Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Tier: Pickle Rick 10-C Base Form Rick 9-B to 2-A With Multiverse Portal Gun Low 1-C to High 1-C | 1-B to 1-A With Full Preparation Time. above tiering system with meme + fortune cookie | 1-S

Name: Rick Sanchez

Origin: Rick & Morty

Gender: Male

Age: 70 years old

Classification: Smartest man in the universe, Rick C-137.

Immortality Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Regeneration (Low-mid), Preparation, Fourth Wall Awareness, Extrasensory Perception, Portal Creation, Dimensional Travel & Spatial Manipulation via the Portal Gun, Status Effect Inducement, Energy Manipulation, Energy Projection, BFR, Matter Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Acausality (Type 1 and 3), Time Manipulation, Time Travel, Elemental Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Fate Manipulation (Via Fortune Cookies), Probability Manipulation (Via Fortune Cookies), Technopathy, Telepathy, Size Manipulation (Shrunk down to meet the Gargantuans), Explosion Manipulation, Summoning (Via Meeseek boxes), Sealing, Emotional Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Information Analysis, Purification, Teleportation, Time Stop, Antimatter Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Transmutation, Duplication, Resurrection, Fusionism (Fused multiple equally probable timelines), Hacking, Possession, Invisibility, Sleep Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Invulnerability, Mind Control, Electricity Manipulation. Precognition, Clairvoyance, Adhesive Manipulation, Fragrance Manipulation, Large Size (Type 1 and 3), Magic, Acid Manipulation, Reality Warping, Plot Manipulation (Breached the fourth wall), resistance to Plot Manipulation (Created a device to negate the abilities of characters with plot manipulation), Existence Erasure, Power Nullification, Black Hole Generation, Sound Manipulation, Power Absorption, Weapon Creation, Genius Intelligence, Corruption, Radiation Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, Creation, Power Nullification, Healing, Danmaku, Conceptual Manipulation (Lesser realist, Is able to kill previous Leon, and labels him as a "Conceptual piece of shit."), Flight, Social Influencing, Surface Scaling, Small Size (Type 0 and 1), Death Manipulation (Created something unknown which instantaneously killed somebody upon touching him), Radiation Manipulation and many many more.

Attack Potency: Wall Level with (base form), Island Level with (laser pistol.) Large Planet Level (Capable of throwing a planet.) Outerversal.

Speed: Immeasurable,Irrelevant.

Durability: Outerversal

Lifting Strength: Class Y (capable of throwing planets.)

Striking Strength: Multiversal++

Range: High Complex Multiversal+

Stamina: Limitless.

Intelligence: Supergenius.

Weaknesses: Alcoholic.

More Feats: Fought a god. Defeated world ended and his men while black out drunk. Defeated the vindicaters with traps. Destroyed the galactic government. Can break time. Created his clones. Turned himself a pickle. Deceived a memory reboot machine. Escaped through someones mind. Created his own universe. Can manage time.
