Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Summary []

Sanji is the child of Vinsmoke Judge with the intention of becoming one of his emotionless killers, however, his mother prevented this by taking a drug that would counteract this while she was pregnant. Sanji would eventually cut ties with his family and escaped with help from his sister.

He drifted around the Ocean until he met some chefs who helped Sanji become a chef until he got marooned and was saved by Red-Leg Zeff who taught him his martial arts. Sanji would later join the Straw Hat Pirates.

Powers and Stats []

Tier: 6-C

Name: Vinsmoke Sanji

Origin: Death Battle (One Piece)

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Classification: Chef, Member of the Straw Hat Pirates

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Fire Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Invisibility, Flight (With the Raid Suit), Statistics Amplification (With Armament Haki), Enhanced Senses, Precognition (With Observation Haki)

Attack Potency: Island Level (Can fight Fujitora who can summon metres that have a diameter of 780 metres)

Speed: FTL+ (Scales to Monkey D. Luffy who can dodge light speed lasers)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Island Level

Durability: Island Level

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard melee range to Several metres

Standard Equipment: Raid Suit

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Refuses to fight any women, Refuses to use his hands to harm someone

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Black Leg Style: Black Leg Style is a style of martial art where the user focuses entirely around kicking.
    • Diable Jambe: Diable Jambe is a technique where Sanji moves his legs so fast that they catch on fire due to atmospheric resistance, this gives him the ability to harm his opponent with fire kicks.
  • Armament Haki: Armament Haki is a type of Haki that coats Sanji's skin in metal, increasing Sanji's durability and attack potency.
  • Observation Haki: Observation Haki is a type of Haki that increases Sanji's senses to the point he can see through walls and can predict what will happen.

Note: This profile is based on what is in Death Battles video, any information displayed on any profile based on Death Battle are solely based on whatever is said in their videos and not my own opinion. So if a character is weaker or stronger on a profile than they actually are then it isn't my fault.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
