Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

In the past, we have encouraged users to create new pages for powers and abilities they thought the wiki lacked. However, as of now, we want new pages to be approved by the staff, meaning that new powers and abilities pages must be suggested. This can be done in our official Discord server in the suggestion channel, or messaged to a staff member. Of course, users can always create blogs about powers and abilities to include in their profiles if they don't want to attempt creating official pages. Linking to other wikis' powers and abilities pages is also permitted.


Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Spatial Manipulation is the power to manipulate aspects of space in different ways, such as to warp, bend, flip, crush, or generally control space.

Spatial Attacks would be considered a form of Durability Negation, as they affect the dimension(s) that the target is occupying, bypassing any and all physical defenses, and as such, cannot be blocked by conventional means. 

It should not be assumed - unless stated otherwise - that Spatial Manipulation allows users to defy the laws of gravity or friction, nor should it be automatically assumed that they can manipulate all spaces regardless of their dimensionality.

This ability is often associated with Time Manipulation

Possible Applications

  • Teleportation
  • Pocket Reality Manipulation
  • Portal Creation: Users can create portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations.
  • Dimensional Storage: Users can “pocket“ items in a sort of storage area for safe keeping.
  • Dimensional Manipulation: Users can manipulate dimensionality, allowing them to increase or decrease dimensional elements.
  • Spatial Slicing: Users can tear the fabric of space, splitting apart the fabric of reality. 
  • Spatial Distortion: Users can distortions within space, causing any physical matter within to bend according to the distortion.
  • Spatial Crushing: Users can cause distortions and folds in space to generate a spatial pressure, which can crush the target’s body.
  • Spatial Compression: Users can compress space and use it for various purposes, such as constructs or blasts.
  • Spatial Contortion: Users can bend the space of the target, whether being, object or anything else, in order to reshape them by stretching, twisting, deforming and bending them in any way possible.
  • Spatial Deletion: Users can deplete space. If the space around any matter or energy ceases to exist, then the said matter would also be erased from existence.
  • Space Generation: Users can generate/expand space, controlling the distance between two different points of spatial locations. If the addition of space does not increase the overall distance between two points, such as being pressed against the wall, the increased spatial pressure can easily crush anything.
  • Etcetera...

Notable Users

  • Janemba (Dragon Ball)
  • Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Kain (Legacy of Kain)