Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

"You are a beast. I cannot accept you as a warrior. I have no desire to be burdened with the life of one who is no warrior."

"Itsygo's out dere fightin' for you! Why're ya acting like yer afraid of Itysgo? Din't you say Itsygo's a nice person?! Well yer right! Nel tinks he's nice too! Itsygo's so nice, when he heard Ulquiorra say yer name, he charged right at 'im! Itsygo is a human! But den he became a Shinigami, an' even put on dat mask and used dat dangerous power! Dere's no way Itsygo isn't gettin' hurt! He's gotta be sufferin'! But Itsygo's usin' his powers and gettin' injured all cuz he's fightin' for you! What's-- What's gonna happen if ya don't cheer for Itsygo?!"

"Thank you Ichigo, I was able to return to this form because you protected me and brought me here. Please rest a while, I want to repay you."
Nelliel final render

"Don't worry, it'll be over quick"

"If you're going to pick a fight in the middle of a conflict, do so elsewhere. At any rate, I fail to see what gives you, the Sexta, any right to order me, the Tres, around."
TYBW and CFYOW Nelliel

Res Nelliel


Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (ネリエル・トゥ・オーデルシュヴァンク, Nerieru Tu Ōderushuvanku) is a prominent supporting character in the BLEACH series. We are introduced to her as Nel Tu (ネル・トゥ, Neru Tu), and her form is that of a child. We're accompanied by her whimsical personality throughout the Hueco Mundo invasion, but as an old foe from her past threatens Ichigo, she unveils her true adult form. She had been caught by great tragedy and lost her status as once of the Espada due to Nnoitra's betrayal, in a plot concocted by Szayelaporro. Her heroic charm and her whimsical personality are one of the great aspects of her part in the BLEACH story.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: at least 6-A, at least High 6-A with Gran Rey Cero, at least 6-A with Resurección, at least High 6-A with Cero Oscuras, higher with Gran Rey Cero | Unknown, up to at least 6-B, likely far higher with absorption, at least 6-A with Regained Adult Form, higher with Resurección | Coming soon!

Key: Espada | Nel Tu | Post-Timeskip Adult (coming soon!)

Name: Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck as an adult, Nel Tu in her child form

Origin: BLEACH

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, at least 250 years

Classification: Espada, Ex-Espada, Arrancar, Hollow, Soul

Powers and Abilities: Hollow Physiology and Soul Physiology (As a ver strong hollow, she should have High-tier in every key.) Healing (Nel's saliva has mild healing properties, which she uses on Dordoni. When she wants to dispense more of it, she can tug on her own uvula to make herself vomit, though this only works on her Child form.), Attack Reflection, Light Manipulation, Breath Attack, Damage Boost, and Energy Projection (Nel can use Cero Doble to reflect incoming Ceros and reflect them. Ceros are consistently noted to be light-based, and despite this, she can suck them up and spit them out at her opponent. In her regained adult form, this is her signature move, and she can double their attack potency by adding her own cero to them. Furthermore, she is shown stopping one with her bare hand, meaning she can physically interact with light. This also means she can fire her own ceros, which are again, shown to be light based attacks. She can also boost her own Cero's attack potency with Cero Oscuras and Gran Rey Cero, which the espada can use, though only in her adult form.), Resistance to Extrasensory Perception (She can use Sonido to aid her in high-speed movement, and this is noted as having a level of resistance to sensing[Cite 1].), Master Swordsman (Every single numero is an expert fighter[Cite 2], and she can swap hands with Nnoitra.)

Attack Potency: at least Continent level (As an espada, she's in a completely different level to the numeros. She directly replaced Dordoni as an espada, proving she is stronger than him, as the espada are ranked on their attack potency. Her power in this form is equal to her peak later on, as when she becomes an adult against Nnoitra again, she's stated to regain her old form and to be exactly the same[Cite 3][Cite 4][Cite 5][Cite 6][Cite 7].[Statistics Values 1]), at least Multi-Continent level with Gran Rey Cero (The Espadas can all use Gran Rey Cero, which is the strongest version of an enhanced Cero[Cite 8][Cite 9][Cite 10]. This makes it stronger than a Cero Oscuras, which can amplify a user's attack power by 10x[Cite 11].[Statistics Values 2]), at least Continent level with Resurección (Equally as strong as her regained adult form, for the same reason.[Statistics Values 3]), at least Multi-Continent level with Cero Oscuras (Espadas can use this technique which amplifies attack power by an order of magnitude.[Statistics Values 4]), higher with Gran Rey Cero (As explained previously, this is the strongest Cero variation.) | Unknown, up to at least Country level, likely far higher with attack reflection (She can absorb a Cero[Cite 12] from Dordoni, which damages him[Cite 13] more than Shikai Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho.[Statistics Values 5]), at least Continent level with Adult Form (Nelliel can initially overpower[Cite 14] Nnoitra and even cut through his Hierro, that being the hardest amongst the espadas[SCALING NOTES 1], although he is mentally nerfed while doing this[SCALING NOTES 2]. Once he regains his composure, Nelliel can still clash with him and fight evenly[Cite 15][Cite 16]. This is where her scaling primarily comes from in this form.[Cite 17]), higher with Resurección (Resurección is consistently noted to give Arrancars power[Cite 18]. Although what hers does is unknown, we do see it lets her grow to the point where she can cut through Nnoitra's sword itself[Cite 19], and pushes him to the edge.)

Speed: FTL+ (Should be comparable to her later regained adult form.[Statistics Values 6]), Massively FTL with Balas (This attack multiplies her cero attack speed by 20x over, and it is a basic Arrancar technique which she's been shown to use[Cite 20][Cite 21][Cite 22].[Statistics Values 7]) | at least Relativistic+ (Nel can react to Dordoni's Cero[Cite 12].[Statistics Values 8]), FTL+ with Adult Form (She can fight evenly with Nnoitra, and react to his attacks[Cite 15][Cite 16].[Statistics Values 6]), Massively FTL with Balas (This technique amplifies attack speed by 20x, and it is noted she can use it.[Statistics Values 7])

Lifting Strength: at least Class G, likely far higher : Comparable to her regained form. | Unknown, at least Class G, likely far higher with Adult Form (She is able to physically clash with Nnoitra.)

Striking Strength: at least Continent level (Comparable to her regained adult form.), higher with Resurección (Comparable to her regained adult form, which cuts through Nnoitra's sword itself.) | Unknown, at least Continent level with Regained Adult form (Comparable to her attack potency, as she mostly attacks with physical strikes. Her feats of clashing with Nnoitra demonstrate this level of striking strength.), higher with Resurección (Using this form, she can throw her lance with enough force to cut through Nnoitra's sword itself and damage him.)

Durability: at least Continent level (Comparable to her regained adult form.), higher with Resurección (Comparable to her regained adult form.) | at least Country level, likely far higher (Nel can survive a Bala from Dordoni with minimal injuries.), at least Continent level (As an Arrancar, Nelliel posseses Hierro, which amplifies an Arrancar's hardness to ward off damage from sword strikes[Cite 23]. This gives her a level of invulnerability to attacks which aren't remotely close to her attack potency. As a testament to this, while she was initially fighting with Nnoitra, she could kick away his sword barefoot without sustaining any damage[Cite 24], and while he was mentally nerfed while this happened, it still shows her skin can withstand very strong physical strikes from sharp objects while taking no damage. She can withstand the force of her own physical strikes, which makes it comparble to her attack potency.)

Stamina: Superhuman: due to having superior Spiritual Power to Shikai Ichigo, she should be able to run for entire weeks and fight for days straight. | Superhuman: She can run for days straight for fun while being chased by Dondochakka and Pesche, Below Average with Regained Adult Form: her spiritual pressure leaks out from her cracked skull, so she can't fight in this form for more than half an hour.

Range: Standard Melee Range normally, Tens of Meters with Resurección while throwing her lance, Hundreds of kilometers with Ceros

Standard Equipment: Zanpakuto in her adult forms.

Intelligence: Above Average (Eventhough she acts like an immature child, she is a highly perceptive person who knows a lot about the espada and Las Noches. In her adult form, she is smart enough to carry out missions for Kisuke Urahara, implying she's smart to some extent.)

Weaknesses: She cannot regain her adult form without significant psychological stress, and she can only maintain it for little time as Nel Tu. Otherwise, there are not many notable weaknesses.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Resurección (帰刃, Returning Blade | レスレクシオン, Resurrection): this transformation allows Nelliel to regain her old form as a hollow. It massively increases his statistics.

- Cero (虚閃, Hollow Flash | セロ, cero): this is a powerful spiritual light which hollows make out of their own spiritual pressure.

  • Cero Oscuras (黒虚閃, Black Hollow Flash | セロ・オスキュラス, Dark Cero): an enhanced version of a cero which contains an order of magnitude more power.
  • Gran Rey Cero (王虚の閃光, King Hollow Flash of light | グラン・レイ・セロ, Grand King Cero): this is the strongest enhanced Cero variation, which causes space to visibly distort around it.
  • Cero Doble (重奏虚閃 (セロ・ドーブル), Sero Dōburu; Spanish for "Double Zero", Japanese for "Heavy Duet Hollow Flash"): this is Nelliel's signature technique, where she swallows a Cero and reflects it onto the opponent.

- Hierro (鋼皮, Steel Skin | イエロ, Iron): this is an arrancar's outer layer of skin which boasts high spiritual pressure hardness, capable of warding off Zanpakuto.


  1. BLEACH Can't Fear Your Own World 1
  2. BLEACH; Chapter 246, Page 9
  3. BLEACH; Chapter 291, Page 6
  4. BLEACH; Chapter 291, Page 9
  5. BLEACH; Chapter 293, Page 21
  6. BLEACH Official Character Book 3 UNMASKED, Page 083
  7. BLEACH Official Character Book 3 MASKED, Page 180
  8. BLEACH, Chapter 280 Page 15
  9. BLEACH Official Character Book 2 MASKED, Page 248
  10. BLEACH official website
  11. BLEACH Official Character book 3 UNMASKED, Page 054
  12. 12.0 12.1 BLEACH; Chapter 252, page 21-25
  13. BLEACH; Chapter 252, Page 26-27
  14. BLEACH; Chapter 291
  15. 15.0 15.1 BLEACH, Chapter 294
  16. 16.0 16.1 BLEACH, Chapter 295
  17. higher than 778.8 Teratons
  18. BLEACH Thousand-Year Blood War, Chapter 16
  19. BLEACH; Chapter 296, Pages 11-13
  20. BLEACH, Chapter 234, Page 12
  21. BLEACH Official Character Book 2 MASKED, Page 251
  22. BLEACH Spirits Are Forever With You 1
  23. BLEACH Official Character Book 2 MASKED, Page 131
  24. BLEACH; Chapter 291, Page 14


Exact Statistics Values[]

  1. higher than 778.8 Teratons
  2. higher than 7.788 Petatons
  3. higher than 1.5576 Petatons
  4. higher than 15.576 Petatons
  5. far higher than 38.94 Teratons
  6. 6.0 6.1 45.45c
  7. 7.0 7.1 909c
  8. higher than .606c

Scaling Explanation notes[]

  1. Read his profile for a detailed explanation and like 30 scans for that
  2. Read his profile for this too. It's not really the best feat for Nelliel.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


First, I'd like to say that all the BBS renders which show Nelliel with turquoise hair are technically wrong. As you can see in the espada and Nel Tu renders, her hair is green, but that's not super deeply important, so I think it's still fine to use the renders which accurately show her in every way except the hair color. Aside from that, credits to Arc7Kuroi for a lot of the arguments, indirectly. Couldn't have made the profile without him, credit goes to him and his work on VSBW.
