“ | Do you wanna see my head come off? | „ |
~ Photo-Negative Mickey |
Photo-Negative Mickey is the main antagonist in the main story of Treasure Island. He becomes active on Night 1. He starts in the Mascot Prep and will walk around the building towards the protagonist, taking a path through the Freezer or the Lounge, appearing at both left and right sides of the Office depending on the path he takes. When he appears in the Office, the protagonist must shut off a camera. Turning off the lights also has a 50/50 chance to deter him. If the protagonist takes too long, then Photo-Negative Mickey will kill the protagonist.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B, likely High 2-A
Name: Photo-Negative Mickey, "Inverted Mickey Character", Error Mickey
Origin: Treasure Island
Gender: Male
Age: Ageless
Classification: Ink Mickey Mouse, Corruptus Entity, Toon
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Toon Physiology (Basic)
- Enhanced Senses (Enhanced Hearing; PN Mickey's hearing is very sharp and relies on hearing to guide his movement, and responds to sounds[1])
- Clairvoyance (Although he is stated to be blind due to having no vision, he can still detect the protagonist's whereabouts, even in the dark[1])
- Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8; He ripped his head off and was still fine. Due to lacking organs or blood, they could survive powerful guns like these, which is extremely fatal to humans. He is created by a Corruptus effect. Corruptus entities are described as non-life and embodies the dark reflection of Disney)
- Regeneration (Low-High; Can regenerate after ripping his head off. Due to being made of ink, he should regenerate from a puddle of an ink)
- Limited Reality Warping (The Corruptus are beings that are mistakes in the reality, unquantifiable non-life existences)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3; Due to being made of ink or as a suit, he lacks the need for food, drink, oxygen, nor rest)
- Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; Is made of ink)
- Subjective Reality (Toons are remodelling of 2-D characters who are formed into the real world, which Mortimer entered a 3-D world and was formed as 3-D)
- Intangibility
- Body Control and Shapeshifting (Is made of ink. Therefore, he can morph into anything he desires. Can bent his head at a wrong angle)
- Fourth Wall Awareness and Hacking (When the protagonist takes too long in the menu, PN Mickey will stare at the protagonist, and then jumpscare the protagonist, and close the game)
- Stealth Mastery (Can enter the office without making footsteps)
- Elasticity (Can stretch his body due to being an ink)
- Fusionism (Can fuse with other toons to turn Hourglass)
- Technology Manipulation (Glitches the cameras everytime he moves to another camera area)
- Abstract Existence (Type 2; Corruptus entities embodies the dark reflection of Disney)
- Supernatural Willpower (His mind seems to be somewhat intact as he can still talk normally after being trapped in a Discovery Island for many years without talking to anyone)
Resistance to:
- Pain Manipulation (He can endure pain from ripping his own head, showing no sign of pain)
- Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation and Memory Manipulation (Lacks a soul. Soul is the source of all emotions, personality, and memories in one being stem from, thus directly connects to the non-physical mind)
- Life Manipulation (Corruptus entities are beings that have never been alive. They are simply created by the human mind)
- Bone Manipulation (Inks lacks bones)
- Light Manipulation (Lacks eyes)
- Disease Manipulation (Inks are immune to diseases)
Attack Potency: Wall level (0.00026 Tons of TNT; One shotted the protagonist,[2] who is a security guard. Torn the protagonist's body apart, brutally yielding this much energy.[Statistics Value 1] Is most likely responsible of Greg, Lisa and Henry's disappearances.[1] Should be inferior to Hourglass, who can crush a skull by biting it.[1] Should be comparable to Unknown Minnie, who torn Clarabelle apart,[3] which brutally yields this much energy[Statistics Value 1]), likely High Multiverse level+ (5-D; W.A.N.K states the "Valued Employee" has the power to destroy timelines and their realities, likely upscaling the toons like him. The universe is described as loop. Henry Miller states the toons are above human's comprehension. The humans inside the cosmos can comprehend infinitely larger space time and dimensions, so this is applicable)
Speed: Immeasurable (Can appear in a blink of protagonist's eye when he enters the office.[1] Can disappear in an instant.[1] Comparable to Clarabelle, who reacted a flashlight in an instant.[3] The universe is described as loop)
Lifting Strength: Class K (117.68 Tonnes-Force; Can rip his own head. Torn the protagonist's body apart.[Statistics Value 2] Should be inferior to Hourglass, who can crush a skull by biting and torn a human apart with ease.[Statistics Value 2] Should be comparable to Unknown Minnie, who torn Clarabelle apart,[3] which also brutally yield this much force[Statistics Value 2])
Striking Strength: Wall level, likely High Multiverse level+
Durability: Wall level, likely High Multiverse level+ (Unaffected by ripping his head off. Toons can surprisingly survive gunshots. Due to lacking organs or blood, they could survive powerful guns like these). Immortality and Regeneration makes him hard to kill.
Stamina: Infinite (Can't get tired since he doesn't need air, eat a food, or drink something. Can roam around the building without getting tired and never gave up on the protagonist. The universe is described as loop, meaning he is tireless)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Mallet (Mascot Photo-Negative Mickey only)
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Above Average (He is very stealthy, hiding in the shadows and entering the office without making a sound. His objective is to kill the security guard)
Weaknesses: Can get incinerated by a fire (Ink only) and can be distracted by sounds. He is blind.
Note: Photo-Negative Mickey from "Abandoned by Disney", the other from "Five Nights at Treasure Island (Classic)", and the ink version of himself aren't the same entities.