Sleep Manipulation is the power to manipulate sleep. The user can alter all aspects of sleep as they see fit, or make victims suffer constant insomnia. It is commonly considered a subdivision of Mind Manipulation. The following applications exist:
- Sleep Inducement - Make someone fall asleep, be it instantly or more naturally. The users can also make the victims feel comforted during this process. It can be temporary, or even permanent, as well as variants where a certain condition has to be met for victims to wake up (usually in the case of hexes, curses and/or magic spells). Inducing sleep can be done through various means that vary per user - examples include: through gestures, magic spells, hexes, curses, contacts, aura, effect fields, forcefields, dust, bubbles, certain projectiles, shapes, lasers, rays or beams of a certain element/energy, ki, soundwaves, visions, sounds, smells, light, darkness, powder, pollen, pathogens, remotely controlled contaminants, contact of a certain item or even by just thinking of it.
- Complete Dormancy / Omni-Sleep Inducement: The most advanced variant of this application. It is essentially the same, but with its reach extended to include plants, machines, bionic lifeforms, pathogens and even inanimate objects, concepts, natural forces/phenomenon, energies and far, far more.
- Sedative Inducement - Specialized version of Sleep Inducement. Victims are tranquilized into a somnolent state, subdueing and calming them in the process.
- Hibernation Inducement - User causes victim to go into various hibernative states, wether it be temporary or permanent. Examples include hibernation, brumation, winter rest, diapause, et cetera.
- Fatigue Manipulation - Make victims exhausted, drowsy, sleepy, tired, fatigue, etc... This can also be achied through the "Energy Drain", where the victims' stamina is drained.
- Manipulation of Sleep Patterns - One of the most potent applications of this power that allows sleep patterns to be altered. For example, how long or deep the victim sleeps/will sleep.
- Sleep Magic: Control the aspects of sleep through magic.
Known Users[]
- Antasma, Wart (Super Mario)
- Pow (Canimals)
- Steve (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
- Dream of the Endless (DC Comics)
- Vicky Broomstick (Regal Academy); Sleep Magic strictly