Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

In the past, we have encouraged users to create new pages for powers and abilities they thought the wiki lacked. However, as of now, we want new pages to be approved by the staff, meaning that new powers and abilities pages must be suggested. This can be done in our official Discord server in the suggestion channel, or messaged to a staff member. Of course, users can always create blogs about powers and abilities to include in their profiles if they don't want to attempt creating official pages. Linking to other wikis' powers and abilities pages is also permitted.


Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


The following are the assumptions to be made for battles done in the matches channel of our discord, if no alternative assumptions are specified in the original post. Assumptions alternative to these ones can be freely used, are equally legitimate, and threads using different assumptions can be added to profiles just like these ones can. Generally, it is preferable that the thread creator specify the assumptions he wants to use in the thread and adjust them in such a way that as fair a fight as possible can take place.


Character version: The strongest canon version of a character is used, typically listed on the profile. The strongest version being defined as the one with the highest tier; if there are multiple versions with the same tier, then the most recent version.

Victory Conditions: Killing the opponent, removing the opponent from the battlefield for at least one month (BFR), permanently incapacitating the opponent by putting them in a state in which they can not harm the other fighter(s) for over a month, are to be assumed as victory conditions.

State of mind: In character, but willing to kill. The characters will employ their usual battle strategies, including flaws such as being casual, however, must be willing to kill the opponent even if they usually won't.

Knowledge of the other character/verse: The fighters will have absolutely no prior knowledge of each other. However, it should be noted that in-verse matches will often have a different set of assumptions made than cross-verse ones depending on the matchup, such as a character having the knowledge they normally do in their respective series.

Preparation time: None. Characters are as if they are walking around their normal every day life but even if paradoxically have their equipment that is listed below.

Equipment: Standard equipment.

Time: The time and date are chosen in such a fashion that all characters are at their strongest. Paradoxes like it being night for one character, while being day for another are acceptable here. If extreme advantages are generated via this regulation to one side, a balanced alternative should be discussed.

Location: A fully intact Colosseum in Rome. The location can be left during the course of battle. If extreme advantages are generated via this location to one side, a balanced alternative should be discussed. The world in which this fight takes place is a world where both characters are at their strongest even if paradoxically so (e.g see Time). Places like fortresses and caves that can house weapons from the respective verses can exist upon discussion, and would be an equal distance away.

Starting distance: The characters start as far away from each other as the shortest range of the fighters is, but a maximum of 4 kilometers. If extreme advantages are generated via this distance to one side, a balanced alternative should be discussed.

Verse equalization: Similar supernatural aspects of verses get equalized in a reasonable fashion. So a supernatural energy that almost everyone in a verse has, which is necessary to fight the characters of said verse, will be assumed to be the equivalent energy that the opponents use in their techniques so that a proper fight can happen. For example, characters from other verses will be assumed to be capable of perceiving spiritual creatures such as Shinigamis from Bleach.

Furthermore, attacks that require a special type of energy to be effective, like anti-magic requiring magic, will be assumed to work against the energies of different verses, as long as they are somewhat similar and the mechanics are somewhat compatible with the known mechanics behind the energies from different verses.

Equalization works highly on a case-by-case basis, so many relevant cases should be discussed as some verses have more or less impressive elements than other verses.
