Rei Ayanami (綾波 レイ, "Ayanami Rei") is a fictional character from the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise. She is the First Children, pilot of the Evangelion Unit-00 and one of the female main characters.
At the beginning of the series, Rei is an enigmatic figure whose unusual behavior confounds her peers. As the series progresses, her personality evolves and she becomes more involved with the people around her, particularly her classmate and fellow Eva pilot Shinji Ikari. She is revealed to be a key factor in the events that conclude the storyline. Her role in this conclusion is not made clear in the TV series, but is one of the principal plot points of The End of Evangelion.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-A | 7-A, higher with Positron Sniper Rifle, High 7-A with A.T. Field and N² Bomb, higher with Self-Destruction, High 6-C at peak synchronisation, High 6-A with A.T. Field, Low 5-B with Spear of Longinus | Low 5-B
Key: Rei II & III | Evangelion Unit-00 | Lilith Rei
Name: Rei Ayanami, First Children
Origin: Evangelion
Gender: Female
Age: 14 (Birthdate: March 30)
Classification: Half Lilin/Half Lilith Hybrid, Angel, EVA Pilot
Powers and Abilities:
- Immortality (Types 1 & 6 - Consciousness Transferal, with her soul being transferred to a new clone body every time she dies)
- Piloting
- A.T. Fields (The Lilin still possess A.T. Fields despite not being able to manifest them)
- Self-Quantum Manipulation (A person's ego boundary is what forms their shape and keeps it from breaking down. Also, as shown by Shinji and other Lilin as a whole they are able to reform their bodies after being turned into a quantum state/pure LCL.)
- Resistance to Heat Manipulation with the Plugsuit (While wearing a Plugsuit, Shinji could open a super-heated Entry Plug hatch without suffering large burns, unlike his father who performed the same action with his bare hands)
- Angel Physiology (Evangelion)
- Self-Destruction
- Explosion Manipulation (With N2 Mine)
- Vibration Manipulation & Matter Manipulation (Using the Prog Knife Unit-00 can affect matter at the atomic level, effective even on Angels who should be able to resist the effects of an Anti-A.T. Field and are made of a substance with a particle/wave duality)
- Radiation Manipulation (The Pallet Rifle is stated in supplementary material to use uranium bullets)
- Antimatter Manipulation (The Positron Rifle is stated in supplementary material to use Antimatter)
Attack Potency: Athlete level (Harmed Shinji Ikari) | Varies (An Evangelion's strength can fluctuate depending on sync rate), At Least Mountain level (Should be comparable to other Evangelion units), Higher with Positron Sniper Rifle (An upgraded, modified, or Eva-specific version of the one Unit-01 used to pierce Ramiel's A.T. Field, though to do this all Tokyo-3's electricity was needed to do this), Large Mountain level with A.T. Field (A.T. Fields can be used offensively to bypass those of others) and N² Bomb (N² explosives are this strong), higher with Self-Destruction (instantly destroyed Armisael and destroyed all of Tokyo-3 by inverting its own A.T. Field and overload the core), up to Large Island Level at peak synchronisation (Scaling from Unit-01, who was able to harm Zeruel, who should be superior to Sahaquiel's self-destruction which would have destroyed the Geofront even from 20 kilometers away which would have been this powerful), Multi-Continent Level with A.T. Field (Was able to use its A.T. Field to neutralise Zeruel's, which should be superior to that of Arael), can negate durability with various weapons Small Planet level with Spear of Longinus | Small Planet level (Her A.T. Field surpassed those of Tabris and Adam, and she can release teratons of energy just by walking, grew and expanded her wings across the Earth), can negate durability with Anti-A.T. Field
Speed: Athletic Human | Supersonic movement speed (Comparable to EVA Unit-01) with FTL combat speed and reactions (Intercepted Ramiel's particle beam, which moves at 99% light speed, and should be comparable to Units 01 and 02, who were able to dodge Israfel's optic blasts). At least Massively Hypersonic+ attack speed with Spear of Longinus (Quickly pierced and killed Arael in Earth's atmosphere and eventually reached the moon) | FTL+ combat speed (Should be superior to angels capable of this speed. Should be comparable to awakened Eva-01, who should be vastly superior to their berserk self, which was able to react to Zeruel's arms, which were used by the latter in blitzing its base self and Unit-02)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human | Class G with A.T. Field (Was able to match the mass of a descending Sahaquiel reinforced by an A.T. Field for at least 1 minute) | Class T (Weighs around 128 trillion metric tons, large enough to be seen from space)
Striking Strength: Athlete level | Mountain level, Small Planet Level with Spear of Longinus | Small Planet level
Durability: Athlete level (Didn't flinch in response to being hit by Asuka Langley Sohryu) | Varies depending on sync rate, at least Mountain level (Should be comparable to other Evangelions, who tanked Israfel's destruction), Large Mountain Level with A.T. Field (Survived a direct N² explosive detonation), higher with shield (Withstood Ramiel's powerful particle gun for up to 17 seconds), up to Large Island Level at peak synchronisation (Scaling from Unit-01), Multi-Continent Level with A.T. Field (Should be comparable to Unit-02, who could momentarily withstand a blow from a replica of the Spear of Longinus using their A.T. Field) | Small Planet level
Stamina: Athletic | Essentially Infinite when it has its Umbilical Cable connected, has a 5 minute internal battery otherwise and longer with extra battery packs. Much higher in berserk mode as it can run without a power source as it contains a soul. | Infinite (All angels have infinite stamina thanks to their S² Engines)
Range: Standard Melee Range | At least Tens of Meters, Hundreds of Meters with A.T. Field. Hundreds of Meters to Planetary with ranged weapons (The Positron rifle can shoot into low earth orbit). | Hundreds of Kilometers. Planetary with the "Anti A.T. Field". Interdimensional with the Doors of Guf
Intelligence: Average, Above Average in Combat (Received training from NERV)
Standard Tactics: Rei pilots the Eva | Unit-00 uses the Pallet Rifle and Progressive Knife along with its A.T. Field, and close quarter combat | Lilith-Rei initiates Third Impact, catering to Shinji Ikari's terms
Weaknesses: Average Human Weaknesses | An Eva pilot feels everything their Evangelion feels when synchronized with the Eva, experiencing the pain of injuries the Eva sustains. It appears that if an Evangelion is severely damaged enough (even if the Entry Plug containing the pilot is not directly damaged itself), the pilot can indeed die from physical shock. And at an abnormally high synchronization ratio, it appears that pilots will really suffer injuries an Eva suffers. Unit-00 can be easily separated from its Umbilical Cord and only has 5 minutes of internal battery (can somewhat be remedied with extra battery packs). When Berserk, Unit-00 is uncontrollably destructive | If Shinji rejects instrumentality, she will decay and deteriorate

Interface Headset
- Plugsuit 00: Form-fitting full body suits resembling a diver's wet suit, worn by Eva pilots together with their Interface Headsets in order to increase their synchronization with the Evangelions. 00 is distinctive in its white coloring with orange patches at the shoulders.
Although helpful, plugsuits do not appear to be essential to pilot an Eva, as there have a few occasions when Shinji piloted without one. It is stated, however, that a plugsuit increases the pilot's synchronization ratio by cutting down on interference. - Interface Headset: A small device, worn when piloting an Evangelion unit.
- Progressive Knife: A combat knife contained inside the left shoulder pylon of an Evangelion who uses it, and is one of the Evas' basic weapons. The blade of the knife vibrates at an extremely high frequency, increasing its cutting sharpness to the point that it can cut through the target at a molecular level. It is strong enough to pierce an Angel's core with little trouble.
- Pallet Rifle: Sometimes alternatively called Pallet Gun, it is the standard-issue rifle used by Evangelion units. It resembles a Steyr ACR. This giant automatic rifle is proportionately sized to match the Evas, so an Eva can wield the rifle just as a human would use a conventional assault rifle.
- Sniper Rifle: Unit-00's weapon of choice, modeled on the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum.
- Positron Sniper Rifle: An upgraded, modified, or Eva-specific version of the prototype, originally requisitioned from the JSSDF's R&D labs, where it was known as the SDF's Automated Positron Rifle.
- B-Type Equipment: The standard Evangelion armor. It is unsuited for use in combat underwater, or in extreme conditions.
- F-Type Equipment [Airborne Warfare]: It is the equipment used to transport the Evangelion units.
- Umbilical Cable: The electrical power cables used to link Evangelions in the field to external power supplies in Tokyo-3. The connectors attaching to the rear of an Evangelion are visually similar to a three-point plug. Two large holes in the connector allow a retro-rocket to slow its descent and prevent damage when it is discarded. Tokyo-3 has a multitude of power buildings that house connectors and cable for an Evangelion to switch to a new cable, in case the old cable has reached its maximum length or been severed.
- Internal Batteries: Functions as an emergency power pack in cases where the Umbilical Cable would be impractical to use, or if it has been disconnected/severed. The batteries are mentioned in-show to provide power for five minutes, or one minute at full power. Battery supplies can be extended without the umbilical cable, using large disposable batteries located on the Eva's shoulder pylons. These provide an unspecified extra operating time and are used in the battles against Israfel and Matarael.
- Optional Equipment:
- Heat-resistant lightwave shield (Evangelion dedicated defense weapon ENCHANTED SHIELD OF VIRTUE): A specially converted "shield" made from the heat shield on the underside of an SSTO spacecraft. The SSTO ship's bottom has a super-electromagnetic coating that can withstand Ramiel's powerful particle gun for up to 17 seconds.
- N² bomb: Used on Zeruel by Unit-00'. It destroys Unit-00's right arm, which was in contact with the bomb, but Zeruel was unaffected by the explosion at point blank.
- Spear of Longinus: An extraterrestrial artifact with the power to penetrate any Absolute Terror Field and immobilize beings of god-like power.
Black Moon
- Black Moon: The "egg" of Lilith, a transport vessel created by the First Ancestral Race to send Lilith to Earth. It collided violently into Earth 4 billion years ago in the event dubbed "First Impact", and came to rest deep beneath the Earth's surface in the region that would eventually become Hakone, Japan. Buried under the surface, the Black Moon formed a spherical underground cavity of gigantic size termed a "GeoFront", around which Tokyo-3 and NERV Headquarters were eventually built. According to production sketches, the Black Moon is 13.75 km in diameter.
- S² Engine: An S² (Super Solenoid) Engine (S²機関, S² Kikan), also referred to as an S² Organ, is an organ located within the core of an Angel which grants it a limitless source of energy. Evangelions are not born with S² Engines, and are thus (normally) dependent upon energy supplied via a power cable or an internal battery.
- LCL Sea: The L.C.L Sea may informally refer to the LCL-flooded seas following Third Impact, but it is used in a more specific context by Lilith/Rei Ayanami to denote, apparently, a metaphysical domain where life originated.
Intelligence: Average, Above Average in Combat (Received training from NERV)
Standard Tactics: Rei pilots the Eva | Unit-00 uses the Pallet Rifle and Progressive Knife along with its A.T. Field, and close quarter combat | Lilith-Rei initiates Third Impact, catering to Shinji Ikari's terms
Weaknesses: Average Human Weaknesses | An Eva pilot feels everything their Evangelion feels when synchronized with the Eva, experiencing the pain of injuries the Eva sustains. It appears that if an Evangelion is severely damaged enough (even if the Entry Plug containing the pilot is not directly damaged itself), the pilot can indeed die from physical shock. And at an abnormally high synchronization ratio, it appears that pilots will really suffer injuries an Eva suffers. Unit-00 can be easily separated from its Umbilical Cord and only has 5 minutes of internal battery (can somewhat be remedied with extra battery packs). When Berserk, Unit-00 is uncontrollably destructive | If Shinji rejects instrumentality, she will decay and deteriorate
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- A.T. Field (A.T. = Absolute Terror): The intangible light of the soul in the physical world, A.T. Fields are possessed by all living beings on NGE-Earth and are one of the major aspects of the human psyche that defines someone as "individual" and "protect" them from the intrusion of another's feelings. However, the Evangelion Units and the Angels are unique in the ability to generate A.T. Fields that are corporeal and occasionally visible to the naked eye, possibly due to a large amount of innate energy contained in their souls. Their A.T. Fields mostly function as a physical defense: a forcefield consisting of concentric octagonal yellow lines. The barrier is almost perfect, only being temporarily disrupted from its active state by incredibly energetic weapons (such as military-grade positron beams and "N² Weapons") or erosion by another corporeal "A.T. Field" that is superior in strength. If left alone after initial disruption, the A.T. Field will revive its durability almost instantly as long as the user is still alive, making it a regenerative barrier. The transition from a dormant A.T. Field to an active Field is indicated by a slight atmospheric blurring.
- Pallet Rifle blaze: Attack using the Pallet Rifle.
- Progressive Knife continuous attack: Continuously attack with the progressive knife, stabbing and slicing, usually targeting an angel's core.
- Berserk Mode: Refers to a state an Evangelion can enter, in which it has gone beyond humanity's ability to control. While in this state, they display a savage, nearly animalistic battle frenzy in which their strength and capabilities dramatically increase. Some units that possess jaws bolted shut will typically force them open to let out a frightening howl.
- Third Impact: Lilith is able to start a global cataclysm called the Third Impact, However, when merging with Adam, something more global begins. Responding to Shinji's wish, Lilith/Rei absorbs Unit-01/The Tree of Life through a third eye that emerges on her forehead. This allows her to create an Anti-A.T. Field so powerful that humans are unable to maintain their physical form. People all over the planet dissolve into LCL, the primordial soup from which all Lilith-based life originated. Every human soul is collected within the Black Moon and returns to the Chamber of Guf. There, the collected souls merge into a single life form, which completes Human Instrumentality. Each soul leaves behind a green cross of light, billions of which cover the face of the Earth. It is unclear whether Gendo was denied the opportunity to join in Instrumentality by Lilith/Rei as punishment for his deeds.
Note: This profile covers Rei in the original series.
Note 2: VSB if you're reading this pls dont nuke this profile lol
Notable Matchups[]
Rei Ayanami | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom