Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
What are you doing in my swamp!?
~ Shrek

Summary SU[]

Shrek is the main character of the DreamWorks franchise of the same name. He is a large, green, physically intimidating ogre with a Scottish accent. Even though his background is something of a mystery, according to Shrek The Musical, it is revealed that on his 7th birthday, Shrek was sent away by his parents because it was an ogre tradition. He is seen traveling alone, being either screamed at or teased by passers-by. The only time he receives a pleasant greeting is a wave from a young Fiona, who is promptly led away by her parents. In the book, his parents thrown him into a dark hole that leads to the real world.

After scaring away an angry mob, he arrives at his swamp, enters an outhouse, and literally breaks out as the adult Shrek. Though surly, dangerous, misanthropic, and venomously cranky, Shrek is peaceful and does not care to hurt anyone, but just wants to live in solitude and be left alone. Shrek is accompanied by Donkey, an excitable and hyperactive talking donkey. When Shrek is first seen, he successfully scares off villagers by roaring at them, but it later becomes obvious that they were only attacking him because he is an ogre rather than because he did anything wrong.


Tier: Low 7-B, 7-B to High 7-A, 6-C, 5-B, possibly Low 2-C to 2-C

Name: Shrek

Origin: Dreamworks (Shrek)

Gender: Male

Age: 30's to 40's

Classification: Ogre


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Toon Force, Proficient Wrestler, Acrobatics (Shown many different times), Stealth Mastery, Social Influencing (He can scare large groups of people away), Poison Manipulation (His farts are infamous for being toxic, to the point where they can kill animals. Shrek stated that Donkey would’ve died if he smelt it), Fragrance Manipulation, Air Manipulation (His farts are powerful enough to put out fires), Sound Manipulation (His roar can push many people) Enhanced Senses (Smell and Hearing. He smelt brimstone and made out Puss' purring in the distance while Donkey couldn't. Heard an angry mob coming from far away despite having his ears stuffed with wax), 4th Wall Awareness (Noticed the camera and covered it when he was about to kiss Fiona at the end of the first movie), Pain Tolerance (Didn't notice that an arrow was shot through his rear until Fiona pointed it out), Resistance to Cold Temperatures (Was unfazed after traveling through mountains for hours without stopping in brutal winter conditions), Fire (Took Dragon's fire breath like it was nothing. Put out a giant flaming torch with his fingertips, and didn't suffer from any pain. His farts are strong enough to put out fire) and Poison (Can withstand his own farts. Ate a fish that was poisoned by his flatulence, and didn't suffer from any ill-effects)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Small City level, City level to Large Mountain level, Island level, Planet level, possibly Universe Level+ to Low Multiverse Level (Easily breaks metal doors, smashes wood structures and uproots large trees. Hit a ship with a champagne bottle so hard it ended up sinking. Farted hard enough to extinguish Dragon's fire, which can blow holes through mountains. Can trade blows with those who can harm him)


Subsonic (Successfully outran Dragon. Kept up with Donkey and eventually caught him; motivated adult donkeys can run up to 40 mph (64.4 kph) at short distances. Dodged the arrows of an expert archer with ease), Sub-Relativistic+ to Relativistic+, FTL, Massively FTL, Inaccessible (Puss dodged magical blasts. Should scale to Fiona, who appears to be moving at normal speeds during slow-mo so slow that it looks like nothing else is moving. even the gravity affecting fiona appears to be frozen, and King Harold, who jumped in front of a lightning bolt)

Lifting Strength[]

Class 100 (Much stronger than Puss in Boots, who could wrestle bulls even as a little kid. Overpowered Puss with just one arm. Can uproot trees and pick up large metal gates. Flipped a cauldron)

Striking Strength[]

Small City Class, City Class to Large Mountain Class, Island Class, Planet Class, possibly Universal+ to Low Multiversal (Easily breaks metal doors and wood structures. Can uproot large trees)


Small City level, City level to Large Mountain level, Island level, Planet level, possibly Universe Level+ to Low Multiverse Level (Can survive his own blows. Was fine after being tossed hundreds of meters in the air, and crashing through the ceiling of a tower made of pure rock. Withstood Dragon's fire breath, which is strong enough to melt through mountains. Was unfazed by a large shockwave that covered an entire room. Was crushed by a tree and laughed it off. Survived being attacked by Puss in Boots. Was completely unfazed from getting punched and kicked by Fiona for several hours)


Superhuman (Capable of traveling for days on end without issue. Ran for several hours without stopping despite being in harsh winter conditions. After crashing through a tower made out of pure rock, he got up like nothing happened)


Standard melee range, higher with roar and poison manipulation


Above Average (Shrek is skilled in using his environment to his advantage when it comes to fights. He is an expert wrestler and defeated a horde of trained armored knights. He has consistently shown great knowledge in intimidating people, as well as painting, cooking, using disguises, and puppeteering. Devised a plan to save Fiona, which had him both outsmart and outmaneuver Dragon whereas many knights who attempted this before failed)


Has a short temper and tends to fool around a bit, otherwise none notable


Note 1: Puss could somewhat hold his own against Death, though it can be inferred that the entire time he was holding back against Puss in Boots to make him appreciate his lives as seen when he doesn’t want to fight him anymore after noticing that he wasn’t the once cocky and unappreciative Puss in Boots who used his lives tit for tat


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
