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“ | "Yeah, well crack doesn't buy itself." | „ |
~ Postal Dude |
The Postal Dude is the titular anti-hero of the Postal video game series.
He appears to be a calm and easy going person, but can become extremely sociopathic and cynical when pushed to the edge. He stats that he doesnt play videogames after killing people. However, he can be seen holding up a petition to "Make Whiney Congressmen Play Violent Video Games".
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B to 9-A, likely 8-A, up to High 5-A | Likely 4-C | Low 2-C with Cheats
Key: Base | Dreams | Enhanced Mode | Cheats
Name: Postal Dude (Had Forgotten his name and People refers him as the postal dude)
Origin: Postal
Gender: Male
Age: 29 (Implied to be 29 years old after the events of postal 1)
Classification: The "Postal" God
Powers and Abilities:
- Master Marksman (Able to use a varity of weapons, including machetes, SMGs, rocket launchers, scythes, snipers, katanas, chainsaws, revolvers, shotguns, and many more.)
- Toon Force & Attack Reflection (Can throw his machete like a boomerang. Scissors bounce off walls. Can kick rockets out of mid air without them exploding.)
- Cosmic Awareness & Fourth Wall Awareness (Postal Dude is aware that he is a videogame character and knows about the developers.)
- Urine Manipulation (Can pee for an inhumanly long time. Can even piss on himself to set out any fire damage.)
- Hammerspace (Can carry a huge amount of items and weapons with no struggle or difference in appearance.)
- Blessed (Type Movement, Protection, Enchantment, Resurrection and Power; The Player protects The Postal Dude from danger and death when controlling his body. With the thanks of the GameSaves and Cheats. Which can upgrade him and resurrect him every time he dies. The developers added a mechanic into the game of where it guides him and the player and tell them about whats dangerous and can help the postal dude should he get stuck in a collision bug.)
- Soullessness (Postal Dude can jump through hellfire and be completely unaffected, Unlike champ and the bitch who were turned into demons.)
- Immortality Negation (Type 5; Scales above fodder NPCS that can kill inanimate objects, he can kill inanimate objects himself as well. Type 7; Can kill the undead.)
- Limited Subjective Reality & Summoning (After Postal Dude attempted suicide, the bullet in his head triggers the hallucinations from his mind, they manifest into reality afterwards. This supports The other dude blatantly coming out of Postal dudes dreams, and managed to exist out of them. He also brings the simulations into reality. This would likely mean he can bring his weapons from his dreams specificly the weapons from postal brain damage)
- Save and Load
- Immortality (Type 1; Slept for 11 years without any issue. Type 3; (Via Regeneration.) Type 4, 8, & 9; Theres multiple voicelines mentioning saves, and its mentioned in the manual as a part of his arsenal.)
- Acausality (Types 1 & 3; Saves are temporal reloads, and he is aware of the saving.)
- Resurrection (Likely Conceptual.)
- Immortality (Type 1; Slept for 11 years without any issue. Type 3; (Via Regeneration.) Type 4, 8, & 9; Theres multiple voicelines mentioning saves, and its mentioned in the manual as a part of his arsenal.)
- Healing (By eating snacks and smoking crack pipes.)
- Regeneration (Low-Mid in Combat; His crackpipes can heal him from bullet wounds and explosions.)
- Death & Soul Manipulation (With minigame cartridge, he killed Kroutchy, and was able to kill larry the ghost.)
- Limited Time Stop (can stop time with Nailbiter.)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2; The Other Dude describes himself as a "jungian shadow", which is a concept, and Postal Dude is able to kill him.)
- Fire Manipulation & Explosion Manipulation (With various weapons like the Flamethrower and Rocket Launcher.)
- Light & Sound Manipulation (With Flash grenades.)
- Perception Manipulation (With CatNip.)
- Animal & Sound Manipulation (Can use cats as silencers. Can tame dogs with doggie treats.)
Resistance to the following:
- Electricity Manipulation (Casually walks on power lines, which range from 155,000 volts to 765,000.)
- Disease Manipulation (Isn’t as effected to his own disease based weapons.)
- Madness Manipulation, Corruption, and Mind Manipulation (In the original Postal, he was immune to the mind altering gas dispensed by the military that was apparently turning everyone else evil. Is unaffected by paradise going mad and insane.)
- Heat Manipulation (Unaffected by the hot fires of hell and the cold temperatures in the snowy areas in the main street in Postal 2 Paradise Lost.)
- Pressure Points with Bali (The Bali's damage massively increases if it's being used to attack someone from behind.)
- Limited Body Puppetry (With the box launcher.)
Resistance to:
- Fire Manipulation (Can now walk through fire without getting hurt)
- Immortality & Invulnerability (Type 8, Nigh-Invulnerability & Reliant Invulnerability; When the player activates god mode, Postal Dude is invulnerable that allows him to be death and damage, however still can be harmed.)
- Regeneration (Mid-Godly; can use a cheatcode to heal him from any damage, which includes his soul and mind.)
- Summoning & Creation (When the player activates other cheats such as "piggytreats" or "iamtheone", Extra doughnuts and Extra catnip will be summoned or created in the postal dude inventory. Even cheats from postal 1 can create or summon Ammo and Items for the postal dude.)
- Extrasensory Perception & Information Analysis (Player Can Summon or Create Radar items for the postal dude.)
- Healing (Player Can Summon Or Create medkits and Heal Himself Completely with full health for the postal dude.)
- Biological Manipulation & Transmutation (Player Can turn npcs into Gary Coleman or fanatics for the postal dude.)
- Time Travel (Player Can travel the postal dude to previous days or next days or reset its days for the postal dude)
Attack Potency: Wall Level to Small Building Level Physically (Can harm those who harm him with his own weapons like the Rocket Launcher, Strong enough to kill elephants with a scythe, Can pulverize doors, Can fight the bitch who is able to pulverize stalactites.) likely Multi-City Block level Physically (Can harm and kill Madcow Mike J and DogPawn who can tank countless of Mini-Nuke projectiles.) up to Dwarf Star Level (Violently blew up the Earth.) Likely Star Level with Subjective Reality Hax (The Other Dude has a mech in the postal dude dreams that can explode the sun, Considering this is Consistent when he mentions it again as a "Dust Star"). | High Universe Level to Universe+ Level with cheats (The Player Can create infinite mass and energy via creating infinite dynamite sticks for the postal dude, which should be qualify for High Universal, since this is infinite mass and energy which is what the player is creating. The Player with commands / cheats can affect postal dude dreams that exist that also contains spacetime with a shutdown or restart.)
Speed: Superhuman Travel speed (Can Keep up and Outrun the Citizens from paradise Who Can outrun American Pitbulls), Transonic in combat and reactions speed (Can dodge Desert Eagle bullets.) Massively Hypersonic+ in overall speed (Reacts and Moves faster than rocket and desert eagle bullet with catnip) | Possibly Immeasurable in overall speed with Subjective Reality Hax (The Quick Pills are capable of slowing down time. However, The Postal dude was shown to be not affected by its slow down. it was even stated by its description as it was stated "SLOWS DOWN TIME for all but you" Meaning Time Is Slow Down. Thus, He Would Be Unbound By Time. to support this speed feat even more, Postal Dude Was Unaffected By The Time Bomb from the Nailbiter. Although even this was taken in his own dreams, The Postal Dude can just turn his dreams into reality, which is equal to turning his thoughts into reality just to get this speed feat by simply turning dream form as a replacement to his current. Like how he was able to turn the other dude into reality, that was taken place in a dream called postal 3 which was stated.)
Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Able lift a Nuclear warhead) Class 5 with Enchanced Mode (Can effortlessly lift up cars with telekinesis), Class M (Able lift a Nuclear warhead with catnip.) Possibly Infinite with cheats (Can carry weapons that contains infinite ammo, or dynamites and grenades when activating the cheat code)
Striking Strength: Wall Class to Small Building Class, likely Multi-City Block Class
Durability: Wall level (Can Tank a Rocket in Pointblank), Small Building level (Can No-Cell Gasoline explosions) | Dwarf Star Level with cheats (Can Tank the Earth Explosion with god mode, However since he was killed with god mode which is a cheat that allows him to be immune by death and damage. That would be considered as Plot-Induced Stupidity or Game Mechanic, Therefore he does tank it). Star Level with Subjective Reality Hax (Can Tank The Other Dude Mech Rockets That Can Explode The Sun) Higher with Cheats (God Mode allows the Postal Dude to be immune by any Damage and Death) The Abilities like God Mode, Save and Load, Healing, & Immortality makes him harder to kill
Stamina: Superhuman level (Had Killed 735 People without being tired In Postal 1, Able to fight normally after taking poison, being shot multiple times, and being set on fire.)
Range: Standard Melee Range Physically, Extended Melee Range Physically with Melee weapons, Tens of Meters to Hundreds of Meters with guns, Planetary with Optional Equipment, Universe+ with cheats.
Standard Equipment: Postal 2 Weapons and Items (Can keep the weapons and items without using or not for the entire week), Postal 3 and Brain Damage Weapons and Items. (Can bring objects and people to reality from his dreams, Therefore he can bring weapons to reality from his dreams. However can be Argued that The Postal Dude can just turn his dreams into reality, which is equal to turning his thoughts into reality.)
- Melees
- Shovel: One of Postal Dude's most iconic weapons. In Enhanced Mode, Dude can use it to fly by swinging it in a direction.
- Shocker: A taser
- Baton: A police baton the Dude acquired from the Paradise police department.
- Machete: A machete capable of slicing limbs off at an extremely fast rate. The Dude is able to throw the Machete, allowing it to bounce off of walls and even come back to the Dude in a similar fashion to a boomerang.
- Sledgehammer: A sledgehammer capable of instantly destroying heads. The Dude can also throw the Sledgehammer a far distance as a long ranged attack.
- Scythe: A scythe capable of slicing the torso off of a group of people in one swing. A lot like the Sledgehammer, the Dude can throw the Scythe far away.
- Baseball Bat: A simple baseball bat that can lob off heads.
- Dusters: A pair of brass knuckles.
- Shears: A pair of shears capable of chopping off limbs instantly.
- Axe: A simple axe than can easily eviscerate people.
- Bali: The Bali causes people to bleed when used, however if stabbed from behind, it can one-shot poeple.
- Protest Sign: A protestor sign stolen by one of the various groups in POSTAL 2. It is identical functionality-wise to his Shovel, just without the buff the Shovel gets in Enhanced-Mode.
- Dildo: A phallic weapon that deals minimal damage.
- Chainsaw: One of Postal Dude's most powerful weapons, however it has a limited fuel supply.
- Weed Whacker: A somewhat weaker version of the chainsaw that can be used more frequently.
- Bitch's Katana: A katana the Dude stole from his late ex-wife. The Bitch's Katana is a fast melee weapon a lot like the machete, but with a longer reach and the inability to throw it.
- Ensmallen Cure: A syringe containing.
- Rattler: A sickle like weapon the Postal Dude can use to swing.
- Handguns
- Pistol:
- Glock:
- Revolver:
- Ingran:
- P350:
- Flare Gun:
- Shotguns
- Shotgun: A SPAS-12 shotgun capable of dealing good damage in close quarters. It is however, heavily outclassed by his other shotguns.
- Sawed-Off Shotgun: Based on a Sawn-Off Shotgun, the Sawn-Off Shotgun is of the strongest weapons in Dude's arsenal. It's capable of dishing out more damage than even his Mini-Nuke Launcher, and still being a really good weapon even from moderate distances. The one downside to the weapon would be that the Dude has to reload it unlike his regular Shotgun.
- Lever-Action Shotgun: A sawn-off Winchester Rifle, capable of firing shells that deal the same damage as his regular Shotgun, just with a tighter spread.
- Beta Shotgun: A SPAS-12 shotgun with a wooden pump handle. It is capable of dealing more damage up-close than his Lever-Action Shotgun and regular Shotgun. However, the Dude needs to reload it unlike most of his other shotguns.
- Spray Cannon: An automatic AA-12 that does around the same damage as his regular Shotgun, but with a far faster rate of fire.
- Fournicator: A shotgun featuring four barrels, with the ability to fire from all of its barrels at once for devastating damage.
Intelligence: Genius (Can successfully perform several jobs. Is smart enough to intimidate people. Outsmarted several protest groups. Can successfully impersonate a police officer. More Important He Managed to escaped military prison, which requires to be exceptionally smart, with a high IQ and a wide range of abilities. Which They would likely possess a unique combination of intelligence, creativity, physical prowess, psychological insight, and the ability to remain calm and focused under extreme pressure. Such an individual would be both highly skilled and resourceful, Which are capable of overcoming the most formidable security challenges.), Genius in Combat (Is adapt in several forms of combat and stealth.)
Weaknesses: Has a bullet wound in his head that can give him hallucinations which fights back against him, and even put him into a coma that lasted for 11 years. Can be damaged from withdrawl from his Health Pipes and catnips. Has all the classic symptoms of a paranoid delusional.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: