Son Gohan is the elderly gentleman who found and raised the Saiyan Son Goku when he landed on Earth. A former disciple of Master Roshi, he taught Goku everything he knew. He died when Goku accidentally turned into an Oozaru and crushed him underneath his foot. He was brought back for a short time to spar against Goku in Fortuneteller Baba's tournament. Goku's son, Gohan, was named in honor of him.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 6-C
Name: Son Gohan
Origin: Dragon Ball
Gender: Male
Age: 80 to 91 years old upon his time of death
Classification: Ghost (Formerly Human), Martial Artist, Turtle School Student
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Chi Manipulation; (Energy Manipulation and Energy Projection), Radiation Manipulation (By sensing ki, it means you can search radio waves. Making ki have these properties), Empowerment (Via Yūki and Shōki. Ki users can be powered by being encouraged by others and their own emotions of courage, by staying true to themselves and by remaining calm through the battle), Limited Size Manipulation (The size and power of their ki attacks depend on how much ki they use), Damage Boost (Goku was physically incapable of breaking a brick wall but with his kamehameha, he was able to make a hole in the wall), Fire Manipulation (Ki attacks generates fire, heat and smoke. Their ki attacks have been described has "ball of fire" which can burn their opponents upon contact and incinerate parts of their opponents body. It can also melt objects on contact and "cook" their opponents), Explosion Manipulation (The signature power of ki. They can choose when and where to detonate their own ki attacks or do heavy damage with explosions in a specific area of effect), Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats, Abilities): By having an effective training that improves the ki, one can improve way faster than normal), Light Manipulation (Ki blasts like the kamehameha are described as light beams, this allowed Goku to beat Shura later on, who's weak to light), Ectoplasm Manipulation (Ki has ectoplasmic properties has it can be used to make ghost/constructed made of estoplasm-shaped Ki. Ki has been described has being comprised of "spiritual powers" which are energy, courage and rightmindedness. And Ki has been linked has being part of the soul's energy has "spiritual energy" multiple times) & Elasticity.
All previous abilities from before, Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3 and 7; When Piccolo defeated Chaozu in Kaio-sama's planet, it is stated that he cannot die since he is already dead. This is further supported by the fact the Ginyu Force could survive getting impaled by multiple spears and come back unharmed), Regeneration (At least High-Mid; Angel Frieza and Cell came back after being frozen with an ice machine and accidentally shattered), Self Sustenance (Type 2; While Gohan is dead, he does not need to eat)
Attack Potency: Island level (Fought against Goku after his training with Karin)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+
Lifting Strength: The weight the character can lift/move, usually expressed in tons. However it is optional since lifting strength generally doesn't matter in most fights (in bold).
Striking Strength: Island level
Durability: Island level
Stamina: Self-explanatory
Range: The distance the character's attacks/abilities can cover.
Standard Equipment: Things the character usually uses, or carries with him.
Intelligence: Self-explanatory
Weaknesses: Self-explanatory
Feats: List all of the character's amazing feats. Strength feats, speed feats, durability feats, etc. You can judge a person's power by their feats.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: A list of some abilities the character generally uses.
Note: Self-explanatory
Explanations (Optional)[]
This section can be used to explain the reasons for the assigned power level of a certain character more in-depth, as well as how the powers and nature of the character fundamentally work. This is particularly useful for more high-tiered characters.
However, it is very important that you make sure that the text has good grammar/sentence structure, and is easy to understand.