Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

MMPR logo
Once a Ranger, always a Ranger.
~ Power Rangers motto

Mighty morphin power rangers
Alpha, Rita's escaped! Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!
~ Zordon's iconic lines during the start of each episode

Power rangers zeo!
I am very proud of all of you. As Power Rangers, you have served your planet well. But the Power Rangers as you have known them are gone forever. In their place has emerged a new, and more advanced, fighting force. You have now become the Power Rangers Zeo, the next level in the fight against Evil!
~ Zordon's quote as he is ready to advance the Rangers to a new level

PR Turbo poster
It was time to shift into higher gear!
~ Tommy's quote upon explaining his turbo adventures

Power rangers in-space poster
3-2-1 Rangers, in space!
~ The opening of the series

Lost galaxy poster
There, lies the key, to the answer and the powers you will know!
~ Opening of the series

Power rangers lightspeed rescue
The signal is calling,

Our planet is falling,

The danger will test you,

Better make it a Lightspeed Rescue!

~ Opening of the series

Fugitive mutants from the distant future escape to the present to unleash a wave of crime against a helpless world but the futuristic police force known as the Power Rangers Time Force travel across time to save the past, present, and future.
~ Sypnosis of the series

Wild force poster
And so the journey begins. Destiny has brought five young people together and now they set out on their wild adventure.
~ Narrator of the series

Power rangers ninja storm poster
Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies train our future protectors. Ancient scrolls told of three who would be chosen above the others. Three who would become...
~ The series' narrator

Power rangers dino thunder
Victory is ours forever more
~ the series' opening song

Power rangers S.P.D
In the not-too-distant future, Earth has become a haven for all alien races who come from the farthest reaches of the galaxy to live in peace. 99% of the newcomers live in harmony, but for the 1% who can't there is Space Patrol Delta, the new breed of police, to bring them in.
~ the series' narrator

Mystic force
Heroes of mystery. Magic beyond belief.
~ the series' catchphrase

Power rangers jungle fury
When the ancient evil spirit Dai Shi returns to wipe out all humans, a trio of teenagers must learn secret kung fu styles based on the world's most ferocious jungle animals to become Power Rangers and save the world.
~ the series' synopsis

There's treasures to be found, there's some lives to be saved

Our planet to look after, there's a whole lot of space

Good vs Evil, we got heroes on the scene

Power Rangers Overdrive is the number one team!

~ the series' opening song

Power rangers RPM
A computer virus has built armies of robotic soldiers and taken control of our world. But there is still one place where we can be safe. The domed city of Corinth. And the only hope we have left is...
~ Dr.K in the opening

Power rangers samurai poster
Centuries ago in Japan, Nighlok monsters invaded our world, but samurai warriors defeated them with power symbols, passed down from parent to child. Today the evil Nighlok have risen once again and plan to flood the earth. Luckily, a new generation of heroes stand in their way. They are the Power Rangers Samurai.
~ The narrator at the start of each episode

Power rangers megaforce poster
Our world was once a safe and happy place until evil aliens arrived with one plan: to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.
~ The narrator at the start of each episode

Dino charge poster
Millions of years ago, the evil Sledge tried to steal the greatest power in the universe. But an alien named Keeper entrusted them to dinosaurs. As for Sledge... He was blasted deep into space. Now the Energems have been found, and Sledge returns to battle a new team of heroes; they are... Power Rangers Dino Charge!
~ Opening narration

Ninja steel poster
When champion Galvanax claimed the Ninja Nexus Star, Earth's' greatest ninja sacrificed himself to keep the universe safe. Years later, a new team has risen to protect the Power Stars. But three stars have yet to be pulled from the Prism. Who will be chosen next?
~ Opening narration

Beast morphers
For justice we fight

With Beast Morphin' might

Together we rise

~ Opening song

Power rangers dino fury
When an army of powerful alien beings are unleashed on Earth, threatening life as we know it, a brand-new team of Power Rangers, fueled by the pre-historic power of the dinosaurs, are recruited to deal with the threat.
~ Dino Fury's trailer

Power rangers cosmic fury


Power Rangers is a long-running American entertainment meta franchise and merchandise brand centered on a live-action television series aimed at a younger demographic and starring teams of costumed heroes. The concept is based on the Super Sentai TV series. However, it is not an English dub of the original, but rather a new production featuring English-speaking actors mixed in with the originaly Japanese material at varied ratios. Because many of Sentai's stories are highly Japanese in origin, the American adaptations are usually modified to suit the Western audience.

Each Power Rangers season, or "incarnation," revolves around a group of people, usually teens, who get superpowers to combat a variety of villains, ranging from demons to witches to aliens. To activate these abilities, these characters, collectively known as the Power Rangers, transform by performing a regular action and saying a morphing call. Throughout the series, the Power Rangers learn the value of teamwork and perseverance as they face off against more formidable enemies. A monster, similar to its Super Sentai version, is unleashed on the Earth, and the Power Rangers must destroy it.

Power of the Verse[]

The Power Rangers verse contains a plethora of feats. The series features characters, weapons, and Zords capable of destroying planets, as well as beings capable of FTL to Massively FTL+ travel. The series also features its fair share of hax, ranging from the general magic of Mystic Force to Mesogog’s psionic powers.


Third tab content goes here.


Saban Era[]

Forever red-saban era

Mighty Morphin[]





Lost Galaxy[]

Lightspeed Rescue[]

Time Force[]

Wild Force[]

Disney Era[]

Disney era power rangers

Ninja Storm[]

Dino Thunder[]


Mystic Force[]

Operation Overdrive[]

Jungle Fury[]


Neo-Saban era[]

The neo-saban era



Super Megaforce[]

Dino Charge[]

Ninja Steel[]

Hasbro era[]

The hasbro era of power rangers

Beast Morphers[]

Dino Fury[]

Cosmic Fury[]

Boom! Studios[]

Boom studios power rangers

Mighty Morphin[]

Omega Rangers[]

Power rangers villains

Saban Era[]

Mighty Morphin[]





Lost Galaxy[]

Lightspeed Rescue[]

Time Force[]

Wild Force[]

Disney Era[]

Ninja Storm[]

Dino Thunder[]


Mystic Force[]

Operation Overdrive[]

Jungle Fury[]


Neo-Saban Era[]



Super Megaforce[]

Dino Charge[]

Ninja Steel[]

Hasbro era[]

Beast Morphers[]

Dino Fury[]

Megazords together

Saban Era[]

Mighty Morphin[]





Lost Galaxy[]

Lightspeed Rescue[]

Time Force[]

Wild Force[]

Disney Era[]

Ninja Storm[]

Dino Thunder[]


Mystic Force[]

Operation Overdrive[]

Jungle Fury[]


Neo-Saban era[]



Super Megaforce[]

Dino Charge[]

Ninja Steel[]

Hasbro era[]

Beast Morphers[]

Dino Fury[]

Cosmic Fury[]

Other Medias[]

Mighty Morphin: The Movie[]


Supportive Characters[]
