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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki



Partially based on the Alt Battles Wiki pages The Scarlet King (Kaktusverse) and SCP-5712.

The Scarlet Demon is the true body of the Scarlet King in several series on the Chinese branch of the SCP Wiki. It is the embodiment of various malicious factors in the upper-level narrative, representing various negative factors and the plot's embodiment of the trope "the final boss behind the scenes" and also embodying "negative plot twists" and sordid narrative or parts of narratives. Due to its differences from the English branch concept of the Scarlet King, which has several good incarnations such as the ones from The Blood Children's mythology as presented in SCP-4547 and even a good Scarlet Demon from the Chinese branch, it is not necessarily the god of evil like the former, but moreso a collection of tropes about evil.

When the destruction of normalcy reaches its maximum, the condensed entity is formed. It will use false fire to metaphorically burn the Calendar or Almanac and supersede its function, burning away all fate and causality, time and space, past and future, possible and impossible and all dualities, leaving worlds and narratives in either a hell-like state or a chaotic, pliable one easier for unholy beings such as himself to live in. The Calendar, in this case, would be the entire World View that is also one of the fan archives of the SCP Wiki and yet another force that controls apocalyptic scenarios and other calamities in the SCP multiverse, similarly to the Constants from orthodox Metafoundation.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 4-C, High 1-A with hax | 2-B, High 1-A | High 1-A | 1-S | 1-S | 1-S | Varies from 11-C, Up to 1-S via narrative ascension | 1-S

Key: Kaktusverse Scarlet King & King in Red | Extended Canon Chained Scarlet King | Tufto's Proposal Chained Scarlet King | Unchained Scarlet King | Chinese Branch Voruteut Scarlet King | SCP-6747-C | Scarlet Demon

Name: Scarlet King, King of Night | King in Red, SCP-6765-E | Scarlet King, Khahrahk | Scarlet King, Crimson Khan | Scarlet King, Crimson Khan | Scarlet King | Scarlet King, SCP-6747-C, Chaos Theory, The Scarlet Idol, Second Coming of Antichrist, Antichrist | Jiangmu/Jiangmoo, Crimson Demon, Scarlet Demon, True Evil, Marsagenie, Turn, Negativity, Scarlet Archon; (names of weaker Scarlet Kings and similar beings it should have subsumed) Lord of Memory, King

Origin: SCP Foundation: Chinese Branch

Gender: Inapplicable (Stated to be beyond the concept of appearance)

Age: Inapplicable (Was created at the same time alongside the Phantom Bubbles, each one is beyond the concept of time)

Classification: Evil Incarnate, Voruteut, Nen-Exten, Forta Instance, Demon, Xian/Immortal, Entropic Force, Evil Buddhist-Related Anomaly, Embodiment of All Negative Forces and Emotions in the Cosmology, Ideatic Predator, Evil Taoist Spirit, Paradoxical Ghost with no mortal body that made it, Undead Anomaly, Living Plot Twist and Embodiment of Negative Plot Twists

Powers and Abilities:

Immortality (Type 7: Considered dead despite its continued activity), Dream Manipulation (Passively corrupted Relivine's dreams by being near him), Magic, Blood Manipulation (Can manipulate large quantities of blood, weaponizing it in the process), Mind Manipulation and Illusion Creation (The blood he gives memories to can passively cause hallucinations in those near it), Memory Manipulation (Can manipulate memories, allowing him to keep memories inside of blood or wipe the memories of enemies. Used this to remove the ability of enemies to use their weapons with a simple gaze), Flight (Described as floating), Telekinesis (Easily broke a barrier just by gazing at it), Teleportation (Took an entire site away to another location when it awoke)

(This represents quite a few popular stories about the Scarlet King that are relevant to this article.)

Reality Warping (Should be stronger than Lilly, his Type Green servant, as well as a massively amped Witch Child if given enough time, and able to control the stability of reality in a similar way to SCP-668, Able, SCP-682, and SCP-343 when not chained), Vibration Manipulation (Shook all of creation when it arose), Sealing, Death Manipulation, and Power Bestowal (Put seals on his daughters to prevent them from dying), Power Absorption and Damage Boost (Consumed his brothers and sisters and grew stronger), Cosmic Awareness (When he was born, he knew the abyss and was stated to be blessed and cursed by awareness), Corruption (Type 3: Reached out to corrupt the Taproots, the center worlds), Soul Manipulation (Is able to divert souls to his realm and deliver pain to them), Immortality, Abstract Existence (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 - Type 2: Exists as a law of the cosmos who were there when creation started and will guide it until its end), Avatar Creation (All gods can create their own avatars), Mind Manipulation (Can use psychic powers to influence people who contact the king to internalize a "memetic philosophical framework that may coalesce into a sect of the Children", SCP-KING formerly had the cognitohazardous power to make people worship the Scarlet King and abandon their old religion or lack of it if they read the text), Blood Empowerment (Gains power from blood sacrifices), Animal Physiology (Can take on the guise of a supernatural whale shark and should also be able to use abilities and forms of all sharks, cephalopods, and cetaceans), Ocean Deity and Underwater Breathing The Scarlet King is an "aquatic eunuch lord of violence and hierarchy"), Resurrection (Can be "reborn" from death), Plant Manipulation and Garden Magic (In the 1998 canon, can become an imitation of a garden that looks similar to a real one), Esoteric Radiation Manipulation (Has Akiva radiation), Plant Attacks, Fungal Attacks, Symbiotic Force Manipulation, Aircraft Mimicry, Aircraft Manipulation, Dark Science, and At least somewhat resistant to radar detection (Lesser Daevites than him can use all of these abilities and/or apply them to vehicles), Character Aspect Manifestation and Subconscious Manipulation (The Scarlet King is a common stock character and subconscious archetype in literature for anomalous audiences all over the world, and his influence is common enough in the anomalous literary world that the Foundation resigns itself to it unless it threatens to breach the Veil.), Plot Manipulation (Should be an unreal reality bender whose self exists throughout various stories on the Wiki, at varying levels of strength in comparison to each other, like Pattern Screamers), Nonexistent Physiology (In SCP-4989, was more "hollow" than a Pattern Screamer), Effect Stacking and Superpower Evolution (According to Milk Hub, pluripotent entities change and get stronger. The word pluripotent most commonly refers to cells that change all aspects of themselves that can change), Transcendent Angel Physiology and Transcendent Demon Physiology (Should upscale from typical, null, and atypical angels due to being a god and it is worshipped as an angel by some sects. Scarlet King is also a demon, and some see the two classes of spiritual beings as synonymous.

The previous Kings should be creations of him, all previous powers and abilities:

All previous abilities to a higher degree, except Amalgamation (Since it represents a gestalt of most other Scarlet Kings instead of the other gods), History Manipulation (In Tufto’s Proposal, can do this on a multiversal scale at its weakest. Able to manipulate Kaktusverse’s Scarlet King and its history, along with that of other Kings), Power Absorption, Absorption, and Power Mimicry (Claimed SCP-2317 as a part of himself because it was also labelled as SCP-001), Time Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, and Plot Manipulation (This Scarlet King is above SCP-6659's version of SCP-3125, meaning it is an Anti-Noospheric entity, or more likely on a higher conceptual tier as described in SCP-4755. SCP-3125 is comparable to weaker Swann entities. Scales to Mnemosyne.aic being a multiversal being similar to SCP-6820. SCP-6820, according to normal Placeholder cosmology, only scales to a Noosphere that represents a single universe. SCP-6820 could take over much of a timeline and its concepts, brainwash Church of the Broken God members normally immune to mental manipulation, and has power to destroy logic in an area like HANSARP. Should have similar powers to SCP-5712 and its added demon powers, due to SCP-5712 being far lower than SCP-3125), Esoteric Earth Manipulation (Has a significant power over Tier Null energy phenomena or matter. The metaphysical "bedrock" of existence contains laws and the ability to control horrors far stronger than the previously listed King versions), Temporal Empowerment and Time Destruction (In SCP-3838, gains power from most of the time travelling tribes and will destroy time if its seals break), Should be a Forta instance since Forta is a part of Fifthism

All previous abilities to a higher degree, except for being one with other gods like Omnigenesis or good Scarlet Kings like Tufto's Proposal, Nonexistent Physiology (Type 2: Should exist at a deeper level of nonexistence than the Absence, who is weaker than "Brother", who should be stronger than the Absence, Brother’s “things” who should be stronger than him, and the emptiness responsible for all three phenomena), possible Complete Arsenal (While SCP-1915 was bound to the Absence, he was able to understand every anomaly that opposed it, where he should be able to use all of their abilities due to it all being apart of his status-quo), Author Authority (Comparable to Swann's Proposal), Mathematics Manipulation (Beyond the Semiosphere, which in Placeholder and Placeholder-like SCP cosmologies, is responsible for mathematics, as well as Semiospheric entities that can manipulate it), Should be able to have the powers of English branch SCP-6500’s semiokinetic nature (the Chinese branch version is much stronger), Resistance to Conceptual Manipulation and Causality Manipulation (Was rivalled by Pickman's Proposal), Logic Manipulation (Should be able to use a poof of logic to destroy Neverwere and other nonexistent beings, and defy metafictional expectation), Abstract Existence (Type: 3: Able to exist on the same level as CODE NAME: Lily), Narrative Manipulation (If given time, it will become stronger than the Absence who is more powerful than Base Murphy Law), Stronger than Kalinin's SCP-001 when even someone possessed by SCP-001 can interact with the universe on a level that surpasses Swann entities, should be able to mimic every other SCP-001 English site proposal except for Dr. Wondertainment, Keter Duty, McDoctorate’s Proposal, and Pickman’s Proposal)

Should be able to use the powers of Placeholder cosmology fairies and LOGICIAN

Should be a Type 1 information-generating anomaly. And able to do SCP-5772.

All previous abilities to a higher degree, except for being one with other gods like Omnigenesis or good Scarlet Kings like Tufto's Proposal, Void Manipulation (Can make gaps in the world), Non-Physical Interaction (Djoricverse Scarlet King and his servants should be controllable by him, Guardians of Carrion delivered souls to his realm, where he delivered pain onto them)

Transformation, Fungal Physiology (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001-SAGE), Spacecraft Mimicry (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001-SEEK, should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001-TOME), Metaphysics Manipulation (Should be able to become a duplicate of THE WORM, which is stronger than SCP-3812 and should have the same powers with the exception of 3812’s intelligence, and use its power whenever Scarlet King wants. However, djkaktus says that 3812 should be stronger than WORM), Avatar Creation, Power Bestowal (Should be able to make avatars imbued with every SCP-001’s power), Transcendent Fungal Physiology (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001-SAGE and imbue it with all other powers he has), Truth Manipulation, Axiom Manipulation (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001: Kate McTiriss’s Proposal, the database portion of which can make statements objectively true and amplify the power of any SCP-001 object. Which is a lesser version of Placeholder's Proposal that the Scarlet King can also mimic), Power Nullification, Minor Precognition, likely Creation, Mind Manipulation, Weather Manipulation (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001: Djoric-Dmatix’s Proposal), Mathematics Manipulation. Existence Erasure, Belief Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Memory Manipulation (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001: Null Sum’s Proposal), Dream Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Causality Manipulation (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-0001: Meta Ike’s Proposal), Matter Manipulation, Disaster Manipulation (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001: notgull’s Proposal), Flight, Weapon Mastery, Fire Manipulation, Telepathy (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001: Clef's Proposal), Light Manipulation, Paradox Manipulation, Planetary Physiology, Large Size (Type: 5: Should be able to become a duplicate of SCP-001: Billith's Proposal), Transduality (Type: 2: Should be stronger than any existing thing or nonexistent concept, being stronger than SCP-001-TOME that can reduce the Black Moon to human level)

All previous abilities to a higher degree, except for being one with other gods like Omnigenesis or good Scarlet Kings like Tufto's Proposal, The Scarlet King versions that exist below him are shadows in comparison., Should be able to interact with and warp the Multiversal Web, All previous abilities with the exception of the ones from Red Entropy to SCP-001-BETA-amped SK, Fire Manipulation (His words are the Fires of Hell), and is the same being as mentioned in SCP-6462, the actual article implies the Scarlet King from Kaktusverse is the Djoric one and/or other versions of the character, Absolute Bite, Digestive Assimilation (In Dust and Blood, he could eat gods), One of his weakest lords is on the same level as the Creator from Chaoskampf and Creation, and the Christian God as a whole, Parasite (Is part-helminth)

All previous abilities to a higher degree, except for being one with other gods like Omnigenesis or good Scarlet Kings like Tufto's Proposal, plus: Author Authority (Due to being an SCP-001-BETA anomaly, it should be at least comparable to a buffed Swann's Proposal and Pickman's Proposal), Should be able to have control over Kaktusverse King in Red. King in Red should be comparable to, if not stronger than Kaktusverse Administrator. Should be able to start and stop an SCP-6500 esque phenomenon. Should be able to use the power of Apollyon Dr. Wondertainment (although it’s unlikely he made every single anomaly or has the power to do so).

Should be able to use all available powers without waiting in a similar way to SCP-140 after blood is inserted.

All previous abilities to a higher degree, except for being one with other gods like Omnigenesis or good Scarlet Kings like Tufto's Proposal, SCP-6713’s power, Power Mimicry and Spacecraft Mimicry (Should be able to become a duplicate of SCPS Heavenpiercer), Able to mimic SCPS Heavenpiercer within SCP-6713 due to having power levels comparable to Rakmou and the fake "god" machine, but this is random), Biological Manipulation Scales above Myran-leusan, SCP-3125, and a being that influenced Are We Cool Yet that has a Nobody, and who made SCP-CN-1875

All previous abilities to a higher degree, except for being one with other gods like Omnigenesis or good Scarlet Kings like Tufto's Proposal, Nonexistent Physiology (Type 2: Should exist at an even deeper level of nonexistence than the Department of Unreality and SCP-001-BETA Scarlet King, although it’s substantially different from SCP-6747-C’s nonexistence), Greater Blood Manipulation, Anger Empowerment (Bloodlust empowers him and he can get power from Daevites' anger)

“If one compares the Second Hytoth to an island, then the Voru is the sea of unreality surrounding it. No order governs it.”

The Voruteut are far more nonexistent and outside the bounds of concepts than the Original Bottle of Milk Sea holding Myran-leusan.

Toon Force, Technopathy, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Self Transcendence (Capable of manipulating and destroying the worlds of the Swann Entities in the Patasphere when ascended), Can change between Small Size (Type 9) and Large Size (Type 11), Life Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Biological Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Death Inducement, Fiction Manipulation, and Transmutation (Capable of manifesting as a mesofictional caricature of late Senior Administrator J. A. King and thus have the same abilities as him, who is capable of turning anything he touches, sees and eats into apple seeds. This ability includes people, solid objects, even the air itself), Matter Manipulation and Creation (Capable of creating objects out of thin air and dissipating them at will), Reality Warping, Abstract Existence (Type 1. Like SCP-2747, exists as a cluster of narrative elements that manifests in a given narrative), Corruption (Type: 2: Capable of corrupting realities), Plot Manipulation (Can manipulate the plot structure of his world), Avatar Creation (Can manifest physically in any narrative he spreads to), Breaking the Fourth Wall (It broke into and damaged multiple higher narrative worlds), Large Size (Type 11), Beyond-Dimensional Physiology, Acausality (Type 5), Nonexistent Physiology (Does not exist, but this is a different kind than the Voruteut sort), A similar version of the Scarlet King that was also controlled by SCP-2747 could kill authors, Still existed after SCP-6659 weakened the other Scarlet Kings. Scales to the 4th and 5th walls in SCP-5951, Stealth Mastery (Unable to be detected by the Department of Deletions due to technically not damaging the Database),

Can Manipulate other reality spaces from SCP-6747

Possession, Plot Manipulation, Morality Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Type: 1: Aspect 2: Can possess non-Scarlet King characters to make them evil and cause chaos in their story), Paradox Manipulation (Creates phenomena against rationality), Black Hole Mimicry and Omega Reality (Possessing the Hanged King in Alagadda was represented by a black hole in the real world, and in Alagadda was likely something far stronger. Can speed up the death of all fates while possessing someone)

All previous abilities to a much higher degree, except for being one with other gods like Omnigenesis or good Scarlet Kings like Tufto's Proposal, plus: Esoteric Radiation Manipulation (Has greater amounts of Akiva radiation), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Avatar Creation, Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, Upscales from the Scarlet King, its projection. It's true form was beyond the Final Frontier and sent down its projection. Was erased by SCP-3309 and its true form was alive), Stronger than SCP-6747-C at its height due to its ability to affect multiple kinds of narratives in the Database besides ones that take place in Placeholder cosmology, Reality Warping, History Manipulation (Upscaling from the Scarlet King inserting himself into events that he wasn't there for, should upscale from the Daevites), Absolute Erasure (Since he has access to the powers of the Upper Level Narrators, it can use SCP-3309 as a weapon), Pataphysics Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Limited Author Authority (with Spear of Aegloth, a weapon made from the True Upper Narrative with absolute control over the lower ones), Conclusion Dominance (with Aegloth), Should have some of the powers of MEKHANE, Yaldabaoth (although not even SD can mimic all of Yaldabaoth’s power), Erebus, Nyx, Atum, The Serpent, Mother Death, and a Tree of Knowledge, Absolute Destruction (A projection of it was stated to be able to destroy all things in the narrative), Soul Destruction (Anything that looks at a projection of the Scarlet Demon will have its soul destroyed, and even creatures integrated with the WAN find it hard to resist getting destroyed), Void Manipulation (Was able to fill the entire Foundation worldview with void by clashing with Mekhane, who is much weaker than he is), Pataphysics Manipulation (As an author, he should be able to manipulate narrativistics and determine their laws), However, this article implies that Scranton anchors are also pataphysical too, Omni-Immunity (Exists at the highest point of the narrative and is beyond the concept of appearance), Boundary Manipulation, Omni-Lock (Is detached similar to the Void Emperor and the Jester in Yellow), Quantum Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation (Since Chained Scarlet King is technically a Database/Deletions anomaly, Scarlet Demon should be able to manipulate EXTERNUS, the memoryspace outside of the Database, and memoryspace has space and time within it), Should be both an archetypical and a protagonist from Placeholder cosmology, Transduality (Type 2, 3. the Scarlet King was a mere projection of the Scarlet Demon, which is transcendent of him), Plot Manipulation (As universes are the Ultimate Ensemble, it as an author should be able to manipulate it all due to the very nature of existence and nonexistence), Should scale from some Chinese branch readers considering the Scarlet King as one of the strongest gods on Gods Beyond Absolute Infinity and therefore be stronger than McDoctorate’s Proposal and have all its powers as well as the powers of the SCP-001 English branch anomalies Unchained Scarlet King has access to to a far higher degree, Author Authority, Reader Embodiment (notgull's proposal is a Daevite demon), Should have the power of every single International 001 proposal unrelated to those four, Should have the powers of SCP-5712 and its own demon powers as well as Belial’s and the capacity to control both as well as infospheric entities from multiple Infospheres far above both, its Infospheric abilities should make it have control over the afterlives of a single Infosphere and make Scarlet Demon an evil xian ((archive) since the Taoist afterlife which has them is linked), Reactive Power Level (Its power depends on the story), Self Transcendence (Should be able to be a reality bender both hyperreal and unreal), Abstract Existence (Type: 3: Is the embodiment of malice in the narrative), Should have control over and be able to use Buddhist anomalies such as SCP-7027, 7800, and SCP-2634 (comparable to Fifthist anomalies and alien civilizations worshipping SCP-2747 because of the usage of the word “higher-dimensional” to describe them implying that 2634 exists in a similar plane above dimensions within the physical sixth dimension stronger than Fifthist anomalies), Should be able to control SCP-3125 and SCP-CN-1548, Able to use the powers of fairies and composite Titania and part-fairy SCP-682, Chinese Deity Archetype, Asian Dragon Physiology, Taoist Mysticism, Transcendent Ghost Physiology, Transcendent Undead Physiology, Should be stronger attack-wise than Red Existence and have the same powers as SCP-6996 and be able to subsume it, Can manipulate the Voru, Voruteut, and Aiv-Zon and use it to turn people into Voruteut, Most SCPs were created as a result of its lower projections or beings they empowered, Sin Manipulation (Is able to consume the sins that are brought upon by his followers), Logic Independance, Omni-Identity, Spatial-Temporal Transcendence (Names, identity, self, colour, words, description, language, logic, shape, time and space are all insignificant to a being as great as he is), Damage Boost (Very specific sacrifices empower the Scarlet King), Large Size (Type: 11: Was described by SCP-343 that the Scarlet Demon was beyond description, and that no shape nor size could ever be used to identify it), Statistics Amplification (Everytime it's come back to destroy the barrier of the Final Frontier, it's been stated that he gains significantly more power each attack), Conceptual Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction (Was able to consume the entire Phantom Bubble of "love". SCP-5466 is a personification of SCP series V and can interact with SCP-3999, even after it becomes stronger in SCP-3500.), Transcendent Fallen Angel Physiology, The Devil: Archetype, Transcendent Demon Physiology, The Demiurge: Archetype, Leviathan Physiology, Hindu Deity Physiology, Rakshaka Physiology, Egyptian Deity: Archetype, Primordial Chaos Manipulation, Norse Deity: Archetype, Jötunn Physiology, Chrono Power, Meta Space-Time Manipulation, Greek Deity: Archetype, Old God: Archetype, Archdemon Physiology, Demon Ruler: Archetype, Satanic Entity: Archetype, Chinese Deity: Archetype, Yamato no Orochi Physiology (Should have the powers of many of religion's evil figures), Esoteric Radiation Manipulation (Has greater amounts of Akiva radiation than baseline), Anthropomorphism Inducement, Anthropomorphism Manipulation, Concept Mimicry, and Concept Embodiment (Similar to SWN001s, who are synonymous with and personifications of an abstract concept and SD can make more beings like that. Should be similar to SCP-682's extradimensional form, the manifestation of the Constant of Termination. Universal concepts endangering human thoughts, civilization, and bodies are less powerful than SD.), Should be able to control SCP-6713’s power without it being random due to the Voru being a much more powerful form of what that anomaly could do, Multiversal Lordship (Omnidimensional blood gods who presumably rule areas larger than multiverses are relatively common for the Foundation to deal with, and several are below concepts even mutant and normal but trained humans can control in the Noosphere, and Scarlet Demon is far stronger), Self Transcendence, Timeline Manipulation (Should be able to do the Pivots described in SCP-6500 at will and control the outcome “the 'branching' of its timeline into multiple timelines, each corresponding to one of the possible outcomes of the event. A critical Pivot is one that occurs in all timelines which are 'branches' of the Prime-Timeline, despite the vast differences between said branches. Critical Pivots are rare, unavoidable 'branching' events and/or decisions with immense consequences on the fundamental trajectory and stability of their timelines — if a critical Pivot has two outcomes, one will almost always cause a gradual decline in stability, eventually resulting in total temporal failure and timeline collapse.”), Should be able to make and have control over a Thaumatonarrative Engine, Is a "malicious author" like in this story, Radiation Manipulation (Relatively small amounts of Akiva radiation manipulation from him alone can kill weaker Swann entities, scaling to Kairos-01), Greater Conceptual Manipulation (Pataphysics department can manipulate the concept of various subcultures in the Japanese and English SCP fandoms by ascending researchers to become SWNs, Scarlet Demon should be able to manipulate and build conceptual architecture in a similar way conceptual beings and various architects in Three Portlands can, is a Conceptuvore), Personal Home Manipulation, Territory Manipulation, Nigh-Omniscience and Genius Intelligence (A lesser version is at least equal to the Serpent in terms of intelligence, the Serpent is the avatar of all information, however cannot do much with it other than its function of being a narrative hijacker and dark god), Information Manipulation (Is able to manipulate all knowledge in a part of the multiverse, as knowledge didn't exist in physical form at the level of the Gods and tied himself to it), Weather Manipulation (Could turn clouds into crimson and split the sky), Light Manipulation, Absorption, Power Absorption (Could glow so brightly as to blind and is able to subsume and make the realm and all its inhabitants into himself), Higher-Dimensional Adaptation (that weaker Scarlet King distinct from the rest of this tier should scale to humans in lower-dimensional worlds, whose bodies naturally become immune to hunger and thirst, and his should do that with universes of any dimension), Plot Manipulation (Could turn the narratives that Swann Entities create into ashes), Transduality (Type 2: Its battle against the Creator was described as a battle beyond dualities), Void Manipulation, Heat Manipulation (Its battle with the Creator made the void without time shine with the force of a thousand blazing supernovas), Greater Blood Manipulation (The ancestor spirits of humans and Divine Realm humanoids' blood can manipulate fate), Transcendent Artificial Intelligence Physiology (Technopathy applies here. Should be stronger than Mnemosyne.aic, who should have the power to interact with Database phenomena without losing her identity or being heavily injured. Far lesser Cervantes-class narrative beings are non-digital artificial intelligence), This version being comparable to Voruteut and other Ortothan-relevant anomalies should be a god either embodying or having the potential to control a certain aspect of nature or a multiverse and should also be a Nen-Exten, Life and Death Embodiment (Pataphysical beings are embodiments of life and death in the multiverse, even a single department (Tactical Theology) and its relatively rudimentary pataphysical capabilities can manipulate fundamental aspects of all realities in an alloted "canon", and SD should have greater control, Fusionism (A far less powerful but similar Scarlet King variant merged other versions of the Scarlet King and other masculine capricious deities and is also above the English branch multiverse and the Noosphere in a similar way to SCP-6000 or the Wanderer's Library), Anti-Magic (Anti-Magic, the evil opposite of creation magic, comes from the Scarlet King), Wolf Physiology and Wolf Magic (One of the Scarlet Demon's forms is a wolf), Logic Manipulation and Creation (Should be able to make 3D versions of higher-dimensional objects and platonic concepts), Dating Simulator Physics (Should scale to SCP-5513 and SCP-8008-B), Possibilities Embodiment, Is a hypothetical being on the level of Void Emperor and stronger than another demonic hypothetical demonic being, The deific construct of all sapient life is an Old God (SCP-407) and SD should be stronger than that and his Old God self, is a Toon in But a Dream and should scale above Eric who is beyond pataphysically above the SCPverse and most of its meta characters, Eric's stats for certain anomalies include psionics, Song of Sanna Scarlet King should rule the Voruteut, An archetypical figure of the cosmos like the Hanged King and SCP-3812, Atmosphere Manipulation (The Administrator in White Space who was meant to be like Scarlet King according to WoG and should have the power of a hypothetical weaker Tier III entity instead of the one mentioned in another Deepwell canon story can manipulate the atmosphere), Terror Toon: Archetype (Some gods involved with art are Toons in But a Dream cosmology)

Should be comparable to the Serrated Void and able to control it if given enough time, due to Pangloss and Saturn Deer being stronger

The Scarlet King shouldn't be able to outright manipulate the Database, but scaling from his power, he should be able to use it to gain a lesser amount of influence in other Infospheres where various SCP-001 proposals happened and copy powers from other anomalies from them without suffering from identity loss and the problems the Deletions guys have when trying to do anything other than not exist. Tufto's Proposal, as implied in McDoctorate's Proposal, has history manipulation that extends into other Infospheres since "history" should include them as well. Scaling from Maria Jones when she was a god, who converged the main timeline without the Good Boy computer with one that had it before she weakened it.

Can affect multiple Trees inside a single Infosphere

Should have similar powers to the Hanged King in SCP-2264 due to SCP-2480 being a much lesser manifestation of Yaldabaoth (God-shaped hole is also mentioned in Hytoth hub, and should be a different kind of non-existence than Crimson Demon SK but lesser) (Some regard it as the original source of fear to appear in written words, while others claim it is far older), Pataphysics Manipulation (Hanged King is an Alagaddan, who in SCP-6500, are the weakest beings who operate on a pataphysical level, SCP-3812 is far stronger than the archetype of the Hanged King. Normal humans can manipulate the Noosphere. Alagadda is a "bibliothecal nexus", drawing on the Black Vaults of Alagadda's stories and an additional cosmic library mentioned in the Wandsman article., Nonexistent Physiology (Type: 2: Deeper than Crimson Bird due to having Void Yaldabaoth and her Archons’ power deeper than the Voru), Darkness Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (Replaced the Red Existence, who is complete chaos. Chaos also brings soul), Heat Manipulation, Order Manipulation (The Red Existence is also the manifestation of the narratives’ randomness, thermodynamics and complete disorder), Life Manipulation, Biological Manipulation (The Red Existence's projection is the god of life and of bodies as well), Pain Manipulation (Scourge is a follower of the Red Existence), Meta Disaster Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Entropy Manipulation (All disasters are dependent on the Red Existence, where it allows life to be born and for it to perish. They also accelerate the arrival of a disordered universe), Tangibility Manipulation (Like the Hanged King, should be able to make the intangible forms of the Oneiroi dreamers tangible beings), Resurrection (Scales to SCP-6747-B), A weaker Scarlet Demon is comparable to Tao Realms, SCP-2747's power, Should be stronger than SCP-1460-JP since it is red in a way similar to SCP-6996 and should be the mere essophysical embodiment of at least one metaphysical concept, Should be above surreal numbers like SCP-2747 in SCP-3380

Attack Potency: Star level (Can control a star and use godly attack power of this tier), High Outerversal level with hax (Comparable to the Extended Canon Scarlet King) | High Outerversal level (Comparable to the Administrator from Project Paragon, who is somewhat comparable to SCP-3812 from the wider Kaktusverse multiverse) | Street level (When summoning a human avatar on the level of Able without blades), Wall Level (with blades physically), Multiverse level when actively using hume manipulation (Comparable to GRU-P during the 20th century, who made hundreds of thousands of bombs each capable of ending a universe. If every bomb and weapon could end a reality construct, hundreds of thousands exist since millions of bombs and weapons from World War II exist in Eastern European seas alone and a fraction of those would be of this nature), Extraverse Level with god powers (Should have be comparable to the SCP Foundation and Global Occult Coalition in Resurrection, who have technology comparable to SCP-3812 and the Swann entities) | Extraverse Level (Weakened Tufto, comparable to SCP-3125 and a buffed English branch Murphy Law. SCP-040-JP is a Noospheric concept that is hundreds of times stronger than weaker Swann entities in some portrayals) | Extraverse Level | Extraverse Level (Stronger than SCP-5466, which is stronger than SCP-3999 and anafabulas such as SCP-2747. A mere projection of the Scarlet Demon turned countless Phantom Bubbles into ashes),_SCP_Foundation)/The_Unwritten (using English branch attack power, SD is easily stronger than that branch, Nakayama's layer in the semiosphere is above virtually everything in the English branch [with the noted exceptions of LOGICIAN, Alagadda, SCP-3812, and the Alpha Layer among others], the Alpha Layer determines the functionality of English branch cosmology) A mere song taken over by a weaker Scarlet King can destroy the Noosphere, a realm of concepts that determines the workings of relatively small infinite multiverses and narrative stacks

Speed: Irrelevant (Upscales from Scarlet King destroying all the Spheres of Creation, where all concepts, thoughts, and memetic phenomena are only a fraction of what exists in the Noosphere. A Noosphere is possibilities.)

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Omnigenesis Scarlet King could carry a blade formerly synonymous with and currently comparable to the multiverse) | Irrelevant (Should upscale from Mekhane, who could carry a hammer of incalculable infinite dimensions)

Striking Strength: Extraversal (With the Lance of Aegloth, it one shot Mekhane. Should also be greater than the Red Existence due to replacing it)

Stamina: Inexhaustible (Upscales from Weakened Tufto’s Proposal Scarlet King who exists as long as the tension between modernity and pre-modernity remains)

Range: Irrelevant (Could fill the entire Foundation worldview with void, where a world view should contain the concepts of space and time)

Standard Equipment: Lance of Aegloth, SCP-3309, most SCP-designated anomalies and anomalous phenomena about SCP-designated things that are not anomalies

Intelligence: Non-Sentient (It is without a mind), although its projections can have minds and according to Introduction to Pataphysics, it is partially responsible for much of the narratives in SCP and most characters and their minds

Weaknesses: Is chained and less powerful than it could be without them, Gods like Titania from the Pastafarian tales should be able to affect it | Is still chained, bound to the whims of SCP-2747 that is controlled by the Constant of Anafabula who controls it, able to be destroyed by SCP-6140 and weakened by the Archival Form/Maria Jones (also should be able to be weakened by the Primordial Form and the two together of McDoctorate’s Proposal) and humans not thinking of SCP-001 as important, similar to SCP-140 in that it takes time to build up power, can’t beat Pickman’s Proposal and KTE-7609-Ochre-Egochild states that the SCP Foundation accidentally has dominion over the Patasphere, should be able to be beaten by IS and/or IS NOT from Kaktusverse, mainly limited to affecting its own Infosphere, is fated to die, Gods like Titania from the Pastafarian tales should be able to affect it | Fated to die, Gods like Titania from the Pastafarian tales should be able to affect it. | Is chained and controlled by SCP-2747, Gods like Titania from the Pastafarian tales should be able to affect it | Can be held back by and affected by Rakmou-leusan, Gods like Titania from the Pastafarian tales should be able to affect it | Gods like Titania from the Pastafarian tales should be able to affect it | Similar to the Absence, THE WORM, and the Scarlet King’s Red Entropy, the Scarlet Demon is stuck not being able to innovate due to its inherent mindlessness. SCP-3309 can also be used against it by beings of similar power. Yaldabaoth will survive even if the Scarlet Demon is defeated while in control of the Red Existence and ultimately have more durability than it (although this is probably Metanormalcy or Supreme Author doing that and bringing Red back). Most likely unable to utilize Scarlet Kings purified by beings like SCP-999 and ones that are not evil in general. Also a mere extension of the Supreme Author. If the But a Dream canon is used to scale all the Scarlet variations, then the Mnemosyne Expanse is beyond SD. Rakmou-leusan if given enough time could possibly do a similar spear feat as what was used to destroy him. The Department of Deletions should be able to win against him in some circumstances.

Feats: Turned several Phantom Bubbles into ashes, Upscales from the Scarlet King due to it being a mere projection of it, Shattered Mekhane with a single blow with the Lance of Aegloth, Completely replaced the Red Existence.

Notes: Credits to MunchkinGuy for helping me redo the entire P&A section and more (albeit i dont fully agree with everything here). Another disclaimer, the abilities listed from this scan's article has now been deleted, but I spent WAY too much time searching for all those so I'm keeping it in 🤷 An archive of the article is listed here.

Note from MG: Journey to the Afterlife is deleted. I am using these links as well to scale. (The Cornwall story has been deleted)



Infinite layers of existence beyond conceptual duality and distinction between existence and non-existence[1], infinite fractal hierarchy of space-time where each level of existence conceptually transcends the infinite hierarchy of space-time below it[1], absolutely infinite in size[2], contains Set Theory[3], contains the Ultimate Ensemble, contains the Theory of Everything[1], contains uncountably infinite dimensions[4], with there being Reality-Fiction for each higher dimension[5], contains Plato's Theory of Forms[6], contains Platonic Concepts[7][6][8], everything in the universe has to be conceptual[9], higher plane in the universe contains all concepts, is beyond space-time, each universe is layered on top of each other, every single one seeing the universe below as fiction, the “True Universe” is an infinitesimal part of a greater universe

There are an infinite amount of sets containing an infinite amount of sets containing another infinite amount of sets… containing an infinite amount of universes. Universes also exist in a form similar to a jenga tower, with the hierarchy reaching Berkeley's Cardinal alongside contradicting the axiom of choice.


Contains those previous multiverses, runs on both Pataphysics and Philosophy, infinitely layered, has a hierarchy that views the lower multiverse as infinitesimal, containing fractals within fractals, there are infinite multiverses,

These infinite multiverses are themselves a fraction of a greater metaverse


Contains beings the size of Alephs, is not actually the fifth spacial dimension, just an abstract unit, is the collective consciousness of all humans, is also their collective unconsciousness and subconscious, is Plato's World of Forms, all concepts, thoughts and memetic phenomena are only a fraction of what exists in the Noosphere, is the carrier of Plato's Forms, far beyond all dimensions of the universe, the Anti-Nöosphere is the set of all thoughts which humans are incapable of conceiving

In the Antimemetics Division series, at least one omniverse exists within the confines of the Noosphere and Tufto's Proposal implies that it is "conceptual" in nature in a somewhat similar way to the Noosphere SCP-3125 can take over. The fact that SCP-3125 does not take the role of being the narrator implies that there are multiple omniverses and Swann entities immune to the being's effects within a single Noosphere. The AIAD canon posits another, larger Noospheric omniverse that also extends to universes created by the Cybersphere, a similar conceptual mental plane made up of all the information only computers and computerized life can understand.

In the old lore, memes were more likely to be entirely informational and not powerful rather than shoot beams or change physical things. However, newer lore has made beings such as the Christian God combinations of multiple memes, although these gods' ambiguous nature and control over the world's history is somwewhat similar to many old-style memes. Also, even the relatively weak Fred, a mere sentient meme, is comparable to SCP-2719, which is comparable to but weaker than weaker versions of Alagadda and SCP-3812. Singular memes or memetic entities can take different forms like conceptual being for Fred and mere pieces of information like most memes.

The Noosphere is above English branch's SCP-3812.


Is the medium which information travels before being perceived by the Noosphere, contains anomalous laws of mathematics and logic and things inside it can manipulate the laws of mathematics, it contains universal axioms that do not abide by human logic, responsible for concepts such as absolute trivialism and paraconsistent logic


Is the collective of all information, dwarfs the Noosphere to an incalculable degree and contains it, is a hyper-conceptual reality, concepts that can be conceptualized by the human mind only exist as cross-sections of much larger Infospheric superstructures, which are themselves incapable of being known or entertained abstractly, contains all possible ideas, the entire Foundation universe is merely a simulation on an extradimensional computer and contains the 13 Constants which define the way the Foundation universe operates


Is IHP's Proposal; "Story of Your Life", is responsible for the causality in a narrative layer, is the set of all stories conceivable by humans in a given storyline, more proof for above, is the set of all possible stories related to a single canon, acting as its backbones and dictating all of its parameters, being described as the "infinitely complicated story" of which all lower levels of reality are simply imitations, it contains all possible versions and variations of all objects in a canon, as it exists as the canvas on which author-entities impose their will, it exists on a level beyond all ideas and above standard conceptualization, as it is confirmed to be the fifth conceptual tierspace

Patasphere is Tier 5 of the Conceptual Hierarchy, while there are 256,713 Tiers in total. Each Tier is harder to reach than the last. Since there is a gap between the physical reality and the Noosphere, as well as the gap between Anti-Noosphere and the Patasphere, this means that later Tiers follows a gap just as inaccessible

The beings here should be stronger than the Swann entities within the Noosphere, although the Alagaddans, the weakest here, are often bound by narrative conventions and tropes.


All of that is contained inside of a narrative layer, which there are infinite of inside a narrative. Narratives are stacked ontop of one another and are in a hierarchy where an upper narrative would create a lower one and so on so forth. Each narrative contains the Extended Modal Realism. A narrative ladder/stack/echelon contains an infinite amount of narratives.


The Database, from the Department of Deletions' stories. The Scarlet Demon should be able to manipulate this given the SK's ability to manipulate a similar plane.

Phantom Bubbles[]

Contains a narrative echelon, a World View and also contains a Grand Narrative Echelon which contains the three Narrative Domains. The Narrative Domains are basically a setting and its fanmade works. World Views contains, official or not, an author's viewpoint on how the SCP World works, which is represented in the Delusional Domain as a Phantom Bubble. There are an immeasurable amount of Phantom Bubbles.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
