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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Pennywise the Dancing Clown, also known as IT, is a mysterious, malevolent shapeshifting alien that crash-landed on Earth millions of years ago, where the town of Derry, Maine would come to reside. Ever since then, every 27 years, it will wake up to terrorize the unsuspecting residence of Derry, Maine, transforming into their greatest fears and causing horrific tragedies. For many generations, Pennywise has claimed the lives of countless souls with no issue, until he came across the Losers Club, who through sheer willpower and teamwork, were able to finally slay it.

Pennywise serves as the main villain of both IT (2017) and IT: Chapter Two, who is played by Bill Skarsgård.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B physically. At least 9-A via Environmental Destruction, possibly 1-S | 1-S via the Deadlights/True Form

Keys: Base | True Form

Name: Unknown true name (Outside of the various forms it takes, it is unknown of the true identity of this creature, if it even has one), Pennywise the Dancing Clown (Or just Pennywise for short. Taken from an actual performer), IT (By the Losers Club), The Eater of Worlds (Self-proclaimed).

Origin: IT (Composite/All versions), The Dark Tower

Gender: Genderless, likely male

Age: Millions of years, varies physically via shapeshifting | Immeasurable

Classification: Evil Otherworldly Shapeshifter | Malicious Cosmic Force, Living Lights, likely a Demon Elemental

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity (Has been around for millions of years), Immortality (Type 2 - Can survive having a pole stabbed through his head. Survived getting stabbed through the chest by poles multiple times. Can survive without a head. Survived being shot in the head by a captive bolt pistol, twice. Can survive as just a head. - Type 3 - See Regeneration for explanation. Type 8 - Pennywise is reliant on the Deadlights, which are capable of creating new versions of Pennywise, Type 7 - Can turn into undead beings like mummies), Regeneration (Mid - Regenerated after having a pole pierced through his head. Similarly regenerated after having a bolt gun shot into his head), Shapeshifting (The main power of Pennywise is its ability to reshape its form into essentially anything it wants, usually to take the form of the fears of its victims. Pennywise can either transform his entire body, or transform individual parts of himself. There seems to be no known limit to Pennywise's shapeshifting capabilities, and it grants him a wide array of utilities), Size Manipulation (Along with its shape, Pennywise can change its size to drastic proportions at will, both big and small; Turned himself into a Paul Bunyan Statue that is twenty-five feet tall. His spider form towers over the Losers Club. Transformed from a short old lady into a tall naked monster. Turned from a small Pomeranian dog into a freakish mockery of one that rivaled Eddie and Richie in height within a flash. Shapeshifted into Georgie, and later turned back into its clown form, where we see its limbs elongate in action. Grew to a size to where he took up most of Bill's garage), Biological Manipulation (Its shapeshifting also morphs its biology too. Pennywise can change its sex, being able to change from male to female at will. Pennywise can remove all biology from his form in general, turning into inorganic objects), Age Manipulation (Can change his physical age, being able to change into small children, middle-aged adults, and senior citizens at will), Flight (Can transform into birds, where he can then fly. As the Deadlights, it naturally floats around), Enhanced Senses (Can transform into any kind of animal to gain their senses, such as dogs), Multilocation (Type 2 - Can appear as multiple entities, such as here, where he was simultaneously a small dog and his spider form. In It: Chapter 2, he was simultaneously carving "home at last" into Ben's stomach while terrorizing Richie, Bill, and Eddie as Stan's severed head. There is also this scene, with a zombie horde that could be him, but this could just be his Necromancy), Vocal Mimicry (Can mimic the voices of others), Surface Scaling (When in the form of something that can vertical surfaces, like a spider), Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; Can transform into living objects, with the best example being a Paul Bunyan Statue), Bodily Weaponry (Claws, sharp teeth, spider legs, tongue, spikes, tentacles, etc), Large Size (Up to Type 0; Such as in his Paul Bunyan and spider forms), Small Size (Down to Type 1; Such as in his Pomeranian form), Additional Limbs (Has been seen growing multiple limbs on a few occasions. His spider form has eight limbs, and his Stanley head form has even more than that), Self-Sustenance (Type 1 - Can transform into things that don't require air, such as his Paul Bunyan form, which doesn't have any organs at all, and its hag form, who was fine after being underwater for an extended period of time), Body Control (Stuffed himself inside a refrigerator, contorting and twisting his body in hideously abnormal ways. Can change the colors of his pupils, we can see this clearly in his encounter with Georgie, where his eyes change from blue to orange. Can puke at will. Caused his face to droop while calling out for Richie. Can unhinge his jaw, or open up his face at will. Can rotate his head at a 180 degree turn), Projectile Vomiting, Elasticity (In his regular Pennywise form, he stretched out his arm to grab Georgie by the leg. In his spider form, he elongated his limbs twice, one to reach out for Richie and Eddie, and the other time to impale Eddie through the chest), Extrasensory Perception (Can smell and taste fear), Illusion Creation (Another power Pennywise usually uses is illusions. Pennywise can make his victims see or hear anything he wants with his capability of creating ridiculously realistic illusions, such as the voices of his previous victims, people that are burning alive, music, balloons, body parts, creatures, people, etc. These illusions can be very elaborate as well, as Pennywise was able to make Beverly's old home normal when in actuality it was abandoned and decrepit), Reality Warping, Creation (Regularly conjures things into reality, just as hordes of balloons, missing posters, tar, a doll replica of Richie filled with maggots, currents of blood, insects like fireflies, rocky spikes, water, entire rooms, etc), Perception Manipulation (Pennywise can choose who sees it and his illusions; Flooded Beverly's bathroom with blood, so much so that it stains every inch of the room, and yet Beverly's father was completely unable to see it. Created a balloon along with music that only Ben could see, despite this taking place in a silent library filled with other people. The fortune cookie scene is perhaps the best scene of this, where Pennywise was causing all sorts of chaos with his powers, and the Losers Club were the only ones that could see it), Social Influencing (Pennywise, while in its clown form, was able to charm Georgie and Victoria, luring them in so he can eat them. Convinced Henry to go on a killing spree. Regularly uses psychological and fear tactics against his opponent.), Incorporeality (Pennywise's true form is the Deadlights, which are three glowing spheres of pure light), Mind Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, and Memory Manipulation (Thousands of minds; Pennywise is constantly manipulating the minds of the people of Derry, either so it can easily get away with its heinous actions, or torment his victims; Made it to where the parents of Derry are either aggressive or absurdly neglectful, even when faced with Ben getting ganged up on by Bower's gang. The Deadlights, while funneled through Pennywise, can put others into a catatonic state upon being looked at. This process has been described as "Hypnotizing". Is likely responsible for the many crimes caused by the residence of Derry, such as causing a group of people to assault a gay couple), Dream Manipulation and Alternate Future Display (Via the Deadlights, Pennywise haunted Beverly with nightmares that show futures of her, and the rest of the Losers Club dying), Teleportation and BFR (Repeatedly has used this to appear or disappear within a moments notice. Pennywise can also teleport others, like when he transported Stanley away from his friends, and deeper into his lair), Fear Empowerment (Pennywise feeds on fear, which gives him power, and a lack of fear can decrease his power), Clairvoyance (Knew the names of all his victims before ever actually meeting them, and seems to know where the Losers Club are at all times), Biological Manipulation, Organic Manipulation, Blood Manipulation and Hair Manipulation (Can create beings made of organic matter. Created a copy of Georgie, which he then caused to rapidly decay on the spot to torment Bill. Can create currents of flood that can flood rooms. Attacked Beverly with her own hair, using them like ropes to restrain her), Body Puppetry (Controlled a copy of Georgie like some sick puppet), Necromancy (Can raise the dead, bringing them back as zombies. Brought back Patrick as a zombie to deliver his knife to him while in the mental hospital, and it even drove him around from place to place in a car), Animal Manipulation (Can create animals, such as when he manifested a bat and bird embryo inside the Loser's fortune cookies, or in his Paul Bunyan form where he puked up bats. Created a firefly, which he used to lure in Victoria), Life Manipulation (Can create living creatures. Seemingly brought a series of clown dolls to life, as implied with their heads following Richie as he passes by), Heat Manipulation and Adhesive Manipulation (A couple times throughout the movies, Pennywise created streams of hot tar), Light Manipulation (Pennywise can project the Deadlights through either his mouth or eyes), Status Effect Inducement and Paralysis Inducement (The Deadlights, upon visual contact, will cause the viewer to go into a catatonic state, leaving them in a paralyzed trance), Smoke Manipulation (The Deadlights can create smoke), Air Manipulation (After creating a giant balloon, he filled it with an immense amount of air until it popped), Transmutation (Somewhat passive. The Deadlights, as they passed by the walls of the cave, turned them into flesh with teeth sticking out), Deconstruction (Can cause things to rapidly wither away, including people), Immersion (Appeared inside of, and popped out of a projector. Appeared inside a TV to convince Henry to go on a killing spree. Appeared inside a street painting to spy on the Losers Club. Went inside a painting, and later climbed out of it, in order to frighten Stanley), Technology Manipulation (Passive. Pennywise's presence seems to mess with technology, as lights begin to flicker while he is nearby. Pennywise can also turn on technology at will, such as when he turned the lights in Georgie's room on. Made a projector go through slides by itself), Spatial Manipulation (In IT, it not only stretched out a room, but created two more doorways that lead to different rooms, ignoring the layout of the house that would make this impossible. Recreated Bill's childhood basement, the Loser Club's clubhouse, and a school bathroom stall in order to torment Beverly, Bill, and Ben), Gravity Manipulation (Passive. Regularly causes things to literally float; His blood it regularly seen floating by itself. Made it to where corpses and garbage float around in his lair in circles. Victims exposed to the Deadlights also float off of the ground. Indirectly caused several rocks to break apart upon his death with this ability), Telekinesis (Pennywise can control things with his mind; In this one scene alone, Pennywise uses this ability to great effect, controlling several things at once. Telekinetically closing doors, moving curtains, opening a coffin lid, and causing the floor to collapse all without touching them. In It: Chapter Two, it flung both Ben and Beverly into two different rooms. Seemingly broke a lock without touching it), Invisibility and Intangibility (In It: Chapter Two, there is a scene where Pennywise turns invisible, becoming only viewable through mirrors, and carves "Home at last" into Ben's stomach before almost slitting his throat with a knife. Mike and Beverly were unable to physically touch Pennywise in this state either), Earth Manipulation (Upon crash-landing on Earth, Pennywise created projected several rock spikes from the ground. In the alternate version of the clubhouse, he flooded it with dirt in an attempt to bury Ben alive), Probability Manipulation (After the end of his feeding cycle, a big disaster always happen that ends up killing a lot of people, such as the Ironworks explosion. Every bad thing that happens in Derry is directly because of one thing, that "thing" being Pennywise), Text Manipulation (Changed the text on some fortunate cookies to form "Guess Stanley could not cut it". Replaced the content of several pages in a book to the same picture, with each page slowly zooming in to clearly show the decapitated head of a child), Thread Manipulation, Avatar Creation (The Pennywise we all know is a mere avatar that is created and controlled by the Deadlights), Nigh-Omnipresence (All universes and levels within the multiverse are part of the Dark Tower) and Omnipresence (Inside of Deadlights) | All previous abilities from before, minus type 9 Immortality, Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Large Size (Type 11 - The Deadlights are essentially a living realm that exists beyond the rest of the Dark Tower cosmology, with the exceptions of Maturin and Gan; Is described as a darkness beyond everything, all lands, even the Macroverse/Todash Darkness, the edge to absolutely everything. The Macroverse is a directionless void beyond all physical worlds, far beyond the Dark Tower. The Dark Tower encompasses and holds the proper alignment for all of time, space, size, and dimensionality. Is described as a nightmare spider beyond all of time and space. Is described as "an endless crawling hairy thing which was made of light and nothing else"), Greater Acausality (Type 4 - Exists beyond time and space. Exists far beyond the Dark Tower, which encompasses and holds the proper alignment for all of time, space, size, and dimensionality), Greater Mind Manipulation and Madness Manipulation (Type 3 - Looking into the Deadlights can drive the viewer insane, destroying their mind, causing all thought to cease. Looking into the Deadlights can even kill the viewer by shock, causing blood to discharge from their brain. Can pull minds into the Deadlights, absorbing them. In the book Insomnia, looking into the Deadlights is said to be capable of delivering a fate worse than death. If anything, death would be the best outcome for the viewer), Incorporeality (The Deadlights are actual lights. Described as unshaped, formless, and non-geometrical), Absorption (Can absorb minds into its mass), Immortality (Type 5 - Those in the void where the Deadlights reside are described as alive yet not alive. The Deadlights are described as a mockery to life itself. Exists far beyond the Dark Tower, which encompasses the concept of life itself), Regeneration (High-Godly), Transduality (Type 2 - Exists beyond everything, in the outlands beyond all lands, far transcending the Dark Tower and its contents. The Dark Tower is an archetypal structure that encompasses all concepts like life, space, time, size, dimensionality, etc), Possession (The Deadlights are capable of entering our reality by possessing a host, as established in Later), Soul Manipulation (The Deadlights, through their possession, are capable of destroying souls)

Attack Potency: Wall level physically (It regularly and easily mutilates humans; Tore off Georgie's arm, and later on tore off another kids arm. Presumably has decapitated several people, with heads just lying around his lair, which would require 1,090 to 3,585 Joules. Was able to easily slash through Ben's stomach. Presumably also has torn off the jaws of several people, considering the amount of jawless decapitated heads in its lair. Bisected Betty. Dismembered Adrian off-screen. Pennywise, through repeated headbutts, was able to smash through some thick glass in order to get a child. Superior to the Losers Club members, who can fight on par with Henry Bowers. In the form of a Paul Bunyan statue, It was able to easily pierce through concrete, create large gashes in the ground, and destroyed a gazebo in one swing. Pennywise's spider form should be this level from sheer size alone, but in this form it was able to easily pierce Eddie through the chest, and smash apart rocks). At least Small Building level via Environmental Destruction (Upon death, Pennywise caused its lair to collapse. Not only destroying the Neibolt house, but the cavern and sewers below it), possibly Extraverse level (via cosmology). A number of Pennywise's abilities bypass conventional durability | Extraverse level (A darkness that exists beyond the end of the Macroverse, the outlands beyond all lands. The Macroverse/Todash Darkness is a void of possibility beyond all physical worlds, including the Dark Tower. The Macroverse is described as a place that lacks direction. The Deadlights themselves are described as a nightmare spider beyond time and space. The Deadlights are also described as unshaped, formless, and non-geometrical)

Speed: At least Peak Human physically (Was able to rush and attack Patrick before he can properly defend himself, killing him. Similarly blitzed Victoria. At the end of It: Chapter Two, Pennywise used the Deadlights on Richie before he can react in time, despite Richie looking directly at him), Subsonic (Can move as fast as an express-train) to Massively FTL+ (Traveled from "outside of everything" to Earth [19,486c to 47,092c]. Can outpace the members of the Losers Club, who can react to and perceive things while being flung from Earth, to outside the universe, and into the Deadlights within moments [241,945,812,833,4236c to 145,167,487,700,054,140c]. Bill and Richie can also perceive things while going so fast, that Maturin completely disappeared from sight within a single eyeblink [19,566,052,690,007,302,000c]). Speed of Light attack speed via Deadlights (The Deadlights, Pennywise's true form, are actual lights, and their effects come through the beams they emit), Immeasurable | Irrelevant (Pennywise originates from a void beyond everything, including the Macroverse. This means that Pennywise would of had to travel from this void and across the Macroverse, Prim, and Dark Tower in order to reach Earth. Same with the Losers Club feat, but reversed. For the Maturin feat, Maturin is a cosmic turtle that holds all of existence the Dark Tower)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Dismembered Adrian off-screen, which includes the arms. Tore off Georgie's arm, and later on tore off another kids arm. Presumably also has torn off the jaws of several people, considering the amount of jawless decapitated heads in its lair), Class 50 (His spider form should be stronger than most of his forms) | Irrelevant

Striking Strength: Wall Class, possibly Extraversal | Extraversal

Durability: Wall level (Was able to endure a merciless beating from the Losers Club) to Large Mountain level+ (Survived its crash landing on Earth), possibly Extraverse level | Extraverse level. Regeneration and Immortality makes Pennywise a lot harder to kill

Stamina: Superhuman (In between its hibernation periods, Pennywise is active for an entire year, which he spends the entirety of stalking, eating, killing, and scheming restlessly. In IT, Pennywise was able to continue operating as usual after having a pole stabbed through his head. Completely unhindered by setting its own head on fire, even when it burnt down to nearly the skull. Shrugged off being shot in the face by a captive bolt pistol, twice. Showed no signs of pain while repeatedly slamming its face against some thick glass until it broke. Continued fighting after having a pole stabbed through his chest) | Limitless

Range: Varies from Below Standard Melee Range to Several Meters physically via shapeshifting. Hundreds of Kilometers with powers (Pennywise's influence spread all across Derry, Maine) | Irrelevant

Intelligence: At least Gifted (Pennywise is an ancient creature that has been around for millions of years, and has spent that time haunting and terrorizing the residence of Derry, Maine between its periods of dormancy. Thanks to this, Pennywise excels in mind games and uses its abilities to great extent in order to establish fear within its next meal, regularly utilizing their fears, traumas they may have had in the past, loved ones, and/or other vulnerabilities they have. Pennywise regularly orchestrates all of Derry to its benefit, so it can easily get away with its murders, and that its actions don't reach the wider public. Pennywise’s versatility and manipulation skills help it get the jump on unsuspecting others and claim it’s next meal, as it regularly uses it’s clown form to lure in kids and teenagers, all while making them believe he’s no more than a harmless clown. It goes to an extent where he was able to convince Henry Bowers into hunting down and trying to kill the Losers Club. Pennywise is also a master in stealth, with it avoiding the authorities of Derry for many years as it commits mass murder)

Weaknesses: IT is cocky and arrogant. IT relies on the fears of IT's victims, so if they aren't afraid, IT can't harm them. IT can be mortally injured if struck in the Deadlights. Bravery or a lack of fear can weaken it. Arrogant, believing that its superior to humans and prefers to toy with them. Goes into hibernation for long periods of time, leaving it vulnerable to attacks. Belief can weaken it, such as believing that it can be harmed by silver. It must go by the rules of the form it takes, and cannot deny those said rules. It underestimates and scorns humanity, considering them weak and toying with them. It makes mistakes and does illogical things fairly regularly. It is sensitive to psychic energy, so collective belief and courage can overcome it. It goes into hibernation for 26-27 years between cycles, and during that time, it is vulnerable to attack | None notable
