Credit to KevinGame-2
“ | Hey, Darkwing! I may not have a cog but my finger can transform, guess which one? I'll give you a limited option. | „ |
~ Orion Pax to Darkwing |

Credit to IsraelPrime
“ |
I went to the surface, and I learned the truth, my friends. We were all born with Transformation Cogs. And then Sentinel... he stole them from us. He took away our ability to make our own decisions, he stole our freedom. But now, I'm offering you your first real choice. You can work a 23rd shift and mine yourself to death, or fight back against Sentinel with me. Right. Now. What defines a Transformer is not the cog in its chest but the spark that resides in their core... a spark that gives you the will to make your world better. And that spark: Sentinel can never take from us. If we want to be in control of our own destiny, we will have to fight for it. Now is the time for us to stand up. For ourselves. Stand up for this injustice! I promise you, this fight will be worth it. Follow me; nothing can stop us when we stand together! Together as one. |
„ |
~ Orion Pax's first ever speech

Credit to R4D1TYAP
“ |
And now we stand here together as one. Proving we all have the power to transform. To become who we were destined to be. To right wrongs, to make our world better. Because here, freedom and autonomy are the rights of all sentient beings. Here, all are truly Autobots. This message is a warning to all Quintessons: if you dare return to Cybertron, the Autobots will be waiting. I will be waiting. I - am Optimus Prime. |
„ |
~ Optimus Prime
Orion Pax was just a simple cogless miner from the planet of Cybertron. When first assigned to mining Energon, he met a fellow Cybertronian called D-16, who he would become fast friends with. D-16 always wished to stick to protocol, but the reckless, adventurous Orion believed the miners could be more, could be respected by the higher classes of Cyberton. This desire would lead him to following a distress call left by one of the dead Primes, Alpha Trion, on his first expedition to the surface, accompanied also by B-127 and his senior, Elita-1.
Visiting the remains, Alpha Trion would be re-activated and reveal a horrifying truth: That the leader of Cybertron, Sentinel Prime, had betrayed the Primes and bargained with the Quintessons, Cybertron's greatest enemies. Sentinel would remove the Cogs of vast numbers of Transformers at birth to keep them subservient and doing what he desired. To that end, Alpha Trion gave all four of them the Cogs of his deceased comrades: the power to change the world.
Horrified and betrayed, Pax vowed to return to the capital city of Iacon and reveal the truth to everyone. While D-16 resorted to violence and power to accomplish the mission, Orion Pax would discover the leader inside of him. A phenomenal rallying speech to the miners would inspire them to fight alongside himself and the Cybertronian High Guard against Sentinel Prime. Leading from the front, Orion successfully exposed Sentinel for his crimes and defeated him. but would be accidentally killed by D-16 who was attempting to publicly execute Sentinel, and Pax fell to his death.
This would not be the end of Orion Pax. Primus, the Transformer God, saw his leadership and eventual sacrifice. Primus granted him the strongest Cog of all: the Matrix of Leadership. In doing so, Optimus Prime was born. Optimus Prime immediately flew back from Cybertron's core to Iacon to face his former friend D-16, now Megatron. He would ultimately win the battle and banish Megatron for his treason. Thence with the Matrix of Leadership, he gave all Cybertronians Cogs and restored Energon to the entire planet. Alongside Bee and Elita, Optimus Prime formed the Autobots from the miners of Cybertron, and vowed to strike if the Quintessons dared to return.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Likely 8-C | At least 8-C, likely 5-B | At least 5-B, far higher with Energon Weapons
Key: Orion Pax (Without Cog) | Orion Pax (Cog) | Optimus Prime
Name: Orion Pax (also as just "Orion" or "Pax"), "Oreyon Pix" (Incorrectly said) | Optimus Prime
Origin: Transformers
Gender: Male
Age: Under 50 Cycles (See Notes)
Classification: Cybertronian, Transformer, miner | Resistance leader | Prime, Bearer of the Matrix, Leader of the Autobots
Powers and Abilities:
All previous powers greatly enhanced.
- Body Control (Cogs allow a Transformer to not only change their body's appearance, but manipulate and use their parts in different situations. Pax's smokestacks are a great example of this)
- Large Size (Type 0: Is nearly double the height of miners he used to compare to)
- Acrobatics (Shown numerous times)
- Shapeshifting (Can transform into a Cybertronian Truck, which increases his travel speed and has combat application)
- Weapon Mastery (Is freakishly adept with weaponry he has never used before)
- Social Influencing
- Limited Flight and Fire Manipulation (Via smokestacks: which allow Orion to propel himself in any direction and control his descent. Should be capable of a lesser form of what Prime would later do)
- Immortality (Type 2: Survived a point-blank hit from D-16's Fusion Cannon, which took off the left side of his upper body. Pax only succumbed after the fall)
All abilities and powers tremendously enhanced, and possesses the Matrix of Leadership.
- Blessed (Only those deemed worthy by Primus can wield the Matrix of Leadership. Those attempting to steal it will be rejected)
- Resurrection and Immortality (Type 4: The Matrix revived Orion from death as Optimus Prime and regenerated his body)
- Energy Manipulation and Creation (Can create unlimited Energon, easily restoring Cybertron’s resources after their desolation by many cycles under Sentinel Prime. Created Cogs for every cogless Transformer)
- Greater Fire Manipulation and True Flight (His larger, enhanced smokestacks can fashion themselves as twin flamethrowers. Flew all the way from Cybertron’s core to Iacon)
- Aura (Created an aura during his flight which destroyed a large chunk of a building)
- Energy Projection via the Matrix of Leadership:
- Natural Weaponry (Can fashion an Energon Axe from his hand which scales above his own power and can fire mid-range beams)
- Explosion Manipulation (Created a large AOE explosion that sent Megatron flying)
- Instinctive Reaction (Caught a missile before he had even detected it)
- Attack Reflection (Deflected all of a blitz attack from Megatron with his Energon Axe)
- Likely Regeneration (Low-Mid: Likely scales to Megatron, who easily reattached his gun after Prime ripped it off. Should be able to replicate the regenerative feat of his resurrection using the Matrix of Leadership)
- Resistance to Power Nullification (Only Optimus Prime can touch the Matrix of Leadership, therefore making it impossible to remove it and nullify his power)
Attack Potency: Likely Building level (Knocked down Darkwing in combination with D-16, a senior official in Sentinel’s regime who should compare to those like Airachnid. Orion is, however, still vastly inferior to him) | At least Building level (OHKOd Darkwing. Should be comparable if not stronger than Elita-1, who subdued Airachnid. The latter in turn could knock out a weakened Alpha Trion. Scales to his durability) likely Planet level (Should not be far off his future power level, scaling from D-16, who was capable of killing a weakened Sentinel Prime (who possesses Megatronus Prime’s Cog) and had to physically knock Orion down to win a struggle) | At least Planet level (His Cog is the Matrix of Leadership. The Matrix is capable of restoring all of Cybertron’s Energon, which had been ransacked by Sentinel Prime, and was implied to be capable of doing this forever. Fought Megatron mostly evenly despite having less combat experience and grew into the fight), far higher with Energon Weapons (His Axe sliced clean through Megatron’s Fusion Cannon, instantly defeating him)
Speed: Superhuman travel speed, likely higher in combat (Based off later feats, though the extent is unknown) | Superhuman travel speed on foot, Subsonic in Alt Mode (Can transform into a truck form, which can be further propelled by boosters in his smokestacks), likely Massively Hypersonic in combat (Scaling to D-16 and somewhat to Sentinel Prime) | Superhuman travel speed on foot, Subsonic in Alt Mode, Massively Hypersonic Flight and Combat speed (Flew from Cybertron’s core to Iacon in 40 seconds. Even conservative estimate of Prime flying 2/3 of Earth’s radius (due to Iacon being underground) comes out at over 100,000 m/s, comfortably sitting in this tier. Used his flight in combat. Caught a missile without even looking at it)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Likely Building level | At least Building level, likely Planet level (Scales to D-16 and Alpha Trion) | At least Planet level (Decimated Starscream, Shockwave and Soundwave in a 1v3), far higher with Energon Weapons
Durability: Likely Building level | At least Building level (Undamaged crashing a train into Sentinel’s chamber. Resisted Airachnid, who along with the Vehicons created huge explosions. Should be relative to those such as Starscream and other High Guard personnel who easily destroyed metal pillars), likely Planet level | At least Planet level (Powered by the Matrix of Leadership), Ressurection and potential Regeneration make Prime extremely difficult to kill.
Stamina: Likely Superhuman | Superhuman (Spent a day without rest returning to Iacon and then fought at the front of a battle against Sentinel Prime) | Superhuman (Immediately after resurrecting, Optimus Prime fought Megatron and won. Was unfased after being pummelled multiple times by Megatron, and obliterated Starscream, Shockwave and Soundwave during said battle despite all of them attacking Prime together), possibly Infinite (Due to the unlimited energy reserves in the Matrix of Leadership)
Range: Standard Melee Range | Extended Melee Range (via sheer size alone), Tens of Meters with guns | Further Extended Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Energon Axe, Matrix explosions, Aura and Flamethrowers, potentially Hundreds of Meters with Axe beams. Planetary with Matrix of Leadership (Repowered all of Cyberton with Energon)
Standard Equipment:
- Transformation Cog: All Transformers are born with Transformation Cogs. However Orion Pax's Cog was, like many, removed at birth by Sentinel Prime to produce a subservient population. Eventually, Alpha Trion would bestow a Prime Cog upon Pax, massively increasing his stature, bolstering his physical capabilities, and allowing him to transform himself into a truck. This "Alt Mode" gives him significantly higher speed on land. The Cog also granted Orion other abilities, such as propulsion via his new smokestacks.
- Matrix of Leadership: Deemed worthy by Primus for his nobility and leadership, Orion Pax would be given the greatest artifact on Cybertron: The Matrix of Leadership, bringing him back from death as Optimus Prime. It's unlimited energy allowed Optimus to restore all of Cybertron's ransacked Energon, and would once again enhance Prime's physical capabilities. Notable new abilities are vastly larger smokestacks, which give Prime full flight and double as flamethrowers, a destructive aura and the ability to use Energon for weapons. It's greatest advantage over Prime's previous Cog, aside from raw power, is that it can only be used by those deemed "worthy" and therefore cannot be removed by others.
- Jetpack: Orion possesses a jetpack, which he used to try and win the Iacon 5000, and would later use it in the Iacon rebellion.
- Miscellaneous guns and weapons: Notable examples include the hand saws he used and a rifle.
- Energon Axe: Optimus Prime's iconic Energon Axe from his early iterations returns in Transformers One, fashioned from his hand. The Axe is incredibly powerful, capable of cutting through Megatron's body, firing beams and deflecting projectiles via spinning.
Intelligence: Genius combatant, strategist and leader. It is not for no reason that Primus deemed Optimus Prime worthy of the Matrix of Leadership. Despite his relative inexperience, and his rise occurring in the course of a day, Optimus Prime is a freak who became a competent combatant literally overnight. Once he had being designated a Prime, he quickly took down Megatron, a progidy in equal right to him. Arguably even more impressive was his dismantling of Starscream, Shockwave and Soundwave, High Guard commanders who have been around since the original Primes fell. Rapidly adapts to his toolkit and weapons despite no notable combat experiences, including firing rifles accurately mid-jump, using saw blades, and using his Energon Axe to turn the tide against Megatron. Optimus Prime is also a phenomenal commander, successfully planning to use Airachnid’s memories to expose Sentinel Prime, being able to rally even Shockwave and Soundwave to fight alongside him, and leading the miners to battle. Simply put, the dethroning of Sentinel would’ve been unsuccessful without Orion’s leadership. Aside from these specialities, Prime is fairly competent with Cybertronian technology.
Weaknesses: Reckless and sometimes unthinking | As before, though these weaknesses are gone by the time Orion returns to Iacon. His Cog can be removed or destroyed, which could depower or outright kill him. | None from before. Fairly inexperienced, though rapidly adapts to a battle.
- Since Transformers One is fairly fresh, any contributions are welcome!
- “Cycles” are effectively Cybertronian years, as in cycles around Cybertron’s sun. Orion was born after Sentinel took control of Cybertron, so under 50 cycles. That said, cycles have been implied across Transformers media to be much longer than Earth years, so Orion is considerably older than just 50 years.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: