Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz, and everything that she believed in!
~ Pearl

Summary SU[]

Pearl is a member of the Crystal Gems. One of Rose Quartz's closest followers and her sole confidant, Pearl is one of the last surviving Gems on Earth who joined the Crystal Gems in their rebellion against the Gem Homeworld. Pearl would afterward protect the Earth over the next several millennia alongside her friends, while later teaching Rose's son, Steven, the ways of Gems.


Tier: High 6-C, 6-B, 6-A, 5-A, possibly High 4-C, likely Low 2-C to possibly 2-A

Name: Pearl

Origin: Steven Universe

Gender: Genderless (Though appears as and commonly referred to as female)

Age: Over 10,000 years old

Classification: Gem, Crystal Gem, Quartz Warrior


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Gem Physiology (Grants Regeneration (High-Mid), Immortality (Types 1 and 3), Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation, Body Control, Biological Manipulation, Fusionism, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3), Automatic-adjustment to different strengths of gravity, Pocket Reality Manipulation (All Gems have a pocket dimension of infinite size contained within their gemstone), Water Walking, Sealing (Via Bubbles), and BFR (Via Bubbles)), Weapon Mastery (Expert Spear wielder, swordsman, and tonfa wielder), Energy Projection, Technology Manipulation (Can interface and control Gem technology), Vehicular Mastery, Light Manipulation, Holographic Self-Duplication, Sand Manipulation, Weather Manipulation (Can freely manipulate clouds and fog)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Large Island Level (Pierced through Peridot's escape pod, twice. Simultaneously poofed two Quartzes, who should be superior to Amethyst), Country level (Can destroy the diamond's warships, which generated 27.63207456978967258 Teratonnes of TNT with an earthquake), Continent Level (Comparable to the likes of the Rubies, who are capable of enduring getting hit by the Roaming Eye), Large Planet Level (Jasper is portrayed as a match for to if not possibly superior to Lapis), possibly Large Star level (Bismuth and Connie’s sword damaging the Diamond Warships that could hold their own against the Cluster), likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+ (Comparable to gems capable of shattering other gems, which a gem's gemstone functions as a pocket dimension. Amethyst in the comics that their gemstones are "kinda like a wallet but more infinite," and in the episode "A Single Pale Rose," we see Steven go into Pearl's gemstone and at various points there are visible celestial bodies like moons, stars and even the intergalactic corrupting light. Shattering a gem causes their consciousness to be fragmented across all the shards. This means that any time a gem is shattered their mind is fragmented into a finite number of pieces, and since any fraction of infinity is infinity, this means an infinite (And thus universe-sized) portion of each dimension is destroyed in the process)


FTL+ (Consistently dodges attacks from gems such as Amethyst and Bismuth, who could pick up Rose's sword and impale before she could even react. Fought and defeated several high-difficulty Holo-Pearls. Could keep up with the likes of Topaz. Could pilot the Roaming Eye, which flew from Earth to the asteroid belt in 16.25 seconds and dodge incoming asteroids from extremely close range), possibly Massively FTL+ (Jasper could catch Lapis, who flew from Earth to the Gem homeworld)

Lifting Strength[]

At least Class M (Stronger to Steven. could partially restrain Spinel)

Striking Strength[]

Large Island Class, Country Class, Continent Class, Large Planet Class, possibly Large Star Class, likely Universal+ to possibly Multiversal+


Large Island level, Country level, Continent Level, Large Planet Level, possibly Large Star level, likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+ (Should be more durable than a Ruby, Can take hits from Amethyst), possibly higher (Withstood multiple hits from Sugilite)


Limitless so long as her gem isn't damaged or destroyed


Extended melee range, Dozens of meters with ranged attacks


Spears(s) (upgraded to be a trident), Swords, Tonfas, Said to have a magic axe


Very High (Capable of building a functioning spaceship and a combat-ready robot out of spare parts in a very short time span)


Sufficient damage to her physical form can revert her back to her vulnerable gem form, which can be broken and destroyed, Shapeshifting can only be maintained for a limited amount of time.

Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

  • Spear Proficiency: Through her many years of training, Pearl can summon her weapon, a pearlescent spear. Pearl is very skilled in the art of spear-wielding and goes in tandem with her pattern of fighting that involves formal (Ballet) dancing. She moves gracefully and swiftly, attacking with grace and poise. She stays calm and collected during melee battles, duels, and skirmishes. Pearl also has great skill in throwing her spear. This was proven in "Giant Woman", and "Beach Party". Pearl's spear has been upgraded to be able to turn into a trident.
    • Dual Wielding: Pearl is capable of wielding dual spears in battle, implying she is ambidextrous.
    • Energy Projection: Pearl can fire arrow-like blasts of energy from the tip of her spear. This can be done as rapid-fire or charged to unleash a more powerful blast. In Attack the Light, this ability is named "Fireball".
    • Spear Throw: Pearl can throw her spear with enough force to pass through multiple enemies, dealing damage.
  • Swordsmanship: Pearl is an expert sword wielder, preferring to use a straight-edged saber rather than a spear in one-on-one combat. Pearl's parries are tight and minimalist; her offense is a pattern that is specific to the environment. This pattern consists of lunges, thrusts, and horizontal slashes. In addition, she was able to tutor Connie in the art as well, with the latter becoming proficient enough to take down Corrupted Gems by herself when wielding Rose's Sword.
  • Engineering: On multiple occasions, Pearl has demonstrated an aptitude for mechanical engineering, ranging from reverse-engineering Flask Robonoids to constructing a combat-ready robot on short notice. She also constructed a rocket in an attempt to leave Earth, proving herself able to compete with an "expert" mechanic such as Peridot.
  • Gem-tech Interfacing: While not to the extent of Peridot, she was first shown in "Jail Break" and later shown in "Friendship", able to interface and control Gem technology such as the Gem Warship and, to a greater extent, Peridot's escape pod. When she interfaces with Gem-tech, her eyes become overlapped with what looks like a programming code.
  • Water-Walking: Pearl can walk on water, an ability she shares with Opal, Lion, and Lapis Lazuli.
  • Photokinesis: Pearl can use her gemstone to light up dark places. She shares this ability with Garnet and Peridot.
  • Levitation: Pearl temporarily levitates to battle Sugilite in "Coach Steven". She shares this ability with the other two remaining Crystal Gems.
  • Pocket Dimension: As shown in "Library" Pearl is able to store objects in a pocket dimension located within her gemstone. She can also send people to this pocket dimension.
    • Item Summon: Pearl has the ability to materialize different items out of her gemstone. The three items summoned so far were police tape in "Lars and the Cool Kids", the Mirror in "Mirror Gem" and bandages in "Sworn to the Sword".
  • Holographic Projection: Pearl can project holographic images from her gemstone, which she uses mainly as a visual aid when lecturing Steven. While most of the holograms seem to be intangible, some, like Holo-Pearl, are able to interact with solid matter. Furthermore, the holograms can function without Pearl's presence for up to two weeks, implying that her holograms can live independently. In "Chille Tid", it is shown Pearl's dreams are projected as holograms as she sleeps.
    • Self-Duplication: Aside from Holo-Pearls, which is projected through her gemstone, Pearl can also replicate herself several times into hologram-esque clones of herself, as seen in "Beach Party".
  • Psammokinesis: Pearl is shown manipulating a small amount of sand to create figurines in "Giant Woman". It is currently unknown how much sand she can control at one time. This ability has only been shown once so far.
  • Nephelokinesis: In "Sworn to the Sword", Pearl can channel clouds in the direction of her choice, able to gather clouds surrounding the arena around her to create a fine mist, reducing visibility and able to quickly dissipate. Additionally, in "Mr. Greg", Pearl forms overhead clouds into depictions of herself, Rose, and Greg during the song "It's Over Isn't It".


Note 1: In the episode "Adventures in Light Distortion," Pearl makes a claim that Gems cannot move faster than light or else their light construct bodies will be left behind. However, there are numerous instances of gems moving faster than light without adverse effects on their forms.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
