Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


The Raiden Shogun (Japanese: 雷電将軍 Raiden Shougun) is a playable Electro character in Genshin Impact.

The Raiden Shogun is comprised of two beings in one body: Ei, the current Electro Archon of Inazuma; and the Shogun, the puppet created by Ei to act as the ruler of Inazuma in her stead.

Credit: Genshin Impact Wiki


Tier: 6-B Higher, even Higher with full power Musou Isshin and Magatsu Mitake Narukami, Far Higher with Musou no Hitotachi.

Name: Raiden Shogun or Ei, Beelzebul (as divine name).

Origin: Genshin Impact

Gender: Female

Age: 2,600+ years old, plus 500 years (Stated that Raiden in her own realm stated to be fighting over 500 years straight.)

Dimensionally: 3rd-Dimensional

Classification: Inazuma Cast, Electro Archon, Leader of Inazuma, Puppet (For Shogun)

Power and Abilities

  • Electro Manipulation and Heat Manipulation (As electro archon Raiden should have far higher electro resistance than the Traveler who wasn't effected by the lighting strike and should have electro heat resistance.)
  • Cryo Manipulation (Elemental users can break out of ice while being frozen.)
  • Smaragdus Jadeite (Vision users can resist the effects of Smaragdus Jadeite. Should have far higher level of resistance.)
  • Corrosion Inducement (Vision users are able to somewhat resist withering zone which the withering can cause living things to decay while it takes time to decay a vision users. Should have far higher level of resistance.)

  • Attack Potency: Country Level Raiden one-shotted thunderbird that is strong enough to destroy parts of Seirai island. Orobashi who can create Watatsumi island stated that he is no match for both Ei and Makoto. Fought against her puppet for 500 years straight non-stop. Ei is a much more superior fighter than her twin sister Makoto a preview archon who should at least be comparable to Barbatos who can throw mountains.[1] Higher Raiden is so powerful that she doesn't even need her sister's gnosis in battles. Even Higher with Musou Isshin and Magatsu Mitake Narukami, Far Higher with Musou no Hitotachi (Throughout history it's stated that no one was able to withstand Raiden's Musou no Hitotachi which confirms that Orobashi who is comparable to Shouki no Kami was one-shotted by Musou no Hitotachi. The Musou no Hitotachi is powerful enough to slice part of Yashiori island.)

    Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ Raiden casually blitzed both La Signora and Inazuma Traveler before they could have time to do anything.[2] Can move along with her electro lightning and can summon cloud to ground lightning.[3]

    Lifting Strength: Unknown, Likely Class P Should likely be comparable to Rex Lapis who can drag Azhdaha which he is stated to be size of a mountain and Prime Barbatos who can lift up a mountain.[4]

    Striking Strength: Country Class Higher, even Higher with Musou Isshin and Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto, Far Higher with Musou no Hitotachi.

    Durability: Country Level Higher Both Raiden and her puppet withstand and tank blows from each other for 500 years straight. even Higher with Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto, Far Higher at peak with Electro Shield.

    Stamina: Superhuman It stated that Raiden doesn't need to eat or sleep. Both Ei and her puppet fought against each other for 500 years straight non-stop without even resting.

    Range: Extended Melee Range, up to Tens of Meters with Melee, Several of Meters with Electro Manipulation, Tens of Meters with Magatsu Mitake Narukami, Several of Meters, up to Tens of Kilometers with Musou no Hitotachi, Planetary Raiden can manipulate weather across Teyvat.

    Standard Equipment

    Intelligence: Genius Normally (Can create two puppet.), Genius in combat Raiden (Ei fought against her puppet for 500 years old non-stop with only her skill and never losing once during the fight while the puppet is equal to Ei strength.)

    Weakness: Unknown in her base. If Raiden in her Magatsu Mitake Narukami takes too much damage it will force Raiden go back to her base form and make her stun for couple of seconds before fighting.


    Normal Attacks

    Electro Abilities

    Musou Isshin

    Magatsu Mitake Narukami

    Musou Isshin

    Electro Abilities

    Credit: Genshin Impact Wiki (For the gameplay Gif's)

    1. 9.635 Teratons
    2. Both Traveler and La Signora should be comparable not if superior to Tartaglia who can move along with his electricity. Which electricity on average can travel Mach 11
    3. Lightning on average can travel 440,000m/s
    4. 54.185 Quadrillion kg.