Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

In the past, we have encouraged users to create new pages for powers and abilities they thought the wiki lacked. However, as of now, we want new pages to be approved by the staff, meaning that new powers and abilities pages must be suggested. This can be done in our official Discord server in the suggestion channel, or messaged to a staff member. Of course, users can always create blogs about powers and abilities to include in their profiles if they don't want to attempt creating official pages. Linking to other wikis' powers and abilities pages is also permitted.


Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Hey, how's it going *sipping noise*. Oh, sorry, I have a latte here. Uh, anyway. I have one last thing to tell you. Um, alright, you probably noticed, uh, there's an extra door in the Second Party Room, um, which is Camera 9, I think. And it's, it's not on the map. That's because it's, it's really nothing special. It's, it's like a storage room. Um, we don't go in there much, like, I, I haven't even been in there myself, you know. I just wanted to inform you that you don't need to worry about it, and that's not a mistake that's not on the map, or anything like that. Uh, anyway, uh you've done a great job so far, uh, I talk to you next week. Uh, good night.


RAT & CAT are treated a the big bad of the series, Both of them usually being most of Five Nights at Candy's major events. CAT being the one who killed the twins that would eventually possess Candy & Cindy.

RAT and CA were originally just regular suits played by human actors. Until they were both killed within their respective suits and possess them. They became animatronics around 1962 created by Rowboatics Corp for CTC Entertainment to entertain children at RAT and CAT Theater.



  • RAT
  • CAT

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C+ to 9-B

Origin: Five Nights at Candy's

Classification: Possessed Robots

Age: At least 46 years old (Both existed around the early 1960s.)

Membership: 2 active members currently

Leader: None

Team Resources/Abilities: Technopathy, Data Manipulation, & Hacking (CAT is capable of disabling technology like cameras. They can disable cameras temporarily whenever they move. All are capable of making lights in a room glitch out. All are capable of disabling door buttons. RAT can hack and disable an entire camera system for a while.), Stealth Mastery (RAT and CAT have the best stealth in the series, capable of avoiding the animatronics, even in the same room.), Enhanced Senses (All animatronics are capable of moving through Candy's Burgers & Fries at night. Which is usually in total darkness.), Inorganic Physiology & Immortality Type 2 (All are robotic animatronics made out of metal. All should scale to Blank, who can still be active with the back of his head still missing.)

  • Base of Operations: Candy's Burgers & Fries and Rowboatics Corp Factory

Attack Potency: Street level+ to Wall level (When either RAT or CAT kill Marylin, their attacks are described to be rougher than even a knife. Marylin was even described to be mauled to death, and the attack is described to be a bear attack. RAT can rip apart Chester. All of the animatronics are made out of metal.)

Speed: Peak Human to Superhuman (Can scale to Chester, who can crawl in a vent on one side of the building, and end up on the other side in seconds. All animatronics are capable of ending up on one side of the building and end up on the other side in seconds. All are capable of moving from room to room in a second or two.)

Lifting Strength: Class 1 to Class 5 (RAT can rip apart Chester, who is made out of metal.)

Striking Strength: Street Class+ to Wall Class

Durability: Street level+ to Wall level

Stamina: Limitless (All are robotic animatronics, so stamina in this regard does not apply.)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Technopathy (Their technopathy is able to spread across multiple rooms and even a small building.)

Teamwork: Unlike Candy's gang, RAT and CAT choose to get to their victims by sneaking around, and hiding out of view of any cameras. RAT and CAT are both capable of disabling technology like cameras, so they will do that in order to get to their victims easier. They are willing to both attack at the same time to do so. Since RAT and CAT have no glowing eyes, they can't be detected as easily in the dark.

Intelligence: Above Average (Unlike Candy's gang, RAT and CAT have shown superior IQ. RAT is smart enough to avoid the other animatronics in stealthy fashion, and kill a Nightguard working there. Even managing to get Candy blamed for it. Smart enough to hack into camera systems and crash them. RAT is smart enough to hide away from the camera view.)

Weaknesses: It seems a certain device can disable them. Can easily be tricked by loud sounds playing in other rooms, but smart enough to disable them if they catch on.


  • Don't try to pair the RAT and/or CAT with Candy's gang since they are against each other for personal reasons.

Notable Matchups[]



