Articles About Saitama[]
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Saitama before training

Saitama designs
Saitama (サイタマ, Saitama) is the main protagonist of the series and the titular One-Punch Man. He is currently the most powerful being to exist in the series. Saitama faces a self-imposed existential crisis, as he is now too powerful to gain any thrill from battle.
Initially just a hero for fun, Saitama later registers to be a professional hero for the Hero Association upon realizing that nobody recognizes him as a hero, and defends his home in Z-City from monsters, villains, and other threats. Under the Hero Association, he is assigned the hero name Caped Baldy (ハゲマント, Hagemanto; Viz: Bald Cape).
All info here is based on the anime not the manga.
Powers & Stats[]
Tier: 9-B | At least 7-A, to High 6-A+ | At least High 5-A
Key: Pre-Training | During Training | Post-Balding
Name: Saitama, Caped Baldy (ハゲマント, Hagemanto; Viz: Bald Cape), Master (先生, Sensei) (By Genos)
Origin: OPM (Anime)
Gender: Male
Age: 22 when he became a hero, 25
Classification: Human, Hero, Protag, C-Class: Rank 342 (Formally), C-Class: Rank 5 (Formally), B-Class: Rank 7
Powers and Abilities:
Regular Human Abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Accelerated Development (Through training and battle; Physical Stats. He became significantly more powerful during his 3 years of training. One shotted Personification Of A Light Pull Cord after being pushed to his limits by the monster. He allegedly managed to outrun his own reflection in the mirror after trying very hard. Genos theorized that even Saitama himself cannot explain the secret to his power), Supernatural Willpower (Was able to break his limiter through sheer willpower and effort alone, despite being just a normal human with no potential for growth), Resistance to Psychokinesis (Resisted Tatsumaki's psychic powers, merely describing it as a minor inconvenience) | Same as Before but Higher | Same as Before but Higher, Greater Accelerated Development (The rate at which his strength grows increases exponentially while experiencing an upsurge of emotion. Due to breaking his limiter, Saitama can grow indefinitely), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Stated that he found something in three panels), Martial Arts, Underground Mobility (Outclassed Ground Dragon), Acrobatics (Could easily dodge bullets from Lord Boros' Ship while in the air), Enhanced Senses (He possesses a supernatural hearing, being able to hear chatter from bystanders a good distance away even while fighting monsters), Afterimage Creation (Created countless afterimages when fighting Speed-O-Sound Sonic), Pseudo-Flight (Could move and change his momentum and keep afloat in the air.), Shockwave Creation (Can create wind pressure of unimaginable power with his attacks), Non-Physical Interaction and Astral Projection (Broke into Phoenix Man's mental landscape. Kicked away and moved Garou's Hyperspace Gates), Limited Telepathy (Heard Phoenix Man and Child Emperor's telepathic conversation), Overwhelming Aura (Completely scared Carnage Kabuto), Water Running (Ran across Evil Ocean Water), Breath Attack (Blew away Jupiter's surface with a sneeze), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Could breathe and talk in space)
Attack Potency: Wall Level (Defeated Crablante by tearing out his eye along with the rest of his insides) | At least Mountain Level (Has saved the world many times, defeating countless mutants, terrorist organizations, and creatures which might include threats on the same scale as the Monster Association Cadres), to Multi-Continent Level+ (Tatsumaki's telekinesis was completely ineffective against him, with she and Fubuki stating that Saitama surpassed her powers, and Fubuki comparing him to an Above Dragon-level threat) | At least Dwarf Star Level (His normal punches hurt Boros, Boros was said to spend years taking over/destroying planets. His serious fatally wounded Boros and killed him in less than a minute with him stating that "You were just too strong. I never stood a chance did I?" Killed Geryuganshoop with a small pebble, Geryuganshoop stated he could cause the force of a Blackhole and can throw things at the speed of light minus the friction. to himself)
Speed: Peak Human to Superhuman (Can outpace Crabrante) | Subsonic (Early into his training, he became fast enough to save a child from being ran over at the last second), up to Relativistic+ (Nearing the peak of his training, he allegedly managed to outrace his own reflection in a mirror, although the legitimacy of this feat is yet unconfirmed) | At least FTL to Massively FTL (Saitama was seemingly surprised by the speed of Boros' Meteoric Burst, while he considered Geryuganshoop's near light speed pitches to be nothing but a bad joke)
Lifting Strength: Peak to Superhuman (Strong enough to tear out Crabrante's insides) | At least Superhuman (Stronger than before), up to possibly Class E (Stated by Tatsumaki to have surpassed her powers.) | At least Class Z (His body hit the moon moving it and creating a large crater bigger than him.), possibly Class Y
Striking Strength: Wall Level | At least Mountain Level, to Multi-Continent Level+ | At least Dwarf Star Level
Durability: Wall Level (Took multiple attacks from Crablante, who could fracture concrete.) | At least Mountain Level, to Multi-Continent Level+ (Took Tatsumaki's psychic powers with barely any inconvenience.) | At least Dwarf Star Level (Survived Boros Meteoric Burst which can destroy the surface of the earth.)
Stamina: Superhuman (Endured the pain of multiple hits from Crabrante.) | Superhuman (Able to survive through intense amounts of pain through his intense training regime, to the point Saitama stated that his training regime nearly killed him. Removing one's limiter requires experiencing the pain of death several times.) | Superhuman (Fought many creatures including a Lord/God Alien.)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Tie | Standard Melee Range, Unknown with Shockwaves, likely Several Meters | Standard Melee Range, Planetary with Shockwaves (Pushed himself off the moon back to Earth.)
Standard Equipment: Suit
Intelligence: Average, possibly Above Average (Saitama seems to be single-minded at times, chasing a mosquito relentlessly even after sustaining a blast that destroyed his clothing completely. Additionally, he is lacking academically, only barely passing the hero exam due to his poor score on the written exam. However, Saitama seems to have some experience in fighting techniques and is an excellent brawler in combat, pressuring his opponents relentlessly if he goes more serious. He displays great control over his speed and strength, stopping his fist within a hair's breadth of Genos' face to avoid hurting him and generally holding back in fights to prolong them. Saitama has been shown to be a good judge of character, being able to tell people's real motives, such as those of Garou and Fubuki quite quickly. Knows basic martial arts.)
Weaknesses: Regular Human Weaknesses (To an extent), He doesn't take anything seriously initially and tends to hold back to possibly prolong a fight. When casual, Saitama makes use of flawed, basic attacks rather than using his ingenious combat skill, which can lead to him being outmaneuvered initially.