Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. A Saiyan, sent to Earth as a baby with the mission to destroy it, Goku became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head and was adopted by Son Gohan. After departing five years to train Uub, Goku returns to his loved ones only to be reverted back to his child form by a wish from King Pilaf, using the Black Star Dragon Balls. To prevent them from destroying the Earth, Goku must travel across the galaxy to retrieve them and return them to Earth, and, in the process, ultimately comes to face many more worthy opponents.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 1-A, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, higher as a Golden Ozaru, 1-A as a Super Saiyan 4, higher as a Super Full Power Super Saiyan | 1-A, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, 1-A as a Super Saiyan 3, 1-A as a Super Saiyan 4, higher with Ryuken, far higher as a Super Full Power Saiyan 4, even higher with the Dragon Hammer | 1-A, higher with transformations, 1-A as a Super Saiyan 4, far higher with the Universal Genki-dama | 1-A | 1-A
Key: Baby Arc | Super 17 | Shadow Dragon Arc | Post-Negative Karma Ball | TV Special
Name: Son Goku
Origin: Dragon Ball
Gender: Male
Age: 53 (49 physically, 12 after Pilaf's wish) - 152 years old
Classification: Saiyan
Powers and Abilities:
Black Star Dragon Balls:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Limited Longevity (Known intergalactically as the "warrior race of the universe", Saiyans have evolved to remain in their physical prime for a long period of time. Their bodies remain child-like for several years before rapidly growing into their adult bodies, and they age slowly after reaching their prime in order to remain young and battle-ready for decades; after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail. Additionally, Saiyans have a longer lifespan than humans), Reactive Power Level (As a Saiyan, Goku grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Sound Manipulation (Shook Kame Sen'nin with his loud voice), Elasticity, Martial Arts, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Chi Manipulation; (Energy Manipulation and Energy Projection), Radiation Manipulation (By sensing ki, it means you can search radio waves. Making ki have these properties), Empowerment (Via Yūki and Shōki. Ki users can be powered by being encouraged by others and their own emotions of courage, by staying true to themselves and by remaining calm through the battle), Limited Size Manipulation (The size and power of their ki attacks depend on how much ki they use), Damage Boost (Goku was physically incapable of breaking a brick wall but with his kamehameha, he was able to make a hole in the wall), Weapon Mastery, Enhanced Senses (Even without ki training, Goku can see clearly over long distances), Fourth Wall Awareness, Fire Manipulation (Ki attacks generates fire, heat and smoke. Their ki attacks have been described has "ball of fire" which can burn their opponents upon contact and incinerate parts of their opponents body. It can also melt objects on contact and "cook" their opponents), Explosion Manipulation (The signature power of ki. They can choose when and where to detonate their own ki attacks or do heavy damage with explosions in a specific area of effect), Acrobatics, Power Mimicry via; Intelligence (Can easily replicate other Ki-based techniques after seeing them once), Fourth Wall Awareness, Transformation, Social Influencing (Has a mysterious effect capable of drawing in others. Son Goku is consistently shown to be having a major effect on certain characters, changing their beliefs and mindset), Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats, Abilities): By having an effective training that improves the ki, one can improve way faster than normal), Spatial Manipulation (By punching Yamcha to reach the Manga Panel, it is done by manipulating perspective. In doing so, he can treat massive and distant things objects as miniature and near), Light Manipulation (Ki blasts like the kamehameha are described as light beams, this allowed Goku to beat Shura later on, who's weak to light), Ectoplasm Manipulation (Ki has ectoplasmic properties has it can be used to make ghost/constructed made of estoplasm-shaped Ki. Ki has been described has being comprised of "spiritual powers" which are energy, courage and rightmindedness. And Ki has been linked has being part of the soul's energy has "spiritual energy" multiple times), Afterimage Creation, Flight, Analytical Prediction, Air Manipulation, Breath Attack, Homing Attack (Can be used to fire ki blasts that can home in on targets by changing it's trajectory or controlling it telekinectically), Extrasensory Perception & Information Analysis (Can locate others by reading their ki, detect malicious intent or differences in battle power. Also allows movement tracking without relying on visual detection by sensing ki movements), Forcefield Creation (Created a ki-shield to defend against Piccolo's attack), Self Sustenance (Type 1) (Can breathe fine in the Room of Spirit and Time which has 1/4th of the earth's oxygen), Pressure Point Strikes (Delivered a chop to King Chappa's neck, knocking him out in one attack), Stealth Mastery and Limited Perception Manipulation (Training under Kami and Mr. Popo, sharpening his spirit in the process, Goku mastered the ability of "[crouching] as quiet as the sky and [striking] quick than lightning", dampening his presence completely—including scant air movements and his footsteps—and erasing his own Ki; thus, allowing him to optimize his movements and elude the senses of opponents completely), Shockwave Generation (Can create shockwaves with his attacks), Limited Instinctive Reactions (By stilling his spirit and ki, Goku could instinctively attack Popo's doll replica of him), Mind Control (By seeing with his mind's eyes, Goku can easily deduce that the Illusions in his mind aren't real while being under them), Resistance Negation & Precognition (Premonitions; Son Goku can have dark premonitions through bad dreams that allowing him to see people like Vegeta and Nappa who he hasn't seen or knew about beforehand and just knew two saiyans were coming to earth), Telepathy (Goku is able to telepathically speak in a person's head), Absorption, Life Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation with Genki-dama (Goku can absorb the ki gathered from the Genki-dama and use it to fuel his own ki), Flight, Limited Gravity Manipulation, Statistics Amplification with Kaioken, Heat Manipulation with Kaioken (Generated steam off his body. Broke out of Ebifury's Frozen Fist with the Kaio-ken), Mind Reading (Read Krillin's mind, could read into Kaio-sama's telepathy with Guru and telepathically speak with Kaio-sama), Attack Reflection, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel and BFR (Forced Teleportation; With the technique Instant Transmission, Goku can lock a ki signature and teleport to the location instantly. Can forcibly send his opponent to other places), Vibration Manipulation (By focusing his energy on a tree, he made it shake so it could drop it's apples), Danmaku (Can fire a barrage of ki blasts), Fusionism, Durability Negation (Can use the Kienzan which is stated to be able to cut through anything. Can harm and kill opponents leagues above their own powers), Instinctive Reactions, Power Bestowal, Purification (Types 1 & 2), Law Manipulation & Reality Warping
Baby Arc:
All abilities from before, Natural Weaponry
Super 17:
All abilities from before, Self-Destruction & Limited Life Manipulation
Post-Negative Karma Ball
All abilities from before to a greater extent, Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3 & 7), Self-Sustenance (Type 2), Astral Projection
Super Saiyan:
Same abilities from before, Hair Manipulation, Limited Biological Manipulation, Weather Manipulation
Super Saiyan 3:
Same abilities from before, Electricity Manipulation & Paralysis Inducement
Golden Ozaru:
All abilities from before, Regeneration Negation (Mid) & Immortality Negation (The Namekians can regenerate from any limbs so long has their head is not destroyed even when they turned into stone. Yet the the fist of someone like Dodoria was able to stab and kill one Namekian while his head remained untouched. Son Goku was able to pierce through Piccolo Daimao. The ladder admits he lost despite the fact his head his intact and should be able to regenerate, implying he could not have regenerated after what Son Goku did to him), Unholy Manipulation and Limited Corruption (Type 2) (Those with evil ki are also stated to have an demonic aura and are called "fiends". Since in Dragon Ball they emit ki as an aura as shown here and ki is different depending on the person and reflects their hearts which affects and stays deep within the soul has evil energy thus, their ki attacks is comprised of evil/demonic energy. Those with evil in them can also passively affect others by inducing their malice or evil into them thus corrupting them. But this likely takes some time before the opponent becomes fully corrupted. Humanoid Saiyans are ancestors to the Ozaru, who are by their nature, demons. The Ozaru exists within the subconscious of the humanoid Saiyans), Breath Attack, Aura, Large Size (Type 1), Soul Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Non Physical Interaction, Emotional Manipulation, Life Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation. Resistance to Soul Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Non Physical Interaction, Emotional Manipulation, Life Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation
Super Saiyan 4:
Same abilities from before to a greater extent except for his demonic abilities, Regeneration (Low) & Enhanced Reactive Evolution
Super Full Power Super Saiyan 4:
Same abilities from before to an even greater extent, Enhanced Heat Manipulation, Absorption
God Ki:
All abilities from before, Probability Manipulation & Acausality as a Super Saiyan God (Type 3 & 4; Gods operate on different logical laws of the universe outside of that of mortals which by itself is actually much more complex (including things like a time paradox) than what normal cause is and what they know and effect as read in a book by Present Trunks. As changes in the past don't affect the present or future, a new parallel world is created and vice versa. When Beerus, a god destroyed Zamasu, a god in the present timeline (from the perspective of the main original time), Zamasu from the past that was in future timeline should have been erased according to him, since it would have an effect on space and time itself, yet it didn't due to the time ring prevent this from happening. The act of a god destroying another god, is considered to be by itself a miracle for mortals. A miracle that brings impossible acts considering that Trunks explains that the androids defeated on the main present timeline (that would be the past from his own perspective) didn't affect his future world at all. A miracle that would have saved Trunks' future world, only stopped because of the time ring. Beerus also mentions that the simple act of him time traveling can passively affect history)
Super Saiyan God:
Same abilities from before, Regeneration (Low-Mid)
Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Even in his small body, it is confirmed that his sheer Battle Power could not be measured by any means. With it even being stated that it wasn't a malfunction), higher with Super Saiyan transformations, far higher as a Golden Ozaru, Multiverse level+ level with Super Saiyan 4, even higher as a Super Full Power Super Saiyan 4 | Multiverse level+, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, Multiverse level+ with Super Saiyan 4 and Ryuken, even higher as a Super Full Power Super Saiyan 4 & Dragon Hammer | Multiverse level+, higher with transformations, Multiverse level+ as a Super Saiyan 4, far higher with Universal Genki-dama (Able to completely obliterate Yi Xing Long, leaving no trace of him) | Multiverse level+
Speed: Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Immeasurable
Lifting Strength: The weight the character can lift/move, usually expressed in tons. However it is optional since lifting strength generally doesn't matter in most fights (in bold).
Striking Strength: Multiverse level+, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, far higher as a Golden Ozaru, Multiverse level+ level with Super Saiyan 4, even higher as a Super Full Power Super Saiyan 4 | Multiverse level+, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, Multiverse level+ with Super Saiyan 4 and Ryuken, even higher as a Super Full Power Super Saiyan 4 & Dragon Hammer | Multiverse level+, higher with transformations, Multiverse level+ as a Super Saiyan 4, far higher with Universal Genki-dama | Multiverse level+
Durability: Multiverse level+, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, far higher as a Golden Ozaru, Multiverse level+ level with Super Saiyan 4, even higher as a Super Full Power Super Saiyan 4 | Multiverse level+, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, Multiverse level+ with Super Saiyan 4 and Ryuken, even higher as a Super Full Power Super Saiyan 4 & Dragon Hammer | Multiverse level+, higher with transformations, Multiverse level+ as a Super Saiyan 4, far higher with Universal Genki-dama | Multiverse level+
Stamina: Self-explanatory
Range: The distance the character's attacks/abilities can cover.
Standard Equipment: Things the character usually uses, or carries with him.
Intelligence: Self-explanatory
Weaknesses: Self-explanatory
Feats: List all of the character's amazing feats. Strength feats, speed feats, durability feats, etc. You can judge a person's power by their feats.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: A list of some abilities the character generally uses.
Note: Self-explanatory