Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

In the past, we have encouraged users to create new pages for powers and abilities they thought the wiki lacked. However, as of now, we want new pages to be approved by the staff, meaning that new powers and abilities pages must be suggested. This can be done in our official Discord server in the suggestion channel, or messaged to a staff member. Of course, users can always create blogs about powers and abilities to include in their profiles if they don't want to attempt creating official pages. Linking to other wikis' powers and abilities pages is also permitted.


Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Ninja Murasaki (ムラサキ曹長) is a secondary antagonist who appears in Dragon Ball. He is the second-in-command of Muscle Tower under General White.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B physically, 9-A with weapons

Name: Murasaki

Origin: Dragon Ball

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Classification: Human, Ninja

Powers and Abilities: A list of the character's general abilities (Please add links to the "Powers and Abilities" pages, if it is possible).

Attack Potency: Wall level physically, Small Building level with weapons


Lifting Strength: The weight the character can lift/move, usually expressed in tons. However it is optional since lifting strength generally doesn't matter in most fights (in bold).

Striking Strength: Wall level physically

Durability: Wall level physically

Stamina: Self-explanatory

Range: The distance the character's attacks/abilities can cover.

Standard Equipment: Things the character usually uses, or carries with him.

Intelligence: Self-explanatory

Weaknesses: Self-explanatory

Feats: List all of the character's amazing feats. Strength feats, speed feats, durability feats, etc. You can judge a person's power by their feats.

Notable Attacks/Techniques: A list of some abilities the character generally uses.

Note: Self-explanatory
