Resistance is a catch-all term describing the ability to "resist" certain effects, rendering certain other abilities less effective against the user with resistance. Resistance can often be obtained through use of specialized equipment or through the application of other abilities made to counter a specific power, or simply by a character's innate ability to resist certain things.
1.) It's important to distinguish between resistance and durability when talking about a character's statistics. For example, if a character is portrayed as having high durability due to their unique physiology, they might not suffer as much damage as a regular human would if they were to be struck by lightning, but would otherwise still be affected by the lightning in a way one might predict. Alternatively, if a character with human-like statistics were to be hit with the same type of lightning strike but suffer no damage at all, it can be assumed that they have a form of resistance to electricity. Such a distinction is not important when it comes to abilities of which durability is not a factor, such as Mind Manipulation or Soul Manipulation.
2.) Resistance is not to be confused with Power Nullification or Statistics Reduction, as both abilities are used to directly impact an opponent's ability or potency towards that ability, rather than it being a personalized resistance belonging to a specific person.
3.) Some verses might choose to treat a character's resistance towards a specific ability or range of abilities as being full-on immunity to the abilities in question. Although such treatments certainly add to the impressiveness of a character's resistance, it's important to remember to look at the context and avoid applying a No Limit's Fallacy to the argument. A character that's considered "immune" to certain effects should be treated as immune to the effects as presented in the verse, and as such, another verse with higher-level (or higher-tiered) applications of the same ability could hold enough potency to effectively bypass the immunity.
4.) Often-times, a character's resistance may be argued to be "multi-layered". Contextually, this refers to a scaling chain concerning a character's resistance being able to overcome a series of other abilities which are themselves shown to overcome another character's resistance towards the same thing. This is not to be confused with negating a character's resistance towards something. In the case of layered resistance, it is usually assumed that the characters in the scaling chain all kept their ability to resist something in-tact, but that said resistance was not potent enough to save them from succumbing to the effects of the stronger ability. Resistance Negation, on the other hand, directly counters the ability to resist altogether. As such, a character with multiple layers of resistance towards a given ability may not necessarily be safe from a character that can negate resistance to that ability altogether.