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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Roblox ragdoll testing nontitan size comparison

Size comparison bethween the three main sizes. Upper limit at the top left, average size at the top right and lower limit at the bottom.


A robloxian inside the online game "Ragdoll testing" on Roblox that has the Titan mode off, thus having a size multiplier from 0.5 up to 2.5, these also modifying its strenght. Titan players's powerscale can be found here.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At most 8-C, at least 9-A+ | 8-C | At least 8-C | At least 8-C | Varies, up to high 3-A | Varies, up to high 3-A

Key: Minimum size AKA lower limit (x0.5 size) | Average size (x1 size) | Maximum size AKA upper limit (x2.5 size) | Invincible mode (x2.5 size) | Admin (size varies, the role itself is the important thing) | Head admin (size varies, the role itself is the important thing)

Name: Varies

Origin: Roblox, specifically the game Ragdoll testing.

Gender: varies

Age: unknown

Classification: Lego character (?), Robloxian.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality type 1, 2 and 4 (Doesn't age at all / Doesnt suffer any visible damage unless its health reaches 0 and can fight back until then / Can revive infinitely), Pain Suppression (same reason it has the type 2 immortality), Size Manipulation (can increase / decrease its own size and thus power too from 0.5 up to 2.5 times bigger than a normal-sized Robloxian), Small Size type 0 (around 70 / 80 centimeters tall on average, x0.5 the size of a normal robloxian), Gravity Manipulation and Flight (can disable gravity when ragdolling, allowing flight), Regeneration (mid-low; instantly starts healing 1/100th of its own health per second if damaged, this regeneration cant be stopped by conventional means), Sound Manipulation (can blast loud sounds from its radio, like earrape train sounds and even more, thus also making it immune to loud noises), Explosion Manipulation (via using the sticky bombs), Creation (each time it uses a C4, it reappears after some seconds. Can also make the boombox gear appear and dissapear), Self-Sustenance type 1, 2 and 3 (They dont breathe since if they're inside water there are no air bubbles. Can survive without consuming any nutrients, even if there are food items in-game they're just for roleplaying purposes. Doesn't have a need to rest) | Same as the former but without small size (since they're around 1.45 meters tall on average) | Same as the former but with Large Size type 0 (around 3,5 / 4 meters tall on average, x2.5 the size of a normal robloxian) | Same as the former but adds Immortality type 8 (if it has the "Receive player damage" option on it cant receive damage). | same as the formers (depending on size can reach large size or not) but with Reality Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Teleportation (upgraded), Matter Manipulation, Magic, Creation, Death Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Teleportation, Existence Erasure (via banning players), Resistance Negation (via kill commands, can even kill immortal mode players), etc. thanks to admin commands | same as the admin titans in a higher extent

Attack Potency: At most Building level, at least Small Building level+ (scales to durability) | Building level (x2 the strenght of the lower limit players) | At least Building level (x2.5 the strenght of the average size) | Same as the former | Varies phisically (can have the size multipliers of the others, the admin role is the important thing here), up to High Universe level via admin commands (can give omnipotence in-game) | Varies phisically, up to High Universe level via admin commands (higher extent than the normal admin ones)

Speed: Below average human travel speed if not sprinting (x2 slower than a normal-sized player, that goes at around 16 studs per second AKA ~4,5 meters per second. A stud is equivalent to 28 centimeters), still Below average human even if doing so (still a bit slower than an average size player, x1.5 faster than the non-sprinting mode), Subsonic flight speed if spamming SelfYeet (way faster than sprinting, can even use the tool ONCE to "jump" over the ~18 meters tall upper limit titans) | Below average human travel speed if not sprinting (already explained), Average human if doing so (1.5x faster than non-sprinting), Subsonic flight speed if spamming SelfYeet | Peak human travel speed if not sprinting (x2.5 faster than average sized players AKA ~11.25 m/s), Superhuman if doing so (1.5x faster than non-sprinting AKA ~16.87 m/s), Subsonic flight speed if spamming SelfYeet (already explained) | Varies on size and admin commands | Varies on size and admin commands

Lifting Strength: Unknown, possibly class M based on striking strenght. Admins and head admins could reach Infinite via admin commands.

Striking Strength: At most Building level, at least Small Building level+ | Building Level | At least Building Level | At least Building Level

Durability: At most Building level, at least Small Building level+ (can tank landmines with no damage at all, meaning they're hundreds of times more resistant than them) | Building Level | At least Building Level | Unknown (virtually immortal), probably High Universe Level (basically infinite health, can be bypassed by admins tho) | Varies phisically up to High Universe level with commands | Varies phisically up to High Universe level with commands

Stamina: Superhuman (Does not have any stamina bar at all in-game, but gets downscaled to this tier due to counting as game force)

Range: Below Standard melee range phisically, Extended melee range if using C4s | Same as the former | Extended melee range phisically, Tens of meters if using C4s | Same as the former | Varies phisically and if throwing C4s, varies if using admin commands, capped at Universal / High Universal (commands can work regardless of the objetive's distance, but the game being in a 3 dimensional space limits the range to this level) | same as the former

Standard Equipment: Without gamepasses, only the radio which can be used to blast loud noises. With gamepasses included, they not only have the radio but also the Yeet (x2 stronger punch that knockbacks a lot), SelfYeet (knockbacks itself foward without suffering any damage at all as a movility method) and a C4 (changes size and strenght along with the character). Food, makes regeneration faster

  • Admin exclusive Equipment: whatever weapons can be obtained via admin commands

Intelligence: Average in general terms (should scale to a human), Above average in combat (Easily knows how to use C4s instantly turning them on mid-fight and masters the use of the SelfYeets and ragdoll movement in general).

Weaknesses: Easily ragdolled if damaged and quite easy to fling.

Anti-Weaknesses: Can easily and instantly recover from a ragdoll, can move while ragdolled and even fly and can use the flinging to benefit itself since it gives speed to it.

Notes: All sizes can use invincible mode, but for this page I used the invincible mode players that use the upper limit. Different avatars may result in different sizes, but if the multipliers match they have the same strenght. Bigger players have proportionally weaker stats, because the size and power multiplier are the same (x20 size = x20 power for example). If bigger players had more accurate size to strenght ratio, they would easily reach higher tiers.


Possible W.I.P.
