“ | I'm going to change it. I’m going to crush the fate where you have to die. | „ |
Sasha Necron (サーシャ・ネクロン, Sāsha Nekuron) is Misha Necron’s older twin sister. She is able to fuse with Misha Necron, and become a being known as Aisha. Known as the Witch of Destruction, her Magic Eyes of Destruction have the ability to make anything self-destruct. She is one of the main female heroines of the series, along with her sister Misha.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Low 7-C, higher with Phoenix Mantle | At least 6-C, likely High 6-B, higher with Phoenix Mantle | At least 6-C, likely High 6-B; Low 1-C via <Sargeldonave>; 1-B with <Venuzdonoa> | 1-B, higher via <Sargeldonave>; 1-B with <Venuzdonoa>
Key: Beginning of Series | Hero Academy Arc to Selection Trial Arc | Pre-Silver Sea Arc | Silver Sea Arc
Name: Sasha Necron, Generation of Chaos, Witch of Destruction
Origin: Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Classification: Demon
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Extrasensory Perception (Can sense the flow of magic power), Longevity (Demons have long lifespans.[1]), Immortality (Types 3, 4 and 8; Can resurrect as long as her source exists), Regeneration (Mid-Godly; Able to reform her body from only her source), Abstract Existence (Type 1; An excellent magician can keep their memories in their source, which is the fundamental concept of existence that exists deeper than the body, soul and mind, and even if the physical body perishes, as long as the source is intact, they can be revived.[2][3] In other words, they can act, "think", and utilise powers with only their source (concept)), Limited Reactive Power Level (The torch flares up with renewed vigour just before it extinguishes, and uses it to overcome extinguishment.[4] In other words, as a person approaches their own death, they gain a permanent yet limited increase in power[5], which they can then utilise in an attempt to prevent their own death), Non-Physical Interaction (Her Authority can destroy gods and Order. Her magic eyes can interact with Anos's source and offset a portion of its power), Healing, Flight, Teleportation, Fate Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Law Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Can burn and destroy everything on sight, including a person's source (concept), and can subsequently summon the Month of Destruction, in which things that are meant to be destroyed are destroyed and killed via Aberneyu's authority, the Sun of Destruction <Sargeldonave>, which utilises the Order of Destruction), Immortality Negation (Types 3, 4, and 8) & Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; Can destroy a target's source (concept) and permanently destroy and kill gods that can regenerate from source (concept) destruction via Aberneyu's authority, the Sun of Destruction <Sargeldonave>), Resistance Negation (Via Aberneyu's authority, the Sun of Destruction <Sargeldonave>, as Gods' powers can only be resisted by other gods[6]), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2; Can directly interact with and destroy the target's source (concept) via <Bebesd>), Resistance to Time Stop (Was unaffected by time stop), Deconstruction, Sleep Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Is unaffected by power similar to her magic eyes of destruction), Fear Manipulation, Death Manipulation (Can sense Anos' magic power and remain unafraid, and not die), Unconventional Resistance to Soul Manipulation & Mind Manipulation (An excellent magician can keep their memories in their source, which is the fundamental concept of existence that exists deeper than the body, soul and mind, and even if the physical body perishes, as long as the source is intact, they can be revived.[7][8] In other words, they can act, "think", and utilise powers with only their source (concept), and therefore have unconventional resistance to conventional powers that affect the soul or mind), Power Bestowal, Statistics Amplification, Statistics Reduction, Status Effect Inducement (By creating Demon King Castles; The castle can be used to counter negative effects, greatly increases the power of troops inside and around it with certain terrain effects), Information Manipulation (Type 2; At the core of every spell there is an existing theoretical and practical formula that allows it to function. A magical blueprint that determines the function of the magic. In addition, altering the spell formula changes the properties of the magic itself[9][10][11]), Fire Manipulation & Explosion Manipulation (Can create flames and cause explosions through the use of various fire magic like <Grega>, <Gusgam>, <Gresde>, <Griad> & <Jio Graze>. Sasha, in particular, is skilled at using <Jio Graze>), Electricity Manipulation (Can release lightning via spells like <Demond> and <Jirasd>), Poison Manipulation & Curse Manipulation (Via <Dien>; Cursed poison that eats away at the body and source of anyone who hosts it destroying their magic organs), Chain Manipulation & Statistics Reduction (Can create magic chains to bind others, which also seals over 90% of their magic), Supernatural Willpower (Demons with strong wills are able to reject the influence of Avos Dilhevia's rumors and legend), Fusionism (Capable of performing fusion magic which fuses two sources of power and multiplies them by more than tenfold)
- Magic Eyes of Destruction: Non-Physical Interaction, Deconstruction, Mind Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Power Nullification (These magic eyes are capable of "destroying" (disintegrating) everything in her sight, including a person's mind and magic itself.[12][13] Additionally, these magic eyes can put people to sleep for at least a day)
- Magic Eyes of Reason Destruction: Can wield <Venuzdonoa> and utilise all of its powers and resistances[14].
Attack Potency: Small Town level (Capable of destroying a huge golem), higher with Phoenix Mantle (A magic item which gives a boost to her magic power as well as assistance in magic casting) | At least Island level, likely Large Country level (Confident enough in her abilities to challenge Lay to a fight, with him stating that against her he can use <Siegsesta> without reserve. Lay's fight with a weakened Anos blew away a mountain, dried away a river, caused an earthquake, and dispersed all the clouds in the sky, turning their area into a desolate wasteland. Anos Voldigoad says that she won't lose against any demon from the Magical Era. Sasha can fight against powerful demons from the Mythical Age, who can survive the destruction of Dilhade), higher with Phoenix Mantle | At least Island level, likely Large Country level (Same as before); Low Complex Multiverse level via <Sargeldonave> (Can utilize Aberneyu's authority, the Sun of Destruction <Sargeldonave>, which burns and destroys everything on sight, and can subsequently summon the Month of Destruction, in which things that are meant to be destroyed are destroyed and killed, which is also capable of destroying the Militia World, which contains the Azure Sky of Gods and the <Future World Crystal> Kandaquisorte, which is a microcosm of Militia world that encompasses infinite number of futures that already are being realized as reality and constructed by order); Hyperverse level with <Venuzdonoa> (Venuzdonoa is the destroyer of anything in all of existence. Be it providence, fate, or a miracle, all bow down before it and disappear. No matter how sturdy, how eternal, or how infinite something is, Venuzdonoa can destroy it - even Reason itself. This should include the Silver Sea) | Hyperverse level (Can harm deeper world inhabitants. The magic of inhabitants of deeper layers is immeasurably superior to that of shallow layers, to the point that world-destroying magic of shallow layers wouldn’t even scratch a ship in the deeper layers. Deeper worlds also have concepts and orders that are completely superior to shallower worlds, to the point that shallower order is irrelevant/insignificant on deeper worlds), higher via <Sargeldonave> (Same as before); Hyperverse level with <Venuzdonoa>
Speed: FTL (Can dodge attacks from Anos Voldigoad. Should be comparable to her sister, who could react to a <Teo Triath> spell which Anos prior to his reincarnation should not have been capable of dodging at point blank distance) | FTL (Faster than before. Can keep up with Demons from the Mythical Era) | FTL (Same as before) | At least Infinite (Comparable to Misha, who was able to react and catch Silver Magic Bullets, which are capable of traveling an infinite distance in a finite time, and also create barriers to stop the same bullets)
Lifting Strength: Class T (Comparable to her sister Misha, who can throw mountain sized castles) | At least Class T (Stronger than before) | At least Class T | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Small Town level | At least Island level, likely Large Country level (Can harm Mythical Age Demons) | At least Island level, likely Large Country level | Hyperverse level (Can harm deeper world inhabitants)
Durability: Small Town level (Equal to her Attack Potency. Before one can develop strong magic, they must train their bodies first. One's body needs to be strong enough to withstand the amount of magic power they possess) | At least Island level, likely Large Country level | At least Island level, likely Large Country level | Hyperverse level
Stamina: Superhuman (Demons are physically and magically superior to Humans. They're capable of surviving wounds that would normally be fatal to others. Sasha is able to utilize large scale magic even while under the draining effects of holy magic which halves the power of demons and constantly drains them till they're no stronger than ordinary humans. Was able to stall an army of over 10000 troops together with her sister)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens to Hundreds of Meters with magic, Tens of Kilometers with large-scale attacks; Low Complex Multiversal, likely higher via <Sargeldonave>; Hyperversal & Interdimensional with <Venuzdonoa>
Standard Equipment:
- Phoenix Mantle: Fabricated from the plumage of the divine bird. It grants its wearer the blessing of eternal fire at the risk of burning away whomever it deemed unworthy of wearing it. Boosts the magic power of the wielder and provides assistance in magic casting. In addition, it gives those who wear it the blessing of immortality, regenerating them from any wound as long as they have magic power.
- <Venuzdonoa>
Intelligence: Gifted, likely Genius (Sasha is a charismatic leader capable of spurring on others. She possesses a flexible mind to not lose rational thinking even in unforseen, unexplainable situations, capable of deducing events and coming to a quick conclusion. According to Anos Voldigoad, she possesses a talent that he considers rare and said it was a shame they were enemies. She's capable of mastering the usage of complex magic that's beyond her capabilities in a short time and training her compatriots to be able to cast the spell perfectly in a week's time despite only having a 20% chance at successful casting. Singlehandedly developed a complex spell of her own. Creating new magic takes years of research, sometimes even decades. Her talents surpass even the demons of the Mythical Age)
Weaknesses: None Notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Magic Eyes of Destruction: These magic eyes are capable of "destroying" (disintegrating) everything in Sasha's sight, including a person's mind and magic itself. Additionally, these magic eyes can put people to sleep for at least a day. These magic eyes can seemingly act automatically to "destroy" powers that attempt to affect Sasha, making it the ultimate anti-magic, even against Order-based abilities such as Eugo's Time Stop.
- ↑ Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha; Web Novel; Chapter 31
- ↑ Light Novel; Volume 1; Keyword
- ↑ Light Novel; Volume 1; Chapter 6
- ↑ Web Novel Chapter 73
- ↑ Web Novel Chapter 428
- ↑ Web Novel Chapter 208
- ↑ Light Novel; Volume 1; Keyword
- ↑ Light Novel; Volume 1; Chapter 6
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1 Chapter 10
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 2 Chapter 8
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1 Chapter 13
- ↑ Web Novel Chapter 14
- ↑ Web Novel Chapter 26
- ↑ Web Novel Chapter 691