Silver the Hedgehog appears as a major supporting character within the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics.
Silver hails from 200 years into the future from a post-apocalyptic world in which his time is ruined as result of a supposed betrayal amongst the Knothole Freedom Fighters, travelling to past in order to save his future. His travels would take him across several Zones including Light and Dark Mobius, doing whatever he could whenever the situation called for it.
After numerous failures and eventually being stranded within the Prime Zone, Silver would eventually discover the identity of the "traitor" as well as the events that unfolded and was in a position to help Team Fighters amend the situation. This however would be short-lived as the Genesis Wave would be activated moments later.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 2-A | High 1-C
Key: Base | Super Silver
Name: Silver the Hedgehog
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Pre-Genesis Wave)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Classification: Mobian Hedgehog, Psychic, Secret Freedom Fighter
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Acausality (Types 1 and 4; Silver is "decoupled" from time, rendering him unaffected to changes made in the past)
- Enhanced Senses
- Acrobatics
- Martial Arts
- Body Control, Natural Weaponry and Homing Attack
- Psychokinesis (Silver possesses telekinetic abilities which he can use for various applications)
- Aura (Silver can unleash his aura as an eruption of power)
- Flight (Silver can fly by covering himself with psychic energy)
- Energy Manipulation and Matter Manipulation (Silver's power is stated to able to manipulate both energy and matter and was what kept him from being vaporised)
- Paralysis Inducement (Can use his Psychokinesis to bring people to a standstill)
- Energy Projection (Can emit his psychic energy in the form of a beam)
- Life Manipulation (Can hold concentrated life energy)
- Forcefield Creation (With his psychokinesis, Silver can create barriers to protect himself)
- Attack Reflection (Silver can easily reflect attacks with his telekinesis)
- Status Effect Inducement (Can give opponents headaches)
- Limited Light Manipulation (Can use his psychokinesis to light up dark areas)
- Limited Air Manipulation (Silver can create air pocket and redirect air blasts])
- Limited Technology Manipulation (Can short circuit machinery)
- Limited Weapon Creation (Can use the debris in the vicinity to create makeshift weaponry)
- Time Travel, Dimensional Travel and Teleportation (With the use of Super Warp Rings and Chronos Control, Silver can freely travel throughout time and other Zones)
- Clairvoyance (Can use the Time Stones to sense those that cross into the Zone that he is currently in)
- Transformation (into Super Silver).
Resistance to
- Extreme Heat, Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Is a Mobian)
- Life Manipulation and Matter Manipulation (Silver possesses control over energy and matter, Could keep himself from being vaporised by Enerjak's vaporisation beams)
All previous abilities vastly enhanced including:
- Greater Chaos Energy Manipulation (Unquantifiable Layers; Super Silver now possesses a greater link to the Chaos Force. This allows him to utilise nearly all applications of Chaos Energy including):
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; All Chaos Energy, be it basic blasts or advanced techniques, can affect, manipulate, and destroy the concepts that shape reality such as when Super Sonic erased both the Chaos Force, the embodiment and source of Chaos Energy and the Maginaryworld, the source of all dreams in all dimensions)
- Magic (All Chaos Energy is magical in nature, with the Chaos Emeralds containing limitless, magical energy)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 3; Super Forms are shown to have no need for oxygen, the Super State is granted infinite energy by the Chaos Emeralds and shown with Super Sonic being able to Enerjak from day to night with no signs of fatigue)
- Acausality (Higher Degree of Types 1 and 4; Skilled Chaos Energy users are immune to time paradoxes, with King Shadow being aware of the altered history of Light Mobius. Super forms have shown to be unaffected by beings or phenomena that can affect the past, present and future such as Solaris or the Super Genesis Wave, which was even able to affect Silver, who is decoupled from the flow of time)
- Aura (Those who have transformed into a Super or equivalent state can envelop themselves with Aura which allows them to barge through obstacles, opponents and attacks with no harm to themselves)
- Invulnerability (Super forms are stated many times to be invulnerable, being unaffected by conventional harm even from comparable entities, such as the Egg-Wily Machine X being unable to harm Super Sonic or Super Amour Mega Man despite sharing a power source, A.D.A.M believed that Super Sonic could not harm him and a weakened Enerjak being unable to harm Super Sonic even admitting that he can't destroy him)
- Flight and Spaceflight (The most common ability showcased by Super Forms is the ability to fly freely, even within the far reaches of outer space)
- Energy Projection (The most common form of offense by Chaos Force users, Chaos energy can be cast from the body in a variety of techniques including destructive beams, energy spheres, energy waves, widespread barrage of energy attacks or huge explosions. Chaos energy blasts can be cataclysmic, being capable of destroying celestial bodies, entire space-time continuums and abstract entities.)
- Intangibility (Super Forms can render themselves intangible, allowing them to phase through solid matter)
- Immortality (Types 3 and 8) and Regeneration (Low-Godly; Chaos Energy users can regenerate their physical body from their life essence so long as they possess sufficient amounts of Chaos Energy)
- Statistics Amplification (Power Rings can enhance the user's strength, with more Rings providing a greater increase in strength, harnessing Chaos Energy can exponentially increase the abilities of the user, with Mammoth Mogul stating a single Chaos Emerald would increase his power a thousandfold)
- Power Nullification (A single Power Ring inhibited Dulcy's ability to breath fire. Due to being empowered by hundreds of Chaos Emeralds, Feist was able to disable Shadow's affinity for Chaos Energy, thus nullifying his ability to harness Chaos Energy and use Chaos Control despite there being an abundance of it to tap into)
- Probability Manipulation and Curse Manipulation (Chaos Force deities are capable of placing curses to ensure the targets always fail in their future endeavours)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Chaos Energy allows its users to interact a multitude of phenomena which is non-physical in nature)
- Type 1 Concept (Chaos Energy can interact with the concepts which make up reality with the Super Genesis Wave & Super Sonic's distorted Chaos Control completely destroying both the Chaos Force & Maginaryworld)
- Souls/Spirits/Minds (Chaos Energy can interact with the ethereal essence of individuals as well as destroy higher spiritual planes of existence such as the Next Evolution. Dark Enerjak can physically rip the souls out a person's body, leaving them as lifeless husks. Super States can attack and eventually destroy Solaris' consciousness)
- Nonexistence - Nature Type 2 & Voids (Chaos Energy can affect the entirety of the infinite multiverse, which would include White Space, an infinite void of nonexistence which exists between all realities)
- Incorporeality (Chaos Energy can affect the entirety of the infinite multiverse, which would include all those that have transcended their corporeal shells including the Chaos Force deities & Next Evolution inhabitants)
- Intangibility - Elemental (Super States can interact with Solaris, whose body is made of light)
- Space-Time (Chaos Energy has on numerous occasions, been shown to interact with and rearrange the fabric of space-time with the Genesis Waves altering space-time on a multiversal scale, affecting all past, present & future)
- Data (Chaos Energy can affect the entirety of the infinite multiverse, which would include NICOLE's digital realms which are made entirely of data)
- Dreams & Nightmares (The Super Genesis Wave erased Maginaryworld, an entire multiverse made from the dreams of those in other dimensions, with dreams being both positive & negative)
- Abstracts - Type 1 Concept, Dreams & Emotions (Chaos Energy can interact with & destroy abstract entities such as when Mammoth Mogul with the last remnants of his power, wounded the Ancient Walkers, who are conceptual beings as well as the Super Genesis Wave erasing Maginaryworld & Illumina, who embodies both the positive & negative aspects of dreams as well as the emotions needed for them to exist)
- Type 1 Nonduality (Chaos Energy erased both Maginaryworld & Illumina, who herself is a being unbound by the dualities within dreams)
- Power Bestowal (Super Sonic has passed his energy onto Shadow and Silver, enabling them to enter their own Super Forms)
- Mind Manipulation and Mind Control (Extremely powerful Chaos Force wielders are capable of mind control, as shown when Enerjak took control of the Chaotix)
- Empowerment (Chaos Energy is strengthened by the user's emotions and will)
- Sealing (11-D; Adept Chaos Energy users have been shown to encase opponents within bubbles of Chaos Energy or seal higher-dimensional beings within Chaos Emeralds themselves such as Second Tenure Master Mogul, targets can also be sealed in other dimensions. The Duke of Soleanna used a Chaos Emerald to seal Iblis within Princess Elise)
- Absorption (An abundance of Power Rings can allow users to absorb energy based attacks and use said energy to transform into a greater state)
- Telekinesis (Skilled Chaos Force users are able to levitate objects and people using only their minds, this can also be used on opponents to freeze them in place)
- Danmaku and Forcefield Creation (Chaos Energy users can create forcefields for self-defence, trapping others and allows for simultaneous offense and defense)
- Size Manipulation (Chaos Energy users possess the ability to manipulate their size)
- Purification (Types 2 and 3; Chaos Energy can be used to remove the effects of corruptive mind control as well as restore Sonic's speed)
- Reality Warping and Subjective Reality (Chaos Control allows users to rewrite the multiverse with no limits. It allows users to remake reality in accordance to their thoughts. Sonic referred to Chaos Control as a more direct version of 'dreams into reality". With enough Chaos Energy users have been referred to both as "omnipotent" and being able to do anything)
- Causality Manipulation and Fate Manipulation (With enough Chaos Energy, users are capable of rearranging the fabric of space-time, rewriting history itself as well as altering the present & future. Super States are also capable of hitting opponents time as showcased by Super Sonic, Shadow & Silver in their fight against Solaris. Both the Genesis Waves and the Super Genesis Wave are able to affect Silver, who is decoupled from the flow of time)
- Creation (Skilled Chaos Force users can use their authority over reality to create structures out of nothing)
- Dream Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (The Super Genesis Wave and Super Sonic's distorted Chaos Control affected and erased Maginaryworld respectively, a multiverse which is made up entirely of the dreams of those in other dimensions, Some dreams exist as negative emotions and darkness born from the heart)
- Existence Erasure, Plot/Text Erasure and Nonexistent Erasure (Nature Type 2; Aspect Types 2 & 5. Concept, Plot, Space-Time & History; Super States and Chaos Force Deities are capable of completely erasing their targets from existence, whether it be individuals & their spirits, all the way up to the entire multiverse across past, present & future[1], making it so it never existed. This would include concepts such as the Chaos Force, the embodiment & source of Chaos Energy & Maginaryworld, a realm which houses an infinite number of dream worlds, Storybook worlds such as the Arabian Nights, a world made up of texts & inscriptions with the words being the story itself with everyone residing within it are bound by the book following a set plot as their destiny[2] & White Space, a realm between dimensions which is absent of time & where time does not exist, predating the Time Eater reducing reality to a white void as shown that things become a part of White Space when their time is erased. The erasure of reality was performed by Eggman to undo his previous defeats, even extending to nonexistent timelines such as Stardust Speedway's bad future & Silver's original future, a "timeline that never was". Due to its erasure of reality, parallel dimensions such as Maginaryworld & the Arabian Nights would be included due to the cosmological scale of the Time Eater's erasure, and thus it would lack such characteristics as a whole due to its erasure)
- Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Chaos Energy users can affect and destroy higher-dimensional beings and spaces, such as Mammoth Mogul mortally wounding the Ancient Walkers & Sonic's Chaos Control destroying the totality of existence including the Chaos Force as well as Maginaryworlds's 4th-Dimension Space & extra-dimensional worlds)
- Law Manipulation (Can cheat & rewrite the rules of reality. Such as when a single Chaos Emerald which created a zone where hours inside the zone equated to seconds in normal space-time)
- Matter Manipulation (Can take opponents apart on the molecular level, rewrite the molecular foundations of all beings in reality as well as alter atomic structures by manipulating the bonds between atoms)
- Memory Manipulation (Skilled Chaos Energy users can erase and rewrite memories, with Eggman allowing those affected by the Genesis Wave to remember what he wanted them to remember)
- Pocket Reality Manipulation (Chaos Energy users can create pocket dimensions such as the Skull Egg Zone)
- Quantum Manipulation (Dr. Eggman assumed Sonic's inability to lose was a result of a hiccup on a quantum level, the quantum variant which disrupts even the soundest of plans which led him to rewrite reality in an attempt to get rid of it)
- Resistance Negation (By rewriting the laws that govern reality, Chaos Force wielders can remove resistances like when Eggman activated the Genesis Wave, removing everyone's resistance to Roboticization)
- Soul Manipulation and Life Manipulation (Chaos Force wielders can erase souls and astral planes with Super Sonic erasing the Next Evolution, a higher plane of reality containing the souls of the Brotherhood of Guardians. They can also be extracted from an individual's body, leaving them as shriveled, lifeless husks)
- Technology Manipulation (Locke was capable of disabling the blasters of a group of Dark Legionnaires[3], Enerjak could reprogram the Mecha-Nauts, bending them to his will)
- Void Manipulation (With the Super Genesis Wave and Super Sonic's distorted Chaos Control confirmed to have destroyed the entire multiverse[4] and the events of Sonic Generations occurring within the Archie continuity, this would include White Space, an empty and infinite void of nonexistence between dimensions)
- Space-Time Manipulation (Chaos Force wielders are capable of manipulating or warping the fabric of space and time through Chaos Control. The extent of Chaos Control is dependent on how much Chaos Energy is added to its usage; with seven Chaos Emeralds included in its usage, users are capable of bending the space and time of an entire multiverse to their will)
- BFR (Chaos Control allows the user tobanish foes to closed off dimensions without going with them)
- Dimensional Travel (Even a single Chaos Emerald allows the user to warp across the space-time of infinite universes)
- Portal Creation (Chaos control allows the user to create portals to different locations, EGgman and Wily were able to create inter-dimensional portals to arrive in the Skull Egg Zone
- Teleportation (By invoking Chaos Control, individuals can warp across space instantly and do the same to objects as large as the Space Colony ARK, its use also disrupts the space-time continuum)
- Time Acceleration (Ultra Sonic was able to speed up the flow of time)
- Time Reversal (Chaos Control can used to rewind time, with Sonic using it to restore the universe and rewind time by ten seconds to prevent Sally's death)
- Time Stop (Chaos control can freeze opponents in time)
- Time Travel (Chaos Control enables the user to travel to different time periods, it can even pull individuals from different time periods)
- Wish Granting (Power Rings and Chaos Emeralds can grant wishes)
- Age Manipulation (Amy Rose used the Ring of Acorns to physically age herself by several years)
- Healing, Resurrection and Life Manipulation (Power Rings can be used to resurrect the dead, such as when Sonic revived his father.)
- Clairvoyance (Power Rings are shown to bestow knowledge)
- Weapon Creation, (Skilled Chaos Energy users can create weapons including spears or hammers which are comprised of Chaos Energy)
- Immortality Negation (Type 3) and Regeneration Negation (Low-Godly, possibly High-Godly, The full power of the Chaos Emeralds allows a Super State to bypass Solaris' regeneration, decapitating the light god, even after Solaris reformed itself, the damage is still maintained. Was stated by Ian Flynn that Knuckles Enerjak could've atomized Super Sonic despite Super States possessing unfathomably more Chaos Energy than what is needed to restore their physical bodies from their life essence. With the Super Genesis Wave confirmed to have destroyed the entire multiverse, this would include Mephiles who somehow came back even after being erased from the timeline by Elise snuffing out the original flame[5])
- Deconstruction (Enerjak ripped apart Knuckles on a molecular level)
- Duplication (Mammoth Mogul used Chaos Energy in order to create a duplicate of Turbo Tails, Sonic accidentally created a separate version of Super Sonic with the Red Chaos Emeralds on Thoraxia)
- Telepathy (Chaos Force wielders are capable of communicating through the minds of others)
- Air Manipulation, (Enerjak created an air pocket for Knuckles whilst they were on the moon, made Knuckles stop breathing entirely)
- Electricity Manipulation and Paralysis Inducement, (Through the Thunder Arrow)
- Gravity Manipulation (Chaos can be use to negate the forces of gravity on an object)
- Light Manipulation: Super States are capable of absorbing light to enhance their strength as well as use light-based attacks with Sonic using the Arrow of Light, Shadow using the Spear of Light and Silver using the Shield of Light.
- Attack Reflection (Super States can utilize the Shield of Light, a forcefield which catches projectiles and sends them back towards the attacker)
- Biological Manipulation (Enerjak was able to remove the Dark Legion's cybernetics, restoring their natural bodies, Ixis Naugus Bunnie Rabbot's Roboticized limbs into flesh and blood)
- Homing Attack (The Spear of Light used by Shadow technique fires off numerous projectiles which are stated to home in on Solaris)
- Heat Manipulation (Chaos Energy can create enough heat to burn a Dark Legionnaire)
- Pain Manipulation (Chaos Energy users can inflict great pain onto their opponents)
- Radiation Manipulation (Through Chaos Energy, Knuckles produces deadly radiation which was able to completely make a Dark Legion facility uninhabited)
- Poison Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Power Absorption, Energy Absorption, Biological Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Life Force Absorption and Memory Manipulation (Resisted the effects of the Egg Grapes, which fills their victims with toxins, erases the mind, absorbs their energy/life-force and eventually erases the soul. Even brief exposure can have lasting consequences, such as Ixis Naugus going insane & Charmy's severe dips in his mental capabilities)
- Magic and Transmutation (Chaos energy can block/revert transmutations & grant protection from magic)
- Reality Warping, Space-Time Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation, Plot/Text Erasure, Nonexistent Erasure (Nature Type 2; Aspect Types 2 & 5. Concept, Plot, Space-Time & History;), Matter Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation, Resistance Negation, Subjective Reality, Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation and Dream Manipulation (Super Amour Mega Man & Super Sonic were completely unaffected by the Super Genesis Wave being fired, which effected the entire multiverse[6] and was intended to erase the both of them from all reality)
- Madness Manipulation (Ixis Naugus' mind was restored by a Chaos Emerald)
- Status Effect Inducement and Statistics Reduction (The energy of 3 Power Rings was able to dispel the anti-inertia field that covered Sonic, which made Sonic lose his speed as a result)
- Technology Manipulation and Corruption (Type 2, Monkey Khan could only be corrupted after the Ring he wore for protect was taken out of his possession)
- Information Analysis (11-D; NICOLE gravely underestimated the threat Enerjak posed despite being able to analyse cross-dimensional magic from another multiverse and the destruction of the infinite multiverse)
- Extrasensory Perception (Sonic, Knuckles & Tails used an abundance of Power Rings to bypass Mammoth Mogul's visualisation of reality)
- Power Nullification (A single Chaos Emerald can restore an individual's ability to use Chaos energy after it has been disabled)
- Black Hole Creation, Death Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Absorption and BFR (Super States are unaffected by the Eyes of Solaris, which are black holes which consume all of space-time, kill anyone that touches them as well as emit a gravitational pull, absorbing anything in its vicinity, sending them to another dimension[7])
- Time Manipulation and Age Manipulation (Sonic tanked the Time Beam, which forces time to flow backwards)
- Electricity Manipulation (Super Sonic was unaffected by Enerjak's "Thunder Arrow" technique) and
- Paralysis Inducement (Super Scourge effortlessly broke out of Silver's psychokinesis)
Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Shown to be able to harm characters such Sonic, Geoffrey St. John and Ixis Naugus) | High Complex Multiverse level (11-D, Powered by the Chaos Emeralds, fought and defeated Solaris alongside Super Sonic and Super Shadow)
Speed: Infinite (Can keep up with Sonic) | Immeasurable (Comparable to Super Sonic)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Broke out of Enerjak's telekinetic hold, was able to bring Super Scourge to a temporary stop) | Immeasurable (Far stronger than before)
Striking Strength: Multiverse level+ | High Complex Multiverse level
Durability: Multiverse level+ (Can take hits from Sonic and Prelate Warriors) | High Complex Multiverse level (Invulnerability makes it difficult to conventionally harm Super Silver)
Stamina: Superhuman | Infinite
Range: Standard melee range normally. Tens of kilometres with attacks and abilities, At least High Multiversal+ with Chronos Control and Super Warp Rings | High Complex Multiversal.
Standard Equipment: Super Warp Ring and a Time Stone | Chaos Emeralds
Intelligence: Gifted (Silver is an exceptionally capable individual being able to figure how to defeat Dark Enerjak when even Super Sonic failed, with his mentor, Mammoth Mogul stating that his powers are only limited by his imagination)
Weaknesses: Silver is both naïve and gullible, believing everything he is told. His psychic abilities are shown to have limits.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ Re: Ask Ian - Year End Bonanza Thingie: Go to question 30a
- ↑ Sonic and The Secret Rings
- ↑ Knuckles the Echidna Issue 3
- ↑ Re: Ask Ian - Year End Bonanza Thingie: Go to question 30a
- ↑ The Complete Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Encyclopedia. pg.191
- ↑ Re: Ask Ian - Year End Bonanza Thingie: Go to question 30a
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Prima Official Game Guide Page 311