Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Rainbow Dash
Human World
So you're lookin' to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Princess of the Fall Formal, huh? Gotta say, I'd really love to see that happen.
~ Rainbow Dash

Summary SU[]

Rainbow Dash is one of the main characters in My Little Pony Equestria Girls.

She represents the element of loyalty and is a student from Canterlot High School and electric guitarist/lead vocalist for the Rainbooms.


Tier: Low 7-C, higher with Geode Necklace | 2-C, higher with Geode Necklace, even higher with the Magic of Friendship | Low 6-B, possibly 4-A

Name: Rainbow Dash

Origin: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic/Equestria Girls

Gender: Female

Age: Likely late teens

Classification: Human


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Vehicular Mastery, Water Walking (With Geode Necklace), Statistics Amplification (Her geode allows her to increase her speed to extreme levels without any side effects), Reactive Power Level (the more each of them use their magic abilities, the more power of these abilities grows) (With Geode Necklace), Transformation, Sound Manipulation, Resistance to Mind Manipulation

Same as base, Magic, Flight, Energy Projection (With Geode Necklace, here), can revert mind control on par with The Dazzling' level, can summon a giant spirit to aid in battle

Should be the same as her Equestrian self

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Small Town level (Can harm Sunset Shimmer, who survived a blast that vaporized several cubic meters of concrete), higher with Geode Necklace | Low Multiverse level (Should be comparable to the Pony-Up forms of Twilight Sparkle and Rarity who each fought evenly against a Powered-Up Dazzling), higher with Geode Necklace, even higher with the Magic of Friendship (One shotted all three Powered-Up Dazzlings) | Small Country level+, possibly Multi-Solar System level (Should be comparable to her Equestrian self)


Sub-Relativistic+ (Scales to Rarity, who reacts to a phone flash), higher with Geode Necklace (Shown to perceive the world in slow motion) | Presumed to be At least FTL in anthro form (Can fly at roughly the same speed as Pony Rainbow Dash pre-Sonic Rainboom), Massively FTL+ as Pony-Up (Should be comparable to the Powered-Up Dazzlings) | FTL+

Lifting Strength[]

Class M (Should be comparable to Applejack, who lifted a boulder) | Unknown | Class E

Striking Strength[]

Small Town Class, higher with Geode Necklace | Low Multiversal, higher with Geode Necklace, even higher with the Magic of Friendship | Small Country Class+, possibly Multi-Solar System Class


Small Town level, higher with Geode Necklace | Low Multiverse level, higher with Geode Necklace, even higher with the Magic of Friendship | Small Country level+, possibly Multi-Solar System level


Peak Human (In the second short of Holidays Unwrapped, it's revealed that she stood in one place outside during the winter disguised as a snowman for two whole days so she could catch Rarity by surprise with a snowball. She didn't seem the least bit fatigued from this despite the fact that it would mean two days without food or water while being in freezing temperatures) | Likely High (Should be comparable to her friends) | High


Standard Melee Range | At least dozens of meters with magic | A few meters with her hooves and dive kicks


Geode Necklace

  • Optional Equipment: Soccer Ball, Skateboard, Motorbike




None notable


Base | Pony-Up Form | Pony World


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
