporter under a fake identity. She recruited Mickey as her accomplice, whom she met on a serial killer forum, in exchange for guidance, college intuition expenses, and infamy. Possibly Social Position - Uses her position as a reporter to be close to the crime scenes without suspicion.)
- Markmanship (Showed to be able to shot with one hand, something that requires dexterity.)
Attack Potency: Street Level (Stabbed Dewey Riley until he was unconscious and presumably dead. Chips a part of a brick off by stabbing it (879 J). Slammed a door open (495 J). Stabbed through a wooden door (433 J) . Effortless destroy a Glass Door by tossing Cici throught it (1591 J). Pushed Randy Meeks into a van window with enough force to crack it.), Higher with weapons (Knifes throughout the franchise had sliced people open, shoved through skulls and doors, and used to kill and one-shot multiples peoples, with firearms, not being too different, with a Glock 17 going up to (570 J).)
Speed: Peak Human travel speed (Keep up with Sidney Prescott. Caught up to Cici Cooper, who was running away in fear.) with Superhuman+ Combat and Reaction Speed (Pulled Randy Meeks with remarkable speed, and outmatched him in combat to the point he couldn't even fight back. Could shot Mickey Altieri before he could react. Stabbed Dewey Riley before he could react, but this is likely due to him being caught of guard. Dodged multiples props falling from the threater celling.) up to Transonic+ attack speed via Glock 17 (A Glock 17 can shot in a velocity of (375 M/S).)
Lifting Strength: At least Atheltic Human (Overpowers and restrain Sidney Prescott , and when she realizes Cottom Weary is coming, she casually pulls her into her feet. Casually pulls Randy Meeks (176 Lbs) into an van, and then pushs him into a van window, overpowering and restraining him against the van ground. Effortless overpoweres and tosses Cici Cooper (140,229726804 Kgf) through a glass door, then proceed to lift her, with her trying to break free, and effortless threw her over an balcony. Overpowered and pinned Dewey Riley, restraining him against a window, then slammed him against it.)
Striking Strength: Street Level (Can fight the ones who can damage her. Should scale to her AP.)
Durability: Street Level (Tooks multiples blowns from Sidney Prescott. Including an Glass Jar being broke on her head (567 J). Had an telephone slammed on her face by Gale Weathers, only being briefly stunned by it. Had multiples bricks falling on top of her (686-1177 J). Crashes into a table. Had a bike pushed into her, and a large potted plant (567 J) thrown at her by Cici Cooper. Hits into a table while running, and then end up faceplanting over a chair.)
Stamina: Peak Human (Keep up with Sidney Prescott.)
Range: Standard Meele Range
Standard Equipment: Buck 120, Glock 17, Ghostface cloak and mask, voice changer and phone
Optional Equipment: Rope and tape
Intelligence: Gifted (Lost 60 Lbs, gave herself an entire makeover, created a fake identity, manages to become a news reporter, recruits a serial killer on an website. All of that in order of avenge her son, by killing Sidney Prescott. Made a division to put all the blame on Mickey to make him a solo killer, even switching hands due to Mickey being left-handed. Realized where Gale was hidden. Manipulated Mickey Altieri into thinking she would help him get to the trial.)
Weaknesses: Speak poorly of Billy may make her lose control. Shown to be clumsy, agressive and impulsive.