Shamshel is the Fourth Angel, the second to attack Tokyo-3, a mere 3 weeks after Sachiel's attack marked the return of the Angels. He engaged in combat with Eva Unit-01, using his Whips of Light to overwhelm and piece the Evangelion. However the Eva is able to finish him off by stabbing his core with the Prog Knife, albeit with some difficulty
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 7-A, High 7-A with A.T. Field
Name: Shamshel, the Fourth Angel
Origin: Evangelion
Age: 15 years old (Shamshel's soul was deposited into a physical body by Adam immediately after the events of "Second Impact" on 13th September 2000)
Gender: Unknown
Classification: Angel/Apostle, Offspring of Adam
Powers and Abilities: Angel Physiology (Standard), Large Size (Type 1 - Comparable to Unit-01), Levitation (Shamshel can move about by floating in the air through the use of his A.T. Field), Elasticity & Bodily Weaponry (Via Whips of Light, which are shown to be prehensile), Transformation (Able to transition from a “flight mode” to a “battle mode”), Heat Manipulation (Its Whips of Light burned the hands of Unit-01)
Attack Potency: Mountain level (Easily penetrated Unit-01's armor), Large Mountain level with A.T. Field (A.T. Fields can be used offensively to bypass those of others)
Speed: Hypersonic+ combat speed and reactions (Should be at least as fast as Israfel, who reacted to the Pallet Gun's Mach 14+ bullets)
Lifting Strength: Class G (Shamshel's tentacles can lift Eva-01 clean off the ground and throw it across great distances)
Striking Strength: Mountain level (Shamshel can physically harm Unit-01 with only physical attacks)
Durability: Mountain level (The weakest portion of Shamshel's body [the core organ] still required several seconds of continuous impact from Unit-01's Progressive Knife in order to be breached), Large Mountain level with A.T. Field (An A.T. Field's strengh is derived by the soul, which should be around the same caliber among the angels. Sachiel and Israfel's A.T. Fields allowed them to survive a direct N2 mine detonation)
Stamina: Infinite (S² Engines provide limitless motive energy)
Range: Tens of Meters via sheer size, Hundreds of meters with the Hikari no Muchi
Standard Equipment: Hikari no Muchi, or Whips of Light
Intelligence: Shamshel seems to operate more on pure instinct rather than particularly notable intelligence: it renders itself constantly on the offensive against "Eva-01" and has no method to survive once its "core" is targeted and assaulted.
Weaknesses: The "core" of an Angel, once breached, means absolute certainty of death for the Angel involved.
Notable Attacks/Techniques
(S² = Super Solenoid Engine; also known as the "Fruit of Life"): An elusive double-helical organ, traditionally possessed by only Adam and its progeny, the Angels. This "engine" organ is responsible for the perpetual energy supply that the Angels can utilize, along with the vast majority of their exotic physiological powers (including levitation, regeneration and energy-projection). Appears to be the key to inverting "A.T. Fields" and projecting an "Anti A.T. Field" also, as well as accessing the "Dirac sea".
- A.T. Field: The intangible light of the soul in the physical world, A.T. Fields are possessed by all living beings on NGE-Earth and are one of the major aspects of the human psyche that defines someone as "individual" and "protect" them from the intrusion of another's feelings. However, the Evangelion Units and the Angels are unique in the ability to generate A.T. Fields that are corporeal and occasionally visible to the naked eye, possibly due to the large amount of innate energy contained in their souls. Their A.T. Fields mostly function as a physical defense: a forcefield consisting of concentric octagonal yellow lines. The barrier is almost perfect, only being temporarily disrupted from its active state by incredibly energetic weapons (such as military-grade positron beams and "N² Weapons") or erosion by another corporeal "A.T. Field" that is superior in strength. If left alone after initial disruption, the A.T. Field will revive its durability almost instantly as long as the user is still alive, making it a regenerative barrier. The transition from a dormant A.T. Field to an active Field is indicated by a slight atmospheric blurring.
- Regeneration: Shamshel possesses the ability to recover or revive lost portions of its body. While it does not demonstrate the ability against Unit-01 (as the "core" is the single organ that cannot be reconstructed, for obvious reasons), the "S² Engine" contained within the core automatically allows for regeneration.[1]
Body Alteration: Shamshel can willingly modify the shape of its body to adjust itself better to alternate locations. There are two forms demonstrated in the series: "Flight-Mode" and "Battle-Mode". "Flight-Mode" has Shamshel take a horizontally-oriented form, with the front arms folded into the body and the energized whips hidden. It generally does not attack in this form, and it is unknown whether it is even able to do so. Meanwhile, "Battle-Mode" has Shamshel take a vertically-inclined position, with the arms stretched outwards and the whips in action.
Hikari no Muchi (Whips of Light): Shamshel can energize the pair of tentacles that extend out of its forelimbs and use them for deadly offense. They are powerful enough to rip through entire cityblocks at once, pick up Eva-01 (Weighing approximately 12,494.67 metric tons) and toss it a couple kilometers away into a mountainside.
Notable Matchups[]