“ | I think the Earth will be safer without me. So, thanks for trying everyone, but please don't wish me back. | „ |
~ Goku |
Son Goku (孫悟空 Son Gokū) is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball Budokai AF modded videogame series. He is a Saiyan, sent to Earth as a baby with the mission to destroy it, Goku became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head and was adopted by Grandpa Gohan. 700 years after the defeat of the Shadow Dragons, the new King of Tuffle comes to Earth in order to take revenge on descendants of the Saiyan race, forcing Goku to returns and fight for the Earth again one last time.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 1-A, far higher with transformations | 1-A, far higher with transformations, even higher with Rage | 1-A, far higher with transformations
Key: King Vegeta Saga | Hell Saga/Zeel Saga | Evil Goku Saga
Name: Son Goku, Kakarot, Kakarotto, Goku, Karrot, Sangoku
Origin: Dragon Ball Budokai AF
Gender: Male
Age: At least 754
Classification: Saiyan, God, Guardian of Earth
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Saiyan Physiology
- Transformation (Can transform into Super Saiyans 1-4, increasing his capabilities drastically)
- Immortality (Type 1. Individuals who have reached the level of Super Saiyans become immortal)
- Invulnerability (Covered by an aura that prevents attacks from hurting him)
- Limited Self-Sustenance (Type 1)
- Precognition (Can read opponents movements and when they are holding back)
- Adaptation (Adapted through 100 times Earth's gravity)
- Resistance to Perception Manipulation (By not letting his eyes deceive him by clearing his mind, Goku should not be fooled by those who can trick his perception), Sleep Manipulation (Resisted sleep inducing foods), Ice (Goku was able to casually withstand the blizzard of Mount Frappe and hold its snow in his hands with ease. It is described that the snow of Mount Frappe can freeze fire), Heat (Unaffected by a pool that was described by the Snake princess to be able to boil men alive), Poison (Survived after drinking the Super Holy Water), Illusion Creation (Detected and dispelled the illusions of Mount Five Element with his mind's eye), Harsh Temperatures (Survived and trained extensively for at least a year within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which has temperatures that range from -40°F to 248°F), Electricity (Withstood several lightning strikes when going to Kami's Lookout), Radiation (As a kid, Goku absorbed over 17 million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects. Can fight in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high), Matter Manipulation (Goku withstood Baby Vegeta's Revenge Death Ball which can scatter individual atoms), Gravity (Was unaffected by the gravity of a star and could move normally even though his ship was affected), Paralysis Inducement (Managed to get out of Frieza's Imprisonment Ball at the last moment), Magma (Was unaffected by the lava during his fight with Frieza) and Acid (Wasn't harmed much by Buu’s enzymes, though it did pain him)
- Saiyan Physiology
- Supernatural Willpower (Able to endure poison that takes immense will and spirit to survive)
- Rage Power (Triggered the Super Saiyan transformation through rage)
- Master Martial Artist
- Weapon Mastery (Of the Power Pole)
- Power Mimicry (Can easily replicate other fighting techniques after seeing them once)
- Shockwaves Generation
- Electricity Manipulation (Goku's physical blows also cause electrical discharges when they hit his opponents, his aura can release electric bolts in all directions)
- Fire Manipulation (His energy attacks can generate flames)
- Light Manipulation (Can reflect light with the Solar Flare technique. Super Saiyan forms can generate light in pitch-black condition. Sayians are gifted with "Light Power" a rare trait that manifest as Super Sayian)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Harmed the Ghost Warriors and the perfect clones of Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo, who were illusions of Super Buu's memories)
- Limited Power Nullification (Nullified Vegeta's ki blast)
- Resurrection
- Telekinesis
- Telepathy
- Ki Manipulation
- Flight
- Damage Boost (Can increase the power of his attacks by concentrating his ki into a single point to do more damage)
- Durability Negation (Can use the Dragon Fist technique which punches through anything, according to Saiyan Scholar and Battle Memes by Omari)
- Sound Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation and Portal Creation (Can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with his energy)
- Extrasensory Perception (Can sense the Ki of living beings, and even that of Gods)
- Energy Absorption (Can absorb Ki attacks like the Spirit Bomb to strengthen himself)
- Statistics Amplification (Goku can greatly enhance his capabilities with Kaio-ken, by up to 20 times, and even 100 momentarily against Lord Slug)
- Fusionism with Fusion Dance
- Teleportation, Dimensional Travel and Beyond-Dimensional Travel with Instant Transmission
- Omnipresence (Can appear both on Earth and in Hell, and vanish whenever he wants)
All previous abilities but massively enhanced, plus:
- Natural Weaponry (Can use his tail for combat)
- Regeneration (Low, over time. Regained his sight after he was blinded by Eis Shenron)
- Reactive Evolution (His body was able to memorize and defend against enemies’ attacks)
- Limited Causality Manipulation (Should be able to passively absorb life force of the Gods like Goku Black)
- Heat Generation
- Resistance to Age Manipulation (Monkey forms grant someone their peak physical condition while it lasts, changing their physical age) and Space-Time Manipulation
All previous abilities but massively enhanced, greater Transformation (Can transform into a Super Saiyan 5, increasing his capabilities drastically)
All previous abilities of a Super Saiyan 4 but massively enhanced due to the logic of Dragon Ball fanbase's powerscaling.
Attack Potency: Outerverse level (Far stronger than himself in GT. Causally defeated Super Saiyan Bulla), far higher with transformations (Super Saiyan multiplies his Power Level by 500. Super Saiyan 2 multiplies his Super Saiyan's Power Level by 2. Super Saiyan 3 multiplies his Super Saiyan 2's Power Level by 4. Even far stronger as a Super Saiyan 4. Somehow managed to defeat Xicor) | Outerverse level (Got much stronger than before), far higher with transformations (Likely as a Super Saiyan 4, he managed to defeat Bojack and Dark Angel Vegeta), even higher with Rage (Managed to defeat Super Saiyan 4 Nappa) | Outerverse level (Far stronger than before), far higher with transformations (As a Super Saiyan 3, he fought against Super Saiyan 3 Majin Dark Vegeta. As a Super Saiyan 4, Goku put up a good fight against new Majin Buu/Kabra. As a Super Saiyan 5, Goku managed to defeat Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Broly. Super Saiyan 5 is Super Saiyan 3 variation of Super Saiyan 4 transformation)
Speed: Irrelevant (Far faster than himself in GT. Fought against Xicor and causally defeated Bulla) | Irrelevant (Kept up with Bojack, Dark Angel Vegeta and Super Saiyan 4 Nappa) | Irrelevant (Much faster than before. As a Super Saiyan 4, he kept up with Kabra. And eventually defeated Super Saiyan 4 Broly as a Super Saiyan 5)
Lifting Strength: At least Immeasurable (Far stronger than his young self, who resisted the force of Garlic Jr.'s Dead Zone), likely Irrelevant
Striking Strength: Outerversal, far higher with transformations | Outerversal, far higher with transformations, even higher with Rage | Outerversal, far higher with transformations
Durability: Outerverse level, far higher with transformations | Outerverse level, far higher with transformations, even higher with Rage | Outerverse level, far higher with transformations
Stamina: Super Saiyajin Mistico. Goku can train for years with minimal rest, and can fight through his long, arduous fights with the likes of Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, Buu, Baby, Syn Shenron, etc. Fought against Slug with Kaio-ken times 100, pushing himself to his very own limits. Able to control Super Saiyan 5, which is the Super Saiyan 3 level of Super Saiyan 4.
Range: Standard Melee Range, Irrelevant with various techniques
Standard Equipment: None notable.
Intelligence: Goku is a master of prodigal skills when it comes to martial arts, with years of experience fighting against powerful opponents with a plethora of abilities. His skills when it comes to combat and the usage of ki allows him to replicate other Ki-based techniques after seeing them once, and he was the first to realize how much energy the Super Saiyan transformations unnecessarily drained. Despite this drawback, he was the first to master the Super Saiyan state, making it highly efficient. He is a genius in combat and is capable of devising new applications of his techniques on the fly, such as using Kamehameha with his feet. Has lived for over 700 years.
Weaknesses: Goku seeks strong opponents and therefore will allow his opponents to reach their full power for the sake of a good fight. He needs to see a full moon in order to transform and as a Great Ape. Kaio-ken strains his body, causing him intense pain and exhaustion if he overuses it. His Spirit Bomb requires a long charge-up period, during which time he is vulnerable. He needs to locate a Ki signature to teleport using Instant Transmission. Super Saiyans 3 and 5 drain his ki rapidly.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in several ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts of energy or used to create defensive barriers. Along with his Saiyan blood, Ki acts as the source of Goku's incredible power and abilities. Goku's prodigal skill in combat and the use of ki allows him to replicate the ki techniques of others after seeing them only once. After becoming a Super Saiyan 6 and 7, Goku gained the Evil/Negative Ki, like Omega Shenron's. As Super Saiyan 10, Goku uses too much Evil Ki.
- Kamehameha: Goku's most famous technique, which he learned after witnessing Master Roshi use it to extinguish the flames on Fire Mountain, successfully replicating it not long later on his first try. As his signature technique, it is something that Goku has used on many occasions, and he has created a number of variations over the course of his fighting experience, such as firing it from his feet, using it to propel himself into the air, and bending it mid-flight to catch opponents by surprise. As a Super Saiyan 4, Goku can use the 10x Kamehameha and 100x Kamehameha as a Super Saiyan 5.
- Dragon Fist: One of Goku's most powerful techniques, used to destroy opponents much more powerful than himself, as stated by Battle Memes by Omari, Dragon Fist can one-shot everyone. To use it, Goku charges at his opponent, rearing his fist back for a powerful punch, and then rips through them with it, manifesting his Ki in the form of a massive golden dragon, and causing a mega explosion for user's body.
- Spirit Bomb: Goku's strongest, super-mega-ultra-ultimate attack, taught to him by King Kai, performed by gathering a vast amount of energy from all the lifeforms in his surroundings to create a massive, incredibly destructive sphere of Ki. To use it, one must have a pure heart, and so Goku is a perfect user of the technique due to his obliviously innocent nature. While it is incredibly powerful and can prove capable of completely destroying an opponent when used with sufficient power, it takes a very long time to charge and is therefore very difficult to use, though the charge time can be sped up by gathering energy from those who willingly and knowingly provide it.
- Kiai: The ability to project an invisible burst of force with ki, which Goku can perform with his hands and even with a glare.
- Destructo Disc: Krillin's signature technique, which Goku presumably copied from him. Raising his hand above his head, Goku creates a razor-sharp disc of ki with incredible cutting power, and then throws it at his opponent. It should be noted that the Destructo Disc can cut through opponents that are several times stronger and more durable.
A teleportation technique that Goku learned on Planet Yardrat, which allows him to lock onto the Ki signatures of others and teleport to their locations. Sometimes, Goku does not need Ki signatures to teleport. It can be used to teleport others as well.
A technique that Goku was taught by King Kai on his planet. It greatly increases Goku's stats significantly. However, this heavily strains his body, and if he overuses it, it will leave him in intense pain all over his body, leaving him incapable of moving without causing himself further pain. As seemed in Lord Slug, the greatest multiplier of Kaio-ken Goku can utilize is 100, which multiplies his stats by 100 times.
One of Tien Shinhan's signature techniques, which Goku copied from him during their match in the World Tournament. Bringing his hands up to his face, Goku can create a bright flash of light that can blind opponents.
Goku can telepathically communicate with others. During the Frieza Saga, he shows the ability to read Krillin's mind by putting his hand to his forehead.
Goku is a master of martial artist who has learned from many of the multiverse's greatest people, from his adoptive grandfather, Grandpa Gohan, Master Roshi, Korin, Kami, King Kai, Shenrons, Old Kai, etc.
The physiology of a Saiyan, an aggressive warrior race of conquerors. Saiyans have the natural ability to control Ki and to fly, likely the origin of Goku's own incredible skill when it comes to the usage and control of ki. In addition, while his lifespan is comparable to that of a human, Goku will remain at his peak strength for much longer. One of the most powerful abilities of a Saiyan is their ability to grow stronger and stronger through combat, allowing Goku to constantly push his own limits during a fight and rise to higher and higher peaks in power. This ability grants a substantial boost in power when Goku is badly injured, allowing him to reach a whole new level of power once he recovers.
- Super Saiyan 4: An incredibly powerful transformation only available to a Saiyan who has transformed into a Golden Great Ape and regained control of themselves. While most need to be exposed to Blutz Waves to access this transformation even after unlocking it, Goku is a special case and can access it whenever he wishes. It is a different branch of transformation than the previous three Super Saiyan transformations, and it returns Goku to his true adult form when he uses it, giving him access to his full power on top of its own. Super Saiyan 4 is much more efficient than any Super Saiyan transformation before it, allowing it to be easily used and maintained.
- Super Saiyan 5: The next level of Super Saiyan 4 and also the most iconic form of Dragon Ball AF. To become a Super Saiyan 5, a Saiyan needs to achieve the Super Saiyan 3 transformation and combines the transformation with the Great Ape form. It's stated that Super Saiyan 5 is the Super Saiyan 3 equivalent of the Super Saiyan 4 transformation.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: