Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Speed refers to how fast an entity can move within a certain time frame. In powerscaling, there are primarily five types of speed that are discussed: Attack SpeedCombat Speed, Perception Speed, Travel Speed, and Flight Speed. The term "Speed" normally refers to Combat Speed.

Attack Speed

The speed an attack moves at. For example, Character X is hypersonic, but can perform an attack that is a natural beam of light. The speed of the attack is different from the speed of the user; hence, the attack would be lightspeed even if the user isn't.

Combat Speed

The speed at which an entity can operate within a fight.

Perception Speed

The speed at which an entity can perceive an event.

Travel Speed

The speed at which an entity can travel, usually by running or through similar means that do not involve flight, teleportation, or other methods that negate their body's pure movement speed.

Flight Speed

The speed at which an entity flies at.


You can use this calculator to convert from one speed unit to another.

Speed Levels

Below is a table listing the values for the different speed tiers. Note that < s < on this table is to be read as "Speed is greater than the starting value (to the left of S) and lesser than the ending value (to the right of S).

m/s Mach SoL km/h mph
Immobile 0 0 0% 0 0
Below Average Human 0 < s < 5 0 < s < 0.0145773 0% < s < 1.6678e-6% 0 < s < 18 0 < s < 11.1847
Average Human 5 < s < 7.7 0.0145773 < s < 0.022449 1.6678e-6% < s < < s < 2.5684e-6% 18 < s < 27.72 11.1847 < s < 17.2244
Athletic Human 7.7 < s < 10.03 0.022449 < s < 0.029241983 2.5684e-6% < s < 3.34565e-6% 27.72 < s < 37.08 17.2244 < s < 22.436471
Peak Human 10.03 < s < 12.43 0.029241983 < s < 0.036239067 3.34565e-6% < s < 4.1462e-6% 37.08 < s < 44.748 22.436471 < s < 27.805118
Superhuman 12.43 < s < 34.3 0.036239067 < s < 0.1 4.1462e-6% < s < 1.14412e-5% 44.748 < s < 123.48 27.805118 < s < 76.7269
Subsonic (Faster than the Eye) 34.3 < s < 171.5 0.1 < s < 0.5 1.14412e-5% < s < 5.720624e-5% 123.48 < s < 617.4 76.7269 < s < 383.635
Subsonic+ 171.5 < s < 308.7 0.5 < s < 0.9 5.720624e-5% < s < 0.00010297124% 617.4 < s < 1110.6 383.635 < s < 690.542
Transonic 308.7 < s < 377.3 0.9 < s < 1.1 0.00010297124% < s < 0.000125854% 1110.6 < s < 1358.28 690.542 < s < 843.996
Supersonic 377.3 < s < 857.5 1.1 < s < 2.5 0.000125854% < s < 0.000286031% 1358.28 < s < 3087 843.996 < s < 1918.17
Supersonic+ 857.5 < s < 1715 2.5 < s < 5 0.000286031% < s < 0.000572062% 3087 < s < 6174 1918.17 < s < 3836.35
Hypersonic 1715 < s < 3430 5 < s < 10 0.000572062% < s < 0.00114412% 6174 < s < 12348 3836.35 < s < 7672.69
Hypersonic+ 3430 < s < 8575 10 < s < 25 0.00114412% < s < 0.002860312% 12348 < s < 30870 7672.69 < s < 19181.7
High Hypersonic 8575 < s < 17150 25 < s < 50 0.002860312% < s < 0.005720624% 30870 < s < 61740 19181.7 < s < 38363.5
High Hypersonic+ 17150 < s < 34300 50 < s < 100 0.005720624% < s < 0.01144125% 61740 < s < 123480 38363.5 < s < 76726.9
Massively Hypersonic 34300 < s < 343000 100 < s < 1000 0.01144125% < s < 0.11441248% 123480 < s < 1.235e+6 76726.9 < s < 767269
Massively Hypersonic+ 343000 < s < 2997925 1000 < s < 8810.2 0.11441248% < s < 1% 1.235e+6 < s < 1.0793e+7 767269 < s < 6706166
Sub-Relativistic 2997925 < s < 14989621.4 8810.2 < s < 43701.52 1% < s < 5% 1.0793e+7 < s < 5.3963e+7 6706166 < s < 3.3531e+7
Sub-Relativistic+ 14989621.4 < s < 2.998e+7 43701.52 < s < 87403 5% < s < 10% 5.3963e+7 < s < 1.079e+8 3.3531e+7 < s < 6.706e+7
Relativistic 2.998e+7 < s < 1.499e+8 87403 < s < 437015 10% < s < 50% 1.079e+8 < s < 5.396e+8 6.706e+7 < s < 3.353e+8
Relativistic+ 1.499e+8 < s < 299792458 437015 < s < 874030 50% < s < 100% 5.396e+8 < s < 1.079e+9 3.353e+8 < s < 6.706e+8
Speed of Light 299792458 874030 100% 1.079e+9 6.706e+8
FTL 299792458 < s < 2.998e+9 874030 < s < 8.74e+6 1x < s < 10x 1.079e+9 < s < 1.079e+10 6.706e+8 < s < 6.706e+9
FTL+ 2.998e+9 < s < 2.998e+10 8.74e+6 < s < 8.74e+7 10x < s < 100x 1.079e+10 < s < 1.079e+11 6.706e+9 < s < 6.706e+10
Massively FTL 2.998e+10 < s < 2.998e+11 8.74e+7 < s < 8.74e+8 100x < s < 1000x 1.079e+11 < s < 1.079e+12 6.706e+10 < s < 6.706e+11
Massively FTL+ 2.998e+11+ 8.74e+8+ 1000x+ 1.079e+12+ 6.706e+11+

Infinite: The ability to move an infinite distance in finite time through speed.

Inaccessible: The ability to move at least a finite distance where time is zero or null.

Immeasurable: The ability to move at a speed unbound by linear time entirely, and thus cannot be measured using the basic speed formula.

Irrelevant: The ability to move at a ''speed'' so fast the concept of speed is irrelevant, for example transcending the concept of distance with regards to movement.

Further Explanation/Clarification

IMPORTANT: If there are any questions that have not been answered within this section, we have a FAQ page. If there are any questions you have that wasn't answered on that page, feel free to join our Discord and ask our staff in the #questions chat.

Omnipresence is not a Speed

The reason why Omnipresence isn't treated as a speed here is because it isn't a speed feat at all, but rather a state of being. In fact, Omnipresence is the property to be present everywhere and anywhere at the same time or the state of being widespread and constantly encountered. Technically, any living being would be considered to be present everywhere or anywhere throughout the space they occupy and they would fulfill the definition of being everywhere in that space at the same time. While speed only refers to the ability to move and operate, a state of being relates to the physical condition of a person and is a part of their physicality.

Differences between higher-end speed tiers

The differences between the higher-end speed tiers might be confusing for some people, but there are meaningful differences between them. Infinite speed is specifically meant for entities that can either move infinite distance in finite time, or finite distance in infinitesimal (infinitely small but not zero) time. This is different from an entity being able to travel through sheer speed where time does not progress, which is what Inaccessible speed entails. Immeasurable speed, on the other hand, is what happens when an entity travels in such a way that the speed formula cannot be used to properly convey how fast an entity is. Even still, such an entity would be performing what can be described as a speed feat, it's just that the S in S=D/T cannot be properly measured. Finally, Irrelevant speed is what happens when the concept of "speed" no longer applies to that entity in any way except colloquially. In other words, they exist in a state where the entire notion of "speed" is irrelevant to them, hence the name being "Irrelevant" speed.

Immeasurable Speed via FTL Travel

A common misconception in powerscaling is that when an entity has Immeasurable Speed via FTL travel, they should be just seen as FTL. However, this is often due to them misunderstanding of what the FTL tier is meant to represent. When someone says that an entity is SoL or FTL, it means they are capable of traveling/moving at speeds equal to or greater than 299,792,458 meters per second. It is NOT referring to what is required in order to overcome the plank constant and/or to break the theory of special relativity. However, some verses use this as a requirement in order to move beyond linear time. In special relativity, it is theorized that the closer you reach the Speed of Light, the slower time is as a result until it reaches a complete stop; and as you approach faster than light speeds you begin to time travel. This has then spawned the misconception that if other entities from other fictional verses that are capable of moving at FTL speeds are placed within these verses that have this rule, that they would logically then have Immeasurable Speed because they are capable of surpassing what is considered the Speed of Light. However, when scaling we do not treat FTL itself as being Immeasurable Speed, because without any feats demonstrating that they have movement beyond linear time, then we wouldn't assume that they do. To be clear, movement beyond linear time is Immeasurable Speed, not the FTL tier itself.

Does speed correlate with dimensionality?

Speed is not defined by an entity occupying a specific amount of spatial dimensions, but rather the rate at which an entity covers distance. Distance is itself a 1 -dimensional measurement and as such would not automatically be assumed to be infinitely greater based on the number of dimensions a given space has.


Speed Tiering Explained

Different Types of Speed Explained


  • 1: In order to qualify for any speed tier, an entity must be able to perform these movements through their speed alone, rather than through an ability like some time manipulation resistance, teleportation, or some other abilities assisting them.
  • 2: Entities with Irrelevant speed are often depicted as being Outerversal. However, it is possible for entities below Outerversal level to achieve this type of ''speed''. Reversely, an entity can have Outerversal level abilities while possessing below Irrelevant speed, depending on the context.

See Also

Attack Potency

Lifting Strength

Striking Strength

