“ | I won't stop until I've saved everyone you've captured! I'll never stop until I've honored the sacrifices of everyone who's fallen along the way! And I won't be through until I've kicked your flabby behind once and for all! So you just keep pushin' me, doc! I'll push right back! | „ |
~ Sonic's declaration to Dr. Eggman.[1] |
“ | I'll admit, I don't have a lot of finesse with this kind of power... | „ |
~ Ultra Sonic.[4] |
Sonic the Hedgehog (born Maurice Hedgehog) is the titular protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics.
Born with the power of super speed and natural Chaos affinity, he uses them to co-lead the Freedom Fighters alongside Sally Acorn to topple the former Royal Warlord-turned dictator, Dr Ivo Robotnik and foil his schemes of world domination as well as those who threaten the peace of Mobius. Over the years, Sonic has faced & overcome many challenges in the fight against inequity which has led to accumulate many friends and foes alike, eventually being renowned as the hero of Mobius.
Sonic is the one true Sonic of all realities and is destined to become the most pivotal hero of time and space.
With the events of Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide, Sonic accidentally destroyed and recreated his own multiverse, giving him and many of friends completely different histories.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 2-A | 2-A | High 1-C | High 1-C
Key: Base | Mecha Sonic | Super Sonic | Ultra Sonic
Name: Sonic the Hedgehog (born Maurice Hedgehog)
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Pre-Genesis)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Classification: Sonic Prime, Mobian Hedgehog, Freedom Fighter, Hero of Mobius
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Became knighted for his efforts for the 1st Robotnik War and 2nd Robotnik War. Is known as the 'Hero of Mobius', quoted to be the strongest guy on planet and the one true Sonic of the Multiverse. He narratively is Kingdom of Acorn's greatest warrior who can truly handle Dr. Eggman Robotnik. Led to becoming co-leader of the team, the Freedom Fighters, a group that could single-handily conquer their world like their Moebius twins)
- Superhuman Speed
- Defensive Aura (Sonic can use his boost technique to barrel into enemies and obstacles without danger to himself)
- Natural Weaponry, Body Control and Homing Attack (Can sharpen his spines to be used as weapons, can home in on targets with his body)
- Forcefield Creation (Sonic has the ability to create an energy shield in order to protect himself from attacks)
- Limited Instinctive Reactions (When serious, Sonic can perform evasive maneuvers without thinking, was able to perform the Spin Burrow despite suffering from amnesia at the time)
- Statistics Amplification (Sonic is capable of increasing his speed with techniques he created himself, including the Figure Eight Peel Out, which greatly increase his speed and attack power and the Supersonic Spin, which increases his burrowing speed)
- Water Walking (With his speed, Sonic can traverse over large bodies of water)
- Afterimage Creation (Can create afterimages to confuse his opponents)
- Fire Manipulation (Can create scorching flames with his speed)
- Heat Manipulation (Can generate heat by running, such as when he turned sand into glass)
- Air Manipulation (Can create large hurricanes and air vacuums, depriving opponents of oxygen)
- Water Manipulation (can form and throw balls of water before the physics of displacement set in)
- Electricity Manipulation (Can charge up static to perform electrical attacks)
- Earth Manipulation (Can cause fissures with his speed)
- Invisibility (can render himself invisible by spinning at high speeds)
- Intangibility (can vibrate his molecules to phase through solid matter)
- Acrobatics (Sonic is shown to be both agile & hypermobile, shown to perform moves that require great dexterity with ease)
- Omnilingualism (Posesses an implant which allows to translate any language even that of his own dog)
- Toon Force and Fourth Wall Awareness (Shown to consistently talk to the reader, such as telling them they could play Game Sonic to experience his off-panel journey or turn the page. Outran the artists. Recognizes Jaleel White's voice. Can leave the panel and almost hit the reader once. Communicates with his real world audience through Archie Comics' mail, even becoming friends with Amy Rose through Sonic Grams. Is aware of the narrative he operates under, such as the puns, cliffhangers, and Dr. Robotnik getting away. Remained aware of the 4th Wall while the comicbook's narrative switched to becoming serious, moving his antics to the existing Off Panel section where the avatars of Archie's staff resided. Can tell when a new continuity is coming, with his 4th Wall-self surviving the transition and remaining as the same character. Attempted to switch himself over to Mega Man's stories. Is able to encourage the reader themselves to attack his enemies)
- Hammerspace
- Plot Manipulation and Immersion (Capable of scripting, playing out, and leaving his own stories)
- Superhuman Speed
- Blessed (Via his One Billion Ring Aura which he obtained from The Ancient Walkers)
- Immortality (Types 3 and 8, Sonic's One Billion Power Ring Aura allowed to return from being erased by the Ultimate Annihilator, which erased the entire Prime Zone from existence. Was shown to be successfully vaporised but returned from limbo.)
- Regeneration (Up to High-Godly - History with Chaos Energy; Sonic was able to return even after the Prime Zone was erased by the Ultimate Annihilator)
- Chaos Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation and Fate Manipulation (Passive - 11-D; Sonic has described by Eggman as an embodiment of Chaos, being unpredictable, the constant inconsistency and the quantum hiccup that always ensures that Sonic obtains victory at the last second, with Mammoth Mogul seeing the failures of both of his tenures as Master Mogul to be fate itself intervening as results of Sonic's involvement)
- Life Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Sonic's aura is confirmed to retain his life force and spiritual essence)
- Power Nullification (Sonic's Aura can nullify curses and magic used against him. Harnessed the Master Emerald's power despite Finitevus' hex locking it off)
- Reality Warping and Magic (Sonic's aura overwrites reality in a ripple of magic energy)
- Immortality (Types 3 and 8, Sonic's One Billion Power Ring Aura allowed to return from being erased by the Ultimate Annihilator, which erased the entire Prime Zone from existence. Was shown to be successfully vaporised but returned from limbo.)
- Genius Intelligence
- Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Outfought all of Dr. Robotnik's badniks, who overwhelmed the Royal Guards of the Kingdom of Acorn fresh off the Great War. Fought and defeated the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix by himself. Despite other characters being able to harm him, he is considered the strongest fighter on the planet. Matched Geoffrey St. John several times early into the story, with the Skunk having experience in every method of armed and unarmed combat, as well as skill-stomping all other Freedom Fighters, being capable of outmaneuvering and outfighting them at once and back to back without being hit once. Is able to fight with and land hits on Knuckles, who is able to dodge dozens of traps activating at the same time unscathed. Despite other characters being able to harm him, Sonic is considered the strongest fighter on the planet)
- Hacking (Capable of hacking Eggman's technology)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Shadows; can box with own shadow)
- Absorption (Of Chaos energy)
- Rage Power (Shown to surpass his limits when angry)
- Pseudo-Flight (By ultilizing the Super Peel Out, Sonic is able to launch himself of the ground as well as keep himself in mid-air)
- Shockwave Generation (Can create powerful shockwaves)
- Attack Reflection (Can use the Spin Attack to reflect projectiles)
- Explosion Manipulation (Can cause explosions with the Spin Attack)
- Status Effect Inducement (can induce dizziness)
- Damage Reduction (His accumulative absorption of Power Rings has granted Sonic greater durability)
- Summoning (By vibrating his vocal cords and whistling at a high pitch that only certain beings can hear, Sonic can summon Dulcy the dragon to aid him in combat)
- Fire Manipulation
- Ice Manipulation
- Air Manipulation
- Natural Weaponry
- Flight
- Enhanced Senses
- Resurrection (Low-Godly; Non-combat applicable)
Resistance to
- Extreme Heat and Cold (Indifferent to being encased in ice, only slightly bothered by touching molten lava)
- Cosmic Radiations (can walk on the moon unprotected)
- Possession and Mind Manipulation (unaffected by Finitevus' brainwashing hex. Broke free of Al and Cal's mind control)
- Electricity Manipulation (Withstood 20,000 volts of electricity)
- Poison Manipulation (Can traverse toxic wastelands without trouble)
- Time Manipulation and Time Stop (unaffected by the Time-Immobilizing Ray, Can move in White Space, a place where time does not exist)
- Gravity Manipulation (Keeps a Spatial Stabilizer on him, which allows him to walk upright in the Perpendicular Zone, where everything exist at a 90 degree angle to other dimensions. Can outrun the pull of a black hole)
- Disease Manipulation (was unaffected by a disease that left others deathly ill)
- Corruption (Sonic and his friends were unaffected by Void corrupting Maginaryworld)
- Death Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (Can traverse the Nature Zone despite Void killing off life within it and would've eventually destroyed the world)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Empathic Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Plot Manipulation & Text Manipulation (Void is said to possess a power of darkness that can bring an end to Maginaryworld, including Erazor Djinn's dream to control & remake the Arabian Nights, a world made up of texts & inscriptions with the words being the story itself with everyone residing within it are bound by the book following a set plot as their destiny, with Void himself being referred to as said darkness directly on multiple occasions while directly stating he is the dreams themselves, who Knuckles can withstand attacks from. Some dreams exist as negative emotions and darkness born from the heart)
- Madness Manipulation (Can stand within the presence of the World Rings which drove the genies of the Arabian Nights mad)
- Reality Warping, Space-Time Manipulation & Void Manipulation (Unaffected by Alf Layla Wa-Layla distorting the Arabian Nights reality & turning it into a void despite being part of the story, a fundamental principle of the Arabian Nights)
- Plot Manipulation, Fate Manipulation and Law Manipulation (Despite being added to the story, Sonic was able to defy the grim fate which awaited him as the collector of the World Rings, being the sacrifice to obtain control of the World Rings, those who are written in the story have it become their destiny, a fundamental principle of the Arabian Nights)
- Text Manipulation (Sonic was unaffected by the fire of the Ifrit Golem, who can burn the stories of the Arabian Nights)
- Petrification (Sonic can break free from being turned to stone by the Gargoyle Djinn)
- Acid Manipulation (Can withstand the acid of Slime Djinns)
- Space-Time Manipulation, Time Stop and Teleportation (Chaos Control allows Sonic to warp the fabric of space-time, including stopping time and travelling vast distances)
- Transformation (Can achieve transformations through the use of various sources of Chaos energy)
- Statistics Amplification (Power Rings can enhance the user's strength)
- Wish Granting
- Resurrection (Power Rings are shown to grant wishes, as shown when Sonic used one to return his father back to life)
- Age Manipulation (Amy Rose used the Ring of Acorns to physically age herself by several years)
- Clairvoyance (Power Rings are shown to bestow knowledge)
- Creation (Can be used to wish for items like Amy's Piko Piko Hammer)
- Purification (Types 2 and 3; Power Rings have been shown to be capable of removing the negative energies of corruptive mind control, as well as aid Sonic in restoring his speed when it was impaired)
Resistance to:
- Power Nullification, Magic and Curse Manipulation (Nullifies both curses and magic, Wasn't affected by the curse placed on the Master Emerald)
- Mind Manipulation, Biological Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Mammoth Mogul resisted the effects of the Egg Grapes, which fills their victims with toxins, can erase the mind & soul and absorb their energy/life-force. Even brief exposure can have lasting consequences, such as Ixis Naugus going insane & Charmy's severe dips in his mental capabilities)
- Corruption (Monkey Khan could only be corrupted after the Ring he wore for protect was taken out of his possession)
- Transmutation (Chaos energy can block/revert transmutations)
- Madness Manipulation (A Chaos emerald restored Ixis Naugus' mind)
All natural abilities of Base
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Roboticized (Full) & Inorganic Physiology (Type 2; upon Roboticization, Sonic transformed into a robotic being)
- Flight (Energy propulsion at the bottom of his feet, letting him soar the skies)
- Energy Projection (Can shoot beams from his eyes)
- Explosion Manipulation (Capable of firing missles)
- Enhanced Senses (Has Infrared Vision)
- Analytical Prediction and Accelerated Development (Transformative; Intelligence. Sonic's transformation to Mecha Sonic allows him to do quick mental calculations that allows for him to predict his opponent's movements)
All previous abilities vastly enhanced including:
- Greater Chaos Energy Manipulation (Super Sonic now possesses a greater link to the Chaos Force. This allows him to utilise nearly all applications of Chaos Energy including):
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; All Chaos Energy, be it basic blasts or advanced techniques, can affect, manipulate, and destroy the concepts that shape reality such as when Super Sonic erased both the Chaos Force, the embodiment and source of Chaos Energy and the Maginaryworld, the source of all dreams in all dimensions)
- Magic (All Chaos Energy is magical in nature, with the Chaos Emeralds containing limitless, magical energy)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 3; Super Forms are shown to have no need for oxygen, the Super State is granted infinite energy by the Chaos Emeralds and shown with Super Sonic being able to Enerjak from day to night with no signs of fatigue)
- Acausality (Higher Degree of Types 1 and 4; Skilled Chaos Energy users are immune to time paradoxes, with King Shadow being aware of the altered history of Light Mobius. Super forms have shown to be unaffected by beings or phenomena that can affect the past, present and future such as Solaris or the Super Genesis Wave, which was even able to affect Silver, who is decoupled from the flow of time)
- Aura (Those who have transformed into a Super or equivalent state can envelop themselves with Aura which allows them to barge through obstacles, opponents and attacks with no harm to themselves)
- Invulnerability (Super forms are stated many times to be invulnerable, being unaffected by conventional harm even from comparable entities, such as the Egg-Wily Machine X being unable to harm Super Sonic or Super Amour Mega Man despite sharing a power source, A.D.A.M believed that Super Sonic could not harm him and a weakened Enerjak being unable to harm Super Sonic even admitting that he can't destroy him)
- Flight and Spaceflight (The most common ability showcased by Super Forms is the ability to fly freely, even within the far reaches of outer space)
- Energy Projection (The most common form of offense by Chaos Force users, Chaos energy can be cast from the body in a variety of techniques including destructive beams, energy spheres, energy waves, widespread barrage of energy attacks or huge explosions. Chaos energy blasts can be cataclysmic, being capable of destroying celestial bodies, entire space-time continuums and abstract entities.)
- Intangibility (Super Forms can render themselves intangible, allowing them to phase through solid matter)
- Immortality (Types 3 and 8) and Regeneration (Low-Godly; Chaos Energy users can regenerate their physical body from their life essence so long as they possess sufficient amounts of Chaos Energy)
- Statistics Amplification (Power Rings can enhance the user's strength, with more Rings providing a greater increase in strength, harnessing Chaos Energy can exponentially increase the abilities of the user, with Mammoth Mogul stating a single Chaos Emerald would increase his power a thousandfold)
- Power Nullification (A single Power Ring inhibited Dulcy's ability to breath fire. Due to being empowered by hundreds of Chaos Emeralds, Feist was able to disable Shadow's affinity for Chaos Energy, thus nullifying his ability to harness Chaos Energy and use Chaos Control despite there being an abundance of it to tap into)
- Probability Manipulation and Curse Manipulation (Chaos Energy can be used to place curses to ensure the targets always fail in their future endeavours)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Chaos Energy allows its users to interact a multitude of phenomena which is non-physical in nature)
- Type 1 Concept (Chaos Energy can interact with the concepts which make up reality with the Super Genesis Wave & Super Sonic's distorted Chaos Control completely destroying both the Chaos Force & Maginaryworld)
- Souls/Spirits/Minds (Chaos Energy can interact with the ethereal essence of individuals as well as destroy higher spiritual planes of existence such as the Next Evolution. Dark Enerjak can physically rip the souls out a person's body, leaving them as lifeless husks. Super States can attack and eventually destroy Solaris' consciousness)
- Nonexistence - Nature Type 2 & Voids (Chaos Energy can affect the entirety of the infinite multiverse, which would include White Space, an infinite void of nonexistence which exists between all realities)
- Incorporeality (Chaos Energy can affect the entirety of the infinite multiverse, which would include all those that have transcended their corporeal shells including the Chaos Force deities & Next Evolution inhabitants)
- Intangibility - Elemental (Super States can interact with Solaris, whose body is made of light)
- Space-Time (Chaos Energy has on numerous occasions, been shown to interact with and rearrange the fabric of space-time with the Genesis Waves altering space-time on a multiversal scale, affecting all past, present & future)
- Data (Chaos Energy can affect the entirety of the infinite multiverse, which would include NICOLE's digital realms which are made entirely of data. These dimensions are real with beings originating from them being able to affect those qin the real world)
- Dreams & Nightmares (The Super Genesis Wave erased Maginaryworld, an entire multiverse made from the dreams of those in other dimensions, with dreams being both positive & negative)
- Abstracts - Type 1 Concept, Dreams & Emotions (Chaos Energy can interact with & destroy abstract entities such as when Mammoth Mogul with the last remnants of his power, wounded the Ancient Walkers, who are conceptual beings as well as the Super Genesis Wave erasing Maginaryworld & Illumina, who embodies both the positive & negative aspects of dreams as well as the emotions needed for them to exist)
- Type 1 Nonduality (Chaos Energy erased both Maginaryworld & Illumina, who herself is a being unbound by the dualities within dreams)
- Power Bestowal (Super Sonic has passed his energy onto Shadow and Silver, enabling them to enter their own Super Forms)
- Mind Manipulation and Mind Control (Extremely powerful Chaos Force wielders are capable of mind control, as shown when Enerjak took control of the Chaotix)
- Empowerment (Chaos Energy is strengthened by the user's emotions and will)
- Sealing (11-D; Adept Chaos Energy users have been shown to encase opponents within bubbles of Chaos Energy or seal higher-dimensional beings within Chaos Emeralds themselves such as Second Tenure Master Mogul, targets can also be sealed in other dimensions. The Duke of Soleanna used a Chaos Emerald to seal Iblis within Princess Elise)
- Absorption (An abundance of Power Rings can allow users to absorb energy based attacks and use said energy to transform into a greater state)
- Telekinesis (Skilled Chaos Force users are able to levitate objects and people using only their minds, this can also be used on opponents to freeze them in place)
- Danmaku and Forcefield Creation (Chaos Energy users can create forcefields for self-defence, trapping others and allows for simultaneous offense and defense)
- Size Manipulation (Chaos Energy users possess the ability to manipulate their size)
- Purification (Types 2 and 3; Chaos Energy can be used to remove the effects of corruptive mind control as well as restore Sonic's speed)
- Holy Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (Super Sonic's aura is able to negate negative energies which weakens those that are affected & reverts evil opponents to a nicer state, rendering their will to fight inert.)
- Reality Warping and Subjective Reality (Chaos Control allows users to rewrite the multiverse with no limits. It allows users to remake reality in accordance to their thoughts. Sonic referred to Chaos Control as a more direct version of 'dreams into reality". With enough Chaos Energy users have been referred to both as "omnipotent" and being able to do anything)
- Causality Manipulation and Fate Manipulation (With enough Chaos Energy, users are capable of rearranging the fabric of space-time, rewriting history itself as well as altering the present & future. Super States are also capable of hitting opponents time as showcased by Super Sonic, Shadow & Silver in their fight against Solaris. Both the Genesis Waves and the Super Genesis Wave are able to affect Silver, who is decoupled from the flow of time)
- Creation (Skilled Chaos Force users can use their authority over reality to create structures out of nothing)
- Data Manipulation (Super-Charged Chaos Control & the Super Genesis Wave erased Digital Realms, which are not only real but their inhabitants can affect those from the "real world")
- Dream Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (The Super Genesis Wave and Super Sonic's distorted Chaos Control affected and erased Maginaryworld respectively, a multiverse which is made up entirely of the dreams of those in other dimensions, Some dreams exist as negative emotions and darkness born from the heart)
- Existence Erasure, Plot/Text Erasure and Nonexistent Erasure (Nature Type 2; Aspect Types 2 & 5. Concept, Plot, Space-Time & History; Super States and Chaos Force Deities are capable of completely erasing their targets from existence, whether it be individuals & their spirits, all the way up to the entire multiverse across past, present & future[5], making it so it never existed. This would include concepts such as the Chaos Force, the embodiment & source of Chaos Energy & Maginaryworld, a realm which houses an infinite number of dream worlds, Storybook worlds such as the Arabian Nights, a world made up of texts & inscriptions with the words being the story itself with everyone residing within it are bound by the book following a set plot as their destiny[6] & White Space, a realm between dimensions which is absent of time & where time does not exist, predating the Time Eater reducing reality to a white void as shown that things become a part of White Space when their time is erased. The erasure of reality was performed by Eggman to undo his previous defeats, even extending to nonexistent timelines such as Stardust Speedway's bad future & Silver's original future, a "timeline that never was". Due to its erasure of reality, parallel dimensions such as Maginaryworld & the Arabian Nights would be included due to the cosmological scale of the Time Eater's erasure, and thus it would lack such characteristics as a whole due to its erasure)
- Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Chaos Energy users can affect and destroy higher-dimensional beings and spaces, such as Mammoth Mogul mortally wounding the Ancient Walkers & Sonic's Chaos Control destroying the totality of existence including the Chaos Force as well as Maginaryworlds's 4th-Dimension Space & extra-dimensional worlds)
- Law Manipulation (Can cheat & rewrite the rules of reality. Such as when a single Chaos Emerald which created a zone where hours inside the zone equated to seconds in normal space-time)
- Matter Manipulation (Can take opponents apart on the molecular level, rewrite the molecular foundations of all beings in reality as well as alter atomic structures by manipulating the bonds between atoms)
- Memory Manipulation (Skilled Chaos Energy users can erase and rewrite memories, with Eggman allowing those affected by the Genesis Wave to remember what he wanted them to remember)
- Pocket Reality Manipulation (Chaos Energy users can create pocket dimensions such as the Skull Egg Zone)
- Quantum Manipulation (Dr. Eggman assumed Sonic's inability to lose was a result of a hiccup on a quantum level, the quantum variant which disrupts even the soundest of plans which led him to rewrite reality in an attempt to get rid of it)
- Resistance Negation (By rewriting the laws that govern reality, Chaos Force wielders can remove resistances like when Eggman activated the Genesis Wave, removing everyone's resistance to Roboticization)
- Soul Manipulation and Life Manipulation (Chaos Force wielders can erase souls and astral planes with Super Sonic erasing the Next Evolution, a higher plane of reality containing the souls of the Brotherhood of Guardians. They can also be extracted from an individual's body, leaving them as shriveled, lifeless husks)
- Technology Manipulation (Locke was capable of disabling the blasters of a group of Dark Legionnaires[7], Enerjak could reprogram the Mecha-Nauts, bending them to his will)
- Void Manipulation (With the Super Genesis Wave and Super Sonic's distorted Chaos Control confirmed to have destroyed the entire multiverse[8] and the events of Sonic Generations occurring within the Archie continuity, this would include White Space, an empty and infinite void of nonexistence between dimensions)
- Space-Time Manipulation (Chaos Force wielders are capable of manipulating or warping the fabric of space and time through Chaos Control. The extent of Chaos Control is dependent on how much Chaos Energy is added to its usage; with seven Chaos Emeralds included in its usage, users are capable of bending the space and time of an entire multiverse to their will)
- BFR (Chaos Control allows the user tobanish foes to closed off dimensions without going with them)
- Dimensional Travel (Even a single Chaos Emerald allows the user to warp across the space-time of infinite universes)
- Portal Creation (Chaos control allows the user to create portals to different locations, EGgman and Wily were able to create inter-dimensional portals to arrive in the Skull Egg Zone
- Teleportation (By invoking Chaos Control, individuals can warp across space instantly and do the same to objects as large as the Space Colony ARK, its use also disrupts the space-time continuum)
- Time Acceleration (Ultra Sonic was able to speed up the flow of time)
- Time Reversal (Chaos Control can used to rewind time, with Sonic using it to restore the universe and rewind time by ten seconds to prevent Sally's death)
- Time Stop (Chaos control can freeze opponents in time)
- Time Travel (Chaos Control enables the user to travel to different time periods, it can even pull individuals from different time periods)
- Wish Granting (Power Rings and Chaos Emeralds can grant wishes)
- Age Manipulation (Amy Rose used the Ring of Acorns to physically age herself by several years)
- Healing, Resurrection and Life Manipulation (Power Rings can be used to resurrect the dead, such as when Sonic revived his father.)
- Clairvoyance (Power Rings are shown to bestow knowledge)
- Weapon Creation, (Skilled Chaos Energy users can create weapons including spears or hammers which are comprised of Chaos Energy)
- Immortality Negation (Type 3) and Regeneration Negation (Low-Godly, possibly High-Godly; The full power of the Chaos Emeralds allows a Super State to bypass Solaris' regeneration, decapitating the light god, even after Solaris reformed itself, the damage is still maintained. Was stated by Ian Flynn that Knuckles Enerjak could've atomized Super Sonic despite Super States possessing unfathomably more Chaos Energy than what is needed to restore their physical bodies from their life essence. With the Super Genesis Wave confirmed to have destroyed the entire multiverse, this would include Mephiles who somehow came back even after being erased from the timeline by Elise snuffing out the original flame[9])
- Deconstruction (Enerjak ripped apart Knuckles on a molecular level)
- Duplication (Mammoth Mogul used Chaos Energy in order to create a duplicate of Turbo Tails, Sonic accidentally created a separate version of Super Sonic with the Red Chaos Emeralds on Thoraxia)
- Telepathy (Chaos Force wielders are capable of communicating through the minds of others)
- Air Manipulation, (Enerjak created an air pocket for Knuckles whilst they were on the moon, made Knuckles stop breathing entirely)
- Electricity Manipulation and Paralysis Inducement, (Through the Thunder Arrow)
- Gravity Manipulation (Chaos can be use to negate the forces of gravity on an object)
- Light Manipulation: Super States are capable of absorbing light to enhance their strength as well as use light-based attacks with Sonic using the Arrow of Light, Shadow using the Spear of Light and Silver using the Shield of Light.
- Attack Reflection (Super States can utilize the Shield of Light, a forcefield which catches projectiles and sends them back towards the attacker)
- Biological Manipulation (Enerjak was able to remove the Dark Legion's cybernetics, restoring their natural bodies, Ixis Naugus Bunnie Rabbot's Roboticized limbs into flesh and blood)
- Homing Attack (The Spear of Light used by Shadow technique fires off numerous projectiles which are stated to home in on Solaris)
- Heat Manipulation (Chaos Energy can create enough heat to burn a Dark Legionnaire)
- Pain Manipulation (Chaos Energy users can inflict great pain onto their opponents)
- Radiation Manipulation (Through his innate Chaos Energy, Knuckles produces deadly radiation which was able to completely make a Dark Legion facility uninhabited)
Resistance to:
- Poison Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Power Absorption, Energy Absorption, Soul Manipulation, Life Force Absorption and Memory Manipulation (Sufficient amounts of Chaos Energy will allow the user to resist the effects of the Egg Grapes, which fills their victims with toxins, erases the mind, absorbs their energy/life-force and eventually erases the soul. Even brief exposure can have lasting consequences, such as Ixis Naugus going insane & Charmy's severe dips in his mental capabilities)
- Magic and Transmutation (Chaos energy can block/revert transmutations & grant protection from magic)
- Reality Warping, Space-Time Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation, Plot/Text Erasure, Nonexistent Erasure (Nature Type 2; Aspect Types 2 & 5. Concept, Plot, Space-Time & History), Matter Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation, Resistance Negation, Data Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation and Dream Manipulation (Super Amour Mega Man & Super Sonic were completely unaffected by the Super Genesis Wave being fired, which effected the entire multiverse[10] and was intended to erase the both of them from all reality)
- Madness Manipulation (Ixis Naugus' mind was restored by a Chaos Emerald)
- Status Effect Inducement and Statistics Reduction (The energy of 3 Power Rings was able to dispel the anti-inertia field that covered Sonic, which made Sonic lose his speed as a result)
- Technology Manipulation and Corruption (Type 2, Monkey Khan could only be corrupted after the Ring he wore for protect was taken out of his possession)
- Information Analysis (11-D; NICOLE gravely underestimated the threat Enerjak posed despite being able to analyse cross-dimensional magic from another multiverse and the destruction of the infinite multiverse)
- Extrasensory Perception (Sonic, Knuckles & Tails used an abundance of Power Rings to bypass Mammoth Mogul's visualisation of reality)
- Power Nullification (A single Chaos Emerald can restore an individual's ability to use Chaos energy after it has been disabled)
- Time Manipulation and Age Manipulation (Sonic tanked the Time Beam, which forces time to flow backwards)
- Black Hole Creation, Death Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Absorption and BFR (Super States are unaffected by the Eyes of Solaris, which are black holes which consume all of space-time, kill anyone that touches them as well as emit a gravitational pull, absorbing anything in its vicinity, sending them to another dimension[11])
- Electricity Manipulation (Super Sonic was unaffected by Enerjak's "Thunder Arrow" technique)
- Paralysis Inducement (Super Scourge effortlessly broke out of Silver's psychokinesis)
All previous abilities to an even greater extent:
- Accelerated Development (Passive - Abilities; Ultra Sonic has complete mastery of the elements and how to use them without prior knowledge)
- Passive Statistics Amplification (Shown to constantly get faster and stronger by being exposed to more Chaos Energy)
- Adaptation (Sonic is capable of adapting his form to match the current environment).
Through the Ixis Magicks
- Elemental Manipulation and Elemental Intangibility (The Ixis Magicks grant the user control over the elements of Mobius which include):
- Fire Manipulation, (Can create scorching fire blasts and combust the air around opponents or turn themselves into flames)
- Air Manipulation (Can create vortexes of wind to knock opponents of their feet or create vacuums)
- Water Manipulation (Can utilise water for both offensive and defensive applications)
- Earth Manipulation (Can form granite walls for defence or create and close passageways.)
- Ice Manipulation (The Ixis Magicks allow Naugus to flash freeze his foes and create frozen wastelands)
- Darkness Manipulation (Shadow-melding allows a user to travel through shadows and appear wherever they wish.)
- Smoke Manipulation (Ixis Wizards have consistently showcased the ability to transform into a smoke-like substance allows them to become intangible)
- Regeneration (Mid-High, Ixis wiards can reform themselves after they have been dispersed as smoke)
- Weather Manipulation (Can summon thick and powerful hailstorms which cause whiteouts)
- Transmutation (Can transmute both living and non-living material into a green crystal).
- Magic
- Paralysis Inducement (Can induce paralysis on the likes of Dark Enerjak)
- Possession (can possess the wielder to save their life)
- Energy Absorption, Power Absorption, Power Bestowal (Can drain the powers and energy of an individual and bestow them to another person, shown when Mammoth Mogul did this to Enerjak, bringing forth the first tenure of Master Mogul)
- Flight
- Statistics Amplification
- Power Nullification, Statistics Reduction and Holy Manipulation (The sword's presence alone can nullify dark magic and weaken opponents)
- Fate Manipulation, (Altered a situation in which Sonic should've fallen to his death)
- Omniscience (Stated to allow its vessels to see the past, present and future)
- Energy Manipulation and Energy Projection
- Spatial Manipulation and Portal Creation (Can create dimensional rifts, allowed Ixis Naugus to return to the Prime Zone),
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction and Existence Erasure (Can interact with the Chaos Force and erased the Ancient Walkers),
- Healing
- Willpower Restoration (The Sword of Acorns is capable of restoring free will)
Can revert:
- Size Manipulation (With the Reduce/Enlarge component, which can shrink or enlarge himself or others)
- Energy Projection (With the Laser Glove, which can shoot lasers)
- Statistics Amplification (Can enhance his speed with a Super Emerald, as well as his strength with Strength Stone and his leaping power with Leaping Stone)
- Elasticity, Body Control and Regeneration (High-Mid with the Elasticity Stone, which allows him to be nothing more than mush when flattened under a rock)
- Stealth Mastery (With The Sneak outfit, which he used to sneak into Robotropolis and avoided being noticed by Royal Secret Service, and was only noticed when he was forced to blow his cover)
- Non-Standard Breathing & Spaceflight (Via his Space Suit)
- Air Manipulation (Via Fan of Fen Xing, which is said by Sonic to be able to send someone from New Mobotropolis to Northamer's west coast)
- Dimensional Portal Creation (With Zone-Link Generator)
- Power Nullification, Holy Manipulation and Forcefield Creation (With the Sword of Light, which nullifies dark magic)
- Extrasensory Perception (With the Ionic Residue tracer, Sonic can detect traces of magic despite Ixis covering his tracks to avoid him)
- Explosion Manipulation (Wielded several destructive bombs)
- Flight (With Extreme Gear)
- Large Size & Flight (Piloted several giant Mechs)
- Energy Projection (With Giant Robotno)
- Forcefield Creation (With Giga-Bot Prime)
Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Can evenly fight Scourge, his Moebius counterpart. A consistent rival to Knuckles the Echidna who can shatter a Chaos Emerald, which can survive the destruction of a Zone unscathed. Fought Ixis Naugus, who shaped the Zone of Silence from a small bubble of space-time into a dimension beyond finite proportions. His ancestors fought and drove out Mammoth Mogul, who was bestowed with the infinite energy of a Chaos Emerald, which is more powerful than the ore used to power the Ultimate Annihilator. Half a Chaos Emerald being able to create an entire reality as well as power a machine which rewrote 2 separate space-times. Fought Ixis Naugus while he was empowered by a Chaos Emerald, who expanded the Zone of Silence beyond finite proportions[AP 1]), higher with Spin-Dash, Rage Power and Equipment (Using the Spin Dash allows the user to one-shot opponents who can withstand their peers regular attacks. Sonic's base power wasn't enough to damage Egg Beater's shield, but after a rage boost, he was able to notably dent it. Some of Sonic's equipment, like his mechs or bombs should be more powerful than his normal state) | Multiverse level+ (Superior to his organic self. Beat Knuckles, who can rival Base Sonic, senseless with his enhanced strength[AP 2]) | High Complex Multiverse level (Powered by the Chaos Emeralds or an equivalent amount of Power Rings. Fought Master Mogul alongside Hyper Knuckles & Turbo Tails. Defeated Solaris alongside Super Shadow and Super Silver. Accidentally destroyed the entire Pre-Genesis multiverse, which is composed of infinite universes and several higher planes of existence[AP 3]) | High Complex Multiverse level (Powered by a Super Emerald, which possesses greater power than the 7 Chaos Emeralds[AP 4])
Speed: Infinite (Able to traverse the Cosmic Interstate, which is connected to all universes across the Multiverse, visiting all realities except for one in half day. Stated to be able to visit all the planets within the universe within a short amount of time, of which there are countless. Comparable to Zonic, who can keep track of an Infinite number of Sonics through the whole multiverse. Can dodge ray beams from the Ultimate Annihilator), faster with the Super Peel Out | Infinite (Had his speed enhanced by his Roboticization), faster with the Super Peel Out | Immeasurable (Far faster than base, fought Solaris, who exists across all time simultaneously. Comparable to Chaos Knuckles who can time travel with sheer movement) | Immeasurable (Faster than base, stated to continuously be getting faster, moved time forward with sheer speed alone)
Lifting Strength: At least Class P (Stronger than Sally Acorn, who resisted the Quantum Dial's gravity) | At least Class P | Immeasurable (Capable of pushing back Solaris with his attacks, Superior to the power of the World Rings) | Immeasurable (Stronger than before)
Striking Strength: Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | High Complex Multiverse level | High Complex Multiverse level
Durability: Multiverse level+ (Tanked a Transdimensional Quake which collapsed an entire universe. Survived attacks from Al and Cal. Shortly recovered from an AOE blast from Mammoth Mogul. Took a beating from the Egg Beater, stated to possess much greater durability due to absorbing many Power Rings), Up to Complex Multiverse level with Power Rings (Sonic and Knuckles were both shown to take hits from Master Mogul due to carrying an abundance of Power Rings). Damage Reduction and Fate Manipulation make him more difficult to kill | Multiverse level+ (Took a heavy hit from Bunnie with little issue and took a laser blast from her with little issue. Easily recovered from an attack by Knuckles. Survived a blast that was considered impossible to survive and was only left badly damaged but repairable) | High Complex Multiverse level (Invulnerability makes him very difficult to kill) | High Complex Multiverse level (Invulnerability makes him very difficult to kill)
Stamina: Superhuman (Sonic is capable of taking large amounts of punishment with only mild annoyances. Sonic also boasts vast endurance as, throughout the course of several hours, he was captured and beaten on more than one occasion, was being continuously hunted, and makes note that he's physically and mentally exhausted and can barely continue moving. Only after all of that, along with ultimately fighting to the death with his greatest nemesis, did he finally pass out due to exhaustion) | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite
Range: Extended melee range normally. Tens of kilometers with attacks and abilities | High Complex Multiversal | High Complex Multiversal
Standard Equipment: Power Rings, Sneakers, A Chaos Emerald | Chaos Emeralds | Super Emerald
Optional Equipment:
- Magic Stones: Gifted to Sonic after saving a mystical frog, he was given three stones of varying color. Each one grants Sonic special enhancements to his abilities or attributes.
- Stone of Strength: The Green Stone of Strength vastly increases Sonic's natural strength, enough to casually beat a badnik that was initially overwhelming him, but the exact amount is unquantifiable.
- Stone of Leaping: The Yellow Stone of Leaping greatly increases Sonic's acrobatic capabilities, even allowing him to jump several dozen stories into the air. However, if Sonic loses too much focus, he can lose control of how high or far he jumps.
- Stone of Elasticity: The Red Stone of Elasticity gives Sonic's entire body a high degree of malleability and greatly enhances Sonic's regenerative capabilities. Due to this, Sonic is additionally granted High-Mid Regeneration and becomes very difficult to properly harm by conventional means.
- The Sword of Light: A sword originally created by The Ancient Walkers to aid in defeating the users of dark magic, given to Sir Connory to do so. Sonic has wielded this sword on several occasions and shows great proficiency with it.
- The Sword of Acorns: A mystical sword forged in the Source of All. It is able to imbue others with powerful magical properties and is capable of acting as an amplifier and conduit for magical power.
- Other: Laser Glove, Reduce/Enlarge Component
Intelligence: Genius (Despite his cocky attitude, Sonic has shown himself to be very intelligent, being capable of hacking Eggman's technology even outsmarting Eggman himself on multiple occasions. He has also shown exemplary performance in a variety of skills such as swordsmanship and the use of Chaos Energy, even being able to repair and pilot the Tornado. His intellect stands out most during the heat of battle where he proven himself to be both cunning and tactical and demonstrates great agility, co-ordination and technique regardless of his surroundings. Despite his young age, his years of combat experience has turned him into a formidable opponent on the battlefield surpassing Knuckles, the Freedom Fighters and even Geoffrey St. John, a secret service agent who is skilled in every form of armed and unarmed combat and manhandled multiple Freedom Fighters at once, he has a knack for split-second decision making and quick thinking. Has effortlessly ran across tightropes while holding somebody, has repeatedly dodged and maneuvered around Swatbots firing lasers at him in close quarters, easily dodged Sabrina's power pulses at a close range and has even displayed enough grace and nimbleness to run in between falling raindrops to stay dry. During his earlier years, he managed to continuously outpace, outmanever and trick 3 forms of a supercomputer and the most advanced A.I created by Robotnik - E.V.E, a colony of Nanobots based on DNA of both Sonic and Robotnik, as well as containing thousands of pages worth of raw data on Sonic's Statistics, continuously evolving with each new form taken. Sonic seems to be an extremely quick learner, with the moment he for the first time picked up Extreme Gear being him already being a match for Jet the Hawk, a master of Extreme Gear riding, with Extreme Gears themselves being noted to be a highly dangerous transport to those with no experience with extreme speeds. Despite seemingly having never Actually using swords for fighting before, when wielding Sword of Light, Sonic showed himself to be proficient with it right off the bat, even combining it with his other techniques. Evenly matches Metal Sonic v3.8 despite him containing battle data of all previous models combined, retaining them after being rebuilt)
Weaknesses: Usually overconfident and arrogant. Sonic Aura only protects him from dying, so he can still be incapacitated. As Mecha Sonic, he is susceptible to magnetization | Fighting against his programming will quickly sap him of his energy, but is only ever triggered when it comes to the safety of his friends.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- One Billionth Power Ring Aura:
- A constant, invisible, passive aura that always surrounds Sonic at all times, gifted to him by The Ancient Walkers after collecting his Billionth Power Ring. It has been shown to act on its own volition to protect Sonic on several occasions. It has restored Sonic's physical and spiritual essence, absorbed and retained his Life Force, has nullified magic that's targeted him, and even brought him back after being erased from existence by the Ultimate Annihilator after it overloaded, as well when he was stated and shown to be successfully vaporized.
- Spin Dash:
- Homing Attack:
- Sonic performs a mid-air Spin Dash that homes in on opponents, striking them with perfect aim. After hitting, the attack's force will cause Sonic to bounce off the target. This allows him to attack the same enemy repeatedly, or attack other enemies in his range.
- Super Peel Out:
- Also known as the Figure-Eight Peel-Out. Sonic can move his legs in a pattern similar to the "infinity" symbol for multiple purposes. He can build up speed while remaining stationary, can let him move at speeds faster than he's normally capable of, also allows Sonic to amplify the power behind his punches, and can be used to swiftly evade attacks.
- Sonic Spin:
- Sonic curls tightly into a ball and rams enemies as a concussive force or cutting disk. This move has been shown capable of effortlessly cutting through thick steel floors, as well as shearing off a cliff. He has also been shown capable of doing something similar with his hands to effortlessly shred handcuffs, and also helps Sonic defend himself from being grabbed. He has even used the Sonic Spin to effect the molecules of objects nearby.
- Supersonic Spin:
- Also known as the Triple-S Spin. It's a variation of the Sonic Spin used to launch Sonic into the air and allows him to burrow upwards.
- Whirlwind Spin:
- By spinning in tight circles, Sonic is capable of unleashing winds to blow away multiple enemies at once.
- Vortex Vacuum:
- Sonic circles around the opponent at high speeds to extinguish flames and cut off oxygen supply, effectively suffocating them.
- Boost:
- Accelerating to top speeds while coated in a blue aura, Sonic rockets forward as a highly destructive projectile to mow down anything [his way].
- Afterimages:
- A common tactic used by Sonic in order for him to confuse the enemy by leaving afterimages in his wake. Not only can he create afterimages, he can also make it seem as if there are duplicates of himself in a variety of different places over the battlefield.
- Burrowing:
- By using his Sonic Spin, Sonic is capable of burrowing through the ground at high speeds. This allows him to perform defensive maneuvers to escape troubling situations and hide from sight.
- Dust Clouds:
- By moving in circles around his enemies in a sufficient environment, Sonic can create clouds of dust to confuse and blind enemies.
- Fissures:
- Sonic runs circles around the opponent, cutting a hole in the ground to drop them in a trench and bury them alive.
- Enhanced Durability:
- Due to the amount of Power Rings Sonic has collected, he has greater durability than he normally should. A robot that spent three thousand years of studying life forms took note that he's exceeded the limitations that sentient life should be capable of. Sonic has also survived being thrown 849,000 light years across the universe in a short timeframe.
- Chaos Control:
- A technique utilized by Sonic the Hedgehog, which has a wide variety of effects. With a Chaos Emerald handy, Sonic is capable of warping the fabric of space-time by manipulating Chaos Energy. This can be used for a variety of different powers, such as to instantaneously teleport himself as well as other people objects across vast distances, open gateways (portals) through space-time to travel from one place to another, perform inter-dimensional and time travel, pause the flow of time to immobilize enemies for potentially decades, manipulate matter, and so on. The magnitude of this power depends on the amount of Chaos Emeralds Sonic has with him.
- A passive effect used to continuously weaken beings of negative or evil energies, such as when he did so with the angered Perfect Chaos or Enerjak.
- Super Sonic has been shown capable of effortlessly passing through his enemies, which leaves a disorienting after-effect on the person from his phasing.
- Enveloping himself in a golden aura, Sonic creates a protective forcefield around himself. This can also be used to fire multiple beams of Chaos Energy, which allows for simultaneous offense and defence.
- Sonic can create another version of himself, a separate being. This copy has all the abilities of Super Sonic but it has an unstable personality. While it obeyed the wishes of Sonic’s to defeat his current enemy, when it was done, it turned on Sonic himself. It was ultimately defeated by the FateHax.
- The Chaos Emeralds have been shown to be able to seal beings inside of them, as done repeatedly before with Mammoth Mogul.
- Sonic can harness the power of Chaos Energy to turn "dreams into reality", as Chaos Energy is known for being able to shape entire worlds into how the user imagines. The power of the Chaos Emeralds' reality bending capabilities should be vastly superior to that of Power Rings, as they have a mere infinitesimal amount of their power.
- The Chaos Emeralds have been shown capable of erasing people from existence, making it as if that never existed in the first place.
- Sonic can manipulate the elements at the atomic level with his mind alone, as displayed when he fought against Ugly Naugus.
- By opening a portal, Sonic is able to use this to suction enemies. He can send others to the Zone of Silence, and presumably to any other location of his choice.
- Sonic can adapt to his surroundings, such as when he transformed to match the heat of a desert, the cold of a tundra, and the plant life of a forest.
The Sword of Light: A sword originally created by The Ancient Walkers to aid in defeating the users of dark magic, given to Sir Connory to do so. Sonic has wielded this sword on several occasions, and shows great proficiency with it.
- Holy Power:
- The Sword of Light is able to completely negate any and all attacks that stem from dark magic, and is even shown to form unsee barriers around the wielder.
The Sword of Acorns: A mystical sword forged in the Source of All. It is able to imbue others with powerful magical properties, and is capable of acting as an amplifier and conduit for magical power. Some abilities include:
- Healing:
- The Sword of Acorns wields mystical healing powers, which also allows it to restore free will and revert transfigurations.
- Power Absorption:
- The Sword of Acorns is capable of draining opponents, allowing users to steal their power while leaving the opponent a weak husk.
- Power Nullification/Statistics Reduction:
- The mere presence of the Sword of Acorns is capable of negating an opponent’s abilities and greatly weakening them.
- Paralysis Inducement:
- The Sword of Acorns can stun opponents and lock them in place, even beings with the strength of the infinitely powerful Enerjak.
- Portal Creation:
- The Sword of Acorns can open rifts in reality.
Note: the super forms do not have a time limit,the reason they end is because they force a detransform (like in the super classic sonic vs hyper knuckles combat) or because the characters detransform by themselves (when a fight ends) the times they end is because convenient things,for example:
the super sonic of the planet thoraxia,its existence was said to be ''temporary'', and it disappeared, besides the fact that it had no real host, it was made from red emeralds and not the chaos emeralds from Mobius ,in the Dark gaia fight, Sonic detransformed himself for his own will, the fight was already over, and he say ''i am all out of super'' and he is not referring to the time limit,when super scourge appeared, the characters say "the super form will run out" but they never say the time, besides that scourge lost it due to detransforming do to him more than the time limit ,and although in the encyclopedia it says "its effects are not permanent" this does not mean much, because it does not specify a time limit either, it only says that it is not permanent (it is also contradicted by the characters being acausal) and in other things,ian flynn also said they last as long as needed,Meaning that the limit of the time is not gonna matter.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
Notes AP[]
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #236
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #183
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #183
- ↑ Sonic Free Comic Book Day 2011
- ↑ Re: Ask Ian - Year End Bonanza Thingie: Go to question 30a
- ↑ Sonic and The Secret Rings
- ↑ Knuckles the Echidna Issue 3
- ↑ Re: Ask Ian - Year End Bonanza Thingie: Go to question 30a
- ↑ The Complete Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Encyclopedia. pg.191
- ↑ Re: Ask Ian - Year End Bonanza Thingie: Go to question 30a
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Prima Official Game Guide Page 311