SCP-073 appears to be a heavily-tanned male of Arabic or Middle Eastern descent in his early thirties, 185 cm (6'1") tall and 75 kg (165 lbs), with black hair and blue eyes. Arms, legs, spinal cord, and shoulder blades of the subject appear to have been replaced with artificial versions of unknown make and metal. Subject only takes notice of this when it is pointed out, and states that it has no knowledge of how, why, or when these replacements took place, stating it had had them as long as it could remember. There is a symbol engraved into the forehead of the subject, which appears to be of Sumerian origin. Symbol has of yet been untranslated, and subject appears distressed when the symbol is mentioned at all, refusing to speak on it. Subject does need to eat and drink on a regular basis, but is strictly carnivorous owing to its effect on plant-based items.
SCP-073, who refers to itself as "Cain", is generally polite and genial to all who speak to it, though it has been described as being cold and somewhat mechanical in its speech. It is very helpful, and enjoys aiding personnel in their daily actions, whatever they may be. It has highly detailed knowledge of ancient to recent events in history, and most commonly spoken languages in the world, including ones that have since died out. Subject has professed to having a photographic memory, remembering word-for-word all text in an eight-hundred-page dictionary that was flicked through in a minute and a half. It has scored above average in all intelligence tests given to it.
SCP-073's presence is inimical to any and all life grown in soil, causing death to any such life within a twenty (20) meter radius. Any land SCP-073 has walked on (and any within the twenty [20] meter radius) becomes barren as all anaerobic bacteria dies, rendering the soil incapable of supporting life until new bacteria are introduced. Anything that is derived from soil-grown life, such as wood and paper, immediately rots and disintegrates upon touch of SCP-073. Further affected derivatives include anything hydroponically grown.
Tier: 6-A | 6-B | 8-A.
Names: SCP-073, "Cain" | Qayin, Cairn, Chief Priest of the People of the Valley, The First Murderer, The Cursed Wanderer, Arakur.
Origin: SCP Foundation.
Gender: Male.
Age: Early 30's physically | Early 30's physically, older than time chronologically | Older than creation.
Classification: Euclid Class Anomalous Entity | Son of Adam and Hawwah, Former Chief Priest of the People of the Two Trees.
Powers and Abilities:
- Article Canon:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1), Genius Intelligence, Photographic Memory, Cyborgization, Death Manipulation (SCP-073 instantly causes the death of any and all life grown in soil within a twenty meter radius), Matter Manipulation (Anything that is derived from soil-grown life, such as wood and paper, as well as anything hydroponically grown, immediately rots and disintegrates upon contact with SCP-073), Damage Transferral/Attack Reflection (Any damage, including indirect damage through an anti-personal medium, directed towards SCP-073 reflects directly back onto the attacker).
- Djoricverse:
All Article Canon abilities plus: Immortality (Type 8), Magic, Fire Manipulation, Precognition. Resistence to: Mind Manipulation and Memory Manipulation (Unaffected by being in direct contact with SCP-3000).
- Kaktusverse:
All Article Canon abilities except Immortality (Type 1), plus: Longevity.
Attack Potency: Continent | Country | Multi-City Block Level.(Comparable to Able as a son of Adam. As a precursor race to Hector, Cain should be comparable to, or stronger to him).
Speed: Unknown | Unknown | Superhuman with Supersonic+ reaction and combat speed (Comparable to Able).
Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Completely unhindered by the weight of his arms [his arms are made of beryllium bronze, which has a density of 8.78 g/cm^3, this would make them weigh approximately 180 kg each]) | At least Superhuman | At least Superhuman.
Striking Strength: Continent | Country | Multi-City Block Level.
Durability: Unknown, Attack Reflection makes him very hard to kill (Due to his ability, any damage that is dealt to him will instead be reflected back onto the user) | Unknown | At least Multi-City Block level.
Stamina: Superhuman.
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters (20 meters) with death manipulation | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with fire, Tens of Meters (20 meters) with death manipulation.
Standard Equipment: None notable.
Intelligence: Supergenius (SCP-073 possesses a perfect photographic memory, able to remember word-for-word all text in an eight-hundred-page dictionary that was flicked through in a minute and a half. He also has highly detailed knowledge of ancient to recent events in history, and most commonly spoken languages in the world, including ones that have since died out. SCP-073's intelligence is so high that the Foundation uses him as a backup for all of their data and information in the event of a catastrophe. This intelligence stems from his past life in which he was gifted knowledge from Nahash, which was so great that it would have been too much of a burden for even the gods to handle).
Weaknesses: Still feels the pain of attempted damage inflicted on him.