“ | I'm Red! The mighty defender of the nest! The smasher of pigs! The castle-busting wrecking ball! I don't freeze! | „ |
~ Red in Angry Birds IDW comics |
Red is the main protagonist of the Angry Birds series of video games created by Rovio Entertainment. He was introduced in 2009, as the icon of the original game and a core member of the original flock, as well as the leader. Red is typically the central character in the series. After his first appearance in Poached Eggs, he has become a prominent character for the series. He hates the pigs the most.
Tier: Low 7-C, 6-C physically, higher with Power Potion and special slingshots | High 6-B physically, higher with Power Potion and special slingshots
Name: Red, his epithets are "Super Red Bird", "Red Bird", "Normal Bird" or "Angry Bird".
Origin: Angry Birds
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (in adult years)
Classification: Bird, Desert/Northern Cardinal, Leader of the Flock
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Is skilled in the use of various weaponry), Vehicular Mastery, Toon Force and Elasticity (Recovered from being flattened), Magic, Size Manipulation (Can enlarge himself via Power Potion/Super Seeds and inflate enemies via Pig Puffer/Inflator), Earth Manipulation and Vibration Manipulation (Can create earthquakes via Birdquake), Explosion Manipulation (Can spawn explosive crates via TNT Drop, Energy TNT, Allaka-BAM and Boombox), Forcefield Creation (Via Protect, Aura of Fortitude, and Defensive Formation), Damage Reduction and Aura (Can grant allies the ability to receive less damage for a short period of time), Sleep Inducement (Can stun enemies via Bedtime ability), Sound Manipulation (Can create sound waves to bring down structures with his Battle Cry), Homing Attack (In Red's Mighty Feathers, can home in and target whatever is in sight and via Homing Bird), Ice Manipulation (Via Blizzard spell), Duplication (Via Flock of Birds spell), Summoning (Can summon Golden Ducks, various Sponsored Spells, Telebird, Shockwave, and Mighty Summons), Fire Manipulation (Via Hot Chili spell and Rage ability), Teleportation (Via Tele-Bird), Fungus Manipulation (Can cause mushrooms to bloom in order to collapse structures via Mush-Bloom), Black Hole Creation (Via Space Egg), Statistics Amplification (Via special slingshots and power-ups such as King/Lightsaber Sling, Speed Boost, Leaf Blower, and Target/Turbo Kart), Statistics Reduction (Can lower an enemies damage output with Overpower), Social Influencing (Can taunt enemies into attacking a specific target), Healing (Via Holy Strike), Rage Power (Via Rage Chili ability), Transformation, Enhanced Senses and Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can transform into Super Red, allowing him to use a radar on his mask and breath in outer space)
Small Town level (Has defeated pigs like Corporal Pig and King Pig countless times, and both were able to survive an explosion that destroyed Pig City. Comparable to the rest of the flock and other characters, who can harm him), Island Level physically (Can pop minion pigs, who are implied to survive an Island Sinking, and a rocket plummeting from near earth asteroids in a short time frame), higher with Power Potion and special slingshots | Large Country Level physically (Stronger than before. Comparable to Space Bomb, who destroyed a small moon), higher with Power Potion and special slingshots
At least Supersonic (Ran from a mountain back to the nest in 1.69 seconds. Sped to Pig City, destroyed it, got the eggs and raced back to the other side of the island in literal seconds), likely FTL (Outpaced a living ray of sunlight. Scales to a Minion Pig reacting to a Pig flying to the moon in a short time frame), Higher w/ King Sling
Class 50 physically (Comparable to Chuck, who lifted a giant tree log to use as a battering ram, Chef Pig who fished up a giant whale and a Minion Pig who pushed the cart with a large pile of chopped wood all by himself), higher with Power Potion and special slingshots
Small Town Class, Island Class physically, higher with Power Potion and special slingshots | Large Country Class physically, higher with Power Potion and special slingshots
Small Town Level (Comparable to King Pig, Corporal Pig, Chuck and Bomb, who can survive explosions which destroyed Pig City), Island Level physically, higher with Power Potion and special slingshots | Large Country Level physically, higher with Power Potion and special slingshots
Superhuman (Is able to run long distances without breaking a sweat)
Standard Melee Range normally; Higher with weapons/spells. Possibly Thousands of Kilometers via slingshot (Slingshot can go to one side of Piggy Island and launch the bird at the other side)
Slingshot, various power-ups and spells, Karts, Knight/Samurai items, Fight! Equipment
Above Average (Is surprisingly an expert at leadership, good at wielding weapons like hammers, swords, slingshots and many others, and is a skilled marksman, mechanic, pilot and driver. Red's method of choice is attacking enemies from a distance with his slingshot, but in situations where he cannot use the slingshot or when he's fully enraged, Red will fight enemies head-on by tackling them or headbutting them. When all else fails, Red will summon the Mighty Eagle as a last resort to cause total destruction on the entire battlefield)
Still hasn't managed to control his anger issues and easily gets out of control often. When at his angriest, acts more like a raging uncontrollable beast instead of his usual self. Is also incredibly highly strung and possibly a bit paranoid, as he is completely liable for mistaking the sound of the wind for the distant battle cry of the pig army.
- Battle Cry: Red unleashes a mighty battle cry loud enough to topple down stone structures.
- Mighty Feathers: Red homes onto a target, and charges right into them.
- Speed Boost: When Red's power-up beaker is filled, he can increase his speed for a short period of time to give him a small boost.
- Attack: Deals 115% AD damage and forces target to attack Red for 3 turns.
- Protect: Target bird receives 55% less damage for 2 turns.
- Overpower: Deals 110% AD, reducing target's attack power by 25% for 2 turns.
- Aura of Fortitude:All birds receive 25% less damage for 4 turns.
- Orb of Life: 40% chance to heal 25% of life at the end of the turn
- Defensive Formation: Target bird receives 50% less damage and all other birds receive 40% less damage. Lasts 1 turn.
- Lifeleech: Every attack heals by 15% of damage dealt.
- Spiteful: Deals 150% damage to enemies that are already stunned.
- Revenge: Deals 90% AD damage, which increases by 2% per 1% health lost.
- I Dare You!: Forces all enemies to attack target bird, which receives 20% less damage. Lasts 2 turns.
- Holy Strike: Deals 135% AD damage. The bird with most of its health depleted is healed for 30% of the damage dealt
- Devotion: Receives damage instead of target bird, and takes 40% less damage. Lasts 3 turns.
- Last Breath: 50% chance to kill a Undead when doing the last hit.
- Knockout: 8% chance to stun an enemy.
- Feral Assault: Deals 2x 65% AD damage. Targets with negative effects receive 150% damage.
- Ancestral Protection: Enemies deal 40% less damage for 3 turns after attacking the target bird. Lasts 3 turns.
- Total Balance: Increases the damage by 15% per 30% health lost.
- Burst of Anger: Red fly's around the field unleashing shockwave across the screen.
- Space Eagle: When summoned by a tin of sardines, the Space Eagle shall enter the fray through a wormhole and destroy everything in sight. This is most often used as a last resort.
Base | Super
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: