“ | Come on, think outside the box! It's got everything we need—a toilet, a...toilet... | „ |
~ Richard in "The End" |
“ | I didn't start off as a good father, but your kids... they see you as better than you are, so every day, you bust your chops and try to live up to that. | „ |
~ Richard in "The Father" |
Richard Watterson is one of the main characters in The Amazing World of Gumball. He serves the role of the father in the Watterson family. Unlike the traditional father, however, Richard is not wise, nor is he a good role model for his children in any way. Despite his misguided advice and uncouth mannerisms, Richard has good intentions and loves his family all the same.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 6-C, at least 6-C, possibly higher in muscular form, 5-C likely 5-A via Ring of Fire, Low 2-C Environmental Destruction with a job
Name: Richard Buckley Watterson
Origin: The Amazing World of Gumball
Gender: Male
Age: 38 years old
Classification: Anthropomorphic rabbit, Father of the Wattersons, Laziest in Elmore
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Toon Force, Basic Fighting Skills (During The Remote and The Parents, he showed competent basic fighting skills against Nicole while trying to snatch a TV remote from her or while trying to put sweets in her shopping cart, although Richard is nowhere near as proficient as her. During The Game, when motivated by food, he managed to chase down and surprise attack Gumball), Acrobatics (During The Parents, he did an impressive flip jump), Weapon Mastery (During The Copycats, he was able to juggle three chainsaws while blindfolded, and during The Finale, he accidentally one-shot Patrick with a rake), Regeneration (At least High-Low; healed from breaking 5 ribs in The Prank), Immortality (Type 2. Can live without his heart), High Pain Tolerance (Wasn't fazed by breaking 5 ribs or his heart being torn out of his chest), Limited Plot Manipulation (Passive; As established during The Finale, the Watterson family canonically returns to the status quo in between almost every episode, preventing them from facing long-term consequences[1]) Imagination Manifestation (Created and drove an invisible car), Enhanced Senses (Knows how to use an invisible truck; Richard can sense food related occurrences in locations he's not present in, as seen during The Recipe and The Menu), Time Manipulation (Can rewind time), Teleportation (During The Slip, Richard suddenly appeared back on the couch after he was standing at the front door of his home), Empathic Manipulation and Corruption (Type 2; Caused the "Joy Virus" with his Wonder Hug, which in turn caused uncontrollable smiling, singing, laughter, hallucinations, the need for hugs and kisses, and eventual unconsciousness. After which, the subject(s) are put in a zombie-like state), limited Shapeshifting (Imitated Darwin's face), Surface Scaling (Clings on the warehouse ceiling), Probability Manipulation (Passive; With Lucky Helmet), Superhuman Digestion (Claimed to have eaten a white whale in The Menu, and later in the episode he ate at every Joyful Burger location in Elmore within less than an hour), Accelerated Development (Went from being obese to muscular in a timeframe stated and shown to only be under one minute), Skilled Guitarist, Immersion (Went inside a movie), Size Manipulation, Large Size and Energy Projection (Type 5, can grow to the size of a planet in his Ring of Fire summoning attack and fire a large beam of energy)
Everything in base, plus passive Reality Warping, Transmutation, Gravity Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation (Caused a massive distortion in space that would've destroyed the universe), Matter Manipulation, Age Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Weather Manipulation (Caused it to snow in the middle of June), Darkness Manipulation (Darkened the sky and turned the sun into the moon), Time Manipulation (Caused night time at noon, can trap people in time loops as well as decelerated time and send individuals back in time)
Attack Potency: Island level, at least Island level, possibly higher in muscular form (Comparable to his son, when not holding back), Moon level+, likely Large Planet level+ via Ring of Fire (In his summoning attack, he grows planet sized), Universe level+ Environmental Destruction with a job (Could rip apart the fabric of the universe, including causing distortions in time)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Has shown to be able to keep up with the rest of his family on occasions)
Lifting Strength: Class G (Temporarily restrained Nicole. Pushed a car and capable of ripping off its doors with ease). Class Z via Ring of Fire (Can support his own weight in this form)
Striking Strength: Island level, at least Island level, possibly higher in muscular form
Durability: At least Island level (Has survived getting pierced by Gumball's claws), possibly higher in muscular form
Stamina: Varies from Below Average to Superhuman (Richard is consistently portrayed as unathletic and lazy, but is sometimes able to dash for extended periods, has screamed for 15 years straight as revealed in The Wand, has complained for 3 days straight in The Stars, was merely frustrated from being stranded at sea with his shirt as his only source of food in The Prank, and could still function normally after becoming morbidly obese from eating at every Joyful Burger restaurant in Elmore under an hour in The Menu)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Universal+ using his supernatural abilities when he has a job
Standard Equipment: None
- Optional Equipment: Lucky Helmet, guitar
Intelligence: Below Average generally, up to Average with certain skills.
During The Origins, Richard successfully negotiated a lower price at the Awesome Store but then foolishly undid it, and baby Darwin was able to tell that being as dumb as possible was being Richard. During The Responsible, Richard was behaving like a baby when Nicole tried getting him to join the parent meeting at Elmore Junior High. During The Dress, he thought that being clearly instructed to not do the laundry meant that he should do the laundry, which he spent all night doing and still failed at it. During The Date, Richard demonstrated that he's irresponsible with money. During The Goons, Richard was along with Gumball and Darwin treating themselves as experts at being dumb. Gumball described Richard as being among the stupidest people in Elmore, and despite Richard being the referee of the Dumb Race, he participated in the race anyway because he couldn't resist "the call of dumbness". He mistook Larry's marriage proposal to Karen as a marriage proposal to himself, and he had to ponder about an answer for a while despite already being married to Nicole. Gumball compared him to a baby during The Rerun. Principal Brown didn't consider Richard as an adult during The Finale, and Nicole has stated that she raises Richard along with her kids during The Fury. Richard was shown to be an immature parent during The Castle. During The Brain, a doctor said that Richard's intelligence scales far below an amoeba, which was probably a hyperbole, but still means that Richard is far dumber than Gumball and Darwin at their worsts. During The Founder, Richard couldn't independently think of anything important to him that isn't on the Internet. During The Vegging, Richard thought that he could drive to Gumball and Darwin so he could bring them to him so they could save him from being in the car dangling off a broken bridge. Richard didn't understand obvious sarcasm during The Gripes. He implied that he's a degenerate online during The Blame. During The Slip, Richard couldn't predict what the resulting image of a four piece jigsaw puzzle was when he only needed one more piece to finish it. Richard is easily tricked by food, as seen during The Slip and during The Diet, the latter of which also demonstrated that Richard has terrible short-term memory. During The Menu, Richard wanted Gumball and Darwin be the ones to get hired at Joyful Burger instead of himself so he can learn a secret, and he invented the reverse job because of how lazy he is. In fact, it has been shown during The Job that Richard is so unfit for employment that him achieving employment overwhelms reality itself.
During The Prank, Richard was shown to be a clever prankster. During The Lady, Richard was shown to be able to secretly dress up in a way that looked nothing like his natural self, able to successfully befriend people by disguising as an old woman. During The Detective, Richard used sewing skills to patch a hole in a doll. During The Question, Richard explained how there is a philosophical reason behind his laziness. During The Return, Richard was able to find a clever position so he could drive while reaching outside of the side of his car that doesn't have the wheel. During The Nuisance, Richard demonstrated integrity with an inspirational analogy. During The Bus, Richard noticed his teeth marks in a suitcase that contained money, which was otherwise identical to a bomb suitcase. Richard is an expert with food, as seen during The Slip, where he was capable of successfully deducing a rival's location just based on the sound of oil sizzling in a phone call. During The Lie, he was creative when thinking of the unhealthiest junk food he could make, the Sluzzlewurst. During The Factory, Richard was able to creatively imagine what household objects would taste like if they were food, as part of his usual lounging routine. As shown during The Fuss, Richard can reach up to unremarkable average intelligence for topics that he doesn't specialize in via limit break thinking; after going through an intense transformation, his neurons can communicate properly, and he can achieve a small bit of critical thinking.
Weaknesses: Richard is generally unintelligent and can be easily distracted by food. He is incredibly lazy, to the point where he is officially classified as the laziest person in Elmore. With a job: He is completely unaware of his newfound powers, he does not have full control over them, and he will lose them if he's fired from his job.
- ↑ The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 2, Episode 76, The Finale