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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Rayman in mario rabbids sparks of hope by neoholbert dfneyi1-pre


Rayman is the titular protagonist of the Rayman series. He is a being of unknown origin who defends the Glade of Dreams from threats.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Low 2-C, possibly 2-B

Name: Rayman

Origin: Rayman

Gender: Male

Age: 100+

Classification: Hero

Powers and Abilities:

  • Age Manipulation (Didn't age after a century)
  • Time Manipulation and Acausality (Type 1) (Likely existed before Polokus and the other Gods created space-time. Is also comparable to every other Rayman character who also existed before time)
  • Ice Manipulation (Isn't affected by the Summit Beyond the Clouds which is -61 degrees. Can break free from being frozen instantly. Fine while being in space which has a temperature of -455 degrees)
  • Radiation Manipulation (Isn't affected by the radiations of space)
  • Heat Manipulation (Was unaffected by sitting above a volcano and its' eruption)
  • Transmutation (Reverted himself back to normal after being turned into a frog, a duck, and a strawberry)
  • Power Nullification (Didn't lose any of his powers after the Heart of the World was destroyed in Rayman 3 GBA and Rayman Raving Rabbids GBA)
  • Electricity Manipulation (No-sold electricity while spinning)
  • Air Manipulation (Doesn't need air)
  • Corruption, Morality Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, and Reality Warping (Unaffected by being around the Nightmares who passively warped the Land of the Livid Dead and transformed the Four Kings into evil monsters under their control)
  • Madness Manipulation (Was okay after the destruction of the Heart of the World which drove Foutch insane)
  • Death Manipulation (The Nightmares are shown to kill off the plants/fireflies with their presence. No-sells the smell of dirty clothes which killed off several fish)
  • Memory Manipulation (Unaffected after the Electoons were captured which made Polokus lose his memories)
  • Poison Manipulation (Mr. Dark's soul is stated to be poisonous yet Rayman isn't affected by him at all. Shrugs off the effects of poisonous mushrooms after a few seconds)
  • Sound Manipulation (No-sells Mr. Sax's attacks/sounds which are stated to be deafening)
  • Existence Erasure (Seemingly still existed after being erased as he was still marching in place once he was redrawn)
  • Sleep Manipulation (Can take multiple hits from the Rabbids who can put someone to sleep after repeatedly hitting them)
  • Sealing (He, Globox, and the Teensies were the only Heroes that weren't sealed in paintings in Rayman Legends)

  • Clairvoyance with the Lums (The Lums are stated to always help Rayman find his way)
  • Enhanced Statistics Amplification with Golden Fist, Speed Fist, Power Fist, Heavy Metal Fist, and Magic Shoes (The Magic Shoes increase Rayman's running speed while the fist power-ups increase his punching strength/speed)
  • Enhanced Healing with various Powers
  • Size Manipulation and Statistics Reduction with Vortex (Shrinks an opponent down and decreases their durability)
  • Explosion Manipulation with Shock Rocket, Fake Generator, Buzz Rocket, Firework Bullet, and Glue Bomb (Turns Rayman's hand into an explosive Rocket. The Fake Generator is a copy that explodes on contact. The Buzz Rocket is a controllable rocket. The Firework Bullet is an energy bullet that detonates on impact. The Glue Bomb is a bomb that will attach to the opponent.)
  • Electricity Manipulation and Forcefield Negation with Lockjaw (Gives Rayman a lockjaw that can generate electricity and can depower shields with electricity)
  • Flight with Throttle Copter (Gives Rayman a propeller that allows him to fly for a few seconds.)
  • Forcefield Creation with Ultimate Barrier (Creates an indestructible, electric barrier that surrounds Rayman for 10 seconds), *Invulnerability with Invincibility (Turns Rayman temporarily invincible)
  • Homing Attack with Hound Bullet (The Hound Bullet is an attack that follows the opponent)
  • Fire Manipulation with Flametounge Bullet and Punk (The Flametounge Bullet is a flaming bullet. The Punk suit allows Rayman to generate fire and create bombs)
  • Adhesive Manipulation and Resistance Negation with Punk (Punk suit can shoot sticky gum and generate fires so intense, it can burn the Rabbids who survived being in the Sun's surface.)
  • Perception Manipulation with Screen Distortion (Can mess with others' view of the world like turning them upside-down, blurring them, etc.)
  • Earth Manipulation, Creation and Wood Manipulation with Granny (The Granny suit can create rocks, move wooden platform, and summon carrots.)
  • Plant Manipulation and Platform Creation with Magic Seeds (Creates plants that can be used as platforms)
  • Enhanced Ice Manipulation with Elvis (The Elvis suit can create orbs of ice that freeze enemies in ice and can freeze the environment.), *Wind Manipulation with Disco (The Disco suit allows Rayman to solidify clouds and create gusts of wind.)
  • Enhanced Senses with Lum Radar (The Lums Radar can find Lums in an area.)
  • Weather Manipulation with Rain Mask (Can create a small raincloud)
  • Plasma Manipulation (The Rayman gear shoots bullets of plasma)
  • Inflation (Can inflate and likely easily pop enemies with his plunger inflator)
  • Invisibility with Invisibility power-up
  • Status Effect Inducement with Reverse
  • Duplication with Globox (Can make a copy of Globox that blocks others' visions)
  • Regeneration Negation (Low-Godly, possibly Mid-Godly) with Blue Punch (The Blue Punch can kill destroy the Dark Creatures that make up Hades' Hand which can instantly regenerate from being defeated. Can also destroy the shadow which the Dark Creatures regenerate from if not killed fast enough)

  • Invincibility with Protectors (Makes Rayman invincible for 10 seconds)
  • Fire Manipulation and Earth Manipulation with the Sooties (Can surround themselves in fire and shoot fiery rocks)
  • Adhesive Manipulation with the Gummies (Can inflate themselves and stick to objects)
  • Organic Manipulation with the Petrolers (The Petrolers leave trails of oil behind)
  • Ice Manipulation with the Snifflers (Can instantly freeze water on contact)
  • Elasticity with the Gelatoons (The Gelatoons have gelatinous skin)
  • Heat Manipulation with the Hot-Heads (Are implied to be very hot)
  • Fire Manipulation with the Draggos (The Draggos can breathe fire)
  • Gravity Manipulation with the EeeTees (It's implied in their description that they can control gravity)
  • Probability Manipulation with the Black Kittes (The Black Kitties are stated to be able to leave you with 100 years of bad luck)

  • Duplication, Status Effect Inducement, Size Manipulation, Power Absorption, and Sealing with the Anti-Spell Amulet (Cancels all effects of Mr. Dark's spells)

  • Attack Potency: Universal+ (Defeated the Nightmares who created their own universe. Destroyed his TV which contains its' own universe. Scales to Polokus who not only created the Glade of Dreams which has another universe in it, but also assisted in creating time for all worlds. Based on what we know, there are at least 3 to 4 Gods.), possibly Multiversal (The Rabbids comics confirm there is a multiverse consisting of parallel worlds. Since Polokus is said to be the creator of "everything that exists and will exist", it's possible that includes the multiverse)

    Speed: Massively FTL+ (Can punch a vehicle to a faraway constellation in 9 seconds. Scales to Razorbeard who can pilot his ship which not only flew past stars fast enough to where they looked like blurs but also traveled around the galaxy in an unknown timeframe. Reacted to projectiles while flying past stars.), likely Immeasurable (Scales to Bodvar who

    Lifting Strength: Likely Universal (Can presumably lift his own television.)

    Striking Strength: Universal+

    Durability: Universal+ (Survived the implied destruction of the Leptys' dimension. Can take hits from Reflux, one of the strongest characters in the series who has been stated to be Rayman's toughest opponent), Regeneration and Resurrection make him incredibly difficult to kill

    Stamina: Very High (Goes on adventures that last multiple days.)

    Range: Standard Melee range, Tens of Meters with ranged attacks. Low Multiversal with Dimensonal Travel and with Portal Creation.

    Standard Equipment: Plunger Gun, Laser-Washing Detergent, Costumes

    Intelligence: Varies from Genius to Nigh-Omniscient (Is capable of sneaking into bases guarded with intelligent Rabbids and can pilot many types of machinery and vehicles. Quickly figured out a plan of escape using the plungers he won after being captured the Rabbids. Knows about the creation of his world.)

    Weaknesses: None notable

    Notable Attacks/Techniques: Telescopic Fist, Magic Fist

    Key: Base | Optional Equipment

    Note: Brawlhalla should be considered canon to Rayman because on the official website, Rayman is considered part of the main cast. He has his own lore explaining how he arrived to Valhalla and is even mentioned in another Legend's description.


    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
