Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Pedoleon (ペドレオン, Pedoreon) are the space beasts in Ultraman Nexus TV series. They appeared in episodes 1-4, 12, and 37. They are known for their appetite for gasoline, ethanol and oil, as well as living organisms including humans.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A to 8-C | 7-C | Varies from 7-C to 3-C

Key: Kureain | Furigin | Guros

Name: Pedoleon

Origin: Ultraman Nexus

Gender: None

Age: Unknown

Classification: Space Beast

Powers and Abilities:

All abilities of Guros, as well as:

Attack Potency: Small Building level (Far superior to Beast Human. Easily devour a human and can perform superhuman jump. Comparable to its durability) to Building level (Easily devour a car. Comarable to it's durability) | Town level (Can generate this much kinetic energy) | Varies from Town level (Should far stronger than its Furigin form) to Galaxy level (Was able to fight against Junis Nexus and even harm him while in Meta Field)

Speed: Superhuman (Can perform superhuman jump much faster than human) to Subsonic (Via sheer size) | Supersonic+ flight speed (Comparable to Nexus's speed, at least while on earth), with Massively FTL+ reactions speed (Should be faster than its Guros form) | Subsonic speed (via sheer size), with Massively FTL+ reactions speed (Can keep up with Nexus)

Lifting Strength: Class K (Physically far stronger than human. Easily devoured a human and seemingly crushing a whole human, which reuqires this much force) | Class M (Can move it's weigh around 30.000 tons) | Class M (Comparable to Nexus)

Striking Strength: Small Building Class to Building Class | Town Class | Varies from Town Class to Galactic

Durability: Small Building level (Tanked Divait Launcher shot and required multiple shots to killed it, Divait Launcher is capable of vaporizing Bugbuzun human-sized in one shot which require this much energy) to Building level (Tanked Chrome Chester multiple missiles in the tunnel) | Town level | Varies from Town level to Galaxy level

Stamina: High (Can stay up all night waiting for its next victim to be feed off. Has shown no sign of tiring while battling against Nexus)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters via tentacles | Tens of Meters via sheer size | Tens of Meters via sheer size, Hundreds of Meters via fireball

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: At least Average (Stated that it's learned the previous battle against Night Raiders and begin to developed a defense by using humans as a meatshield. Himeya also stated that Space Beast like Pedoleon can lure anyone into their traps, just so they can gather and absorb the information, by doing that so they can became even stronger, just like malicious virus.)

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
