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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Plants Vs. Zombies Battle For Neighborville 1
All about controlling space and doing lots of damage up close. Blazing trail is great at splitting a battlefield or holding a chokepoint.
~ In-game description

Snapdragon 4


Snapdragon is one of new plants in Plants Vs. Zombies Battle For Neighborville, he's role is Attacker, with abilities that allow him to take over chokepoints, control the area and the space of the battlefield, making him a force to be reckon with. He's also part of the Smart Plants group in Plants Vs. Zombies Heroes.

Powers and Abilities:[]

Tier: 4-C; High 4-C with Plunjolnir | 4-C+; High 4-C+ with Plunjolnir | 1-B; High 1-B with Plunjolnir.

Key: Base-Battle For Neighborville | Prime-Battle For Neighborville (100% Completed) | Prime-Battle For Neighborville (Sven's Quest + 100% Completed).

Name: Snapdragon.

Origin: Plants Vs. Zombies 2.

Age: Unknown, likely adult.

Classification: Sentient Plant, Smarty Plant, Crowd Controller.

Powers and Abilities:

  • Summoning (Can summon Weeds and Potted Plants).
  • Resurrection (Both plants and zombies can revive fallen allies).
  • Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3; Can fight zombies indefinitely without oxygen, nourishment and rest).
  • Limited Flight (Uses his wings to fly, uses it for sprinting).


  • Death Manipulation:
    • Low Life (Healing via vanquishing others at low health).
    • Vampiric (Healing via vanquishing others).
    • Combo (Reduce cool-down for all abilities for multi-vanquishes).
    • Critical Blow (Reduce cool-down for all abilities for critical vanquishes).
  • Biological Manipulation:
    • Rough Patch (Gives additional health after being vanquished multiple times).
  • Regeneration:
    • Fearless (Regenerate when near one-to-four enemies around a 10m radius).
  • Enhanced Accelerated Development:
    • Leveling Up (Gain XP faster to rank and earn new upgrades).
  • Speed Manipulation:
    • Ready Up (Allows weapons and abilities to be used faster).
    • Speedy (Boost walking speed for combative use (e.g. being able to move side-to-side to dodge attacks), not sprinting speed).
  • Enhanced Resurrection:
    • Refreshing Revive (Reduce all cool-down on abilities when reviving a teammate).

Resistant to:

  • Mind Manipulation (Nightcap's Casting Shadows can only put plants invisible, but can't hypnotise or distort plants' vision and mind).


  • Power Bestowal via Damage Aura (Boost all plants' damage near the one who wields the Plunjolnir).

Same as before, but has:


Same as before, but has:

Attack Potency: Star-Level, (Compared to Sunflower, as she used concentrated power of the sun for her powers and abilities while also being able to fire a Solar Flare Beam, that's stated to be the ultimate power in the universe); Large Star-Level with Plunjolnir (Can 1-shot most zombie heroes, can easily defeat an army of Yetis) | Star-Level+, (Much superior than Super Brainz); Large Star-Level+ with Plunjolnir (Much superior than before) | Hyperversal-Level (Can defeat the gnomes as well as the Gnome Knights, which are more powerful than Giga Gnomes, who are able to defeat Plasma Pea); High Hyperversal-Level with Plunjolnir (Much superior than before).

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed (Much faster than the GW plants and zombies), FTL Reaction Speed (Able to react and dodge lasers) | Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed (Much faster than the GW plants and zombies), FTL Reaction Speed (Able to react and dodge lasers) | Immeasurable Speed (Faster than the gnomes, who are unbounded by space and time as they can move freely in the Gnomiverse).

Lifting Strength: Class 100 (On par with Super Brainz), Class K with Plunjolnir (Boost the plant heroes' strength) | Class 100, Class K with Plunjolnir | Class 100 (Inferior to Gnome Knight); Class K with Plunjolnir.

Striking Strength: Star-Level; Large Star-Level with Plunjolnir | Star-Level+; Large Star-Level+ with Plunjolnir | Hyperversal-Level; High Hyperversal-Level with Plunjolnir.

Durability: Star-Level | Star-Level+ | Hyperversal-Level.

Stamina: Inexhaustible (Scales with plants and zombies).

Range: Extended melee range with Flame Blower, Hundreds of meters with Flare Ball | Extended melee range with Flame Blower, Hundreds of meters with Flare Ball | Extended melee range with Flame Blower, Hundreds of meters with Flare Ball.

Standard Equipment: Several upgrades.

Intelligence: Gifted Intelligence (Part of the Smart Plants family), Genius Battle Intelligence | Genius Intelligence (Grandmaster-level intelligence), Genius Battle Intelligence (Grandmaster-Level intelligence) | Genius Intelligence, Genius Battle Intelligence.

Weaknesses: None.

Specialty: Crowd Control.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:[]


-Snapdragon after flying.

  • Flame Blower: Flamethrower attack, able to burn multiple targets, has a cool-down (Primary Attack). Attack Class
  • Flare Ball: Flare attack, does small explosion when impact, deals decent damage, has a cool-down (Secondary Attack).Attack Class
  • Swoop Slam: Fly up, then crash down to deal damage on impact. Swoop Slam
  • Blue Blazes: Launch a blue fireball that follows enemies. Blue Blazes
  • Blazing Trail: Create a blazing wall of fire along a straight path. Blazing Trail


The Plunjolnir is a powerful tool that is used to defeat The Yeti in Elite Boss Wave, which makes him more durable. The Plunjolnir can defeat every zombie hero and boss with no difficulty. It's the only weapon that can defeat the Elite Yeti, who's the strongest zombie in the game, that 72,000 damage can barely harm him. The Plunjolnir is 50X damage multiplier.

How do I scale AP, Here's how:

Due to Sunflowers being stated to use the the power and energy of the sun, and being able to shoot a Solar Flare Beam, which is stated to be the ultimate power of the PvZ GW universe and because both PvZ GW and PvZ BfN follow the same continuity, PvZ BfN Sunflower would scale to this as well. Plasma Pea also in his prime would be Hyperversal for his superposition peas, and which the peas are described to be entire universes in which the infinite possibilities of the cosmos are born; superposition can be explained here, but simply, superposition peas make themselves as multiverses as it creates uncountable universes with many, infinite possibilities happen simultaneously, and because Plasma Pea holds and creates infinite superposition peas from reloading, he would upscale it.

Despite Snapdragon's Attack Role, He can also be defensive using Swoop Slam and Blazing Trail. He's versatile with his abilities, but he is mainly an Attacker.

With Prep-Time, Snapdragon's AP would be Small Continental-Level as he's as smart as Kernel Corn, who created a plant weapon that exploded half of a continent, despite Snapdragon's excited nature.

Snapdragon is very Agile and has great Dexterity, As due to his ability to fly, as well as being very mobile, he can dodge many shots and lasers as well as complete parkour challanges in the game.


Snapdragon concept art. Snapdragon concept art 2. Snapdragon 1 Snapdragon 2


Notable Victories:

Charizard Vs. Snapdragon (Charizard has no trainer, and Snapdragon is Base).

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
