“ | NILES! PLEASE JUST LET THEM GO! Our time is over! Don't drag them down with our failures. | „ |
~ SMG0 begging Niles to let Mario, SMG3, SMG4 and Melony escape from the decaying God Box |
SuperMemeGuardian0, abbreviated as SMG0 or colloquially as Zero, was one of the three overarching protagonists (with SMG1 and SMG2) of the SMG4 series, the overarching protagonist of the Cosmology Lore and a posthumous protagonist for the rest of the series.
Originating from another universe called Mage, SMG0 and his avatar, Fred, played together until the memes corrupted and attacked them. Left at the mercy of the corrupted memes, SMG0 and Fred were saved when the former's USB appeared out the sky and brought Zero out into the Great Beyond where he realized that the God Box had used it to summon the meme guardian in response to his desperation.
With the box's help, it creates a partner for SMG0 in the form of an artificial Super Meme Guardian named Niles, who helps SMG0 by creating the Internet Graveyard and Meme Life Cycle together with him. However, after the God Box corrupts Niles' mind with ideas of "perfection", he uses his new power to accidentally kill Fred and assimilate into SMG0 in order to become a virus-like god named Eldritch SMG0. Trapped and unaware within his own mutated form, SMG0 remained a slave of Niles for many years until he was unknowingly separated from him by Melony during the events of WOTFI 2021 after she begrudingly kills Axol to stop "Zero" from destroying their universe, causing him to awaken inside of the incomplete universe with no memory of what happened or how much time had passed.
Six months later, his isolation is brought to an abrupt end when SMG4, SMG3 and Mario come crashing into his small world and he explains his past with Niles to them. Unfortunately, Niles immediately shows up afterwards in Melony's body and despite her resistance, is unable to stop him from joining back with SMG0 to resume his eldritch form and plans for the "perfect universe" once more. However, the fight between Niles and Melony causes SMG0 to wake up inside of Niles' mindscape and after being freed from his chains, ends up finding Niles controlling their fused form as he desperately tries to prevent Mario from escaping.
Seeing how corrupted his partner has become from the God Box, SMG0 throws himself in the way of him as he is about to drag Melony and the others down to their deaths as the God Box is being destroyed which snaps Niles back to his original self as he weeps over the futility of his actions. However, SMG0 assures Niles that just being together is enough and he convinces Niles to journey into the light with him to find Fred again, thus putting an end to both Niles' psychotic plans and the threat of the God Box.
Tier: 2-A to 1-A | 2-A to 1-A
Name: SuperMemeGuardian0, Real Zero, The Light, A lil' wholesome boi, Zero (by Niles and SMG4), Good buddy (by Niles)
Origin: SMG4 Channel
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, at least 40 (years since releasing of Mage, the game SMG0 and Fred are from. Possibly older than SMG1 and SMG2)
Classification: Meme Guardian
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Meme Manipulation (Being the original Super Meme Guardian, SMG0 is assumed to have the same powers as the other four but since he wasn't meant to have a partner, its assumed that he is different from the others as he can use his meme powers by himself. However, it's unknown if his powers are weaker than the other SMGs since they combined their strength to use their meme powers), Magic, Fire Manipulation, Energy Projection (Based on their game, SMG0 is capable of shooting fireballs and summoning magical shields, as shown while playing with Fred)
Same as his and Niles including Resurrection (Brought to life dead Recolored Mario's), Memory Manipulation, Body Control (Limb control and can extend his arms to great lengths), Life Manipulation, Regeneration, Corruption, Telekinesis, Reality Warping, Size Manipulation, Dimensional Travel
Multiverse level+ to Outerverse level (The full extent of SMG0's true power is unknown due to how little was shown of him in his true form before being assimilated by Niles and sacrificing himself to stop him. Given that he is a Super Meme Guardian, it can be assumed that SMG0 has the same basic powers as SMG1, SMG2, SMG3 and SMG4 and thus would be on the same level as them. Aside from his status as an SMG, he also has seemingly magical powers inherent to his game, Mage, that he shares with his avatar, such as being able to shoot fireballs and summon shields to block them) | Multiverse level+ to Outerverse level (Has destroyed many, many universes in his search for “the avatar”. SMG0 is one of the most powerful characters, if not the most powerful character, in the SMG4 series. He is the most imposing of all the villains that SMG4's Gang has ever faced, far surpassing Waluigi and SMG3, who both gained superpowers during their own arcs while causing more destruction than the rest of the villains combined. His powers are so great that SMG3 and SMG4 both considered him to be a god due to his corrupt power. Can move around the Great Beyond, which exists outside the universe. Scales to SMG1 and SMG2, who destroyed the God Box, which holds and grants unlimited power. Niles was created by the God Box)
Irrelevant (Comparable to other SMG's) | Irrelevant (Can move around the Great Beyond, which exists outside the universe)
Class G (Capable of lifting Mario with ease, who weighs over 94,324,323,595 kg), possibly higher (Can throw an entire universe)
Multiversal+ to Outerversal | Multiversal+ to Outerversal
Multiverse level+ to Outerverse level | Multiverse level+ to Outerverse level
Very high
Standard melee range, at least Low Multiversal, possibly Multiversal with Guardian Pod (Can travel to different universes)
Guardian Pod: Mysterious alien USBs that come from another universe. Each Guardian Pod contains a Super Meme Guardian and a limited anti-virus subscription.
Genius (Like other common-sense characters, SMG0 is smarter than Mario. He is able to know how to use the Guardian Pods with ease)
Despite having never been shown to use his meme powers, as a Super Meme Guardian, SMG0 requires memes in order to use his superpowers. However, it's unknown if he has to hold hands with Niles to use these powers or if he is capable of transmuting memes of his own power. | If Niles chooses to assimilate into another creature while assimilating SMG0, he risks losing his grip on Zero if the host is killed, as Melony killing Axol forced Niles and SMG0 back into their true forms. Due to Eldritch SMG0 being a god, the only thing that can harm him is another creature of similar godliness, such as Melony in her Fierce Deity form, being the only one capable of genuinely harming Niles even in his eldritch form and it being powerful enough to awaken the real SMG0 inside of the mindscape, allowing him to break free and intervene in Niles' control over their merged form.
Niles (when fused with SMG0) is one of the most powerful characters, if not the most powerful character, in the SMG4 series. He is the most imposing of all the villains that SMG4's Gang has ever faced, far surpassing Waluigi and SMG3 who both gained superpowers during their own arcs while causing more destruction than the rest of the villains combined. His and SMG0's combined powers are so great that SMG3 and SMG4 both considered him to be a god due to his corruptive power:
- Genius-Level Intelligence: He is demonstrated to be able to turn any given situation into a strategy to initiate his goals. He is also shown to be able to know how to use the Guardian Pods with ease.
- Zombification: Zero can turn the Mario Recolors into zombies and control them.
- Flashbacks: Unlike SMG4 and SMG3, Zero does remember his past, and Zero can show Mario his backstory upon utterance of the word "witness".
- Limb control: Zero is able to control limbs in his body. They are able to act under Zero's control even when they are cut off, and retain Zero's abilities. For example, in SMG4: The Other Universe, when Zero was holding the door up to escape from its pod, its arm was cut off in the process and was able to act independently without the main body.
- Meme Corruption: Zero can corrupt memes, turning them blue, making them very hostile and work under his control.
- Life-force absorption: Zero is able to absorb life-force from any being that can even kill the user that had its life-force drained away or control them.
- Assimilation: With a simple touch, SMG0 is able to assimilate over any being he desires. He assimilated such beings like Axol in SMG4: The Day HE Arrived.
- Teleportation: Zero was able to take Mario, SMG4, and SMG3 back to Dark Web in SMG4: Mario and The Backrooms even though SMG3 was in an entirely different dimension.
- Mutation: Zero can mutate his host's body to resemble his true form. This ability was shown when Axol suddenly mutated in front of SMG4, Mario, and SMG3 in SMG4: Mario and The Backrooms.
- It was first seen on Mario during the 10-year incident.
- Duplication: As shown in SMG4: MARIOS OKAY, every time someone punches SMG0's eye, the eye can duplicate itself. A theory is that there can be infinitely many eyes if someone punches them enough times.
- Thought prison: He can mentally interfere with people in a world of thoughts, but there is escape from this world with the power of memes.
- Telekinesis: Can levitate objects and throw them away.
- Meme Manipulation: While acting like a virus, he is still a meme guardian and thus can manipulate meme energy. However, unlike the other SMGs, he is somehow capable of manipulating meme energy on his own but can also manipulate corrupted memes, something that appears impossible for the other meme guardians.
- Choking telekinesis: He is able to use telekinesis while choking a person who is floating seen in SMG4: The Final Piece.
Normal | Fused
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: