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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Sonic Boom, also known as Sonic Toon (ソニックトゥーン Sonikku Tūn) in Japan, is a spin-off franchise in the Sonic the Hedgehog series which consists of several video games, its connected TV series, a comic series, and a toyline. The goal of the series was to be a new comedic take on Sonic, his friends, and his foes that would appeal the Sonic brand popularity to new generations of Sonic fans across the globe.

Like all the previous Sonic the Hedgehog media, Sonic Boom is its own timeline and Universe that is connected to the Archie Sonic Universe and other More. However, Sonic Boom carries its own canon that is not limited to games, but rather covers all published media under its title.

The series follows Team Sonic (also known as the United Village Defenders of the Village) and their goal of protecting the tropical setting of Seaside Island. Be it annoying hijinks or dangers to the world at large, the quintet finds themselves together time and again as heroes that defend the world, friends that often bicker, and a family that genuinely care for one another despite their differences.

Inspired In Wixzers


Will Be All The Medias That Have Of Sonic Boom (Even That Don´t Have Much)

GAMES:(With The Games Being Sonic Boom Rise Of Lyric, Shattered Crystal, Fire & Ice, Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom And Sonic Boom Link ´N Smash)

SHOW:(Sonic Boom Show, Season 1 and 2, have One Of The Best Speed Feats Of Sonic And Feats Of The Inteligence Of Tails And Eggman And More)

COMICS:(Sonic Boom Comics Made By Archie Comics, Sonic Boom Canon Comics Making The Verse In The Same Multiverse Of Archie Comics And According to the Alan Denton, Who Writted The Boom Show, Sayed that he worked for a Issue 12 and 13 For The Boom Comics, but they cancelled on issue 11,

  • The first was a story where Dr. Eggman attempted to make a time machine, only for it not to work and he ends up mistaking the present day for some sad, dystopian future.
  • The second story, titled "Oopsie Daisy”, would’ve had Dr. Eggman becoming jealous of a recent viral video and attempts to make his own scripted fail video where he "accidentally" destroys the city.)

Timeline And Explication Of The Timeline[]

The Timeline Is:

Sonic Boom Rise Of Lyric > Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal > Sonic Boom Season 1 > Sonic Boom (Archie Comics) > Sonic Boom Season 2 (Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Events Happens In Somewhere In The Season 2)

Explanation About Fire & Ice Be A Sequel Of Shattered Crystal: Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Is Yes A Sequel Of Shattered Crystal (Not A Direct Sequel) As You Can See On This Image:

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Is Sequel Of Shattered Crystal

Explanation About Sonic Boom Games Be Before The Show: SEGA Already Confimed That Rise Of Lyric And Shattered Crystal Are Prequels To The Show:

Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal And Rise Of Lyric Is Prequels To The Show

Explanation About Sonic Boom Comics Be Canon: Yes, The Comics Of Sonic Boom Is Canon And Ian Flynn Already Sayed:

Comics Of Sonic Boom Is Canon To Boom Verse

Last Explanation, I Think, Explaining Why Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Events Happen In Somewhere In 2nd Season Of Sonic Boom, It Showed In The Game Teasers Of The 2nd Season Of The Show And According To Bill Freiberger, the game takes place sometime during the show's second season as well.

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Events Happen In Somewhere In Season 2 Of The Show

And A Important Detail Sonic Boom Rise Of Lyric And Shattered Crystal, There's a Continuity Error, That Sonic Doesn't Remember Lyric Even Though In Rise Of Lyric A Thousand Years Ago They Meeted And Also In The Future They Meet Again, So We're Going To Have To Ignore This Fact


Although the franchise lasted a short time (only 3 years) it is an extremely powerful verse with the:

Rise Of Lyric[]

In Rise Of Lyric, The Characters Are Universal (Because Of The Space-Time Continuum), To Low Multiverse (There is a timeline that is not part of the same space-time. and this timeline is separate, and that makes the Universe have two spatial temporal spaces, One in the Main Boom Universe and one in the other timeline.)

Shattered Crystal[]

In Shattered Crystal, The Characters Remain Low Multiverse


In Boom Show, they start universal (Bcs Eggman can Be Comparable, with the Eggman from another dimension destroyed his own dimension), to High Hyperversal (Bcs Of Many Worlds Theory)

Fire & Ice[]

In Fire & Ice, There's Not Much Different Apart From HAXS That Now They Have Planetary HAXS


In The Comics, Boom Characters Can Scale To The Sonic Verse In General, Making him go Low 1-A


The Haxs Are More Or Less, Sonic And His Team Have Planetary Haxs, The Fire & Ice Mode, that Tails Stated that the Fire & Ice Energy would Cause the World´s Ending, Shadow The Chaos Control That he Uses as Teleport And Eggman His Inventions

Tiers And Speed of the Verse[]

The Verse Is 3rd Strongest Verse Losing Only To Archie Sonic Verse And Sonic (Games) And This Verse Is Very Underrated

TIER 9, 8 And 7 (9-B, 9-A To 8-C. The Weakest Robots Of Eggman And Lyric, Being Eggman´s Weak Robots: Motobug, Crab Bot, Bee Bot, Scorpion Bot, Shark Bot, Mantis Bot And More. Lyric Weak Robots: Swordsman Guard, Swordsman Trooper, Shocker, Slynko, Stinger, Spintrap, Swarmer And More)

TIER 8, 7, 6 And 5 (8-B To 7-B And 6-B To 5-B. The Strongest Robots Of Eggman And Lyric, Eggman Strongest Robots: Fire-Bot, Cowbot, Drill-Bot, Giant Robot, Mega, Moth-Bot, Obliteratorbot, Octopus-Bot, Decimator-Bot And Mebot. Lyric Strongest Robots: Sentinels, I Think That Is The Only Robot Of Lyric That Reach on this Tiers.)

TIER 5, Possibly 3 (5-B, Possibly High 3-A: The Chaos Crystals Power, That Have Limtless Energy And Can Destroy All The Organic Life Of The Planet And Create a World)

TIER 2 (Low 2-C, Space-Time Continuum)

TIER 2 (2-C, Another Timeline that have a Different Space-Time)

TIER 1 (High 1-B, In The Verse Exist The Many Worlds Theory)

TIER 1 (Low 1-A, With Another Cosmologies, Like Archie Sonic, Game Sonic And MOre)

And The Speed Of The Verse Is Good, And Starts By The Badniks And Robots Being Massively Hypersonic, The Strongest Badniks And Robots Is Unknown, Cybonic´s Team Speed Is Massively Hypersonic To FTL (Can Keep Up With Sonic And His Team), Shadow´s Speed Is Too Massively Hypersonic To FTL (Can Keep Up With Sonic), And Sonic´s Team Is Massively Hypersonic To FTL And Tails With Ultrasonic Speed Amplifier Is Massively FTL+ To Immensurable (They Can Keep Up with Sonic And Tails With Ultrasonic Speed Amplifier did The same Thing As Sonic With Ultrasonic Speed Amplifier Goed To Another Plane Of Existence) And Finally Sonic He Is FTL To Immensurable (Sonic´s Speed Breaked The Time) And To Immensurable With Ultrasonic Speed Amplifier (Runned So Fast That He Goed To Another Plane Of Existence)

Calculs of the verse[]

AP Feats[]

Knuckles Destroying A Asteroid With His Own Punches (At Least 500,000 metric tons, Tails And Eggman In The Episode Said That The Asteroid Goes Destroy The Earth And the size large enough for an asteroid to destroy Earth is 50 meters and 96 km (60 miles) wide, 5-B)

Boom Sonic managed to knock 31 asteroids away from the village (an asteroid weighs approximately (2394±6)×10^(18) kg and traveling at between 17 and 25 km/s (38,029 to 55,925 mph) if we use the force equation (Force=mace x acceleration) that’s 4.08E+25- 6.0E+25 newtons of force,

Boom Knuckles Makes a Volcano Erupt Twice (3,280 FT, 1 Km, 3.9 Megatons, 7-A)

More Coming Soon

Speed Feats[]

Boom Sonic Generating a Sonic Boom (Mach 1, 1224 km/h (340 m/s), Subsonic)

Boom Sonic Narrowly dodged a lightning bolt (Mach 1294, 1,585 207 ×106 km/h, 443 842 m/s, Massively Hypersonic+)

Boom Sonic Outrunning A pull Of A Blackhole (Mach 880,352, approximately 300,000 km/s or approximately 1,080,000,000 km/h, FTL or FTL+)

More Coming Soon

Universal Energy System[]


Characters/Weapons/Items From The Verse Even Don´t Have Much Things Of The Verse Bcs Don´t Have Much Medias Of Sonic Boom

Team Sonic[]




