Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Okay you look-a-right here! I baked that into a pizza ONCE and nobody can ever know. Not even the health inspector. Capeesh?
~ Peppino
Peppino Spaghetti

Summary SU[]

Peppino Spaghetti is the main protagonist of the indie game Pizza Tower, who is a frequently anxious and angry Italian chef.

One evening, while Peppino was sitting in his restaurant, the evil flying pizza named Pizzaface barged in and threatened to destroy Peppino's restaurant with a device on top of the Pizza Tower. Peppino did not take lightly of this, and would then begin his quest to take down the Pizza Tower and save his restaurant.


Tier: 9-A, 4-A, higher with higher stages of Mach Run and Body Slam, even higher with Transformations and Optional Equipment, far higher with Rage Power, 7-B Environmental Destruction with Weather Manipulation

Name: Peppino Spaghetti, "Italian man" (By The Noise), "That guy"

Origin: Pizza Tower

Gender: Male

Age: Middle-Aged

Classification: Human, Chef, Owner of Peppino's Pizza


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Breaking the Fourth Wall (Can look at and pose to the player with certain Taunts. Waiting too long on the menu screen without pressing anything will cause Peppino to jump at the player and close the game), Elasticity and Toon Force (Can casually get flattened into a pizza box and recover moments later, and even flattens himself on his own whenever he charges up for a Super Jump. Can enlarge parts of his body like his hands, legs and even his teeth or the entire face. Can delay himself in the air with Taunts, change his direction mid-air after a Super Jump and destroy all on-screen fodder enemies with Super Taunts), Acrobatics (Is surprisingly agile and can perform several acrobatic moves like flips, long jumps, dives and rolls. On top of this, Peppino can also grind on rails and even attack while in mid-air), Social Influencing (Can terrify most enemies with the Mach Run, including ones that can't even be harmed by base Peppino. Befriended most of the bosses by the end of the game), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Can regenerate broken bones and shattered teeth nearly instantly), Weapon Mastery (Can defeat the Vigilante in a gun fight and a game of quick draw. Was a soldier in the military for an unknown period of time, but not long enough to become a veteran), Proficient Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Can parry and counter a variety of different physical attacks including punches, dives, charges and more. Capable of taking on wizards, soldiers, knights and ninjas without much difficulty, and beat The Noise using purely hand-to-hand combat despite the latter using weapons and minions. Should also have this as the result of likely being a trained soldier himself), Vehicular Mastery (Can ride around and perform tricks on a comically small car), Additional Limbs (Has several mutated limbs), Free Movement and Afterimage Creation (Both with the Mach Run; Can create afterimages while running, run on water and even climb and run up walls through sheer speed), Restricted Flight (The Super Jump can send Peppino flying straight upwards until he hits an obstacle), Natural Weaponry (Has parts of his body that he can utilize in combat, such as his teeth), Attack Reflection (With Parries; Can block and reflect all sorts of projectiles back such as cannonballs, arrows and even lightning magic), Limited Non-Physical Interaction (With Super Taunts and Parries; Can block attacks from ghosts with a well-timed Parry and harm ghosts with Super Taunts), Shockwave Creation (His Body Slam can force all on-screen grounded enemies into the air), Stealth Mastery (Was able to sneak around security guards in the level Don't Make A Sound), and Rage Power (Got angry enough during his fight with Pizzaface that he was actually able to challenge him, whereas previously he would get one-shot by Pizzaface. Was enraged enough to the point where he was able to solo every boss up to that point, including Pizzahead), Resistance to Fire Manipulation (Is relatively fine after having the inside of his mouth burst into flames. Can withstand falling into boiling sauce hot enough to set him ablaze) and Cold Temperatures (Was able to traverse through the level Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator, which is cold enough to freeze working fires in their place), possible Resistance to Transmutation (Can instantly turn back to normal after transforming into a pizza and also revert back to his regular self from a Transformation if he gets electrocuted. Is able to turn back into a human from an animatronic)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Small Building level+ (Can destroy at least 4 marble blocks by throwing or punching an enemy through them, by grab-dashing or by Mach Running (Mach 1)), Multi-Solar System level (Broke through the Pizza Tower and defeated Pizzahead, who survived the Pizza Tower being destroyed. The Pizza Tower is a tower that contains an entire realm with various stars and planets), higher with higher stages of Mach Run and Body Slam, even higher with Transformations and Optional Equipment (Most Transformations like Knight Peppino or Boxed Peppino can instantly knock out Stupid Rats, who are impervious to Peppino's base attacks. The Shotgun can one-shot the Toppin Monsters, who in turn can all one-shot Peppino. Peppino's Rocket can also destroy large asteroids), far higher with Rage Power (Could pulverize a large chunk of the Pizza Tower's top. Can challenge and defeat Pizzaface, who was previously unable to be harmed by Peppino and his various Transformations. Was able to stomp every boss in the game including Pizzahead), City level Environmental Destruction with Weather Manipulation (Created and later dispersed a large storm)


Massively Hypersonic+ (Can move at speeds comparable. Can casually dodge, parry and outrun bullets with his Grab Dash. Described as "supersonic" on the game's store page. Can parry a lightning with an uppercut), Sub-Relativistic (Can perform a giant uppercut much faster than natural lightning), far higher with Rage Power

Lifting Strength[]

Class 5 (Can carry large human sized pineapples with relative ease. Is able to casually carry a large key. Capable of physically overpowering and carrying around Peppibots), Class K with Rage Power (Stronger than Pizzahead, who could pull entire chunks of previous levels at supersonic speeds)

Striking Strength[]

Small Building Class+, Multi-Solar System Class, higher with higher stages of Mach Run and Body Slam, even higher with Transformations and Optional Equipment, far higher with Rage Power


Small Building level+ (Can tank the force required to destroy huge asteroids, withstand the force of breaking large metal blocks, and withstand explosions from bombs and missiles strong enough to knock out Stupid Rats. Is fine after running into walls at max speed), Multi-Solar System level, higher with higher stages of Mach Run and Body Slam, even higher with Transformations and Optional Equipment, far higher with Rage Power (Could take attacks from Pizzahead, who is strong enough to pull parts of levels at extremely fast speeds. Could take attacks from Pizzaface, who is able to one-shot a restrained Peppino)


Superhuman (Can get viciously attacked, burnt, crushed, and even electrocuted hundreds of times without any breaks and still be fine. Always overexerts himself when traversing the rooms of the Pizza Tower and seems to never show any signs of tiring)


Varies from Standard Melee Range to Several Meters physically (Via changing the size of his body parts), up to Tens of Meters with Optional Equipment and certain moves like the Super Taunt. At least Hundreds of Meters with Weather Manipulation


None notable

  • Optional Equipment: Multiple Transformations, Tower Secret Treasures, Barrels, Bombs, Weenie Mount, Rockets, Mort the Chicken, Satan's Choice, Pistol, Shotgun and Clown Car


Above Average, likely Gifted (Peppino is a chef that owns a restaurant. On top of this, Peppino is a war veteran, having experience in using guns such as both pistols and shotguns, even being able to out skill other gun users. Peppino can also quickly pick up how to use new abilities without former experience, and is able to use objects such as a weenie, corpse, or trash can lid as a vehicle to get around with. He also has various wrestling skills, be skilled at playing golf, can solve several puzzles, defuse bombs, and navigate through the whole Pizza Tower alongside defeating various bosses)


Constantly anxious or furious no matter the situation. Some of his Transformations can be removed with certain attacks, like electricity-based ones. The Shotgun can be taken away from him with a metal detector.

Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

  • Grab Dash: A charge move that not only gives Peppino a quick speed boost, but also lets him grab and hold enemies above his head. While holding an enemy, he can either perform a Pile Drive with them, or punt them away into other enemies.
  • Mach Run: His full-speed run that allows him to deal far more damage than before, and even destroy certain obstacles that he couldn't before.
  • Roll: A quick action that lets him roll into a ball and go under short gaps.
  • Body Slam: A body slam that acts like a ground pound. If in the air for long enough, it can deal increased damage and destroy objects like large metal blocks.
  • Rising Uppercut: An uppercut Peppino can perform in the air that gives a short boost in the air, almost like a double jump.
  • Pile Drive: A move that lets Peppino hold onto and slam an enemy from the air into the ground.
  • Dive: A quick dive that Peppino can do while using the Mach Run.
  • Dive Drop: A ground pound attack Peppino can switch to while using his Dive.
  • Super Jump: A large jump Peppino can do if he crouches while using the Mach Run. The Super Jump can send him straight upwards, letting him reach areas he couldn't before.
  • Taunt: A quick pose Peppino does. If timed correctly, the Taunt can act as a parry and reflect projectiles, as well as block physical attacks.
  • Super Taunt: A pose Peppino does that instantly destroys all on-screen enemies.

  • Ball Peppino: A Transformation that morphs Peppino's body into a ball, letting him roll into enemies similar to a bowling ball.
  • Knight Peppino: A Transformation that gives Peppino a heavy set of knight armour, a powerful sword and the ability to double jump. Going down steep slopes with this Transformation will cause Peppino to slide down out of control, dealing massive damage to any enemies in the way.
  • Firemouth Peppino: A Transformation that sets Peppino's mouth on fire, allowing him to ignite stuff such as TNT fuses, and even gaining him the ability to dash while in mid-air.
  • Ghost Peppino: A Transformation that turns Peppino into a ghost, giving him the abilities to fly and pass through objects.
  • Sticky Cheese Peppino: A Transformation that covers Peppino in a sticky cheese, letting him stick onto surfaces as well as damage Stupid Rats.
  • Boxed Peppino: A Transformation that forces Peppino to be in a pizza box granting him the abilities to go through tight spaces, double jump and deal increased damage.
  • Bomb: A bomb Peppino can steal that has a big blast radius and a good amount of damage, being able to knock out Stupid Rats.
  • Barrel: A barrel Peppino can get into to roll around and run over enemies.
  • Rocket: A rocket Peppino can ride on that can fly into and destroy enemies and obstacles that he couldn't have otherwise. The rocket is also extremely fast, allowing Peppino to reach speeds nearly as fast as his full-speed Mach Run.
  • Ghost Peppers: A collectable white floating pepper, that can make Ghost Peppino stronger and faster with each Ghost Pepper collected.
  • Satan's Choice: A spicy pizza with a single jalapeño as a topping that Peppino can eat to gain the abilities to fly, deal massively increased damage and harm enemies with a single touch.
  • Mort the Chicken: Mort the Chicken from the PS1 game Mort the Chicken. Mort can help Peppino out by attacking enemies with his head, as well as letting Peppino double jump.
  • Weenie Mount: A large sentient sausage Peppino can ride on that's a little faster than the full-speed Mach Run. Peppino can also use the Weenie Mount to charge into enemies and obstacles.
  • Pope's Blessing: A blessing that not only gives Peppino invulnerability, but gives him the ability to hurt and defeat ghosts.
  • Pistol: A pistol Peppino can use for long-ranged combat. The Pistol can fire regular uncharged shots, or charge up a bigger shot that deals increased damage.
  • Shotgun: A powerful shotgun capable of shooting out large explosion-like attacks capable of one-shotting those who can one-shot Peppino himself. It should be noted however that unlike regular shotguns, the Shotgun doesn't fire normal shots and thus has a limited range.
  • Clown Car: A tiny car Peppino can ride and do tricks on. The car can also drive up walls.
  • Tower Secret Treasures: Multiple artifacts found throughout the game with the help of Gerome. In the true ending, they fly away from Peppino to revive a dead Pillar John.

  • Others[]

    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
